Importing functions only in Python files - python

I'm a newbie, writing 2 functions in separate files (, in the same directory, to then use together:
def weather_now(my_town)
[My code]
return ("Sunny skies")
city = input("City Name : ")
def talk(text_to_convert)
[My code].save(filename)
t = input("What text would you like to convert to speech?\n")
They both work fine independently. When I create a new py file, import both functions ONLY, not the parts after it, it still seems to run the whole py file, not JUST the function.
import weather as w
import TTS_phrase as TTS
text1 = w.weather_now("London")
The indents are correct. It's asking me for inputs and tries to save 2 files when I run this code. Am I doing something wrong? I'd really appreciate a steer. Thanks.

first you must understand that whenever a file is imported the whole script must run! so you can make a check, and exclude code you dont run on execute like this:
def weather_now(my_town)
[My code]
return ("Sunny skies")
if __name__ == "__main__":
city = input("City Name : ")
def talk(text_to_convert)
[My code].save(filename)
if __name__ == "__main__":
t = input("What text would you like to convert to speech?\n")


Python, returning data collected in npyscreen

So I'm creating a basic TUI for a script I created. The goal is to collect several variables that include paths to directories and files. What I'm not sure about is once I've created the visual aspect of it, how to get those pieces of information to interact with other parts of the code.
Below is what I have so far in terms of the visual portion (the other part is about 500 lines), and honestly I'm at a loss on how to even print any of the variables set under the class and any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import npyscreen
class PlistCreator(npyscreen.NPSApp):
def main(self):
screen = npyscreen.Form(name="Welcome to Nicks Playlist Creator!")
plistName = screen.add(npyscreen.TitleText, name="Playlist Name:" )
csvPath = screen.add(npyscreen.TitleFilenameCombo, name="CSV Schedule:")
toaPath = screen.add(npyscreen.TitleFilenameCombo, name="Path to ToA Video Folder:", use_two_lines=True)
outputPath = screen.add(npyscreen.TitleFilenameCombo, name = "Output Folder:", use_two_lines=True)
dateOfAir = screen.add(npyscreen.TitleDateCombo, name="Date of Air:")
timeOfStart = screen.add(npyscreen.TitleText, name="Time of Air (TC):")
if __name__ == "__main__":
App = PlistCreator()
You can get the value of any form object using the dit notation.
plistName = screen.add(npyscreen.TitleText, name="Playlist Name:" )
playlist_name = self.screen.plistName.value
etc. Note there are no parentheses after value. Once you have it in a variable, you can build another method in the class to handle the information.

Sublime Text 3 Plugin changing run to on_pre_save

I have been working on a Sublime Text 3 plugin that fixes some coding standards I have at work(That I have a bad habit of missing) I currently have this working with a command run in the console. Most of the code was originally from this thread.
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class ReplaceCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
#for each selected region
region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())
#if there is slected text
if not region.empty():
#get the selected region
s = self.view.substr(region)
#perform the replacements
s = s.replace('){', ') {')
s = s.replace('}else', '} else')
s = s.replace('else{', 'else {')
#send the updated string back to the selection
self.view.replace(edit, region, s)
Then you just need to run:
And it will apply the coding standards(there are more I plan to implement but for now i'll stick with these) I would like this to run on save.
I tried just changing run(self, edit) to on_pre_save(self, edit) but it does not work. I don't get any syntax errors but It just doesn't work.
Can anyone tell me how to make this run on save instead of having to run the command?
On ST3 the only way to get an Edit object is by running a TextCommand. (It's in the docs, but they're not terribly clear). But, fortunately, you can run the command pretty much the same way you have been doing.
Events handlers, like on_pre_save, can only be defined on an EventListener. The on_pre_save() event is passed a view object so you just need to add something like this, which kicks-off the command you've already written.
class ReplaceEventListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_pre_save(self, view):
The Solutions I came to was to create an on_pre_save() function that runs the command I listed earlier:
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class ReplaceCodeStandardsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
#for each selected region
region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())
#if there is slected text
if not region.empty():
#get the selected region
s = self.view.substr(region)
#perform the replacements
s = s.replace('){', ') {')
s = s.replace('}else', '} else')
s = s.replace('else{', 'else {')
#send the updated string back to the selection
self.view.replace(edit, region, s)
class ReplaceCodeStandardsOnSave(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
# Run ST's 'unexpand_tabs' command when saving a file
def on_pre_save(self, view):
if view.settings().get('update_code_standard_on_save') == 1:
Hopefully this code helps someone!

