In Python, I am trying to use the J1939 filtering as mentionned in the linux kernel docs:
The following code fails at the setsockopt() line (setting up filters):
import socket
import struct
def pack_J1939_filters(can_filters):
can_filter_fmt = "=" + "2Q2B2I" * len(can_filters)
filter_data = []
for can_filter in can_filters:
name = can_filter['name']
name_mask = can_filter['name_mask']
addr = can_filter['addr']
addr_mask = can_filter['addr_mask']
pgn = can_filter['pgn']
pgn_mask = can_filter['pgn_mask']
return struct.pack(can_filter_fmt, *filter_data)
s = socket.socket(socket.PF_CAN, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.CAN_J1939)
interface = "vcan0"
src_name = socket.J1939_NO_NAME
src_pgn = socket.J1939_NO_PGN
src_addr = 0x81
src_sck_addr = (interface, src_name, src_pgn, src_addr)
filters = [{"name": 0, "name_mask":0, "addr":0, "addr_mask":0, "pgn": 0, "pgn_mask": 0}]
packed_filters = pack_J1939_filters(filters)
# socket.SOL_CAN_J1939 does not seem to exist
CAN_J1939 = 7
s.setsockopt(SOL_CAN_J1939, socket.SO_J1939_FILTER , packed_filters)
First, the kernel documentation mentions to use SOL_CAN_J1939 as the first argument. However socket.SOL_CAN_J1939 does not exist in the socket package. So looking at the code at this location I was able to understand that this int value should be 107:
As for the setsockopt() third argument, I packed the filters to match the j1939_filter structure (26 bytes as described in the code from the previous link). This is similar to what is done in can.interfaces.socketcan.utils for raw CAN.
What am I doing wrong to cause setsockopt() to fail?
The first issue was with the struct.pack format (can_filter_fmt) being wrong. I first assumed that the kernel j1939_filter structure size was the sum of the members. This is wrong since the compiler adds padding. This can be added to the struct.pack format as x such as 2Q2I2B6x. Please see Why isn't sizeof for a struct equal to the sum of sizeof of each member?
The second issue was that can_filter_fmt is not packed as 2Q2B2I but as 2Q2I2B6x (the addr member is in the middle).
As for SOL_CAN_J1939 I was correct and needs to be created in file because it is not yet in the package.
The final code is the following:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import socket
import struct
def pack_J1939_filters(can_filters=None):
if can_filters is None:
# Pass all messages
can_filters = [{}]
can_filter_fmt = "=" + "2Q2I2B6x" * len(can_filters)
filter_data = []
for can_filter in can_filters:
if 'name' in can_filter:
name = can_filter['name']
name = 0
if 'name_mask' in can_filter:
name_mask = can_filter['name_mask']
name_mask = 0
if 'pgn' in can_filter:
pgn = can_filter['pgn']
pgn = 0
if 'pgn_mask' in can_filter:
pgn_mask = can_filter['pgn_mask']
pgn_mask = 0
if 'addr' in can_filter:
addr = can_filter['addr']
addr = 0
if 'addr_mask' in can_filter:
addr_mask = can_filter['addr_mask']
addr_mask = 0
return struct.pack(can_filter_fmt, *filter_data)
def print_msg(data, sck_addr):
print(f"SA:{hex(sck_addr[3])} PGN:{hex(sck_addr[2])}")
for j in range(len(data)):
if j % 8 == 0 and j != 0:
if j % 8 == 0:
print(f"bytes {j} to {j+7}: ", end="")
print(f"{hex(data[j])} ", end="")
def main():
s = socket.socket(socket.PF_CAN, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.CAN_J1939)
# allows to receive broadcast messages
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
interface = "vcan0"
src_name = socket.J1939_NO_NAME
src_pgn = socket.J1939_NO_PGN # always no PGN for source, unless filtering is needed
src_addr = 0x81 # recvfrom() will not return destination specific messages for other addresses
src_sck_addr = (interface, src_name, src_pgn, src_addr)
packed_filters = pack_J1939_filters()
CAN_J1939 = 7
s.setsockopt(SOL_CAN_J1939, socket.SO_J1939_FILTER , packed_filters)
(recv_data, recv_sck_addr) = s.recvfrom(128)
print_msg(recv_data, recv_sck_addr)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Thank you.
