Python: what exactly does .payload in scapy? - python

I'm trying to understand a Python script that analyzes beacon frames. But I'm stuck at something called .payload. Looking at the Python documentation and doing research didn't help me out. I found out that the payload is the data carried by the frame.
def insert_ap(pkt):
## Done in the lfilter param
# if Dot11Beacon not in pkt and Dot11ProbeResp not in pkt:
# return
bssid = pkt[Dot11].addr3
if bssid in aps:
p = pkt[Dot11Elt]
cap = pkt.sprintf("{Dot11Beacon:%Dot11Beacon.cap%}"
ssid, channel = None, None
crypto = set()
while isinstance(p, Dot11Elt):
if p.ID == 0:
ssid =
elif p.ID == 3:
channel = ord(
elif p.ID == 48:
elif p.ID == 221 and'\x00P\xf2\x01\x01\x00'):
p = p.payload # HERE IT IS
if not crypto:
if 'privacy' in cap:
print "NEW AP: %r [%s], channed %d, %s" % (ssid, bssid, channel,
' / '.join(crypto))
aps[bssid] = (ssid, channel, crypto)
aps = {}
sniff(iface='mon0', prn=insert_ap, store=False,
lfilter=lambda p: (Dot11Beacon in p or Dot11ProbeResp in p))
The payload function is written in a while loop. The loop is active as long as the packet is an instance of Dot11Elt. But what does .payload do that it's no longer Dot11Elt (?)
Thank you!

packet.payload is just a pointer to the next layer.
Take a look at the Scapy documentation.
For example, if pkt were constructed as such:
pkt = Dot11()/foo()/IP()/TCP()
In your example, p is initially set to pkt[Dot11]. Therefore, p.payload is pkt[Dot11].payload, which points to the foo object. At the end of the loop, p is advanced to p.payload. As long as p is of type Dot11Elt, the loop will keep running.
If we assume that both Dot11, and foo are of type Dot11Elt, then the loop will run until p is pointing to the IP layer.


socketcan J1939 filter use in python

In Python, I am trying to use the J1939 filtering as mentionned in the linux kernel docs:
The following code fails at the setsockopt() line (setting up filters):
import socket
import struct
def pack_J1939_filters(can_filters):
can_filter_fmt = "=" + "2Q2B2I" * len(can_filters)
filter_data = []
for can_filter in can_filters:
name = can_filter['name']
name_mask = can_filter['name_mask']
addr = can_filter['addr']
addr_mask = can_filter['addr_mask']
pgn = can_filter['pgn']
pgn_mask = can_filter['pgn_mask']
return struct.pack(can_filter_fmt, *filter_data)
s = socket.socket(socket.PF_CAN, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.CAN_J1939)
interface = "vcan0"
src_name = socket.J1939_NO_NAME
src_pgn = socket.J1939_NO_PGN
src_addr = 0x81
src_sck_addr = (interface, src_name, src_pgn, src_addr)
filters = [{"name": 0, "name_mask":0, "addr":0, "addr_mask":0, "pgn": 0, "pgn_mask": 0}]
packed_filters = pack_J1939_filters(filters)
# socket.SOL_CAN_J1939 does not seem to exist
CAN_J1939 = 7
s.setsockopt(SOL_CAN_J1939, socket.SO_J1939_FILTER , packed_filters)
First, the kernel documentation mentions to use SOL_CAN_J1939 as the first argument. However socket.SOL_CAN_J1939 does not exist in the socket package. So looking at the code at this location I was able to understand that this int value should be 107:
As for the setsockopt() third argument, I packed the filters to match the j1939_filter structure (26 bytes as described in the code from the previous link). This is similar to what is done in can.interfaces.socketcan.utils for raw CAN.
What am I doing wrong to cause setsockopt() to fail?
The first issue was with the struct.pack format (can_filter_fmt) being wrong. I first assumed that the kernel j1939_filter structure size was the sum of the members. This is wrong since the compiler adds padding. This can be added to the struct.pack format as x such as 2Q2I2B6x. Please see Why isn't sizeof for a struct equal to the sum of sizeof of each member?
The second issue was that can_filter_fmt is not packed as 2Q2B2I but as 2Q2I2B6x (the addr member is in the middle).
