Altair missing value in graph - python

I would like to vizualize a dataframe using altair.
It is a line and a barchart in one graph, drawn for each group (ID) in my dataframe.
My dataframe has missing values. According to
missing entries are skipped and a line is drawn across the missing data point.
This is actually what I want, but with my data this does not seem to work.
I get a break in my line graph where the value is missing.
I prepared a simple example to explain my problem:
import altair as alt
import numpy as np
#create dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'date': ['2020-04-03', '2020-04-04', '2020-04-05', '2020-04-06','2020-04-03', '2020-04-04','2020-04-05','2020-04-06'],
'ID': ['a','a','a','a','b','b','b','b'],'bar': [np.nan,8,np.nan,np.nan, np.nan, 8,np.nan,np.nan],
'line': [8,np.nan,10,8, 4, 5,6,7] })
date ID bar line
0 2020-04-03 a NaN 8.0
1 2020-04-04 a 8.0 NaN
2 2020-04-05 a NaN 10.0
3 2020-04-06 a NaN 8.0
4 2020-04-03 b NaN 4.0
5 2020-04-04 b 8.0 5.0
6 2020-04-05 b NaN 6.0
7 2020-04-06 b NaN 7.0
# create graph
bars = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar(color="grey", size=5).encode(
alt.X('monthdate(date):O'), y='bar:Q')
lines = alt.Chart(df).mark_line(point=True,size=2,).encode(
alt.X('monthdate(date):O'), y='line:Q')
alt.layer(bars + lines,width=350,height=150).facet(facet=alt.Facet('ID:N'),
it gives this image
Has anyone an idea why the line has a break (a) and how to draw the line through the missing data point?
I know I could use "impute" to calculate the mean and replace the missing value.
But this implies a data point for the date which is actually not true.
Thanks for any hints, ideas or help!

It is because you have the value recorded as NaN in the dataframe, so there is a valid date entry for this observation, and an NaN for the y-xis which can't be plotted.
This is what you have currently:
df = pd.DataFrame({'date': ['2020-04-03', '2020-04-04', '2020-04-05', '2020-04-06','2020-04-03', '2020-04-04','2020-04-05','2020-04-06'],
'ID': ['a','a','a','a','b','b','b','b'],
'line': [8,np.nan,10,8, 4, 5,6,7] })
alt.X('monthdate(date):O'), y='line:Q')
If you drop the NaNs, you will get the behavior that you want
alt.X('monthdate(date):O'), y='line:Q')
For your example above if you want the barplot to retain all values and not drop the rows with NaN in the line column, while still using both layer and facet, you need to reference the same dataframe in both charts an use Altair's transform_filter instead of pandas dropna:
.encode(alt.X('monthdate(date):O'), y='line:Q'))


Compare and find Duplicated values (not entire columns) across data frame with python

I have a large data frame of schedules, and I need to count the numbers of experiments run. The challenge is that usage for is repeated in rows (which is ok), but is duplicated in some, but not all columns. I want to remove the second entry (if duplicated), but I can't delete the entire second column because it will contain some new values too. How can I compare individual entries for two columns in a side by side fashion and delete the second if there is a duplicate?
The duration for this is a maximum of two days, so three days in a row is a new event with the same name starting on the third day.
The actual text for the experiment names is complicated and the data frame is 120 columns wide, so typing this in as a list or dictionary isn't possible. I'm hoping for a python or numpy function, but could use a loop.
Here are pictures for an example of the starting data frame and the desired output.starting data frame example
de-duplicated data frame example
This a hack and similar to #Params answer, but would be faster because you aren't calling .iloc a lot. The basic idea is to transpose the data frame and repeat an operation for as many times as you need to compare all of the columns. Then transpose it back to get the result in the OP.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({
df = df.T
for i in range(int(np.ceil(df.shape[0]/2))):
df[(df == df.shift(1))& (df != df.shift(2))] = np.nan
df = df.T
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
0 exp_A NaN exp_A NaN
1 exp_A NaN exp_D NaN
2 exp_A NaN NaN NaN
3 exp_A NaN NaN NaN
4 exp_B NaN NaN NaN
5 NaN exp_B NaN NaN
6 NaN exp_C NaN NaN
7 NaN exp_C NaN NaN
8 exp_D NaN exp_C NaN
9 exp_D NaN NaN NaN

