Running .EXE or Perl file on Google Colab - python

I want to process a set of HDR files with an Executable (e.g., falsecolor2.exe) file on google colab.
The source file is here:
sample HDR files:
The executable takes an HDR file with some arguments and generates a new HDR file.
On my local machine and drive, the following code works OK:
import os
os.system(r'D:\falsecolor2.exe -i D:\test.hdr -s 250.0 -n 10 -mask 0.1 -l lux -m 179 -lp EN -z > D:\test#fc.hdr')
I am not sure how to create a similar process in colab; after mounting the gdrive, the following code generates a 0 byte not-working HDR in my gdrive and returns error code 32256.
import os
os.system('/content/drive/My\ Drive/falsecolor2.exe -i /content/drive/My\ Drive/MOSELEY\ IMAGES/test.hdr -s 250.0 -n 10 -mask 0.1 -l lux -m 179 -lp EN -z > /content/drive/My\ Drive/test#fc.hdr')
I read some threads on shell and linux executables but could not replicate any of them successfully.

You can install Radiance in Google Colab like this:
# Download the Linux compiled version of radiance from Github (e.g. 5.3, latest official release at the moment):
!wget -O
# Unzip it
# Extract the tar.gz to /usr/local/radiance
!tar -xvf radiance-5.3.012cb17835-Linux.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C /
# Add /usr/local/radiance/bin to the PATH environment variable
path = %env PATH
%env PATH=/usr/local/radiance/bin:$path
# Set the RAYPATH environment variable to /usr/local/radiance/lib
%env RAYPATH=/usr/local/radiance/lib
I ran !lsb_release -a to find out the Linux distribution in Google Colab and it said that it was Ubuntu 18.04. Unfortunately, Radiance does not seem to be available for that version, but only for 16.04. That is why getting it from Github seems to be the next simplest solution. See radiance in Ubuntu Packages:
Exact hits
Package radiance
xenial (16.04LTS) (graphics): Lighting Simulation and Rendering System [universe]
4R1+20120125-1.1: amd64 arm64 armhf i386 powerpc ppc64el s390x
Then I tried to run your falsecolor command using one of the sample images you linked and found that the -lp and -z options are not available:
# Get a sample HDR file
!wget -O input.hdr
# Try original command
!falsecolor -i input.hdr -s 250.0 -n 10 -mask 0.1 -l lux -m 179 -lp EN -z > output.hdr
# Output:
# bad option "-lp"
# Remove option -lp
!falsecolor -i input.hdr -s 250.0 -n 10 -mask 0.1 -l lux -m 179 -z > output.hdr
# Output:
# bad option "-z"
If you remove those options the command runs successfully:
# Remove option -z
!falsecolor -i input.hdr -s 250.0 -n 10 -mask 0.1 -l lux -m 179 > output.hdr
# List output file
!ls -lh output.hdr
# Output:
# -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.8M Mar 31 02:57 output.hdr
See a demo in this colab.


How to upgrade a python library in a supercomputer

I am using Tinaroo (University of Queensland) super computer
When I call to run my code using
I get this error
autosklearn.util.dependencies.IncorrectPackageVersionError: found 'dask' version 2021.11.2 but requires dask version >=2021.12
cleary i need to upgrade dask library
but I don't have access to upgrade it
Here is the actual code for qsub
#PBS -A qris-jcu
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=24:mem=120GB
#PBS -l walltime=06:00:00
#PBS -N 70my_01_140239
shopt -s expand_aliases
source /etc/profile.d/
module load python
module load anaconda
python 8000 3 "E&V" 2 1 15 10000 120 24
I tried adding conda install dask in but it does not work as i have no permission to upgrade the library.
does anyone know How to upgrade a python library in a supercomputer