As for SOL_CAN_J1939 I was correct and needs to be created in file because it is not yet in the package.
The final code is the following:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import socket
import struct
def pack_J1939_filters(can_filters=None):
if can_filters is None:
# Pass all messages
can_filters = [{}]
can_filter_fmt = "=" + "2Q2I2B6x" * len(can_filters)
filter_data = []
for can_filter in can_filters:
if 'name' in can_filter:
name = can_filter['name']
name = 0
if 'name_mask' in can_filter:
name_mask = can_filter['name_mask']
name_mask = 0
if 'pgn' in can_filter:
pgn = can_filter['pgn']
pgn = 0
if 'pgn_mask' in can_filter:
pgn_mask = can_filter['pgn_mask']
pgn_mask = 0
if 'addr' in can_filter:
addr = can_filter['addr']
addr = 0
if 'addr_mask' in can_filter:
addr_mask = can_filter['addr_mask']
addr_mask = 0
return struct.pack(can_filter_fmt, *filter_data)
def print_msg(data, sck_addr):
print(f"SA:{hex(sck_addr[3])} PGN:{hex(sck_addr[2])}")
for j in range(len(data)):
if j % 8 == 0 and j != 0:
if j % 8 == 0:
print(f"bytes {j} to {j+7}: ", end="")
print(f"{hex(data[j])} ", end="")
def main():
s = socket.socket(socket.PF_CAN, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.CAN_J1939)
# allows to receive broadcast messages
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
interface = "vcan0"
src_name = socket.J1939_NO_NAME
src_pgn = socket.J1939_NO_PGN # always no PGN for source, unless filtering is needed
src_addr = 0x81 # recvfrom() will not return destination specific messages for other addresses
src_sck_addr = (interface, src_name, src_pgn, src_addr)
packed_filters = pack_J1939_filters()
CAN_J1939 = 7
s.setsockopt(SOL_CAN_J1939, socket.SO_J1939_FILTER , packed_filters)
(recv_data, recv_sck_addr) = s.recvfrom(128)
print_msg(recv_data, recv_sck_addr)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Thank you.
For J1939 to work with SocketCAN you need two things:
kernel 5.4+
can-j1939 kernel module enabled
Testing for can-1939:
If you install can-utils and after sudo modprobe can-j1939 all you get is fatal error, or if you start testj1939 from can-utils and you get error that protocol is not supported, then it means that can-j1939 was not enabled in your kernel and you need to compile it manually.
Here are my instructions for enabling can-j1939 in Debian 10 kernel:

Python if statement doesn't recognize bluetooth beacon

Here's the file that the file uses to find and list the ble beacons.
#This is a working prototype. DO NOT USE IT IN LIVE PROJECTS
import sys
import struct
import bluetooth._bluetooth as bluez
def hci_enable_le_scan(sock):
hci_toggle_le_scan(sock, 0x01)
def hci_disable_le_scan(sock):
hci_toggle_le_scan(sock, 0x00)
def hci_toggle_le_scan(sock, enable):
cmd_pkt = struct.pack("<BB", enable, 0x00)
bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, OGF_LE_CTL, OCF_LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE, cmd_pkt)
def packetToString(packet):
Returns the string representation of a raw HCI packet.
if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
return ''.join('%02x' % struct.unpack("B", bytes([x]))[0] for x in packet)
return ''.join('%02x' % struct.unpack("B", x)[0] for x in packet)
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
results = []
for i in range(0, loop_count):
packet = sock.recv(255)
ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", packet[:3])
packetOffset = 0
dataString = packetToString(packet)
If the bluetooth device is an beacon then show the beacon.