How to decode python string

I have some code which I would like to be decoded but not having much luck in guessing what the codepage is, if any is being used. Any help would be much appreciated.
i am using python command line in windows 7 pc,if any python guru guide me how to decrypt and see the code thaat would be appreciated.
exec("import re;import base64");exec((lambda p,y:(lambda o,b,f:re.sub(o,b,f))(r"([0-9a-f]+)",lambda m:p(m,y),base64.b64decode("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")))(lambda a,b:b[int("0x",16)],"0|1|addonfolder|xbmc|translatePath|path|script_name|xbmcgui|script_chk|downloader|scriptname|xbmcaddon|getCondVisibility|UpdateLocalAddons|download|supermax|Addon|lib|supermaxwizard|special|DialogProgress|INSTALL|website|SuperMaxWizard|extract|dialog|remove|except|join|plugin|os|addons|Installing|dp|UnloadSkin|print|COLOR|video|ReloadSkin|FORCECLOSE|Installer|Installed|def|Main|pass|home|HasAddon|SuperMax|packages|Brought|Success|return|update|url|Please|Dialog|create|try|Wizard|Nearly|System|com|zip|addon|Wait|been|else|http|quit|XBMC|gold|Done|all|has|You|not|sm|MP|By|if|ok|To|s|executebuiltin|import".split("|")))
The code is uglified. You can unobfuscate it yourself by executing the contents of exec(...) in your Python shell.
import re
import base64
print ((lambda p,y.....split("|")))
EDIT: As snakecharmerb says, it is generally not safe to execute unknown code. I analysed the code to find that running the insides of exec will only decrypt, and leaving off the exec itself will just result in a string. This procedure ("execute stuff inside exec") is by no means a generally safe method to decrypt uglified code, and you need to actually analyse what it does. But, at this point, I was asking you to trust my judgement, which, if it is wrong, theoretically could expose you to an attack. In addition, it seems you have problems getting it to run on your Python; so here's what I'm getting from the above:
import xbmcaddon
import xbmcgui
import xbmc
import os
import downloader
import extract
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon()
website = ""
scriptname = ""
def script_chk(script_name):
return xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon(%s)' % script_name) == 1
def INSTALL(url):
path = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons','packages'))
print path
dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
dp.create("Addon Installer","Installing Addon..",'', 'Please Wait')
lib=os.path.join(path, '')
pass, lib, dp)
addonfolder = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home','addons'))
print addonfolder
dp.update(0,"", "Nearly Done")
dialog=xbmcgui.Dialog(); dialog.ok("Success!","SuperMax Wizard has been Installed"," [COLOR gold]Brought To You By[/COLOR]")
def Main():
if not script_chk(scriptname):

How would I separate my Python File to multiple plugins?

