There is an equation of exponential truncated power law in the article below:
Gonzalez, M. C., Hidalgo, C. A., & Barabasi, A. L. (2008). Understanding individual human mobility patterns. Nature, 453(7196), 779-782.
like this:
It is an exponential truncated power law. There are three parameters to be estimated: rg0, beta and K. Now we have got several users' radius of gyration(rg), and uploaded it onto Github: radius of gyrations.txt
The following codes can be used to read data and calculate P(rg):
import numpy as np
# read radius of gyration from file
rg = []
with open('/path-to-the-data/radius of gyrations.txt', 'r') as f:
for i in f:
# calculate P(rg)
rg = sorted(rg, reverse=True)
rg = np.array(rg)
prg = np.arange(len(sorted_data)) / float(len(sorted_data)-1)
or you can directly get rg and prg data as the following:
rg = np.array([ 20.7863444 , 9.40547933, 8.70934714, 8.62690145,
7.16978087, 7.02575052, 6.45280959, 6.44755478,
5.16630287, 5.16092884, 5.15618737, 5.05610068,
4.87023561, 4.66753197, 4.41807645, 4.2635671 ,
3.54454372, 2.7087178 , 2.39016885, 1.9483156 ,
1.78393238, 1.75432688, 1.12789787, 1.02098332,
0.92653501, 0.32586582, 0.1514813 , 0.09722761,
0. , 0. ])
prg = np.array([ 0. , 0.03448276, 0.06896552, 0.10344828, 0.13793103,
0.17241379, 0.20689655, 0.24137931, 0.27586207, 0.31034483,
0.34482759, 0.37931034, 0.4137931 , 0.44827586, 0.48275862,
0.51724138, 0.55172414, 0.5862069 , 0.62068966, 0.65517241,
0.68965517, 0.72413793, 0.75862069, 0.79310345, 0.82758621,
0.86206897, 0.89655172, 0.93103448, 0.96551724, 1. ])
I can plot the P(r_g) and r_g using the following python script:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.plot(rg, prg, 'bs', alpha = 0.3)
# roughly estimated params:
# rg0=1.8, beta=0.15, K=5
plt.plot(rg, (rg+1.8)**-.15*np.exp(-rg/5))
plt.xlabel('$r_g$', fontsize = 20)
plt.ylabel('$P(r_g)$', fontsize = 20)
How can I use these data of rgs to estimate the three parameters above? I hope to solve it using python.
According to #Michael 's suggestion, we can solve the problem using scipy.optimize.curve_fit
def func(rg, rg0, beta, K):
return (rg + rg0) ** (-beta) * np.exp(-rg / K)
from scipy import optimize
popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(func, rg, prg, p0=[1.8, 0.15, 5])
print popt
print pcov
The results are given below:
[ 1.04303608e+03 3.02058550e-03 4.85784945e+00]
[[ 1.38243336e+18 -6.14278286e+11 -1.14784675e+11]
[ -6.14278286e+11 2.72951900e+05 5.10040746e+04]
[ -1.14784675e+11 5.10040746e+04 9.53072925e+03]]
Then we can inspect the results by plotting the fitted curve.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(rg, prg, 'bs', alpha = 0.3)
plt.plot(rg, (rg+popt[0])**-(popt[1])*np.exp(-rg/popt[2]) )
plt.xlabel('$r_g$', fontsize = 20)
plt.ylabel('$P(r_g)$', fontsize = 20)
Running the following code,
x = np.array([50.849937, 53.849937, 56.849937, 59.849937, 62.849937, 65.849937, 68.849937, 71.849937, 74.849937, 77.849937, 80.849937, 83.849937, 86.849937, 89.849937, 92.849937])
y = np.array([410.67800, 402.63800, 402.63800, 386.55800, 330.27600, 217.71400, 72.98990, 16.70860, 8.66833, 40.82920, 241.83400, 386.55800, 394.59800, 394.59800, 402.63800])
def f(om, a, i , c):
return a - i*np.exp(- c* (om-74.)**2)
par, cov = curve_fit(f, x, y)
stdev = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov) )
produces this Graph,
With the following parameters and standard deviation:
par = [ 4.09652163e+02, 4.33961227e+02, 1.58719772e-02]
stdev = [ 1.46309578e+01, 2.44878171e+01, 2.40474753e-03]
However, when trying to fit this data to the following function:
def f(om, a, i , c, omo):
return a - i*np.exp(- c* (om-omo)**2)
It doesn't work, it produces a standard deviation of
stdev = [inf, inf, inf, inf, inf]
Is there any way to fix this?