#print (dataString)
if dataString[34:50] == '0303aafe1516aafe' or '0303AAFE1116AAFE':
Selects parts of the bluetooth packets.
broadcastType = dataString[50:52]
if broadcastType == '00' :
type = "Eddystone UID"
namespace = dataString[54:74].upper()
instance = dataString[74:86].upper()
resultsArray = [
{"type": type, "namespace": namespace, "instance": instance}]
return resultsArray
elif broadcastType == '10':
type = "Eddystone URL"
urlprefix = dataString[54:56]
if urlprefix == '00':
prefix = 'http://www.'
elif urlprefix == '01':
prefix = 'https://www.'
elif urlprefix == '02':
prefix = 'http://'
elif urlprefix == '03':
prefix = 'https://'
hexUrl = dataString[56:][:-2]
url = prefix + hexUrl.decode("hex")
rssi, = struct.unpack("b", packet[packetOffset -1])
resultsArray = [{"type": type, "url": url}]
return resultsArray
elif broadcastType == '20':
type = "Eddystone TLM"
resultsArray = [{"type": type}]
return resultsArray
elif broadcastType == '30':
type = "Eddystone EID"
resultsArray = [{"type": type}]
return resultsArray
elif broadcastType == '40':
type = "Eddystone RESERVED"
resultsArray = [{"type": type}]
return resultsArray
if dataString[38:46] == '4c000215':
Selects parts of the bluetooth packets.
type = "iBeacon"
uuid = dataString[46:54] + "-" + dataString[54:58] + "-" + dataString[58:62] + "-" + dataString[62:66] + "-" + dataString[66:78]
major = dataString[78:82]
minor = dataString[82:86]
majorVal = int("".join(major.split()[::-1]), 16)
minorVal = int("".join(minor.split()[::-1]), 16)
Organises Mac Address to display properly
scrambledAddress = dataString[14:26]
fixStructure = iter("".join(reversed([scrambledAddress[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(scrambledAddress), 2)])))
macAddress = ':'.join(a+b for a,b in zip(fixStructure, fixStructure))
rssi, = struct.unpack("b", packet[packetOffset -1])
resultsArray = [{"type": type, "uuid": uuid, "major": majorVal, "minor": minorVal, "rssi": rssi, "macAddress": macAddress}]
return resultsArray
return results
The orginal file works as it should by listing the beacons.
import ScanUtility
import bluetooth._bluetooth as bluez
#Set bluetooth device. Default 0.
dev_id = 0
sock = bluez.hci_open_dev(dev_id)
print ("\n *** Looking for BLE Beacons ***\n")
print ("\n *** CTRL-C to Cancel ***\n")
print ("Error accessing bluetooth")
#Scans for iBeacons
while True:
returnedList = ScanUtility.parse_events(sock, 10)
for item in returnedList:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Here's the modified file which should print "Works" if the scanner finds the wanted beacon by it's mac address.
import ScanUtility
import bluetooth._bluetooth as bluez
#Set bluetooth device. Default 0.
dev_id = 0
sock = bluez.hci_open_dev(dev_id)
print ("\n *** Looking for BLE Beacons ***\n")
print ("\n *** CTRL-C to Cancel ***\n")
print ("Error accessing bluetooth")
#Scans for iBeacons
while True:
returnedList = ScanUtility.parse_events(sock, 10)
for macAddress in returnedList:
if macAddress == "e2:e3:23:d1:b0:54":
except KeyboardInterrupt:
The modified file however always prints "Nope". I think the "macAddress" part in the if statement can't be used to identify the beacons. What have to be changed in the code so the beacon can be identified by it's mac address in the if statement?
According to the source of, it seems like the function returns a list of one dict which is a bit odd. You should query the dict as follow:
for item in returnedList:
if item['macAddress'] == "e2:e3:23:d1:b0:54":
except KeyError:
print('MAC Address is missing')
Note that I have added a try/except statement to deal with cases where the macAddress key is not present in your dict. This works only if your dict is not a subclass of defaultdict.
Searching for a beacon by its mac address is not always a good solution as it is possible a beacon is using a random private addresses.
Are you sure that the mac address you are looking for is ever broadcast?
Your code also only seems to return the mac address for iBeacons.
The other thing I noticed about this code is that it bypasses the bluetoothd running on your system by doing direct calls to the hci socket. This is generally not a good idea and requires the python script to be run with root priveliages.
