Reinforcement learning DQN environment structure - python

I am wondering how best to feed back the changes my DQN agent makes on its environment, back to itself.
I have a battery model whereby an agent can observe a time-series forecast of 17 steps, and 5 features. It then makes a decision on whether to charge or discharge.
I want to includes its current state of charge (empty, half full, full etc) in its observation space (i.e. somewhere within the (17,5) dataframes I am feeding it).
I have several options, I can either set a whole column to the state of charge value, a whole row, or I can flatten the whole dataframe and set one value to the state of charge value.
Is any of these unwise? It seem a little rudimentary to me to set a whole columns to a single value, but should it actually impact performance? I am wary of flattening the whole thing as I plan to use either conv or lstm layers (although the current model is just dense layers).

You would not want to add in unnecessary features which are repetitive in the state representation as it might hamper your RL agent convergence later when you would want to scale your model to larger input sizes(if that is in your plan).
Also, the decision of how much of information you would want to give in the state representation is mostly experimental. The best way to start would be to just give in a single value as the battery state. But if the model does not converge, then maybe you could try out the other options you have mentioned in your question.


Can doc2vec training result could change with same input data, and same parameter?

I'm using Doc2Vec in gensim library, and finding similiarity between movie, with its name as input.
model = doc2vec.Doc2Vec(vector_size=100, alpha=0.025, min_alpha=0.025, window=5)
model.train(tagged_corpus_list, total_examples=model.corpus_count, epochs=50)
I set parameter like this, and didn't change preprocessing mechanism of input data, didn't changed original data.
similar_doc = model.dv.most_similar(input)
I also used this code to find most similar movie.
When I restarted code to train this model, the most similar movie has changed, with changed score.
Is this possible? Why? If then, how can I fix the training result?
Yes, this sort of change from run to run is normal. It's well-explained in question 11 of the Gensim FAQ:
Q11: I've trained my Word2Vec / Doc2Vec / etc model repeatedly using the exact same text corpus, but the vectors are different each time. Is there a bug or have I made a mistake? (*2vec training non-determinism)
Answer: The *2vec models (word2vec, fasttext, doc2vec…) begin with random initialization, then most modes use additional randomization
during training. (For example, the training windows are randomly
truncated as an efficient way of weighting nearer words higher. The
negative examples in the default negative-sampling mode are chosen
randomly. And the downsampling of highly-frequent words, as controlled
by the sample parameter, is driven by random choices. These
behaviors were all defined in the original Word2Vec paper's algorithm
Even when all this randomness comes from a
pseudorandom-number-generator that's been seeded to give a
reproducible stream of random numbers (which gensim does by default),
the usual case of multi-threaded training can further change the exact
training-order of text examples, and thus the final model state.
(Further, in Python 3.x, the hashing of strings is randomized each
re-launch of the Python interpreter - changing the iteration ordering
of vocabulary dicts from run to run, and thus making even the same
string-of-random-number-draws pick different words in different
So, it is to be expected that models vary from run to run, even
trained on the same data. There's no single "right place" for any
word-vector or doc-vector to wind up: just positions that are at
progressively more-useful distances & directions from other vectors
co-trained inside the same model. (In general, only vectors that were
trained together in an interleaved session of contrasting uses become
comparable in their coordinates.)
Suitable training parameters should yield models that are roughly as
useful, from run-to-run, as each other. Testing and evaluation
processes should be tolerant of any shifts in vector positions, and of
small "jitter" in the overall utility of models, that arises from the
inherent algorithm randomness. (If the observed quality from
run-to-run varies a lot, there may be other problems: too little data,
poorly-tuned parameters, or errors/weaknesses in the evaluation
You can try to force determinism, by using workers=1 to limit
training to a single thread – and, if in Python 3.x, using the
PYTHONHASHSEED environment variable to disable its usual string hash
randomization. But training will be much slower than with more
threads. And, you'd be obscuring the inherent
randomness/approximateness of the underlying algorithms, in a way that
might make results more fragile and dependent on the luck of a
particular setup. It's better to tolerate a little jitter, and use
excessive jitter as an indicator of problems elsewhere in the data or
model setup – rather than impose a superficial determinism.
If the change between runs is small – nearest neighbors mostly the same, with a few in different positions – it's best to tolerate it.
If the change is big, there's likely some other problem, like insufficient training data or poorly-chosen parameters.
Notably, min_alpha=0.025 isn't a sensible value - the training is supposed to use a gradually-decreasing value, and the usual default (min_alpha=0.0001) usually doesn't need changing. (If you copied this from an online example: that's a bad example! Don't trust that site unless it explains why it's doing an odd thing.)
Increasing the number of training epochs, from the default epochs=5 to something like 10 or 20 may also help make run-to-run results more consistent, especially if you don't have plentiful training data.

How to determine most impactful input variables in a dataset?

