Encoding multiple columns - python

In the case a dataframe has two or more columns with numerical and text values, and one Label/Target column, if I want to apply a model like svm, how can I use only the columns I am more interested in?
Data Num Label/Target No_Sense
What happens here? group1 1 Migrate
Customer Management group2 0 Change Stage
Life Cycle Stages group1 1 Restructure
Drop-down allows to select status type group3 1 Restructure Status
and so.
The approach I have taken is
1.encode "Num" column:
one_hot = pd.get_dummies(df['Num'])
df = df.drop('Num',axis = 1)
df = df.join(one_hot)
2.encode "Data" column:
def bag_words(df):
df = basic_preprocessing(df)
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
list_corpus = df["Data"].tolist()
list_labels = df["Label/Target"].tolist()
X = count_vectorizer.transform(list_corpus)
return X, list_labels
Then apply bag_words to the dataset
X, y = bag_words(df)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=40)
Is there anything that I missed in these steps? How can I select only "Data" and "Num" features in my training dataset? (as I think "No_Sense" is not so relevant for my purposes)
EDIT: I have tried with
def bag_words(df):
df = basic_preprocessing(df)
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
list_corpus = df["Data"].tolist()+ df["group1"].tolist()+df["group2"].tolist()+df["group3"].tolist() #<----
list_labels = df["Label/Target"].tolist()
X = count_vectorizer.transform(list_corpus)
return X, list_labels
but I have found the error:
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

I hope this helps you:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
#this part so I can recreate you df from the string you posted
#remove this part !!!!
Data Num Label/Target No_Sense
What happens here? group1 1 Migrate
Customer Management group2 0 Change Stage
Life Cycle Stages group1 1 Restructure
Drop-down allows to select status type group3 1 Restructure Status
df = pd.DataFrame(np.array( [ re.split(r'\s{2,}', line) for line in lines[1:] ] ),
columns = lines[0].split())
#what you want starts from here!!!!:
one_hot = pd.get_dummies(df['Num'])
df = df.drop('Num',axis = 1)
df = df.join(one_hot)
#at this point you have 3 new fetures for 'Num' variable
def bag_words(df):
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
matrix = count_vectorizer.transform(df['Data'])
#this dataframe: `encoded_df`has 15 new features, these are the result of fitting
#the CountVectorizer to the 'Data' variable
encoded_df = pd.DataFrame(data=matrix.toarray(), columns=["Data"+str(i) for i in range(matrix.shape[1])])
#adding them to the dataframe
#getting the numpy arrays that you can use in training
X = df.loc[:, ["Data"+str(i) for i in range(matrix.shape[1])] + ["group1", "group2", "group3"]].to_numpy()
y = df.loc[:, ["Label/Target"]].to_numpy()
return X, y
X, y = bag_words(df)


LinearRegression TypeError

The above screenshot is refereed to as: sample.xlsx. I've been having trouble getting the beta for each stock using the LinearRegression() function.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
df = pd.read_excel('sample.xlsx')
mean = df['ChangePercent'].mean()
for index, row in df.iterrows():
symbol = row['stock']
perc = row['ChangePercent']
x = np.array(perc).reshape((-1, 1))
y = np.array(mean)
model = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)
Line 16: model = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)
"Singleton array %r cannot be considered a valid collection." % x
TypeError: Singleton array array(3.34) cannot be considered a valid collection.
How can I make the collection valid so that I can get a beta value(model.coef_) for each stock?
X and y must have same shape, so you need to reshape both x and y to 1 row and 1 column. In this case it is resumed to the following:
np.array(mean).reshape(-1,1) or np.array(mean).reshape(1,1)
Given that you are training 5 classifiers, each one with just one value, is not surprising that the 5 models will "learn" that the coefficient of the linear regression is 0 and the intercept is 3.37 (y).
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
df = pd.DataFrame({
"stock": ["ABCD", "XYZ", "JK", "OPQ", "GHI"],
"ChangePercent": [-1.7, 30, 3.7, -15.3, 0]
mean = df['ChangePercent'].mean()
for index, row in df.iterrows():
symbol = row['stock']
perc = row['ChangePercent']
x = np.array(perc).reshape(-1,1)
y = np.array(mean).reshape(-1,1)
model = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)
print(f"{model.intercept_} + {model.coef_}*{x} = {y}")
Which is correct from an algorithmic point of view, but it doesn't make any practical sense given that you're only providing one example to train each model.