A way to avoid this is use the BlueZ D-Bus API. An example of this is included below and prints out beacon data plus a message when it sees the mac address of interest. This code requires pydbus and gi.repository
import argparse
from gi.repository import GLib
from pydbus import SystemBus
import uuid
DEVICE_INTERFACE = 'org.bluez.Device1'
remove_list = set()
def stop_scan():
"""Stop device discovery and quit event loop"""
def clean_beacons():
BlueZ D-Bus API does not show duplicates. This is a
workaround that removes devices that have been found
during discovery
not_found = set()
for rm_dev in remove_list:
except GLib.Error as err:
for lost in not_found:
def process_eddystone(data):
"""Print Eddystone data in human readable format"""
_url_prefix_scheme = ['http://www.', 'https://www.',
'http://', 'https://', ]
_url_encoding = ['.com/', '.org/', '.edu/', '.net/', '.info/',
'.biz/', '.gov/', '.com', '.org', '.edu',
'.net', '.info', '.biz', '.gov']
tx_pwr = int.from_bytes([data[1]], 'big', signed=True)
# Eddystone UID Beacon format
if data[0] == 0x00:
namespace_id = int.from_bytes(data[2:12], 'big')
instance_id = int.from_bytes(data[12:18], 'big')
print(f'\t\tEddystone UID: {namespace_id} - {instance_id} \u2197 {tx_pwr}')
# Eddystone URL beacon format
elif data[0] == 0x10:
prefix = data[2]
encoded_url = data[3:]
full_url = _url_prefix_scheme[prefix]
for letter in encoded_url:
if letter < len(_url_encoding):
full_url += _url_encoding[letter]
full_url += chr(letter)
print(f'\t\tEddystone URL: {full_url} \u2197 {tx_pwr}')
def process_ibeacon(data, beacon_type='iBeacon'):
"""Print iBeacon data in human readable format"""
beacon_uuid = uuid.UUID(bytes=bytes(data[2:18]))
major = int.from_bytes(bytearray(data[18:20]), 'big', signed=False)
minor = int.from_bytes(bytearray(data[20:22]), 'big', signed=False)
tx_pwr = int.from_bytes([data[22]], 'big', signed=True)
print(f'\t\t{beacon_type}: {beacon_uuid} - {major} - {minor} \u2197 {tx_pwr}')
def ble_16bit_match(uuid_16, srv_data):
"""Expand 16 bit UUID to full 128 bit UUID"""
uuid_128 = f'0000{uuid_16}-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
return uuid_128 == list(srv_data.keys())[0]
def on_iface_added(owner, path, iface, signal, interfaces_and_properties):
Event handler for D-Bus interface added.
Test to see if it is a new Bluetooth device
iface_path, iface_props = interfaces_and_properties
if DEVICE_INTERFACE in iface_props:
on_device_found(iface_path, iface_props[DEVICE_INTERFACE])
def on_device_found(device_path, device_props):
Handle new Bluetooth device being discover.
If it is a beacon of type iBeacon, Eddystone, AltBeacon
then process it
address = device_props.get('Address')
address_type = device_props.get('AddressType')
name = device_props.get('Name')
alias = device_props.get('Alias')
paired = device_props.get('Paired')
trusted = device_props.get('Trusted')
rssi = device_props.get('RSSI')
service_data = device_props.get('ServiceData')
manufacturer_data = device_props.get('ManufacturerData')
if address.casefold() == 'e2:e3:23:d1:b0:54':
print('Found mac address of interest')
if service_data and ble_16bit_match('feaa', service_data):
elif manufacturer_data:
for mfg_id in manufacturer_data:
# iBeacon 0x004c
if mfg_id == 0x004c and manufacturer_data[mfg_id][0] == 0x02:
# AltBeacon 0xacbe
elif mfg_id == 0xffff and manufacturer_data[mfg_id][0:2] == [0xbe, 0xac]:
process_ibeacon(manufacturer_data[mfg_id], beacon_type='AltBeacon')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--duration', type=int, default=0,
help='Duration of scan [0 for continuous]')
args = parser.parse_args()
bus = SystemBus()
adapter = bus.get('org.bluez', '/org/bluez/hci0')
mainloop = GLib.MainLoop()
if args.duration > 0:
GLib.timeout_add_seconds(args.duration, stop_scan)
adapter.SetDiscoveryFilter({'DuplicateData': GLib.Variant.new_boolean(True)})
print('\n\tUse CTRL-C to stop discovery\n')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Example invocation and output:
$ python3
Use CTRL-C to stop discovery
iBeacon: 1e9fdc8c-96e0-4d68-b34a-3b635cec0489 - 5555 - 99 ↗ -65
Eddystone URL: ↗ -69
Found mac address of interest

Raw socket python packet sniffer

I have created a simple RAW socket based packet sniffer. But when I run it, it rarely captures up a packet. First I created this to capture packets in 1 second time intervals, but seeing no packets are captured I commented that line. I was connected to internet and a lot of http traffic are going here and there, but I could not capture a one. Is there a problem in this in the code where I created the socket? Please someone give me a solution. I am fairly new to python programming and could not understand how to solve this.