For J1939 to work with SocketCAN you need two things:
kernel 5.4+
can-j1939 kernel module enabled
Testing for can-1939:
If you install can-utils and after sudo modprobe can-j1939 all you get is fatal error, or if you start testj1939 from can-utils and you get error that protocol is not supported, then it means that can-j1939 was not enabled in your kernel and you need to compile it manually.
Here are my instructions for enabling can-j1939 in Debian 10 kernel:
I'm trying to understand a Python script that analyzes beacon frames. But I'm stuck at something called .payload. Looking at the Python documentation and doing research didn't help me out. I found out that the payload is the data carried by the frame.
def insert_ap(pkt):
## Done in the lfilter param
# if Dot11Beacon not in pkt and Dot11ProbeResp not in pkt:
# return
bssid = pkt[Dot11].addr3
if bssid in aps:
p = pkt[Dot11Elt]
cap = pkt.sprintf("{Dot11Beacon:%Dot11Beacon.cap%}"
ssid, channel = None, None
crypto = set()
while isinstance(p, Dot11Elt):
if p.ID == 0:
ssid =
elif p.ID == 3:
channel = ord(
elif p.ID == 48:
elif p.ID == 221 and'\x00P\xf2\x01\x01\x00'):
p = p.payload # HERE IT IS
if not crypto:
if 'privacy' in cap:
print "NEW AP: %r [%s], channed %d, %s" % (ssid, bssid, channel,
' / '.join(crypto))
aps[bssid] = (ssid, channel, crypto)
aps = {}
sniff(iface='mon0', prn=insert_ap, store=False,
lfilter=lambda p: (Dot11Beacon in p or Dot11ProbeResp in p))
The payload function is written in a while loop. The loop is active as long as the packet is an instance of Dot11Elt. But what does .payload do that it's no longer Dot11Elt (?)
Thank you!
packet.payload is just a pointer to the next layer.
Take a look at the Scapy documentation.
For example, if pkt were constructed as such:
pkt = Dot11()/foo()/IP()/TCP()
In your example, p is initially set to pkt[Dot11]. Therefore, p.payload is pkt[Dot11].payload, which points to the foo object. At the end of the loop, p is advanced to p.payload. As long as p is of type Dot11Elt, the loop will keep running.
If we assume that both Dot11, and foo are of type Dot11Elt, then the loop will run until p is pointing to the IP layer.
I am trying to measure the responses back from DNS servers. Making a sniffer for a typical DNS response that is less than 512 bytes is no big deal. My issue is receiving large 3000+ byte responses - in some cases 5000+ bytes. I haven't been able to get a socket working that can receive that data reliably. Is there a way with Python sockets to receive from a specific source address?
Here is what I have so far:
import socket
import struct
def craft_dns(Qdns):
iden = struct.pack('!H', randint(0, 65535))
QR_thru_RD = chr(int('00000001', 2)) # '\x01'
RA_thru_RCode = chr(int('00100000', 2)) # '\x00'
Qcount = '\x00\x01' # question count is 1
ANcount = '\x00\x00'
NScount = '\x00\x00'
ARcount = '\x00\x01' # additional resource count is 1
pad = '\x00' #
Rtype_ANY = '\x00\xff' # Request ANY record
PROtype = '\x00\x01' # Protocol IN || '\x00\xff' # Protocol ANY
DNSsec_do = chr(int('10000000', 2)) # flips DNSsec bit to enable
edns0 = '\x00\x00\x29\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' # DNSsec disabled
domain = Qdns.split('.')
