So from a text file which has a content:
Lemonade juice whiskey beer soda vodka
In Python, by implementing that same .txt file, I would like to output word-pairs in the next order:
I managed outputing something like that by using list instead of opening file in Python, but in the case with some major .txt file, that is not really a handy solution.
Also, the bonus task for this would be to output the probability for each of those pairs. Any kind of hint would be highly appreciated.
To read large files efficiently, you should read them line-by-line, or (if you have really long lines, which is what the snippet below assumes) token-by-token.
A clean way to do this while keeping an open handle on a file is by using generators that yield a word at a time.
You can have another generator that combines 2 words at a time and yields pairs.
from typing import Iterator
def memory_efficient_word_generator(text_file: str) -> Iterator[str]:
word = ''
with open(text_file) as text:
while True:
character =
if not character:
if character.isspace():
yield word.lower()
word = ''
word += character
def pair_generator(text_file: str) -> Iterator[str]:
previous_word = ''
for word in memory_efficient_word_generator(text_file):
if previous_word and word:
yield f'{previous_word}-{word}'
previous_word = word or previous_word
for pair in pair_generator('filename.txt'):
Assuming filename.txt contains:
Lemonade juice whiskey beer soda vodka
cola tequila lemonade juice
You should see something like:
Of course, there's a lot more you should handle depending on your desired behaviour (for example, handling non-alphabetic characters in your input).
Thank you very much for the feedback.
That's pretty much it, I just added encoding = 'utf-8' here:
with open(text_file, encoding='utf-8') as text:
since it outputs error for 'charmap' for me.
And just one more thing, I also wanted to output the number of the elements(words) from the text file by using:
file = open("filename.txt", "rt", encoding="utf8")
data =
words = data.split()
print('Number of words :', len(words))
which I did, now I'm trying to do the same with those word-pairs that you sent, basically each of those pairs would be one element, like for example:
lemonade-juice ---> one element
So if we would to count all of these from a text file:
we would get the output of 9 elements or
Number of word-pairs: 9
Was thinking now to try to do that with using len function and calling text_file.
Fix me if I'm looking in a wrong direction.
Once again, thank you for your time.
Goal is to a) print a list of unique words from a text file and also b) find the longest word.
I cannot use imports in this challenge.
File handling and main functionality are what I want, however the list needs to be cleaned. As you can see from the output, words are getting joined with punctuation and therefore maxLength is obviously incorrect.
with open("doc.txt") as reader, open("unique.txt", "w") as writer:
unwanted = "[],."
unique = set(
unique = list(unique)
regex = [elem.strip(unwanted).split() for elem in unique]
maxLength = len(max(regex,key=len ))
res = [word for word in regex if len(word) == maxLength]
pioneered the integrated placement year concept over 50 years ago [7][8][9] with more than 70 per cent of students taking a placement year, the highest percentage in the UK.[10]
Here's a solution that uses str.translate() to throw away all bad characters (+ newline) before we ever do the split(). (Normally we'd use a regex with re.sub(), but you're not allowed.) This makes the cleaning a one-liner, which is really neat:
bad = "[],.\n"
bad_transtable = str.maketrans(bad, ' ' * len(bad))
# We can directly read and clean the entire output, without a reader object:
cleaned_input = open('doc.txt').read().translate(bad_transtable)
#with open("doc.txt") as reader:
# cleaned_input =
# Get list of unique words, in decreasing length
unique_words = sorted(set(cleaned_input.split()), key=lambda w: -len(w))
with open("unique.txt", "w") as writer:
for word in unique_words:
max_length = len(unique_words[0])
print ([word for word in unique_words if len(word) == max_length])
since the input is already 100% cleaned and split, no need to append to a list/insert to a set as we go, then have to make another cleaning pass later. We can just create unique_words directly! (using set() to keep only uniques). And while we're at it, we might as well use sorted(..., key=lambda w: -len(w)) to sort it in decreasing length. Only need to call sort() once. And no iterative-append to lists.
hence we guarantee that max_length = len(unique_words[0])
this approach is also going to be more performant than nested loops for line in <lines>: for word in line.split(): ...iterative append() to wordlist
no need to do explicit writer/, that's what the with statement does for you. (It's also more elegant for handling IO when exceptions happen.)