I have a neural network program that is designed to take in input variables and output variables, and use forecasted data to predict what the output variables should be based on the forecasted data. After running this program, I will have an output of an output vector. Lets say for example, my input matrix is 100 rows and 10 columns and my output matrix is a vector with 100 values. How do I determine which of my 10 variables (columns) had the most impact on my output?
I've done a correlation analysis between each of my variables (columns) and my output and created a list of the highest correlation between each variable and output, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to go about this.
If what you want to know is model selection, and it's not as simple as studiying the correlation of your features to your target. For an in-depth, well explained look at model selection, I'd recommend you read chapter 7 of The Elements Statistical Learning. If what you're looking for is how to explain your network, then you're in for a treat as well and I'd recommend reading this article for starters, though I won't go into the matter myself.
Naive approaches to model selection:
There a number of ways to do this.
The naïve way is to estimate all possible models, so every combination of features. Since you have 10 features, it's computationally unfeasible.
Another way is to take a variable you think is a good predictor and train to model only on that variable. Compute the error on the training data. Take another variable at random, retrain the model and recompute the error on the training data. If it drops the error, keep the variable. Otherwise discard it. Keep going for all features.
A third approach is the opposite. Start with training the model on all features and sequentially drop variables (a less naïve approach would be to drop variables you intuitively think have little explanatory power), compute the error on training data and compare to know if you keep the feature or not.
There are million ways of going about this. I've exposed three of the simplest, but again, you can go really deeply into this subject and find all kinds of different information (which is why I highly recommend you read that chapter :) ).

Deep Q learning Replay method Memory Vanishing

In the Q-learning algorithm used in Reinforcement Learning with replay, one would use a data structure in which it stores previous experience that is used in training (a basic example would be a tuple in Python). For a complex state space, I would need to train the agent in a very large number of different situations to obtain a NN that correctly approximates the Q-values. The experience data will occupy more and more memory and thus I should impose a superior limit for the number of experience to be stored, after which the computer should drop the experience from memory.
Do you think FIFO (first in first out) would be a good way of manipulating the data vanishing procedure in the memory of the agent (that way, after reaching the memory limit I would discard the oldest experience, which may be useful for permitting the agent to adapt quicker to changes in the medium)? How could I compute a good maximum number of experiences in the memory to make sure that Q-learning on the agent's NN converges towards the Q function approximator I need (I know that this could be done empirically, I would like to know if an analytical estimator for this limit exists)?
In the preeminent paper on "Deep Reinforcement Learning", DeepMind achieved their results by randomly selecting which experiences should be stored. The rest of the experiences were dropped.
It's hard to say how a FIFO approach would affect your results without knowing more about the problem you're trying to solve. As dblclik points out, this may cause your learning agent to overfit. That said, it's worth trying. There very well may be a case where using FIFO to saturate the experience replay would result in an accelerated rate of learning. I would try both approaches and see if your agent reaches convergence more quickly with one.