So first thing I want to say: I have been looking into modules and such, I just don't quiet know how I would rewrite it to fit this in.
Project: What I have is a Skype Bot using the Skype4Py module. I have about 11 commands I noticed the one script is getting a little large.
I'm trying to think about how to link one file to a Plugin Folder, which contains each and every bot function in it's own respectable Python file. It sounds simple an all, except when it comes to how the function is called.
Here is just a basic look at my Skype bot, missing some of the larger functions.
import Skype4Py, random
class SkypeBot():
def __init__(self): = Skype4Py.Skype()
if == False:
self.results = ['Yes', 'No', 'Maybe', 'Never']
def main(self):
print ' Skype Bot currently running on user: %s' %
print "\n\nCommands Called:\n"
while True: = self.RunFunction
def RunFunction(self, Message, Status):
if Status == 'SENT' or Status == 'RECEIVED':
cmd = Message.Body.split(' ')[0]
if cmd in self.functions.keys():
self.context = Message
self.caller = self.context.FromHandle
def ping(self):
print " %s : Ping" % self.caller
def say(self):
response = self.context.Body.split(' ', 1)
if response[1] == "-info":
print " %s : say -info" % self.caller
self.context.Chat.SendMessage("Resends the message entered. \n"
"Usage: !say Hello. \n"
"Example: Bot: Hello.")
say = response[1]
print " %s : Say [%s]" % (self.caller, say)
self.context.Chat.SendMessage("Please use -info to properly use the !say command")
def eightball(self):
question = self.context.Body.split(' ', 1)
if question[1] == "-info":
print " %s : 8Ball -info" % self.caller
self.context.Chat.SendMessage("Responds with an answer.\n"
"Usage: !8ball 'Do I have swag?'\n"
"Example: !8Ball Response: 'Yes'")
answer = self.results[3]
print " %s : 8Ball [%s]" % (self.caller, question[1])
self.context.Chat.SendMessage("!8Ball Response: %s" % answer)
self.context.Chat.SendMessage("Please use -info to properly use the !8ball command")
functions = {
"!ping": ping,
"!say": say,
"!8ball": eightball,
if __name__ == "__main__":
snayer = SkypeBot()
So basically, what I am wondering, how can I change = self.RunFunction
so that it'll run functions from another file?
For a program of this size it's not really necessary to put your command functions into separate files, but I guess it is good organization. And good practice for when you write a program that has thousands of lines of code. :)
One way to do this is to create a basic SkypeBot class without any command methods and then import the command methods from your plugins directory and add them to the class. It's easy enough to add new attributes to an existing class, and it doesn't matter if the new attributes are properties or methods, the syntax to add them is identical. (With a tiny bit more work it's even possible to add new attributes to an instance, so you can have multiple instances, each with their own individual set of commands. But I guess that's not necessary here, since a program that uses the SkypeBot class will normally only create a single instance).
So we can break your question into two parts:
How to add methods to an existing class.
How to import those methods
from other source files.
As I said, 1) is easy. 2) is quite easy as well, but I've never done it before, so I had to do a little bit of research and testing, and I can't promise that what I've done is best practice, but it works. :)
I don't know much about Skype, and I don't have that Skype4Py module, and as you said, the code above is not the complete program, so I've written some fairly simple code to illustrate the process of adding plugin methods from separate files to an existing class.
The name of the main program is "". To keep things neat, it lives in its own directory, "plugintest/", which you should create somewhere in your Python path (eg where you normally keep your Python programs). This path must be specified in your PYTHONPATH environment variable.
"plugintest/" has the following structure:
The files are used by Python's import machinery to let it know that a directory contains a Python package, see 6.4. Packages in the Python docs for further details.
Here are the contents of those files. Firstly, the files that go into "plugintest/" itself:
__all__ = ['plugin_demo', 'plugins']
from plugintest import *
#! /usr/bin/env python
#A simple class that will get methods added later from plugins directory
class Test(object):
def __init__(self, data): = data
def add_plugins(cls):
import plugins
print "Adding plugin methods to %s class" % cls.__name__
for name in plugins.__all__:
print name
plug = getattr(plugins, name)
print plug
method = getattr(plug, name)
print method
setattr(cls, name, method)
print "Done\n"
def main():
#Now test it!
t = Test([1, 2, 3]); print
t.multiply(10); print
t.add(5); print
if __name__ == '__main__':
And now the contents of the "plugintest/plugins/" directory:
__all__ = ['add', 'multiply']
from plugintest.plugins import *
#A method for the Test class of
def add(self, m): = [m + i for i in]
#A method for the Test class of
def multiply(self, m): = [m * i for i in]
If you cd to the directory containing the "plugintest/" folder, you should be able to run it with
python plugintest/
and if you cd to "plugintest/" itself
Also, in the interpreter (or another Python program), you should be able to do
import plugintest
and then run the main() function of "" with
The other usual variations of from ... import ... etc should also work as expected.
The function in "" that performs the magic of adding the imported methods to the Test class is add_plugins(). When it runs it prints out each method name, its module, and its function. This could be handy during development, but you'd probably comment out some of those print statements once the program's working properly.
I hope this helps, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Python Precommit hook, Looking at lines for some text

Hello, my question is regarding a Python script I am trying to get to work. The point of this is that when someone makes a SVN Commit they see a login template with four lines: Branch, Bug_Number, Feature affected and Overview. Now I am trying to write a script to make sure that they wrote something on it to make sure no one enters a empty log to commit.
Here is what I have so far in python its based on a old python script.
print "Importing the items"
import re
import sys
import os
print "Initializing the list."
argsList = []
hndFile = open(sys.argv[1],"r")
for line in hndFile:
print "Checking what is blank"
faOK = ovOK = False
for line in argsList:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('FEATURE_AFFECTED:'):
faOK = line[17:] != ''
if line.startswith('OVERVIEW:'):
ovOK = line[9:] != ''
if not faOK:
print "You Must Enter the Feature Affected"
ret = -1
elif not ovOK:
print "You Must Enter an Overview of the Fix"
ret = -1
ret = 0
print "Finishing the script"
Any advice would help. I am using Windows XP and currently nothing is happening. I am also using collabnet svn. Currently nothing is happening when I try to run this script. I know I haven't added svnlook in the script I cant really think of where to add and for the variable for it. Thank you.