import socket, binascii, struct
import time
sock = socket.socket(socket.PF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(0x800))
print "Waiting.."
pkt = sock.recv(2048)
print "received"
def processEth(data):
#some code to process source mac and dest. mac
return [smac, dmac]
def processIP(data):
sip = str(binascii.hexlify(data[1]))
dip = str(binascii.hexlify(data[2]))
return [sip, dip]
def processTCP(data):
sport = str(data[0])
dport = str(data[1])
return [sport, dport]
while len(pkt) > 0 :
if(len(pkt)) > 54:
pkt = sock.recv(2048)
ethHeader = pkt[0][0:14]
ipHeader = pkt[0][14:34]
tcpHeader = pkt[0][34:54]
ethH = struct.unpack("!6s6s2s",ethHeader)
ethdata = processEth(ethH)
ipH = struct.unpack("!12s4s4s",ipHeader)
ipdata = processIP(ipH)
tcpH = struct.unpack("!HH16", tcpHeader)
tcpdata = processTCP(tcpH)
print "S.mac "+ethdata[0]+" D.mac "+ethdata[1]+" from: "+ipdata[0]+":"+tcpdata[0]+" to: "+ipdata[1]+":"+tcpdata[1]
If you showed all the code, you are running into an endless loop.
Whenever a paket is coming in which has not a length greater then 54 bytes, you end up reading the same packet all the time.
Additionally, socket.recv() returns a string/byte sequence; your approach of accessing the data is wrong. pkt[0] returns a string with length 1; pkt[0][x:y] will not return something useful.
I am not familiar with using sockets, but with some changes I got output that might look similar to what you intended (there is something missing in processEth() I think...).
while len(pkt) > 0:
print "Waiting.."
pkt = sock.recv(2048)
print "received"
if(len(pkt)) > 54:
ethHeader = pkt[0:14]
ipHeader = pkt[14:34]
tcpHeader = pkt[34:38]
ethH = struct.unpack("!6s6s2s",ethHeader)
ethdata = processEth(ethH)
ipH = struct.unpack("!12s4s4s",ipHeader)
ipdata = processIP(ipH)
tcpH = struct.unpack("!HH16", tcpHeader)
tcpdata = processTCP(tcpH)
print "S.mac "+ethdata[0]+" D.mac "+ethdata[1]+" from: "+ipdata[0]+":"+tcpdata[0]+" to: "+ipdata[1]+":"+tcpdata[1]

Alternative to tuntap

I'm trying to transmit TCP/IP over a radio that is connected to my computer (specifically, the USRP). Right now, it's done very simply using Tun/Tap to set up a new network interface. Here's the code:
from gnuradio import gr, gru, modulation_utils
from gnuradio import usrp
from gnuradio import eng_notation
from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
from optparse import OptionParser
import random
import time
import struct
import sys
import os
# from current dir
from transmit_path import transmit_path
from receive_path import receive_path
import fusb_options
#print os.getpid()
#raw_input('Attach and press enter')
# Linux specific...
# TUNSETIFF ifr flags from <linux/tun_if.h>
IFF_TUN = 0x0001 # tunnel IP packets
IFF_TAP = 0x0002 # tunnel ethernet frames
IFF_NO_PI = 0x1000 # don't pass extra packet info
IFF_ONE_QUEUE = 0x2000 # beats me ;)
def open_tun_interface(tun_device_filename):
from fcntl import ioctl
mode = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI
TUNSETIFF = 0x400454ca
tun =, os.O_RDWR)
ifs = ioctl(tun, TUNSETIFF, struct.pack("16sH", "gr%d", mode))
ifname = ifs[:16].strip("\x00")
return (tun, ifname)
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# the flow graph
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class my_top_block(gr.top_block):
def __init__(self, mod_class, demod_class,
rx_callback, options):
self.txpath = transmit_path(mod_class, options)
self.rxpath = receive_path(demod_class, rx_callback, options)
def send_pkt(self, payload='', eof=False):
return self.txpath.send_pkt(payload, eof)
def carrier_sensed(self):
Return True if the receive path thinks there's carrier
return self.rxpath.carrier_sensed()
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Carrier Sense MAC
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class cs_mac(object):
Prototype carrier sense MAC
Reads packets from the TUN/TAP interface, and sends them to the PHY.
