Jinja2 Extension Tag within another Tag - python

I'm tring to do something like this
{% mytag country "italy" year "2014" %}
{% holyday %}
not workday
{% endmytag %}
But the holyday tag is optional.
This must work too:
{% mytag country "italy" year "2014" %}
{% endmytag %}
I wrote the code
class MytagExtension(Extension):
tags = set(['mytag'])
def __init__(self, environment):
super(TranslateExtension, self).__init__(environment)
def parse(self, parser):
lineno = parser.stream.next().lineno
if parser.stream.skip_if('name:country'):
country= parser.parse_primary()
country= nodes.Const(None)
if parser.stream.skip_if('name:year'):
year = parser.parse_primary()
year = nodes.Const(None)
args = [country, year]
# body1 = parser.parse_statements(['name:holyday']) # not working :)
body = parser.parse_statements(['name:endmytag'], drop_needle=True)
return nodes.CallBlock(self.call_method('_helper', args),
[], [], body).set_lineno(lineno)
def _helper(self, country, year, caller):
etc ....
Is similar to a if else endif, but i didn't find the source code of the if tag (if it exists as Extension)
How can i do this?
Obviously in my _helper I need both the first and second branch because is there that I choose which one to show.

ok, here is an answer, it's not perfect and probably not the best, but it's something.
body = parser.parse_statements(
['name:endmytag', 'name:holyday'],
if not parser.stream.current.test('block_end'):
body.extend ( parser.parse_statements(['name:endmytag'], drop_needle=True) )
args = [
nodes.Const([y.data for x in body for y in x.nodes]), #I don't like this line a lot :)
return nodes.CallBlock(self.call_method('_helper', args),
[], [], body).set_lineno(lineno)
In this way in the _helper you will receive the third parameter (a list) and choose if return the first or the second element of this list.


Flask: Python List is displaying values in HTML file with quote marks and round brackets

I have the below function which returns a list
def get_entered_datalist(firstname, lastname):
if firstname and lastname:
curr = db.session.execute(entered_data, {'firstname': firstname, 'lastname': lastname})
list_name = list() #this is a list contstructor statement so have () brackets, usually when declaring list we use [] brackets
for name in curr:
return list_name
return False
It is being called this way
entered_names = get_entered_datalist(session['v_firstname'], session['v_lastname'])
and passed to the html file this way
return render_template('monthlybudget.html', title='Enter Monthly Budget Data', form=form, entereddata=entered_names)
The display code in HTML file is as below
{% if entereddata %}
{% for x in entereddata %}
<p>{{ x }} </p>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No data found</p>
{% endif %}
but it is being displayed with round brackets and quote marks as below
The query getting the values from database is as below
select concat([First Name], ' ', [Last Name] ) as name from [dbo].[EAMonthlyBudget]
where [Report to First Name]= :firstname and [Report to Last Name] = :lastname
and [budget month] = datename(month,getdate()) and [budget year] = year(getdate());
I added a print statement in my python code to check what gets returned by the function and that is as below (shows with the brackets and quote marks)
[12/Aug/2022 15:29:44] "GET /static/images/nu_logo2.png HTTP/1.1" 304 -
[('Janak Shah',), ('Julie Wang',)]
How do I display the data without the brackets and quote marks?
Your curr variable contains tuples. try this code:
for name in curr:
I think you need to check of index out for range error.
I hope this helps.