quest = ''
for x in domain:
quest += struct.pack('!B', len(x)) + x
packet = (iden+QR_thru_RD+RA_thru_RCode+Qcount+ANcount+NScount+ARcount+
quest+pad+Rtype_ANY+PROtype+edns0) # remove pad if asking <root>
return packet
def craft_ip(target, resolv):
ip_ver_len = int('01000101', 2) # IPvers: 4, 0100 | IP_hdr len: 5, 0101 = 69
ipvers = 4
ip_tos = 0
ip_len = 0 # socket will put in the right length
iden = randint(0, 65535)
ip_frag = 0 # off
ttl = 255
ip_proto = socket.IPPROTO_UDP # dns, brah
chksm = 0 # socket will do the checksum
s_addr = socket.inet_aton(target)
d_addr = socket.inet_aton(resolv)
ip_hdr = struct.pack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s', ip_ver_len, ip_tos, ip_len, iden,
ip_frag, ttl, ip_proto, chksm, s_addr, d_addr)
return ip_hdr
def craft_udp(sport, dest_port, packet):
#sport = randint(0, 65535) # not recommended to do a random port generation
udp_len = 8 + len(packet) # calculate length of UDP frame in bytes.
chksm = 0 # socket fills in
udp_hdr = struct.pack('!HHHH', sport, dest_port, udp_len, chksm)
return udp_hdr
def get_len(resolv, domain):
target = ""
d_port = 53
s_port = 5353
ip_hdr = craft_ip(target, resolv)
dns_payload = craft_dns(domain) # '\x00' for root
udp_hdr = craft_udp(s_port, d_port, dns_payload)
packet = ip_hdr + udp_hdr + dns_payload
buf = bytearray("-" * 60000)
recvSock = socket.socket(socket.PF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.ntohs(0x0800))
sendSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_RAW)
sendSock.connect((resolv, d_port))
msglen = 0
while True:
pkt = recvSock.recvfrom(65535)
msglen += len(pkt[0])
print repr(pkt[0])
except socket.timeout as e:
return msglen
result = get_len('', '')
print result
For some reason doing
pkt = sendSock.recvfrom(65535)
Recieves nothing at all. Since I'm using SOCK_RAW the above code is less than ideal, but it works - sort of. If the socket is extremely noisy (like on a WLAN), I could end up receiving well beyond the DNS packets, because I have no way to know when to stop receiving packets when receiving a multipacket DNS answer. For a quiet network, like a lab VM, it works.
Is there a better way to use a receiving socket in this case?
Obviously from the code, I'm not that strong with Python sockets.
I have to send with SOCK_RAW because I am constructing the packet in a raw format. If I use SOCK_DGRAM the custom packet will be malformed when sending to a DNS resolver.
The only way I could see is to use the raw sockets receiver (recvSock.recv or recvfrom) and unpack each packet, look if the source and dest address match within what is supplied in get_len(), then look to see if the fragment bit is flipped. Then record the byte length of each packet with len(). I'd rather not do that. It just seems there is a better way.
Ok I was stupid and didn't look at the protocol for the receiving socket. Socket gets kind of flaky when you try to receive packets on a IPPROTO_RAW protocol, so we do need two sockets. By changing to IPPROTO_UDP and then binding it, the socket was able to follow the complete DNS response over multiple requests. I got rid of the try/catch and the while loop, as it was no longer necessary and I'm able to pull the response length with this block:
recvSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
recvSock.bind((target, s_port))
sendSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_RAW)
#sendSock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sendSock.bind((target, s_port))
sendSock.connect((resolv, d_port))
pkt = recvSock.recvfrom(65535)
msglen = len(pkt[0])
Now the method will return the exact bytes received from a DNS query. I'll leave this up in case anyone else needs to do something similar :)
in other programming languages when a continue is met in a loop it doesn't run the code below it and just does the next loop based on the condition set.