Script cant find ecCodes library

It seems i have succesfully installed ecCodes. At least if i run the selfcheck in the terminal i get the expected response.
If i run the sell script which is supposed to work with ecCodes it seems to cant find the commands though. This is the Response i get:
Does it matter in which Folder ecCodes is installed? Does someone know what my System is missing?
The Shell Script looks like this:
GFS_TIME="06"; # 00, 06, 12, 18
RES="1p00" # 0p25, 0p50 or 1p00
curl "${GFS_URL}&var_UGRD=on" -o utmp.grib
curl "${GFS_URL}&var_VGRD=on" -o vtmp.grib
grib_set -r -s packingType=grid_simple utmp.grib utmp.grib
grib_set -r -s packingType=grid_simple vtmp.grib vtmp.grib
printf "{\"u\":`grib_dump -j utmp.grib`,\"v\":`grib_dump -j vtmp.grib`}" > tmp.json
rm utmp.grib vtmp.grib
DIR="c:\\Users\My Name\Documents\CGTutorial\CGTutorial - Minimal"
node ${DIR}/prepare.js ${1}/${GFS_DATE}${GFS_TIME}
rm tmp.json

Is it possible to compile microbit python code locally?

I am running Ubuntu 22.04 with xorg.
I need to find a way to compile microbit python code locally to a firmware hex file. Firstly, I followed the guide here
After a lot of debugging, I got to this point:
However, the file platform.h does exist.
sawntoe#uwubuntu:~/Documents/Assignments/2022/TVP/micropython$ ls /home/sawntoe/Documents/Assignments/2022/TVP/micropython/yotta_modules/mbed-classic/api/platform.h
At this point, I gave up on this and tried using Mu editor with the AppImage. However, Mu requires wayland, and I am on xorg.
Does anyone have any idea if this is possible? Thanks.
Mu and the uflash command are able to retrieve your Python code from .hex files. Using uflash you can do the following for example:
I think that you want is somehow possible to do, but its harder than just using their web python editor:
Peter Till answers the original question. The additional below adds to this answer by showing how to automate the build and load process. I use Debian. The original question states that Ubuntu is used, which is built on Debian.
A script to find and mount the micro:bit
When code is loaded to the micro:bit, the board is dismounted from the system. So each time you have new code to load, you have to remount the board.
I modified a script to find and mount the micro:bit.
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "no argument supplied, use 'mount' or 'unmount'"
exit 1
if [ $1 == "--help" ]
echo "mounts or unmounts a BBC micro:bit"
echo "args: mount - mount the microbit, unmout - unmount the microbit"
# how many MICRO found in udiksctl dump
RESULTS=$(udisksctl dump | grep IdLabel | grep -c -i $MICRO)
case "$RESULTS" in
0 ) echo "no $MICRO found in 'udkisksctl dump'"
exit 0
1 ) DEVICELABEL=$(udisksctl dump | grep IdLabel | grep -i $MICRO | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//')
DEVICE=$(udisksctl dump | grep -i "IdLabel: \+$DEVICELABEL" -B 12 | grep " Device:" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//')
echo "found one $MICRO, device: $DEVICE"
if [[ -z $(mount | grep "$DEVICE") ]]
echo "$DEVICELABEL was unmounted"
if [ $1 == "mount" ]
udisksctl mount -b "$DEVICE"
exit 0
echo "$DEVICELABEL was mounted"
if [ $1 == "unmount" ]
udisksctl unmount -b "$DEVICE"
exit 0
* ) echo "more than one $MICRO found"
echo "exiting without doing anything"
I alias this script to mm in my .bashrc file.
Automate mounting the micro:bit and flashing the python file
I use the inotifywait command to run mm and to then run uflash to load the .py file I am working on. Each time that the python file is saved, the aliased command mm is run followed by the uflash command.
while inotifywait -e modify <your_file>.py ; do mm && uflash <your_file>.py ; done
Okay, so elaborating on Peter Till's answer.
Firstly, you can use uflash:
uflash path/to/your/code .
Or, you can use microfs:
ufs put path/to/
Working Ubuntu 22.04 host CLI setup with Carlos Atencio's Docker to build your own firmware
After trying to setup the toolchain for a while, I finally decided to Google for a Docker image with the toolchain, and found at this commit from Carlos Atencio, a Micro:Bit foundation employee, and that just absolutely worked:
# Get examples.
git clone
cd micropython
git checkout 7fc33d13b31a915cbe90dc5d515c6337b5fa1660
# Get Docker image.
docker pull
# Build setup to be run once.
docker run -v $(pwd):/home --rm yt target bbc-microbit-classic-gcc-nosd#
docker run -v $(pwd):/home --rm make all
# Build one example.
docker run -v $(pwd):/home --rm \
tools/ build/firmware.hex examples/ -o build/counter.hex
# Build all examples.
docker run -v $(pwd):/home --rm \
bash -c 'for f in examples/*; do b="$(basename "$f")"; echo $b; tools/ build/firmware.hex "$f" -o "build/${}.hex"; done'
And you can then flash the example you want to run with:
cp build/counter.hex "/media/$USER/MICROBIT/"
Some further comments at: Generating micropython + python code `.hex` file from the command line for the BBC micro:bit