Passing list dict to template not working django

I am trying to pass a list called eligable so that I can display on my website but when I run my website it does not display the list. I do not understand what is wrong.
def specificDate(response):
empName = employeeName.objects.all()
eligable = []
if 'checkEmployee' in response.POST:
n = response.POST.get("nameEmployee")
specDate = response.POST.get("date")
if employeeName.objects.filter(employee=n).exists() and Name.objects.filter(date=specDate).exists():
emp = employeeName.objects.get(employee=n)
t = Name.objects.get(name=emp, date=specDate)
overT = Name.objects.filter(name=emp, overtime=True)
for item in overT:
checkIn = t.timeIn.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
checkOut = t.timeOut.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
datee = datetime.strptime(specDate,'%Y-%m-%d')
print("Here:: ",t.date)
print("Month:: ",datee.month)
messages.info(response, checkIn + ' - ' + checkOut)
return redirect('/specificDate')
messages.info(response, 'Name does not exist')
return render(response, "main/specificDate.html", context={"empName":empName, "eligable":eligable})
This is the html to print my list:
{% for item in eligable %}
<div class="pad3">
{% endfor %}
There are two return statements in your code:
return redirect('/specificDate')
return render(response, "main/specificDate.html", context={"empName":empName, "eligable":eligable})
The first one is just redirecting without populating context.
The second one does populate context but is reached only when eligable is empty.
I think changing the first return to the second one should solve it.
edit: and you are missing {% endfor %} here. But it should give you an error if you miss it in your complete code.

Replacing text with variables

I have to send out letters to certain clients and I have a standard letter that I need to use. I want to replace some of the text inside the body of the message with variables.
Here is my maturity_letter models.py
class MaturityLetter(models.Model):
default = models.BooleanField(default=False, blank=True)
body = models.TextField(blank=True)
footer = models.TextField(blank=True)
Now the body has a value of this:
Dear [primary-firstname],
You have a [product] that is maturing on [maturity_date] with [financial institution].
Now I would like to replace everything in brackets with my template variables.
This is what I have in my views.py so far:
context = {}
if request.POST:
start_form = MaturityLetterSetupForm(request.POST)
if start_form.is_valid():
agent = request.session['agent']
start_date = start_form.cleaned_data['start_date']
end_date = start_form.cleaned_data['end_date']
investments = Investment.objects.all().filter(maturity_date__range=(start_date, end_date), plan__profile__agent=agent).order_by('maturity_date')
inv_form = MaturityLetterInvestments(investments, request.POST)
if inv_form.is_valid():
sel_inv = inv_form.cleaned_data['investments']
context['sel_inv'] = sel_inv
maturity_letter = MaturityLetter.objects.get(id=1)
context['mat_letter'] = maturity_letter
context['inv_form'] = inv_form
context['agent'] = agent
context['show_report'] = True
Now if I loop through the sel_inv I get access to sel_inv.maturity_date, etc but I am lost in how to replace the text.
On my template, all I have so far is:
{% if show_letter %}
{{ mat_letter.body }} <br/>
{{ mat_letter.footer }}
{% endif %}
Much appreciated.
use format strings:
>>> print "today is %(date)s, im %(age)d years old!" % {"date":"my birthday!","age":100}
today is my birthday!, im 100 years old!
I think this is the best way to do it. First, you have a file with your template, something like:
Dear {{primary-firstname}},
You have a {{product}} that is maturing on {{maturity_date}} with {{financial institution}}.
etc ...
So, your view will go something like:
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
# previous code ...
template_file = 'where/is/my/template.txt'
context_data = {'primary-firstname': 'Mr. Johnson',
'product': 'banana',
'maturity_date': '11-17-2011',
'financial institution': 'something else'}
message = render_to_string(template_file, context_data)
# here you send the message to the user ...
So if you print message you'll get:
Dear Mr. Johnson,
You have a banana that is maturing on 11-17-2011 with something else.
etc ...
One solution is to use Django's template engine on the body itself (as you do when rendering the page). I am sure there are security implications if the text is editable by users etc.
A simpler solution would be simple string replacement. For example, given what you have above:
for var, value in sel_inv.items:
body = body.replace('[%s]' % var, value)
It's not the prettiest solution, but if your body template is fixed you need to do something like this.
You can use regular expression substitution with a callback. The advantage of this over a simple string replace or using django's template engine is that you also know when undefined variables are used (since you might not want to send out letters/emails like that :)
import re
body = """
Dear [primary-firstname],
You have a [product] that is maturing on [maturity_date]
with [financial institution].
def replace_cb(m):
replacements = {'primary-firstname': 'Gary',
'product': 'Awesome-o-tron2k',
'maturity_date': '1-1-2012',
'financial institution': 'The bank'}
r = replacements.get(m.groups()[0])
if not r:
raise Exception('Unknown variable')
return r
new_body = re.sub('\[([a-zA-Z-_ ]+)\]', replace_cb, body)