Yet in python it would actually not trigger the continue as much as 3 times on the same exact values until the continue actually triggers finally can someone tell me why it's like this?
def get_section(self, address):
for section in self.sections:
section_base = section.image_base + section.VirtualAddress
section_end = section_base + section.Misc_VirtualSize
print 'section_base= 0x%x' % section_base, ' section_end = 0x%x' % section_end
print 'VirtualAdderss = 0x%x' % section.VirtualAddress, 'Misc_virtualSize = 0x%x' % section.Misc_VirtualSize
if address < section_base or address >= section_end:
print 'continuued'
print 'not continuued'
print 'Section name = ', section.section_name
return section
raise NotImplementedError()
Here is the log
address = 0x4013f8
section_base= 0x401000 section_end = 0x5574e5
VirtualAdderss = 0x1000 Misc_virtualSize = 0x1564e5
not continuued
Section name = text
address = 0x4013f8
section_base= 0x401000 section_end = 0x5574e5
VirtualAdderss = 0x1000 Misc_virtualSize = 0x1564e5
not continuued
Section name = text
address = 0x55869c
section_base= 0x401000 section_end = 0x5574e5
VirtualAdderss = 0x1000 Misc_virtualSize = 0x1564e5
section_base= 0x558000 section_end = 0x5818ac
VirtualAdderss = 0x158000 Misc_virtualSize = 0x298ac
not continuued
Section name = rdata
as you can see it didn't continue 2 times only on the 3rd time it continued and I can't figure out why shouldn't it work from the first time?
The first two times, the if condition was not met; therefore the continue statement was not executed.
I am writing a simple python program on a raspberry pi and I am quite new to python programming. I have defined a function called GetMessage which has no parameters and returns a variable which I called data, but I am getting an error which states
File "", line 39
return none
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
import os
import glob
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from math import *
from bluetooth import *
from RPIO import PWM
os.system('sudo hciconfig hci0 pisca')
os.system('sudo hciconfig hci0 name "De Quadcoptur"')
servo = PWM.Servo()
server_sock=BluetoothSocket( RFCOMM )
port = server_sock.getsockname()[1]
uuid = "94f39d29-7d6d-437d-973b-fba39e49d4ee"
def GetMessage():
advertise_service( server_sock, "XT1032", #phone bluetooth name
service_id = uuid,
service_classes = [ uuid, SERIAL_PORT_CLASS ],
profiles = [ SERIAL_PORT_PROFILE ],
#protocols = [ OBEX_UUID ]
client_sock, client_info = server_sock.accept()
data = client_sock.recv(1024)
if len(data) == 0: break
print "received [%s]" % data
except IOError:
return data
def StartSpin():
# Set servo on GPIO17 to 1200µs (1.2ms)
servo.set_servo(17, 1000)
servo.set_servo(18, 1000)
servo.set_servo(19, 1000)
servo.set_servo(20, 1000)
#Check if more pulses is faster
PWM.add_channel_pulse(0, 17, start = 1000, width = 100)
PWM.add_channel_pulse(0, 17, start = 1000, width = 100)
PWM.add_channel_pulse(0, 17, start = 1000, width = 100)
PWM.add_channel_pulse(0, 17, start = 1000, width = 100)
PWM.add_channel_pulse(0, 17, start = 1000, width = 100)
return None
def DecodeInput():
data = GetMessage()
if(data == 'start')
return 0
else if(data[0] == 'U')
UpPower = int(data)
else if(data[0] == 'P')
PitchPower = int(data)
RollPower = int(data)
SetPower(UpPower, PitchPower, RollPower)
return None
def SetPower(UpPower, PitchPower, RollPower):
#Make Arbitrary Values
Motor1Power = UpPower #Front Left
Motor2Power = UpPower #Front Right
Motor3Power = UpPower #Back Left
Motor4Power = UpPower #Back Right
PitchPower = PitchPower /2
RollPower = RollPower /2
if(PitchPower < 25)
Motor1Power = Motor1Power + abs(25-PitchPower)
Motor2Power = Motor1Power + abs(25-PitchPower)
Motor3Power = Motor3Power + (PitchPower-25)
Motor4Power = Motor4Power + (PitchPower-25)
if(RollPower < 25)
Motor1Power = Motor1Power + abs(25-RollPower)
Motor3Power = Motor3Power + abs(25-RollPower)
Motor2Power = Motor2Power + (RollPower - 25)
Motor4Power = Motor4Power + (RollPower - 25)
What is causing this error and how can I fix it?
Edit: I have defined data as a global variable and the error now is
File "", line 39
return data
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
There are a number of syntax problems in your code. Because of the nature of SyntaxError exceptions (which are raised when the interpreter doesn't understand the code syntax), the error messages may not identify the right line as the source of the problem.