How to get feature importance in RF

I am trying to get RF feature importance, I fit the random forest on the data like this:
model = RandomForestRegressor()
n = model.fit(self.X_train,self.y_train)
if n is not None:
df = pd.DataFrame(data = n , columns = ["Feature","Importance_Score"])
df["Feature_Name"] = np.array(self.X_Headers)
df = df.drop(["Feature"], axis = 1)
df[["Feature_Name","Importance_Score"]].to_csv("RF_Importances.csv", index = False)
del df
However, the n variable returns None, why is this happening?
Not very sure how model.fit(self.X_train,self.y_train) is supposed to work. Need more information about how you set up the model.
If we set this up using simulated data, it works:
X = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(0,1,(100,5)),columns=['A','B','C','D','E'])
y = np.random.normal(0,1,100)
model = RandomForestRegressor()
n = model.fit(X,y)
if n is not None:
df = pd.DataFrame({'features':X.columns,'importance':n.feature_importances_})
features importance
0 A 0.176091
1 B 0.183817
2 C 0.169927
3 D 0.267574
4 E 0.202591

How to get_feature_names using a column transformer

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder,StandardScaler
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer, make_column_transformer
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
df = pd.DataFrame({'brand' : ['aaaa', 'asdfasdf', 'sadfds', 'NaN'],
'category' : ['asdf','asfa','asdfas','as'],
'num1' : [1, 1, 0, 0] ,
'target' : [0.2,0.11,1.34,1.123]})
train_continuous_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=["int64","float64"]).columns.tolist()
train_categorical_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=["object"]).columns.tolist()
preprocess = make_column_transformer(
(OneHotEncoder(), train_categorical_cols)
df= preprocess.fit_transform(df)
Just trying to get all the feature names:
Getting this error:
Transformer standardscaler (type StandardScaler) does not provide get_feature_names
How can I solve it? The examples online use pipeline and I'm trying to avoid that.
The following re-implementation of the ColumnTransformer returns a pandas DataFrame. Note that it should only be used if you input a pandas DataFrame to your pipeline.
All kudos go to Johannes Haupt who provided the get_feature_names() function that is resilient to transformers that don't have this function (see blogpost Extracting Column Names from the ColumnTransformer). I commented off the warnings because I did not want them and also pre-prending the transformation step to the column name; but it is easy to un-comment as you like.
#import warnings
import sklearn
import pandas as pd
class ColumnTransformerWithNames(ColumnTransformer):
def get_feature_names(column_transformer):
"""Get feature names from all transformers.
feature_names : list of strings
Names of the features produced by transform.
# Remove the internal helper function
# Turn loopkup into function for better handling with pipeline later
def get_names(trans):
# >> Original get_feature_names() method
if trans == 'drop' or (
hasattr(column, '__len__') and not len(column)):
return []
if trans == 'passthrough':
if hasattr(column_transformer, '_df_columns'):
if ((not isinstance(column, slice))
and all(isinstance(col, str) for col in column)):
return column
return column_transformer._df_columns[column]
indices = np.arange(column_transformer._n_features)
return ['x%d' % i for i in indices[column]]
if not hasattr(trans, 'get_feature_names'):
# >>> Change: Return input column names if no method avaiable
# Turn error into a warning
# warnings.warn("Transformer %s (type %s) does not "
# "provide get_feature_names. "
# "Will return input column names if available"
# % (str(name), type(trans).__name__))
# For transformers without a get_features_names method, use the input
# names to the column transformer
if column is None:
return []
return [#name + "__" +
f for f in column]
return [#name + "__" +
f for f in trans.get_feature_names()]
### Start of processing
feature_names = []
# Allow transformers to be pipelines. Pipeline steps are named differently, so preprocessing is needed
if type(column_transformer) == sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline:
l_transformers = [(name, trans, None, None) for step, name, trans in column_transformer._iter()]