Receives packets from the PHY via phy_rx_callback, and sends them
into the TUN/TAP interface.
Of course, we're not restricted to getting packets via TUN/TAP, this
is just an example.
def __init__(self, tun_fd, verbose=False):
self.tun_fd = tun_fd # file descriptor for TUN/TAP interface
self.verbose = verbose
self.tb = None # top block (access to PHY)
def set_top_block(self, tb):
self.tb = tb
def phy_rx_callback(self, ok, payload):
Invoked by thread associated with PHY to pass received packet up.
#param ok: bool indicating whether payload CRC was OK
#param payload: contents of the packet (string)
if self.verbose:
print "Rx: ok = %r len(payload) = %4d" % (ok, len(payload))
if ok:
os.write(self.tun_fd, payload)
def main_loop(self):
Main loop for MAC.
Only returns if we get an error reading from TUN.
FIXME: may want to check for EINTR and EAGAIN and reissue read
min_delay = 0.001 # seconds
while 1:
payload =, 10*1024)
if not payload:
if self.verbose:
print "Tx: len(payload) = %4d" % (len(payload),)
delay = min_delay
while self.tb.carrier_sensed():
if delay < 0.050:
delay = delay * 2 # exponential back-off
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# main
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def main():
mods = modulation_utils.type_1_mods()
demods = modulation_utils.type_1_demods()
parser = OptionParser (option_class=eng_option, conflict_handler="resolve")
expert_grp = parser.add_option_group("Expert")
parser.add_option("-m", "--modulation", type="choice", choices=mods.keys(),
help="Select modulation from: %s [default=%%default]"
% (', '.join(mods.keys()),))
parser.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="store_true", default=False)
expert_grp.add_option("-c", "--carrier-threshold", type="eng_float", default=30,
help="set carrier detect threshold (dB) [default=%default]")
expert_grp.add_option("","--tun-device-filename", default="/dev/net/tun",
help="path to tun device file [default=%default]")
transmit_path.add_options(parser, expert_grp)
receive_path.add_options(parser, expert_grp)
for mod in mods.values():
for demod in demods.values():
(options, args) = parser.parse_args ()
if len(args) != 0:
if options.rx_freq is None or options.tx_freq is None:
sys.stderr.write("You must specify -f FREQ or --freq FREQ\n")
# open the TUN/TAP interface
(tun_fd, tun_ifname) = open_tun_interface(options.tun_device_filename)
# Attempt to enable realtime scheduling
r = gr.enable_realtime_scheduling()
if r == gr.RT_OK:
realtime = True
realtime = False
print "Note: failed to enable realtime scheduling"
# If the user hasn't set the fusb_* parameters on the command line,
# pick some values that will reduce latency.
if options.fusb_block_size == 0 and options.fusb_nblocks == 0:
if realtime: # be more aggressive
options.fusb_block_size = gr.prefs().get_long('fusb', 'rt_block_size', 1024)
options.fusb_nblocks = gr.prefs().get_long('fusb', 'rt_nblocks', 16)
options.fusb_block_size = gr.prefs().get_long('fusb', 'block_size', 4096)
options.fusb_nblocks = gr.prefs().get_long('fusb', 'nblocks', 16)
#print "fusb_block_size =", options.fusb_block_size
#print "fusb_nblocks =", options.fusb_nblocks
# instantiate the MAC
mac = cs_mac(tun_fd, verbose=True)
# build the graph (PHY)
tb = my_top_block(mods[options.modulation],
mac.set_top_block(tb) # give the MAC a handle for the PHY
if tb.txpath.bitrate() != tb.rxpath.bitrate():
print "WARNING: Transmit bitrate = %sb/sec, Receive bitrate = %sb/sec" % (
print "modulation: %s" % (options.modulation,)
print "freq: %s" % (eng_notation.num_to_str(options.tx_freq))
print "bitrate: %sb/sec" % (eng_notation.num_to_str(tb.txpath.bitrate()),)
print "samples/symbol: %3d" % (tb.txpath.samples_per_symbol(),)
#print "interp: %3d" % (tb.txpath.interp(),)
#print "decim: %3d" % (tb.rxpath.decim(),)
print "Carrier sense threshold:", options.carrier_threshold, "dB"
print "Allocated virtual ethernet interface: %s" % (tun_ifname,)
print "You must now use ifconfig to set its IP address. E.g.,"
print " $ sudo ifconfig %s" % (tun_ifname,)
print "Be sure to use a different address in the same subnet for each machine."