The first syntax error I see is that you're using break in the GetMessage function without it being in a loop. A break statement is only useful within a for or while block, and using one elsewhere (in an except block in this case) is a syntax error.
The next set of errors have to do with missing colons. Each of the conditional branches in DecodeInput and SetPower need to have a colon after the condition: if condition1:, elif condition2:, else:
It's also an error to use else if rather than elif (you could make it work if you added a colon, a newline and an extra level of indentation after else:, then used a separate if statement, but that would be wasteful of space).
There are some additional issues, but they're not syntax errors. For instance, you're calling your functions from top-level code before they've been defined, and DecodeInput has a line with the bare expression SetPower which doesn't do anything useful (you probably want to call SetPower with some argument).
Hopefully this will get you on the right track.
Once you get your colons fixed, you'll probably run into a problem with your GetMessage syntax. You cannot break unless you're inside of a loop. If you intend to return from an exception, you don't need the pass call. An example (simplified from your code) of how this method could (should?) look:
def GetMessage():
data = None
data = [1,2]
if len(data) == 0:
return None
except IOError:
return None
return data
Clearly you'll want to replace the bulk of the method with your own code, and determine if you really want to return from the function at the points where you put breaks.
I have created a simple RAW socket based packet sniffer. But when I run it, it rarely captures up a packet. First I created this to capture packets in 1 second time intervals, but seeing no packets are captured I commented that line. I was connected to internet and a lot of http traffic are going here and there, but I could not capture a one. Is there a problem in this in the code where I created the socket? Please someone give me a solution. I am fairly new to python programming and could not understand how to solve this.
import socket, binascii, struct
import time
sock = socket.socket(socket.PF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(0x800))
print "Waiting.."
pkt = sock.recv(2048)
print "received"
def processEth(data):
#some code to process source mac and dest. mac
return [smac, dmac]
def processIP(data):
sip = str(binascii.hexlify(data[1]))
dip = str(binascii.hexlify(data[2]))
return [sip, dip]
def processTCP(data):
sport = str(data[0])
dport = str(data[1])
return [sport, dport]
while len(pkt) > 0 :
if(len(pkt)) > 54:
pkt = sock.recv(2048)
ethHeader = pkt[0][0:14]
ipHeader = pkt[0][14:34]
tcpHeader = pkt[0][34:54]
ethH = struct.unpack("!6s6s2s",ethHeader)
ethdata = processEth(ethH)
ipH = struct.unpack("!12s4s4s",ipHeader)
ipdata = processIP(ipH)
tcpH = struct.unpack("!HH16", tcpHeader)
tcpdata = processTCP(tcpH)
print "S.mac "+ethdata[0]+" D.mac "+ethdata[1]+" from: "+ipdata[0]+":"+tcpdata[0]+" to: "+ipdata[1]+":"+tcpdata[1]
If you showed all the code, you are running into an endless loop.
Whenever a paket is coming in which has not a length greater then 54 bytes, you end up reading the same packet all the time.
Additionally, socket.recv() returns a string/byte sequence; your approach of accessing the data is wrong. pkt[0] returns a string with length 1; pkt[0][x:y] will not return something useful.
I am not familiar with using sockets, but with some changes I got output that might look similar to what you intended (there is something missing in processEth() I think...).
while len(pkt) > 0:
print "Waiting.."
pkt = sock.recv(2048)
print "received"
if(len(pkt)) > 54:
ethHeader = pkt[0:14]
ipHeader = pkt[14:34]
tcpHeader = pkt[34:38]
ethH = struct.unpack("!6s6s2s",ethHeader)
ethdata = processEth(ethH)
ipH = struct.unpack("!12s4s4s",ipHeader)
ipdata = processIP(ipH)
tcpH = struct.unpack("!HH16", tcpHeader)
tcpdata = processTCP(tcpH)
print "S.mac "+ethdata[0]+" D.mac "+ethdata[1]+" from: "+ipdata[0]+":"+tcpdata[0]+" to: "+ipdata[1]+":"+tcpdata[1]