you could also merge the printing of the max_length words inside the writer loop. But it's cleaner code to keep them separate.
note we use f-string formatting f'{word}\n' to add the newline back when we write() an output line
in Python we use lower_case_with_underscores for variable names, hence max_length not maxLength. See PEP8
in fact here, we don't strictly need a with-statement for the writer, if all we're going to do is slurp its entire contents in one go in with open('doc.txt').read(). (That's not scaleable for huge files, you'd have to read in chunks or n lines).
str.maketrans() is a builtin, but if your teacher objects to the module reference, you can also call it on a bound string e.g. ' '.maketrans()
str.maketrans() is really a throwback to the days when we only had 95 printable ASCII characters, not Unicode. It still works on Unicode, but building and using huge translation dicts is annoying and uses memory, regex on Unicode is easier, you can define entire character classes.
Alternative solution if you don't yet know str.translate()
dirty_input = open('doc.txt').read()
cleaned_input = dirty_input
# If you can't use either 're.sub()' or 'str.translate()', have to manually
# str.replace() each bad char one-by-one (or else use a method like str.isalpha())
for bad_char in bad:
cleaned_input = cleaned_input.replace(bad_char, ' ')
And if you wanted to be ridiculously minimalist, you could write the entire output file in one line with a list-comprehension. Don't do this, it would be terrible for debugging, e.g if you couldn't open/write/overwrite the output file, or got IOError, or unique_words wasn't a list, etc:
open("unique.txt", "w").writelines([f'{word}\n' for word in unique_words])
Here is another solution without any function.
bad = '`~##$%^&*()-_=+[]{}\|;\':\".>?<,/?'
clean = ' '
for i in a:
if i not in bad:
clean += i
clean += ' '
cleans = [i for i in clean.split(' ') if len(i)]
clean_uniq = list(set(cleans))
Here is a solution. The trick is to use the python str method .isalpha() to filter non-alphanumerics.
with open("unique.txt", "w") as writer:
with open("doc.txt") as reader:
cleaned_words = []
for line in reader.readlines():
for word in line.split():
cleaned_word = ''.join([c for c in word if c.isalpha()])
if len(cleaned_word):
# print unique words
unique_words = set(cleaned_words)
# write words to file? depends what you need here
for word in unique_words:
# print length of longest
print(len(sorted(unique_words, key=len, reverse=True)[0]))
I originally posted this question here but was then told to post it to code review; however, they told me that my question needed to be posted here instead. I will try to better explain my problem so hopefully there is no confusion. I am trying to write a word-concordance program that will do the following:
1) Read the stop_words.txt file into a dictionary (use the same type of dictionary that you’re timing) containing only stop words, called stopWordDict. (WARNING: Strip the newline(‘\n’) character from the end of the stop word before adding it to stopWordDict)
2) Process the WarAndPeace.txt file one line at a time to build the word-concordance dictionary(called wordConcordanceDict) containing “main” words for the keys with a list of their associated line numbers as their values.
3) Traverse the wordConcordanceDict alphabetically by key to generate a text file containing the concordance words printed out in alphabetical order along with their corresponding line numbers.
I tested my program on a small file with a short list of stop words and it worked correctly (provided an example of this below). The outcome was what I expected, a list of the main words with their line count, not including words from the stop_words_small.txt file. The only difference between the small file I tested and the main file I am actually trying to test, is the main file is much longer and contains punctuation. So the problem I am running into is when I run my program with the main file, I am getting way more results then expected. The reason I am getting more results then expected is because the punctuation is not being removed from the file.
For example, below is a section of the outcome where my code counted the word Dmitri as four separate words because of the different capitalization and punctuation that follows the word. If my code were to remove the punctuation correctly, the word Dmitri would be counted as one word followed by all the locations found. My output is also separating upper and lower case words, so my code is not making the file lower case either.
What my code currently displays:
Dmitri : [2528, 3674, 3687, 3694, 4641, 41131]
Dmitri! : [16671, 16672]
Dmitri, : [2530, 3676, 3685, 13160, 16247]
dmitri : [2000]
What my code should display:
dmitri : [2000, 2528, 2530, 3674, 3676, 3685, 3687, 3694, 4641, 13160, 16671, 16672, 41131]
Words are defined to be sequences of letters delimited by any non-letter. There should also be no distinction made between upper and lower case letters, but my program splits those up as well; however, blank lines are to be counted in the line numbering.