# For column transformers, follow the original method
l_transformers = list(column_transformer._iter(fitted=True))
for name, trans, column, _ in l_transformers:
if type(trans) == sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline:
# Recursive call on pipeline
_names = column_transformer.get_feature_names(trans)
# if pipeline has no transformer that returns names
if len(_names)==0:
_names = [#name + "__" +
f for f in column]
return feature_names
def transform(self, X):
indices = X.index.values.tolist()
original_columns = X.columns.values.tolist()
X_mat = super().transform(X)
new_cols = self.get_feature_names()
new_X = pd.DataFrame(X_mat.toarray(), index=indices, columns=new_cols)
return new_X
def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
super().fit_transform(X, y)
return self.transform(X)
Then you can replace the calls to ColumnTransformer to ColumnTransformerWithNames. The output is a DataFrame and this step now has a working get_feature_names().
I am assuming you are looking for ways to access the result of the transformer, which yields a numpy array.
ColumnTransfomer has an attribute called transformers_ :`
From the documentation:
transformers_ : list
The collection of fitted transformers as tuples of
(name, fitted_transformer, column). `fitted_transformer` can be an
estimator, 'drop', or 'passthrough'. In case there were no columns
selected, this will be the unfitted transformer.
If there are remaining columns, the final element is a tuple of the
('remainder', transformer, remaining_columns) corresponding to the
``remainder`` parameter. If there are remaining columns, then
``len(transformers_)==len(transformers)+1``, otherwise
So that provides unfortunately only information on the transformer itself and the column it has been applied to, however not on the location of the resulting data except for the following :
notes: The order of the columns in the transformed feature matrix follows the
order of how the columns are specified in the transformers list.
So we know that the order of the output columns is the same as the order in which the columns are specified in the transformers list. Plus, we also know for our transformer steps how much columns they yield, as a StandardScaler() yields the same number of columns as the original data and OneHotEncoder() yields number of columns equal to the number of categories.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder,StandardScaler
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer, make_column_transformer
df = pd.DataFrame({'brand' : ['aaaa', 'asdfasdf', 'sadfds', 'NaN'],
'category' : ['asdf','asfa','asdfas','asd'],
'num1' : [1, 1, 0, 0] ,
'target' : [0.2,0.11,1.34,1.123]})
train_continuous_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=["int64","float64"]).columns.tolist()
train_categorical_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=["object"]).columns.tolist()
# get n_categories for categorical features
n_categories = [df[x].nunique() for x in train_categorical_cols]
preprocess = make_column_transformer(
(OneHotEncoder(), train_categorical_cols)
preprocessed_df = preprocess.fit_transform(df)
# the scaler yield 1 column each
indexes_scaler = list(range(0,len(train_continuous_cols)))
# the encoder yields a number of columns equal to the number of categories in the data
cum_index_encoder = [0] + list(np.cumsum(n_categories))
# the encoder indexes come after the scaler indexes
start_index_encoder = indexes_scaler[-1]+1
indexes_encoder = [x + start_index_encoder for x in cum_index_encoder]
# get both lower and uper bound of index
index_pairs= zip (indexes_encoder[:-1],indexes_encoder[1:])
This results in the following output:
print ('Transformed {} continious cols resulting in a df with shape:'.format(len(train_continuous_cols)))
print (preprocessed_df[: , indexes_scaler].shape)
Transformed 2 continious cols resulting in a df with shape:
(4, 2)
for column, (start_id, end_id) in zip (train_categorical_cols,index_pairs):
print('Transformed column {} resulted in a df with shape:'.format(column))
print(preprocessed_df[:, start_id:end_id].shape)
Transformed column brand resulted in a df with shape:
(4, 4)
Transformed column category resulted in a df with shape:
(4, 4)