How to update da Pandas Panel without duplicates

Currently i'm working on a Livetiming-Software for a motorsport-application. Therefore i have to crawl a Livetiming-Webpage and copy the Data to a big Dataframe. This Dataframe is the source of several diagramms i want to make. To keep my Dataframe up to date, i have to crawl the webpage very often.
I can download the Data and save them as a Panda.Dataframe. But my Problem is step from the downloaded DataFrame to the Big Dataframe, that includes all the Data.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df1= pd.DataFrame({'Pos':[1,2,3,4,5,6],'CLS':['V5','V5','V5','V4','V4','V4'],
df2= pd.DataFrame({'Pos':[1,2,3,4,5,6],'CLS':['V5','V5','V5','V4','V4','V4'],
df3= pd.DataFrame({'Pos':[1,2,3,4,5,6],'CLS':['V5','V5','V5','V4','V4','V4'],
df1 shows a Dataframe from previous laps.
df2 shows a Dataframe in the second lap. The Lap is not completed, so i have a nan.
df3 shows a Dataframe after the second lap is completed.
My target is to have just one row for each Lap per Car per Class.
Either i have the problem, that i have duplicates with incomplete Laps or all date get overwritten.
I hope that someone can help me with this problem.
Thank you so far.
If I understand your problem correctly, your issue is that you have overlapping data for the second lap: information while the lap is still in progress and information after it's over. If you want to put all the information for a given lap in one row, I'd suggest use multi-index columns or changing the column names to reflect the difference between measurements during and after laps.
df = pd.concat([df1, df3])
df = pd.concat([df, df2], axis=1, keys=['after', 'during'])
The result will look like this:
after during
Pos Zeit Pos Zeit
CLS Nr. Laps
V4 24 1 5 1:13,366 NaN NaN
2 5 1:11,366 5.0 NaN
55 1 4 1:25,333 NaN NaN
2 4 1:21,333 4.0 NaN
985 1 6 1:17,000 NaN NaN
2 6 1:11,000 6.0 NaN
V5 13 1 1 1:30,000 NaN NaN
2 1 1:31,000 1.0 NaN
30 1 3 1:50,000 NaN NaN
2 3 1:51,000 3.0 NaN
700 1 2 1:45,000 NaN NaN
2 2 1:41,000 2.0 NaN

Plotting counts of a dataframe grouped by timestamp

So I have a pandas dataframe which has a large number of columns, and one of the columns is a timestamp in datetime format. Each row in the dataframe represents a single "event". What I'm trying to do is graph the frequency of these events over time. Basically a simple bar graph showing how many events per month.
Started with this code:
data.groupby([(data.Timestamp.dt.year),(data.Timestamp.dt.month)]).count().plot(kind = 'bar')
This "kind of" works. But there are 2 problems:
1) The graph comes with a legend which includes all the columns in the original data (like 30+ columns). And each bar on the graph has a tiny sub-bar for each of the columns (all of which are the same value since I'm just counting events).
2) There are some months where there are zero events. And these months don't show up on the graph at all.
I finally came up with code to get the graph looking the way I wanted. But it seems to me that I'm not doing this the "correct" way, since this must be a fairly common usecase.
Basically I created a new dataframe with one column "count" and an index that's a string representation of month/year. I populated that with zeroes over the time range I care about and then I copied over the data from the first frame into the new one. Here is the code:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
cnt = data.groupby([(data.Timestamp.dt.year),(data.Timestamp.dt.month)]).count()
index = []
for year in [2015, 2016, 2017, 2018]:
for month in range(1,13):
index.append('%04d-%02d'%(year, month))
cnt_new = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=['count'])
cnt_new = cnt_new.fillna(0)
for i, row in cnt.iterrows():['%04d-%02d'%i,'count'] = row[0]
cnt_new.plot(kind = 'bar')
Anyone know an easier way to go about this?
EDIT --> Per request, here's an idea of the type of dataframe. It's the results from an SQL query. Actual data is my company's so...
Timestamp FirstName LastName HairColor \
0 2018-11-30 02:16:11 Fred Schwartz brown
1 2018-11-29 16:25:55 Sam Smith black
2 2018-11-19 21:12:29 Helen Hunt red
OK, so I think I got it. Thanks to Yuca for resample command. I just need to run that on the Timestamp data series (rather than on the whole dataframe) and it gives me exactly what I was looking for.
> data.index = data.Timestamp
> data.Timestamp.resample('M').count()
2017-11-30 0
2017-12-31 0
2018-01-31 1
2018-02-28 2
2018-03-31 7
2018-04-30 9
2018-05-31 2
2018-06-30 6
2018-07-31 5
2018-08-31 4
2018-09-30 1
2018-10-31 0
2018-11-30 5
So OP request is: "Basically a simple bar graph showing how many events per month"
Using pd.resample and monthly frequency yields the desired result
2018-11-30 3
To include non observed months, we need to create a baseline calendar
df_a = pd.DataFrame(index = pd.date_range(df.index[0].date(), periods=12, freq='M'))
and then assign to it the result of our resample
df_a['count'] = df[['FirstName']].resample('M').count()
2018-11-30 3.0
2018-12-31 NaN
2019-01-31 NaN
2019-02-28 NaN
2019-03-31 NaN
2019-04-30 NaN
2019-05-31 NaN
2019-06-30 NaN
2019-07-31 NaN
2019-08-31 NaN
2019-09-30 NaN
2019-10-31 NaN