tb.start() # Start executing the flow graph (runs in separate threads)
mac.main_loop() # don't expect this to return...
tb.stop() # but if it does, tell flow graph to stop.
tb.wait() # wait for it to finish
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
(Anyone familiar with GNU Radio will recognize this as
My question is, is there a better way to move packets to and from the kernel than tun/tap? I've been looking at ipip or maybe using sockets, but I'm pretty sure those won't be very fast. Speed is what I'm most concerned with.
Remember that is a really, really rough example, and hasn't been updated in a while. It's not really meant to be a basis for other code, so be careful of how much you rely on the code.
Also, remember that TCP over unreliable radio links has significant issues:

writing an ethernet bridge in python with scapy

I'd like to make something like this:
+------------+ +------------+ +------------+
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| A d +-------+ e B f +-------+ g C |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
+------------+ +------------+ +------------+
d e f g
So that Acan send packets to C through B.
I attempted to build this thing by running a scapy program on B that would sniff ports e and f, and in each case modify the destination IP and MAC address in the packet and then send it along through the other interface. Something like:
my_macs = [get_if_hwaddr(i) for i in get_if_list()]
pktcnt = 0
dest_mac_address = discover_mac_for_ip(dest_ip) #
output_mac = get_if_hwaddr(output_interface)
def process_packet(pkt):
# ignore packets that were sent from one of our own interfaces
if pkt[Ether].src in my_macs:
pktcnt += 1
p = pkt.copy()
# if this packet has an IP layer, change the dst field
# to our final destination
if IP in p:
p[IP].dst = dest_ip
# if this packet has an ethernet layer, change the dst field
# to our final destination. We have to worry about this since
# we're using sendp (rather than send) to send the packet. We
# also don't fiddle with it if it's a broadcast address.
if Ether in p \
and p[Ether].dst != 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff':
p[Ether].dst = dest_mac_address
p[Ether].src = output_mac
# use sendp to avoid ARP'ing and stuff
sendp(p, iface=output_interface)
sniff(iface=input_interface, prn=process_packet)
However, when I run this thing (full source here) all sorts of crazy things start to happen... Some of the packets get through, and I even get some responses (testing with ping) but there's some type of feedback loop that's causing a bunch of duplicate packets to get sent...
Any ideas what's going on here? Is it crazy to try to do this?
I'm kind of suspicious that the feedback loops are being caused by the fact that B is doing some processing of its own on the packets... Is there any way to prevent the OS from processing a packet after I've sniffed it?
IP packets bridging using scapy:
first make sure you have ip forwarding disabled otherwise duplicate packets will be noticed:
echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward <br>
second run the following python/scapy script:
from optparse import OptionParser
from scapy.all import *
from threading import Thread
from struct import pack, unpack
from time import sleep
def sp_byte(val):
return pack("<B", val)
def su_nint(str):
return unpack(">I", str)[0]
def ipn2num(ipn):
"""ipn(etwork) is BE dotted string ip address
if ipn.count(".") != 3:
print("ipn2num warning: string < %s > is not proper dotted IP address" % ipn)
return su_nint( "".join([sp_byte(int(p)) for p in ipn.strip().split(".")]))