Sklearn logistic regression shape error, but x, y shapes are consistent

I get a ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [20000, 1] when I run the following even though the row values of x and y are correct. I load in the RCV1 dataset, get indices of the categories with the top x documents, create list of tuples with equal number of randomly-selected positives and negatives for each category, and then finally attempt to run a logistic regression on one of the categories.
import sklearn.datasets
from sklearn import model_selection, preprocessing
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import sparse
rcv1 = sklearn.datasets.fetch_rcv1()
def get_top_cat_indices(target_matrix, num_cats):
cat_counts = target_matrix.sum(axis=0)
#cat_counts = cat_counts.reshape((1,103)).tolist()[0]
cat_counts = cat_counts.reshape((103,))
#b = sorted(cat_counts, reverse=True)
ind_temp = np.argsort(cat_counts)[::-1].tolist()[0]
ind = [ind_temp[i] for i in range(5)]
return ind
def prepare_data(x, y, top_cat_indices, sample_size):
res_lst = []
for i in top_cat_indices:
# get column of indices with relevant cat
temp = y.tocsc()[:, i]
# all docs with labeled category
cat_present = x.tocsr()[np.where(temp.sum(axis=1)>0)[0],:]
# all docs other than labelled category
cat_notpresent = x.tocsr()[np.where(temp.sum(axis=1)==0)[0],:]
# get indices equal to 1/2 of sample size
idx_cat = np.random.randint(cat_present.shape[0], size=int(sample_size/2))
idx_nocat = np.random.randint(cat_notpresent.shape[0], size=int(sample_size/2))
# concatenate the ids
sampled_x_pos = cat_present.tocsr()[idx_cat,:]
sampled_x_neg = cat_notpresent.tocsr()[idx_nocat,:]
sampled_x = sparse.vstack((sampled_x_pos, sampled_x_neg))
sampled_y_pos = temp.tocsr()[idx_cat,:]
sampled_y_neg = temp.tocsr()[idx_nocat,:]
sampled_y = sparse.vstack((sampled_y_pos, sampled_y_neg))
res_lst.append((sampled_x, sampled_y))
return res_lst
ind = get_top_cat_indices(rcv1.target, 5)
test_res = prepare_data(train_x, train_y, ind, 20000)
x, y = test_res[0]
LogisticRegression().fit(x, y)
Could it be an issue with the sparse matrices, or problem with dimensionality (there are 20K samples and 47K features)
When I run your code, I get following error:
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'any'
That's because y for LogisticRegression needs to numpy array. So, I changed last line to:
LogisticRegression().fit(x, y.A.flatten())
Then I get following error:
ValueError: This solver needs samples of at least 2 classes in the data, but the data contains only one class: 0
This is because your sampling code has a bug. You need to subset y array with rows having that category before using sampling indices. See code below:
def prepare_data(x, y, top_cat_indices, sample_size):
res_lst = []
for i in top_cat_indices:
# get column of indices with relevant cat
temp = y.tocsc()[:, i]
# all docs with labeled category
c1 = np.where(temp.sum(axis=1)>0)[0]
c2 = np.where(temp.sum(axis=1)==0)[0]
cat_present = x.tocsr()[c1,:]
# all docs other than labelled category
cat_notpresent = x.tocsr()[c2,:]
# get indices equal to 1/2 of sample size
idx_cat = np.random.randint(cat_present.shape[0], size=int(sample_size/2))
idx_nocat = np.random.randint(cat_notpresent.shape[0], size=int(sample_size/2))
# concatenate the ids
sampled_x_pos = cat_present.tocsr()[idx_cat,:]
sampled_x_neg = cat_notpresent.tocsr()[idx_nocat,:]
sampled_x = sparse.vstack((sampled_x_pos, sampled_x_neg))
sampled_y_pos = temp.tocsr()[c1][idx_cat,:]
sampled_y_neg = temp.tocsr()[c2][idx_nocat,:]
sampled_y = sparse.vstack((sampled_y_pos, sampled_y_neg))
res_lst.append((sampled_x, sampled_y))
return res_lst
Now, Everything works like a charm