Recurrent Neural Network for anomaly detection

I am implementing an anomaly detection system that will be used on different time series (one observation every 15 min for a total of 5 months). All these time series have a common pattern: high levels during working hours and low levels otherwise.
The idea presented in many papers is the following: build a model to predict future values and calculate an anomaly score based on the residuals.
What I have so far
I use an LSTM to predict the next time step given the previous 96 (1 day of observations) and then I calculate the anomaly score as the likelihood that the residuals come from one of the two normal distributions fitted on the residuals obtained with the validation test. I am using two different distributions, one for working hours and one for non working hours.
The model detects very well point anomalies, such as sudden falls and peaks, but it fails during holidays, for example.
If an holiday is during the week, I expect my model to detect more anomalies, because it's an unusual daily pattern wrt a normal working day.
But the predictions simply follows the previous observations.
My solution
Use a second and more lightweight model (based on time series decomposition) which is fed with daily aggregations instead of 15min aggregations to detect daily anomalies.
The question
This combination of two models allows me to have both anomalies and it works very well, but my idea was to use only one model because I expected the LSTM to be able to "learn" also the weekly pattern. Instead it strictly follows the previous time steps without taking into consideration that it is a working hour and the level should be much higher.
I tried to add exogenous variables to the input (hour of day, day of week), to add layers and number of cells, but the situation is not that better.
Any consideration is appreciated.
Thank you
A note on your current approach
Training with MSE is equivalent to optimizing the likelihood of your data under a Gaussian with fixed variance and mean given by your model. So you are already training an autoencoder, though you do not formulate it so.
About the things you do
You don't give the LSTM a chance
Since you provide data from last 24 hours only, the LSTM cannot possibly learn a weekly pattern.
It could at best learn that the value should be similar as it was 24 hours before (though it is very unlikely, see next point) -- and then you break it with Fri-Sat and Sun-Mon data. From the LSTM's point of view, your holiday 'anomaly' looks pretty much the same as the weekend data you were providing during the training.
So you would first need to provide longer contexts during learning (I assume that you carry the hidden state on during test time).
Even if you gave it a chance, it wouldn't care
Assuming that your data really follows a simple pattern -- high value during and only during working hours, plus some variations of smaller scale -- the LSTM doesn't need any long-term knowledge for most of the datapoints. Putting in all my human imagination, I can only envision the LSTM benefiting from long-term dependencies at the beginning of the working hours, so just for one or two samples out of the 96.
So even if the loss value at the points would like to backpropagate through > 7 * 96 timesteps to learn about your weekly pattern, there are 7*95 other loss terms that are likely to prevent the LSTM from deviating from the current local optimum.
Thus it may help to weight the samples at the beginning of working hours more, so that the respective loss can actually influence representations from far history.
Your solutions is a good thing
It is difficult to model sequences at multiple scales in a single model. Even you, as a human, need to "zoom out" to judge longer trends -- that's why all the Wall Street people have Month/Week/Day/Hour/... charts to watch their shares' prices on. Such multiscale modeling is especially difficult for an RNN, because it needs to process all the information, always, with the same weights.
If you really want on model to learn it all, you may have more success with deep feedforward architectures employing some sort of time-convolution, eg. TDNNs, Residual Memory Networks (Disclaimer: I'm one of the authors.), or the recent one-architecture-to-rule-them-all, WaveNet. As these have skip connections over longer temporal context and apply different transformations at different levels, they have better chances of discovering and exploiting such an unexpected long-term dependency.
There are implementations of WaveNet in Keras laying around on GitHub, e.g. 1 or 2. I did not play with them (I've actually moved away from Keras some time ago), but esp. the second one seems really easy, with the AtrousConvolution1D.
If you want to stay with RNNs, Clockwork RNN is probably the model to fit your needs.
About things you may want to consider for your problem
So are there two data distributions?
This one is a bit philosophical.
Your current approach shows that you have a very strong belief that there are two different setups: workhours and the rest. You're even OK with changing part of your model (the Gaussian) according to it.
So perhaps your data actually comes from two distributions and you should therefore train two models and switch between them as appropriate?
Given what you have told us, I would actually go for this one (to have a theoretically sound system). You cannot expect your LSTM to learn that there will be low values on Dec 25. Or that there is a deadline and this weekend consists purely of working hours.
Or are there two definitions of anomaly?
One philosophical point more. Perhaps you personally consider two different types of anomaly:
A weird temporal trajectory, unexpected peaks, oscillations, whatever is unusual in your domain. Your LSTM supposedly handles these already.
And then, there is different notion of anomaly: Value of certain bound in certain time intervals. Perhaps a simple linear regression / small MLP from time to value would do here?
Let the NN do all the work
Currently, you effectively model the distribution of your quantity in two steps: First, the LSTM provides the mean. Second, you supply the variance.
You might instead let your NN (together with additional 2 affine transformations) directly provide you with a complete Gaussian by producing its mean and variance; much like in Variational AutoEncoders (, appendix C.2). Then, you need to optimize directly the likelihood of your following sample under the NN-distribution, rather than just MSE between the sample and the NN output.
This will allow your model to tell you when it is very strict about the following value and when "any" sample will be OK.
Note, that you can take this approach further and have your NN produce "any" suitable distribution. E.g. if your data live in-/can be sensibly transformed to- a limited domain, you may try to produce a Categorical distribution over the space by having a Softmax on the output, much like WaveNet does (, Section 2.2).

How do I input nearest object in an artificial life simulation in the inputs of a neural network?

I just started working on an artificial life simulation (again... I lost the other one) in Python and Pygame using Pybrain, and I'm planning how this is going to work. So far I have an environment with some "food pellets". A food pellet is added every minutes. I haven't made my agents (aka "Creatures") yet, but I know I want them to have simple feed forward neural networks with some inputs and the outputs will be its' movement. I want the inputs to show what's in front of them, sort of like they are seeing the simulated world in front of them. How should I go about this? I either want them to actually "see" the colors in their line of vision, or just input the nearest object into their NN. Which one would be best, and how will I implement them?
Having a full field of vision is technically possible in a neural network, but requires a LOT of inputs and massive processing; not a direction you should expect to be able to evolve in any kind of meaningful way.
A neural network deals with values and thresholds. I'd recommend using two inputs associated with the nearest individual - one of them has a value for distance (of the nearest) and the other its angle (with zero being directly ahead, less than zero being on the left and greater than zero bring on the right).
Make sure that these values are easy to process into outputs. For example, if one output goes to a rotation actuator, make sure that the input values and output values are on the same scale. Then it will be easy to both turn toward or away from a particular individual.
If you want them to be able to see multiple individuals, simple include multiple pairs of inputs. I was going to suggest putting them in distance order, but it might be easier for them if as soon as an organism sees something it always comes in to the same inputs until it's no longer tracked.