archive list with django templatetags

I have a django application, a blog. The entries for the blog can be accessed through a /year/month/day/slug url pattern, it works fine.
My problem is, I want to have an archive list accessible to any template on my website. So i thought the best solution would be to create a templatetag that would create and return the info i needed.
I wanted the format of the archive to be as such:
August 2011
July 2011
So only show months for the current year.
This is the tag i came up with:
from django.template import Library, Node, TemplateSyntaxError
from core.blog.models import Entry
import datetime, calendar
register = Library()
class ArchiveNode(Node):
def __init__(self, varname):
self.varname = varname
def render(self, context):
temp = list()
#Get Info about the first post
first = Entry.objects.order_by("pub_date")[0]
first_year = first.pub_date.year
first_month = first.pub_date.month
#Loop over years and months since first post was created
today = datetime.datetime.today()
this_year = today.year
this_month = today.month
for year in range(this_year - first_year):
if year != this_year:
temp += (year,'/blog/'+year+'/')
for month in range(this_month - first_month):
month_name = calendar.month_name[month]
temp += (month_name+" "+year,'/blog/'+year+'/'+month+'/')
context[self.varname] = temp.reverse()
return ''
def get_archive(parser, token):
bits = token.contents.split()
if len(bits) != 3:
raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get_archive tag takes exactly 1 argument"
if bits[1] != 'as':
raise TemplateSyntaxError, "second argument to get_archive tag must be 'as'"
return ArchiveNode(bits[2])
As you can see im returning a list of tuples, containing a name and a url.
Would this be valid in django? or do i need to pack the information in some django container? (It's doen't seem to return anything)
This is the site im working on ctrl-dev.com/blog.
The archive will be in the green box on the lower right.
There is no need to return something special. Django is just Python, so it is your choice what you want to return. In this case I would recommend to return dictionary like this (just inventing) {{'title':'some title if you want','year': 'year if you want', 'url': url}, {...}, ...}. Then in template you just run through like:
{% for entry in returned_dict %}
{{ entry.title }}
{% endfor %}
Also I would recommend to not hardcode the link in to the code. Read https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/urls/ about url resolvers, then https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/builtins/?from=olddocs#url about {% url %} template tag. You can name the urls and later you can get the urls to the stuff you want without hardcoding it in the code. This will help in future ;)
Hope that helped.

Sortable tables in Django

I read some of the other posts about this and some recommendations involved javascript and using other libraries. I did something quick by hand, but I'm new to Django and Python for that matter so I'm curious if this isn't a good way to do it.
{% for record in records %}
{% endfor %}
headers = {'to':'asc',
def table_view(request):
sort = request.GET.get('sort')
if sort is not None:
if headers[sort] == "des":
records = Record.objects.all().order_by(sort).reverse()
headers[sort] = "asc"
records = Record.objects.all().order_by(sort)
headers[sort] = "des"
records = Record.objects.all()
return render_to_response("table.html",{'user':request.user,'profile':request.user.get_profile(),'records':records})
Looks good to me. I'd suggest one minor refactoring in the view code:
headers = {'to':'asc',
def table_view(request):
sort = request.GET.get('sort')
records = Record.objects.all()
if sort is not None:
records = records.order_by(sort)
if headers[sort] == "des":
records = records.reverse()
headers[sort] = "asc"
headers[sort] = "des"
return render_to_response(...)
My first port of call for sortable tables is usually sorttable.js ( http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/ )
or sortable-table ( http://yoast.com/articles/sortable-table/ )