Do you have to create dummy variables for ordinal variables? Also getting error with conversion

For the dataset that I am working with, the categorical variables are ordinal, ranging from 1 to 5 for three columns. I am going to be feeding this into XGBoost.
Would I be okay to just run this command and skip creating dummy variables:
ser = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype='category')
ser = ser.to_frame()
ser = ser.T
I would like to know conceptually, since the categorical data is ordinal, would simply converting that to type category be adequate for the model? I tried creating dummy variables but all the values become a 1.
As for the code now, it runs but this command returns: 'numpy.int64'.
Am I going about this correctly? Any help would be great!
Edit: updated code
Edit2: Normalizing the numerical data values. Is this logic correct?:
r = [1, 2, 3, 100 ,200]
scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
r = preprocessing.scale(r)
r = pd.Series(r)
r = r.to_frame()
r = r.T
Edit3: This is the dataset.
Just setting categorical variables as dtype="category" is not sufficient and won't work.
You need to convert categorical values to true categorical values with pd.factorize(), where each category is assigned a numerical label.
Let's say df is your pandas dataframe. Then in general you could use this boilerplate code:
df_numeric = df.select_dtypes(exclude=['object'])
df_obj = df.select_dtypes(include=['object']).copy()
# factorize categoricals columnwise
for c in df_obj:
df_obj[c] = pd.factorize(df_obj[c])[0]
# if you want to one hot encode then add this line:
df_obj = pd.get_dummies(df_obj, prefix_sep='_', drop_first = True)
# merge dataframes back to one dataframe
df_final = pd.concat([df_numeric, df_obj], axis=1)
Since your categorical variables already are factorized (as far as I understand), you can skip the factorization and just try one hot encoding.
See also this post on stats.stackexchange.
If you want to standardize/normalize your numerical data (not the categorical) use this function:
from sklearn import preprocessing
def scale_data(data, scale="robust"):
x = data.values
if scale == "minmax":
scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
x_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(x)
elif scale == "standard":
scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
x_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(x)
elif scale == "quantile":
scaler = preprocessing.QuantileTransformer()
x_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(x)
elif scale == "robust":
scaler = preprocessing.RobustScaler()
x_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(x)
data = pd.DataFrame(x_scaled, columns = data.columns)
return data
scaled_df = scale_data(df_numeric, "robust")
Putting it all together for your dataset:
from sklearn import preprocessing
df = pd.read_excel("default of credit card clients.xls", skiprows=1)
y = df['default payment next month'] #target variable
del df['default payment next month']
c = [2,3,4] # index of categorical data columns
r = list(range(0,24))
r = [x for x in r if x not in c] # get list of all other columns
df_cat = df.iloc[:, [2,3,4]].copy()
df_con = df.iloc[:, r].copy()
# factorize categorical data
for c in df_cat:
df_cat[c] = pd.factorize(df_cat[c])[0]
# scale continuous data
scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
df_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(df_con)
df_scaled = pd.DataFrame(df_scaled, columns=df_con.columns)
df_final = pd.concat([df_cat, df_scaled], axis=1)
#reorder columns back to original order
cols = df.columns
df_final = df_final[cols]
To further improve the code, do the train/test split before normalization, fit_transform() on the training data and just transform() on the test data. Otherwise you will have a data leak.