Python Pandas Dataframe: length of index does not match - df['column'] = ndarray

I have a pandas Dataframe containing EOD financial data (OHLC) for analysis.
I'm using library to generate technical indicator values, that have a certain timeperiod as option. For Example. ADX with timeperiod=5 shows ADX for last 5 days.
Because of this timeperiod, the generated array with indicator values is always shorter in length than the Dataframe. Because the prices of first 5 days are used to generate ADX for day 6..
pdi14, mdi14 = ti.di(
high=highData, low=lowData, close=closeData, period=14)
df['mdi_14'] = mdi14
df['pdi_14'] = pdi14
>> ValueError: Length of values does not match length of index
Unfortunately, unlike TA-LIB for example, this tulip library does not provide NaN-values for these first couple of empty days...
Is there an easy way to prepend these NaN to the ndarray?
Or insert into df at a certain index & have it create NaN for the rows before it automatically?
Thanks in advance, I've been researching for days!
Maybe make the shift yourself in the code ?
period = 14
pdi14, mdi14 = ti.di(
high=highData, low=lowData, close=closeData, period=period
df['mdi_14'] = np.NAN
df['mdi_14'][period - 1:] = mdi14
I hope they will fill the first values with NAN in the lib in the future. It's dangerous to leave time series data like this without any label.
df = pd.DataFrame(1, range(10), list('ABC'))
a = np.full((len(df) - 6, df.shape[1]), 2)
b = np.full((6, df.shape[1]), np.nan)
c = np.row_stack([b, a])
d = pd.DataFrame(c, df.index, df.columns)
0 NaN NaN NaN
1 NaN NaN NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN
3 NaN NaN NaN
4 NaN NaN NaN
5 NaN NaN NaN
6 2.0 2.0 2.0
7 2.0 2.0 2.0
8 2.0 2.0 2.0
9 2.0 2.0 2.0
The C version of the tulip library includes a start function for each indicator (reference: that can be used to determine the output length of an indicator given a set of input options. Unfortunately, it does not appear that the python bindings library, tulipy, includes this functionality. Instead you have to resort to dynamically reassigning your index values to align the output with the original DataFrame.
Here is an example that uses the price series from the tulipy docs:
#Create the dataframe with close prices
prices = pd.DataFrame(data={81.59, 81.06, 82.87, 83, 83.61, 83.15, 82.84, 83.99, 84.55,
84.36, 85.53, 86.54, 86.89, 87.77, 87.29}, columns=['close'])
#Compute the technical indicator using tulipy and save the result in a DataFrame
bbands = pd.DataFrame(data=np.transpose(ti.bbands(real = prices['close'].to_numpy(), period = 5, stddev = 2)))
#Dynamically realign the index; note from the tulip library documentation that the price/volume data is expected be ordered "oldest to newest (index 0 is oldest)"
bbands.index += prices.index.max() - bbands.index.max()
#Put the indicator values with the original DataFrame
prices[['BBANDS_5_2_low', 'BBANDS_5_2_mid', 'BBANDS_5_2_up']] = bbands
close BBANDS_5_2_low BBANDS_5_2_mid BBANDS_5_2_up
0 81.06 NaN NaN NaN
1 81.59 NaN NaN NaN
2 82.87 NaN NaN NaN
3 83.00 NaN NaN NaN
4 83.61 80.530042 82.426 84.321958
5 83.15 81.494061 82.844 84.193939
6 82.84 82.533343 83.094 83.654657
7 83.99 82.471983 83.318 84.164017
8 84.55 82.417750 83.628 84.838250
9 84.36 82.435203 83.778 85.120797
10 85.53 82.511331 84.254 85.996669
11 86.54 83.142618 84.994 86.845382
12 86.89 83.536488 85.574 87.611512
13 87.77 83.870324 86.218 88.565676
14 87.29 85.288871 86.804 88.319129

resample Pandas dataframe and merge strings in column

I want to resample a pandas dataframe and apply different functions to different columns. The problem is that I cannot properly process a column with strings. I would like to apply a function that merges the string with a delimiter such as " - ". This is a data example:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
idx = pd.date_range('2017-01-31', '2017-02-03')
d=pd.DataFrame(data, index=,columns=list('ABC'))
2017-01-31 1 10 ok
2017-02-03 2 20 merge
2017-02-03 3 30 us
Resampling the numeric columns A and B with a sum and mean aggregator works. Column C however kind of works with sum (but it gets placed on the second place, which might mean that something fails).
d.resample('D').agg({'A': sum, 'B': np.mean, 'C': sum})
2017-01-31 1.0 a 10.0
2017-02-01 NaN 0 NaN
2017-02-02 NaN 0 NaN
2017-02-03 5.0 merge us 25.0
I would like to get this:
2017-02-03 5.0 merge - us 25.0
I tried using lambda in different ways but without success (not shown).
If I may ask a second related question: I can do some post processing for this, but how to fill missing cells in different columns with zeros or ""?
Your agg function for column 'C' should be a join
d.resample('D').agg({'A': sum, 'B': np.mean, 'C': ' - '.join})
2017-01-31 1.0 10.0 ok
2017-02-01 NaN NaN
2017-02-02 NaN NaN
2017-02-03 5.0 25.0 merge - us