def get_route_if(iface):
return [route for route in conf.route.routes if route[3] == iface and route[2] == ""][0]
except IndexError:
print("Interface '%s' has no ip address configured or link is down?" % (iface));
return None;
class PacketCapture(Thread):
def __init__(self, net, nm, recv_iface, send_iface):
Thread.__init__(self) = net
self.netmask = nm
self.recv_iface = recv_iface
self.send_iface = send_iface
self.recv_mac = get_if_hwaddr(recv_iface)
self.send_mac = get_if_hwaddr(send_iface)
self.filter = "ether dst %s and ip" % self.recv_mac
self.arp_cache = [] = "PacketCapture(%s on %s)" % (, self.recv_iface)
self.fw_count = 0
def run(self):
print("%s: waiting packets (%s) on interface %s" % (, self.filter, self.recv_iface))
sniff(count = 0, prn = self.process, store = 0, filter = self.filter, iface = self.recv_iface)
def process(self, pkt):
# only bridge IP packets
if pkt.haslayer(Ether) and pkt.haslayer(IP):
dst_n = ipn2num(pkt[IP].dst)
if dst_n & self.netmask !=
# don't forward if the destination ip address
# doesn't match the destination network address
# update layer 2 addresses
rmac = self.get_remote_mac(pkt[IP].dst)
if rmac == None:
print("%s: packet not forwarded %s %s -) %s %s" % (, pkt[Ether].src, pkt[IP].src, pkt[Ether].dst, pkt[IP].dst))
pkt[Ether].src = self.send_mac
pkt[Ether].dst = rmac
#print("%s: forwarding %s %s -> %s %s" % (, pkt[Ether].src, pkt[IP].src, pkt[Ether].dst, pkt[IP].dst))
sendp(pkt, iface = self.send_iface)
self.fw_count += 1
def get_remote_mac(self, ip):
mac = ""
for m in self.arp_cache:
if m["ip"] == ip and m["mac"]:
return m["mac"]
mac = getmacbyip(ip)
if mac == None:
print("%s: Could not resolve mac address for destination ip address %s" % (, ip))
self.arp_cache.append({"ip": ip, "mac": mac})
return mac
def stop(self):
print("%s stopped" %
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = OptionParser(description = "Bridge packets", prog = "brscapy", usage = "Usage: brscapy -l <intf> (--left= <intf>) -r <inft> (--right=<intf>)")
parser.add_option("-l", "--left", action = "store", dest = "left", default = None, choices = get_if_list(), help = "Left side network interface of the bridge")
parser.add_option("-r", "--right", action = "store", dest = "right", default = None, choices = get_if_list(), help = "Right side network interface of the bridge")
args, opts = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
lif = args.left
rif = args.right
lroute = get_route_if(lif)
rroute = get_route_if(rif)
if (lroute == None or rroute == None):
print("Invalid ip addressing on given interfaces");
if (len(lroute) != 5 or len(rroute) != 5):
print("Invalid scapy routes")
conf.verb = 0
lthread = PacketCapture(rroute[0], rroute[1], lif, rif)
rthread = PacketCapture(lroute[0], lroute[1], rif, lif)
while True:
sys.stdout.write("FORWARD count: [%s -> %s %d] [%s <- %s %d]\r" % (lif, rif, lthread.fw_count, lif, rif, rthread.fw_count))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
On my pc:
# ./ --help
Usage: brscapy -l <intf> (--left= <intf>) -r <inft> (--right=<intf>)
Bridge packets
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LEFT, --left=LEFT Left side network interface of the bridge
-r RIGHT, --right=RIGHT
Right side network interface of the bridge
# ./ -l e0 -r e2
PacketCapture(Thread-1 on e0): waiting packets (ether dst 00:16:41:ea:ff:dc and ip) on interface e0
PacketCapture(Thread-2 on e2): waiting packets (ether dst 00:0d:88:cc:ed:15 and ip) on interface e2
FORWARD count: [e0 -> e2 5] [e0 <- e2 5]
It is kinda crazy to do this, but it's not a bad way to spend your time. You'll learn a bunch of interesting stuff. However you might want to think about hooking the packets a little lower - I don't think scapy is capable of actually intercepting packets - all libpcap does is set you promisc and let you see everything, so you and the kernel are both getting the same stuff. If you're turning around and resending it, thats likely the cause of your packet storm.
However, you could set up some creative firewall rules that partition each interface off from each-other and hand the packets around that way, or use something like divert sockets to actually thieve the packets away from the kernel so you can have your way with them.