Below is my code and I would appreciate it if anyone could take a look at it and give me any feedback on what I am doing wrong. Thank you in advance.
import re
def main():
stopFile = open("stop_words.txt","r")
stopWordDict = dict()
for line in stopFile:
stopWordDict[line.lower().strip("\n")] = []
hwFile = open("WarAndPeace.txt","r")
wordConcordanceDict = dict()
lineNum = 1
for line in hwFile:
wordList = re.split(" |\n|\.|\"|\)|\(", line)
for word in wordList:
word.strip(' ')
if (len(word) != 0) and word.lower() not in stopWordDict:
if word in wordConcordanceDict:
wordConcordanceDict[word] = [lineNum]
lineNum = lineNum + 1
for word in sorted(wordConcordanceDict):
print (word," : ",wordConcordanceDict[word])
if __name__ == "__main__":
Just as another example and reference here is the small file I test with the small list of stop words that worked perfectly.
stop_words_small.txt file
a, about, be, by, can, do, i, in, is, it, of, on, the, this, to, was
This is a sample data (text) file to
be processed by your word-concordance program.
The real data file is much bigger.
correct output
bigger: 4
concordance: 2
data: 1 4
file: 1 4
much: 4
processed: 2
program: 2
real: 4
sample: 1
text: 1
word: 2
your: 2
You can do it like this:
import re
from collections import defaultdict
wordConcordanceDict = defaultdict(list)
with open('stop_words_small.txt') as sw:
words = (line.strip() for line in sw)
stop_words = set(words)
with open('small_file.txt') as f:
for line_number, line in enumerate(f, 1):
words = (re.sub(r'[^\w\s]','',word).lower() for word in line.split())
good_words = (word for word in words if word not in stop_words)
for word in good_words:
for word in sorted(wordConcordanceDict):
print('{}: {}'.format(word, ' '.join(map(str, wordConcordanceDict[word]))))
bigger: 4
data: 1 4
file: 1 4
much: 4
processed: 2
program: 2
real: 4
sample: 1
text: 1
wordconcordance: 2
your: 2

I will add explanations tomorrow, it's getting late here ;). Meanwhile, you can ask in the comments if some part of the code isn't clear for you.
I'm a novice Python user. I'm trying to create a program that reads a text file and searches that text for certain words that are grouped (that I predefine by reading from csv). For example, if I wanted to create my own definition for "positive" containing the words "excited", "happy", and "optimistic", the csv would contain those terms. I know the below is messy - the txt file I am reading from contains 7 occurrences of the three "positive" tester words I read from the csv, yet the results print out to be 25. I think it's returning character count, not word count. Code:
import csv
import string
import re
from collections import Counter
remove = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, '\n' + string.punctuation))
# Read the .txt file to analyze.
with open("test.txt", "r") as f:
textanalysis =
textresult = textanalysis.lower().translate(remove).split()
# Read the CSV list of terms.
with open("positivetest.csv", "r") as senti_file:
reader = csv.reader(senti_file)
positivelist = list(reader)
# Convert term list into flat chain.
from itertools import chain
newposlist = list(chain.from_iterable(positivelist))
# Convert chain list into string.
posstring = ' '.join(str(e) for e in newposlist)
posstring2 = posstring.split(' ')
posstring3 = ', '.join('"{}"'.format(word) for word in posstring2)
# Count number of words as defined in list category
def positive(str):
counts = dict()
for word in posstring3:
if word in counts:
counts[word] += 1
counts[word] = 1
total = sum (counts.values())
return total
# Print result; will write to CSV eventually
print ("Positive: ", positive(textresult))
I'm a beginner as well but I stumbled upon a process that might help. After you read in the file, split the text at every space, tab, and newline. In your case, I would keep all the words lowercase and include punctuation in your split call. Save this as an array and then parse it with some sort of loop to get the number of instances of each 'positive,' or other, word.
Look at this, specifically the "train" function:
Also, this link, ignore the JSON stuff at the beginning, the article talks about sentiment analysis:
Same applies with this link:
Good luck!