AWSGLUE python package - ls cannot access dir

I'm trying to install local awsglue package for developing purpose on my local machine (Windows + Git Bash)
Spark directory and py4j mentioned in below error does exist but still getting error
Directory from which I trigger the sh is below:
user#machine xxxx64~/Desktop/lm_aws_glue/aws-glue-libs-glue-1.0/bin
$ ./
ls: cannot access 'C:\Spark\spark-3.1.1-bin-hadoop2.7/python/lib/py4j-*': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '': No such file or directory
./ line 14: zip: command not found
ls result:
$ ls -l
total 7
-rwxr-xr-x 1 n1543781 1049089 135 May 5 2020 gluepyspark*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 n1543781 1049089 114 May 5 2020 gluepytest*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 n1543781 1049089 953 Mar 5 11:10*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 n1543781 1049089 170 May 5 2020 gluesparksubmit*
Original install code requires few tweaks and works ok. Still need a workaround for zip.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#original code
#ROOT_DIR="$(cd $(dirname "$0")/..; pwd)"
ROOT_DIR="$(cd /c/aws-glue-libs; pwd)"
#original code
#PYTHONPATH=`ls $SPARK_HOME/python/lib/py4j-*`:"$PYTHONPATH"
PYTHONPATH=`ls /c/Spark/spark-3.1.1-bin-hadoop2.7/python/lib/py4j-*`:"$PYTHONPATH"
# Generate the zip archive for glue python modules
zip -r awsglue
# Run mvn copy-dependencies target to get the Glue dependencies locally
#mvn -f $ROOT_DIR/pom.xml -DoutputDirectory=$ROOT_DIR/jarsv1 dependency:copy-dependencies
export SPARK_CONF_DIR=${ROOT_DIR}/conf
rm $SPARK_CONF_DIR/spark-defaults.conf
# Generate spark-defaults.conf
echo "spark.driver.extraClassPath $GLUE_JARS_DIR/*" >> $SPARK_CONF_DIR/spark-defaults.conf
echo "spark.executor.extraClassPath $GLUE_JARS_DIR/*" >> $SPARK_CONF_DIR/spark-defaults.conf
# Restore present working directory
cd -

Run py file with different arguments each time in pyCharm

I have some script : , I was using it in terminal like :
python -t 10 -s adidas -f mozilla
python -t 2 -s nike -f chrome
python -t 100 -s puma -f safari
python -t 1 -s tom
but how to live in pyCharm?
I need each time to configure Run/Debug configuration ?
easiest is to make a runner file (same folder as
import .run
args= [ "-t 10 -s adidas -f mozilla","-t 2 -s nike -f chrome","-t 100 -s puma -f safari"]
for arg in args:
sys.argv[1:] = arg.split()
or you can use os.system to call it with the arguments, but you lose alot of the debugging features of pycharm doing that ...
or alternatively you could make 1 run config for each set of paramaters and save the run config(this is probably how pycharm expects you to do it)