It looks like it isn't converging (see this and this). Try adding an initial condition,
par, cov = curve_fit(f, x, y, p0=[1.,1.,1.,74.])
which results in the
par = [ 4.11892318e+02, 4.36953868e+02, 1.55741131e-02, 7.32560690e+01])
stdev = [ 1.17579445e+01, 1.94401006e+01, 1.86709423e-03, 2.62952690e-01]
You can calculate the initial condition from data:
%matplotlib inline
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
x = np.array([50.849937, 53.849937, 56.849937, 59.849937, 62.849937, 65.849937, 68.849937, 71.849937, 74.849937, 77.849937, 80.849937, 83.849937, 86.849937, 89.849937, 92.849937])
y = np.array([410.67800, 402.63800, 402.63800, 386.55800, 330.27600, 217.71400, 72.98990, 16.70860, 8.66833, 40.82920, 241.83400, 386.55800, 394.59800, 394.59800, 402.63800])
def f(om, a, i , c, omo):
return a - i*np.exp(- c* (om-omo)**2)
par, cov = curve_fit(f, x, y, p0=[y.max(), y.ptp(), 1, x[np.argmin(y)]])
stdev = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov) )
pl.plot(x, y, "o")
x2 = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 100)
pl.plot(x2, f(x2, *par))
I am trying to fit a morse potential using a python and scipy.
The morse potential is defined as:
V = D*(exp(-2*m*(x-u)) - 2*exp(-m*(x-u)))
where D, m and u are the parameters I need to extract.
Unfortunately the fit is not satisfactory as you can see below (sorry I do not have 10 reputation so the image has to be clicked). Could anyone help me please? I must say I am not the best programmer with python.
Here is my code:
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xdata2=np.array([1.0 ,1.1 ,1.2 ,1.3 ,1.4 ,1.5 ,1.6 ,1.7 ,1.8 ,1.9 ,2.0 ,2.1 ,2.2 ,2.3 ,2.4 ,2.5 ,2.6 ,2.7 ,2.8 ,2.9 ,3.0 ,3.1 ,3.2 ,3.3 ,3.4 ,3.5 ,3.6 ,3.7 ,3.8 ,3.9 ,4.0 ,4.1 ,4.2 ,4.3 ,4.4 ,4.5 ,4.6 ,4.7 ,4.8 ,4.9 ,5.0 ,5.1 ,5.2 ,5.3 ,5.4 ,5.5 ,5.6 ,5.7 ,5.8 ,5.9])
def morse(q, m, u, x ):
return (q * (np.exp(-2*m*(x-u))-2*np.exp(-m*(x-u))))
popt, pcov = curve_fit(morse, xdata2, ydata2, maxfev=40000000)
yfit = morse(t,popt[0], popt[1], popt[2])
print popt
plt.plot(xdata2, ydata2,"ro")
plt.plot(t, yfit)
Old fit before gboffi's comment
I am guessing the exact depth of the morse potential does not interest you overly much. So I added an additional parameter to shift the morse potential up and down (v), includes #gboffis comment. Furthermore, the first argument of your function must be the arguments, not the parameters you want to fit (see
In addition, such fits are dependent on your starting position. The following should give you what you want.