I looked at your code and passed through some of my own as a sample.
I have 2 idea's for you, based on what I think you may want.
First Assumption: You want a basic sentiment count?
Getting to 'textresult' is great. Then you did the same with the 'positive lexicon' - to [positivelist] which I thought would be the perfect action? Then you converted [positivelist] to essentially a big sentence.
Would you not just:
1. Pass a 'stop_words' list through [textresult]
2. merge the two dataframes [textresult (less stopwords) and positivelist] for common words - as in an 'inner join'
3. Then basically do your term frequency
4. It is much easier to aggregate the score then
Second assumption: you are focusing on "excited", "happy", and "optimistic"
and you are trying to isolate text themes into those 3 categories?
1. again stop at [textresult]
2. download the 'nrc' and/or 'syuzhet' emotional valence dictionaries
They breakdown emotive words by 8 emotional groups
So if you only want 3 of the 8 emotive groups (subset)
3. Process it like you did to get [positivelist]
4. do another join
Sorry, this is a bit hashed up, but if I was anywhere near what you were thinking let me know and we can make contact.
Second apology, Im also a novice python user, I am adapting what I use in R to python in the above (its not subtle either :) )
I am calling on the collective wisdom of Stack Overflow because I am at my wits end trying to figure out how to do this and I'm a newbie self-taught coder.
I have a txt file of Letters to the Editor that I need to split into their own individual files.
The files are all formatted in relatively the same way with:
For once, before offering such generous but the unasked for advice, put yourselves in...
Who has Israel to talk to? The cowardly Jordanian monarch? Egypt, a country rocked...
Why is it that The Times does not urge totalitarian Arab slates and terrorist...
There you go again. Your editorial again makes groundless criticisms of the Israeli...
On Dec. 7 you called proportional representation “bizarre," despite its use in the...
Proportional representation distorts Israeli politics? Huh? If Israel changes the...
Was Mayor Tom Bradley’s veto of the expansion of the Westside Pavilion a political...
Although the mayor did not support Proposition U (the slow-growth initiative) his...
If West Los Angeles is any indication of the no-growth policy, where do we go from here?
I thought that the best way to go about it would be to try and use regex to identify the lines that started with a name that's all in capital letters since that's the only way to really tell where one letter ends and another begins.
I have tried quite a few different approaches but nothing seems to work quite right. All the other answers I have seen are based on a repeatable line or word. (for example the answers posted here how to split single txt file into multiple txt files by Python and here Python read through file until match, read until next pattern). It all seems to not work when I have to adjust it to accept my regex of all capital words.
The closest I've managed to get is the code below. It creates the right number of files. But after the second file is created it all goes wrong. The third file is empty and in all the rest the text is all out of order and/or incomplete. Paragraphs that should be in file 4 are in file 5 or file 7 etc or missing entirely.
import re
thefile = raw_input('Filename to split: ')
name_occur = []
full_file = []
pattern = re.compile("^[A-Z]{4,}")
with open (thefile, 'rt') as in_file:
for line in in_file:
totalFiles = len(name_occur)
letters = 1
thefile = re.sub("(.txt)","",thefile)
while letters <= totalFiles:
f1 = open(thefile + '-' + str(letters) + ".txt", "a")
doIHaveToCopyTheLine = False
ignoreLines = False
for line in full_file:
if not ignoreLines:
doIHaveToCopyTheLine = True
ignoreLines = True
letters += 1
I am open to completely scrapping this approach and doing it another way (but still in Python). Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Please assume I am the inexperienced newbie that I am if you are awesome enough to take your time to help me.
