I am trying to achieve pagination with distinct using pymongo.
I have records
name: string,
roll: integer,
address: string,
I only want name for each record, where name can be duplicate, so i want distinct name with pagination.
result = collection.aggregate([
Problem is, with this query, each time I query I get different result for same page number
Looked into this answer
Distinct() command used with skip() and limit()
but didn't help in my case.
How do I resolve this.
Thanks in advance!
I've tried to sort after the group and it seems to solve the problem
"$group": {
"_id": "$name"
"$sort": {
"_id": 1
"$skip": 0
"$limit": 1
try it here
I am trying to combine two SQLAlchemyConnectionField. The current error i face is graphql.error.base.GraphQLError: Expected value of type "PostsObject" but got: Tag
My current connections are defined like so posts = SQLAlchemyConnectionField(PostsObject.connection, /* input arguments like posts(name: "") */) Is there a way to add another type or allow to return something like
"data": {
"posts": {
"edges": [
"node": "Different table"
"node": "Other table"
I am using graphene_sqlalchemy well anyway thats all thanks !
I have a collection of accounts and I am trying to find an account in which the targetAmount >= totalAmount + N
"_id": {
"$oid": "60d097b761484f6ad65b5305"
"targetAmount": 100,
"totalAmount": 0,
"highPriority": false,
"lastTimeUsed": 1624283088
Now I just select all accounts, iterate over them and check if the condition is met. But I'm trying to do this all in a query:
amount = 10
tasks = ProviderAccountTaskModel.objects(
'targetAmount': {
'$gte': {'$add': ['totalAmount', amount]}
).order_by('-highPriority', 'lastTimeUsed')
I have also tried using the $sum, but both options do not work.
Can't it be used when searching, or am I just going the wrong way?
You can use a $where. Just be aware it will be fairly slow (has to execute Javascript code on every record) so combine with indexed queries if you can.
db.getCollection('YourCollectionName').find( { $where: function() { return this.targetAmount > (this.totalAmount + 10) } })
or more compact way of doing it will be
db.getCollection('YourCollectionName').find( { $where: "this.targetAmount > this.totalAmount + 10" })
You have to use aggregation instead of the find command since self-referencing of documents in addition to arithmetic operations won't work on it.
Below is the aggregation command you are looking for. Convert it into motoengine equivalent command.
"$match": {
"$expr": {
"$gte": [
"$sum": [
"$sort": {
"highPriority": -1,
"lastTimeUsed": 1,
Mongo Playground Sample Execution
I have a collection containing country records, I need to find particular country with uid and it's countryId
Below is the sample collection data:
"uid": 15024,
"countries": [{
"countryId": 123,
"popullation": 45000000
"countryId": 456,
"poppulation": 9000000000
"uid": 15025,
"countries": [{
"countryId": 987,
"popullation": 560000000
"countryId": 456,
"poppulation": 8900000000
I have tried with below query in in python but unable to find any result:
foundRecord = collection.find_one({"uid" : 15024, "countries.countryId": 456})
but it return None.
Please help and suggest.
I think following will work better :
foundRecord = collection.find_one({"uid" : 15024,
"countries" : {"$elemMatch" : { "countryId" : 456 }})
Are you sure you're using the same Database / Collection source?
Seems that you're saving results on another collection.
I've tried to reproduce your problem and it works on my mongodb ( note that I'm using v4)
EDIT: Would be nice to have the piece of code where you're defining "collection"
i am using elasticsearch with python as client. I want to query through a list of companies. Say Company field values are
Scenario 1(using elasticsearch-dsl python)
s = Search(using=client, index="index-test") \
.query("match", Company="N")
So when i put N in query match i don't get Normn or Nerth. I think its probably because of tokenization based on words.
Scenario 2(using elasticsearch-dsl python)
s = Search(using=client, index="index-test") \
.query("match", Company="Normn")
When i enter Normn i get the output clearly. So how can i make the search active when i enter letter n as in above scenario 1.
I think you are looking for a prefix search. I don't know the python syntax but the direct query would look like this:
GET index-test/_search
"query": {
"prefix": {
"company": {
"value": "N"
See here for more info.
If I understand correctly you need to query companies started with specific letter
In this case you can use this query
"query": {
"regexp": {
"Company": "n.*"
please read query types from here
for this case, you can use the code below:
s = Search(using=client, index="index-test").\
.query("match_phrase_prefix", Company="N")
you can use multi-match query for Company and Another field like this:
s = Search(using=client, index="index-test").\
.query("multi_match", query="N", fields=['Company','Another_field'],type='phrase_prefix')
I have the following code in python:
from pymongo import Connection
import bson
c = Connection()
db = c.twitter
ids = db.users_from_united_states.distinct("user.id")
for i in ids:
count = db.users_from_united_states.find({"user.id":i}).count()
for u in db.users_from_united_states.find({"user.id":i, "tweets_text": {"$size": count}}).limit(1):
I need to get all the users and find the register of each user where the number of tweets_text is equal to the number of times that it appears in the collection (meaning that this document contains ALL the tweets that the same user posted).
Then, I need to save it in another collection, or just group it on the same collection.
When I run this code it gives me a number of documents that is less than the ids number
I saw something about mapReduce but I just can't figure out how to use it in my case.
I tried to run another code directly on mongodb but it hasn't worked at all:
var ids = db.users_from_united_states.distinct("user.id")
for (i=0; i< ids.length; i++){
var count = db.users_from_united_states.find({"user.id":ids[i]}).count()
db.users_from_united_states.find({"user.id":ids[i], "tweets_text": {$size: count}).limit(1).forEach(function(doc){db.my_usa_fitness_network.insert(doc)})
Can you help me please? I have a huge project and I need help. Thank you.
"$group": {
"_id": "$user.id",
"my_fitness_data": {
"$push": "$text"
"$project": {
"UserId": "$_id",
"TweetsCount": {
"$size": "$my_fitness_data"
"Tweets": "$my_fitness_data"