I took a simpler approach and avoided regex. The tactic here is essentially to count the uppercase letters in the first three words and make sure they pass certain logic. I went for first word is uppercase and either the second or third word is uppercase too, but you can adjust this if needed. This will then write each letter to new files with the same name as the original file (note: it assumes your file has an extension like .txt or such) but with an incremented integer appended. Try it out and see how it works for you.
import string
def split_letters(fullpath):
current_letter = []
letter_index = 1
fullpath_base, fullpath_ext = fullpath.rsplit('.', 1)
with open(fullpath, 'r') as letters_file:
letters = letters_file.readlines()
for line in letters:
words = line.split()
upper_words = []
for word in words:
upper_word = ''.join(
c for c in word if c in string.ascii_uppercase)
len_upper_words = len(upper_words)
first_word_upper = len_upper_words and len(upper_words[0]) > 1
second_word_upper = len_upper_words > 1 and len(upper_words[1]) > 1
third_word_upper = len_upper_words > 2 and len(upper_words[2]) > 1
if first_word_upper and (second_word_upper or third_word_upper):
new_filename = '{0}{1}.{2}'.format(
fullpath_base, letter_index, fullpath_ext)
with open(new_filename, 'w') as new_letter:
current_letter = []
letter_index += 1
I tested it on your sample input and it worked fine.
While the other answer is suitable, you may still be curious about using a regex to split up a file.
smallfile = None
buf = ""
with open ('input_file.txt', 'rt') as f:
for line in f:
buf += str(line)
if'^([A-Z\s\.]+\b)' , line) is not None:
if smallfile:
match = re.findall(r'^([A-Z\s\.]+\b)' , line)
smallfile_name = '{}.txt'.format(match[0])
smallfile = open(smallfile_name, 'w')
buf = ""
if smallfile:
If you run on Linux, use csplit.
Otherwise, check out these two threads:
How can I split a text file into multiple text files using python?
How to match "anything up until this sequence of characters" in a regular expression?
Here is my code
import re
with open('newfiles.txt') as f:
k =
p = re.compile(r'[\w\:\-\.\,\']+|[^[\w\:\-\.\'\,]\s]')
originaltext = p.findall(k)
uniquelist = []
for word in originaltext:
if word not in uniquelist:
indexes = ' '.join(str(uniquelist.index(word)+1) for word in originaltext)
n = p.findall(indexes)
file = open("newfiletwo.txt","w")
file.write (' '.join(str(e) for e in n))
file = open("newfilethree.txt","w")
file.write(' '.join(uniquelist))
with open('newfiletwo.txt') as f:
indexess =
with open('newfilethree.txt') as f:
differentwords =
differentwords = p.findall(differentwords)
indexess = [uniquelist.index(word) for word in originaltext]
for word in originaltext:
if not word in differentwords:
i = differentwords.index(word)
s = "" # the reconstructed sentence
for i in indexess:
s = s + differentwords[i] + " "
The program basically takes an external text file, returns the index of its positions (if any word repeats, then the first position is taken) and then saves the positions as an external file. Whilst doing this, I have split up the text file including splitting punctuation and saved different words and punctuation that occur in the file as an external file too. Now for the hard part, using both of these external files - the indexes and the different separated words, I am trying to recreate the original text file, including the punctuation. But the error shown in the title occurs:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\Python\", line 31, in <module>
s = s + differentwords[i] + " "
IndexError: list index out of range
Not trying to sound rude but I am a sort of beginner, please try to change as less as possible in a simple way, as I have created this myself. You guys maybe know a far shorter way to do this, but this is the level of simplicity I can handle, proved by the length of the code. I have tried to shorten the original text file but that proves no use. Anyone know why the error occurs and how to fix it? I am not looking for efficiency right now, maybe after another couple of months of learning, but the simplest (i don't mind long) answer will be the best. Sorry if I have repeated myself a lot :-)
'newfiles' - A bunch of sentences with punctuation
The code does not show the error but prints the original sentence twice. The error has gone due to the removal of +1 on line 23. Does anyone know why the output repeats twice though?
Problem is, how you qualify what word is, what is not. For instance is comma part of word? In your case that is not mentioned as such, while it is also not a separator. So you end up with separate word comma, or dot, and so on. I have no access to your input, so I can just provide sample:
p = re.compile(r'[\w\:\-\.\,]+|[^[\w\:\-\.\,]\s]')
There is one point - in this case: 'Word', 'word', 'Word', 'Word.', 'word,' are all separate words. Since dot, and coma are parts of word. You can't eat cake and have it. To fix that... you need to store information if there is white space before separation.
Oh, yes. Double output. Files that are stored in the middle - are OK. So something was filed after that. Look at this two lines:
i = differentwords.index(word)
They need to be inside preceding if statement.