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xdata2=np.array([1.0 ,1.1 ,1.2 ,1.3 ,1.4 ,1.5 ,1.6 ,1.7 ,1.8 ,1.9 ,2.0 ,2.1 ,2.2 ,2.3 ,2.4 ,2.5 ,2.6 ,2.7 ,2.8 ,2.9 ,3.0 ,3.1 ,3.2 ,3.3 ,3.4 ,3.5 ,3.6 ,3.7 ,3.8 ,3.9 ,4.0 ,4.1 ,4.2 ,4.3 ,4.4 ,4.5 ,4.6 ,4.7 ,4.8 ,4.9 ,5.0 ,5.1 ,5.2 ,5.3 ,5.4 ,5.5 ,5.6 ,5.7 ,5.8 ,5.9])
tstart = [1.e+3, 1, 3, 0]
def morse(x, q, m, u , v):
return (q * (np.exp(-2*m*(x-u))-2*np.exp(-m*(x-u))) + v)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(morse, xdata2, ydata2, p0 = tstart, maxfev=40000000)
print popt # [ 5.10155662 1.43329962 1.7991549 -1378.53461345]
yfit = morse(t,popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3])
#print popt
plt.plot(xdata2, ydata2,"ro")
plt.plot(t, yfit)
I have a x and y one-dimension numpy array and I would like to reproduce y with a known function to obtain "beta". Here is the code I am using:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
y = array([ 0.04022493, 0.04287536, 0.03983657, 0.0393201 , 0.03810298,
0.0363814 , 0.0331144 , 0.03074823, 0.02795767, 0.02413816,
0.02180802, 0.01861309, 0.01632699, 0.01368056, 0.01124232,
0.01005323, 0.00867196, 0.00940864, 0.00961282, 0.00892419,
0.01048963, 0.01199101, 0.01533408, 0.01855704, 0.02163586,
0.02630014, 0.02971127, 0.03511223, 0.03941218, 0.04280329,
0.04689105, 0.04960554, 0.05232003, 0.05487037, 0.05843364,
x= array([ 0., 0.08975979, 0.17951958, 0.26927937, 0.35903916,
0.44879895, 0.53855874, 0.62831853, 0.71807832, 0.80783811,
0.8975979 , 0.98735769, 1.07711748, 1.16687727, 1.25663706,
1.34639685, 1.43615664, 1.52591643, 1.61567622, 1.70543601,
1.7951958 , 1.88495559, 1.97471538, 2.06447517, 2.15423496,
2.24399475, 2.33375454, 2.42351433, 2.51327412, 2.60303391,
2.6927937 , 2.78255349, 2.87231328, 2.96207307, 3.05183286,
def func(x,beta):
return 1.0/(4.0*np.pi)*(1+beta*(3.0/2*np.cos(x)**2-1.0/2))
guesses = [20]
popt,pcov = curve_fit(func,x,y,p0=guesses)
y_fit = 1/(4.0*np.pi)*(1+popt[0]*(3.0/2*np.cos(x)**2-1.0/2))
The code works but the fitting is completely off (see picture). Any idea why?
It looks like the formula to use contains an additional parameter, i.e. p
def func(x,beta,p):
return p/(4.0*np.pi)*(1+beta*(3.0/2*np.cos(x)**2-1.0/2))
guesses = [20,5]
popt,pcov = curve_fit(func,x,y,p0=guesses)
y_fit = func(angle_plot,*popt)
print popt # [ 1.23341604 0.27362069]
In the popt which one is beta and which one is p?
This is perhaps not what you want but, if you are just trying to get a good fit to the data, you could use np.polyfit:
fit = np.polyfit(x,y,4)
fit_fn = np.poly1d(fit)
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
Note that fit gives the coefficient values of, in this case, a 4th order polynomial:
>>> fit
array([-0.00877534, 0.05561778, -0.09494909, 0.02634183, 0.03936857])
This is going to be as good as you can get (assuming you get the equation right as #mdurant suggested), an additional intercept term is required to further improve the fit:
def func(x,beta, icpt):
return 1.0/(4.0*np.pi)*(1+beta*(3.0/2*np.cos(x)**2-1.0/2))+icpt
guesses = [20, 0]
popt,pcov = curve_fit(func,x,y,p0=guesses)
y_fit = func(x, *popt)
plt.plot(x,y,'ro', x,y_fit,'k-')
print popt #[ 0.33748816 -0.05780343]
This seems simple but I can't quite figure it out. I have a curve calculated from x,y data. Then I have a line. I want to find the x, y values for where the two intersect.
Here is what I've got so far. It's super confusing and doesn't give the correct result. I can look at the graph and find the intersection x value and calculate the correct y value. I'd like to remove this human step.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import *
from scipy import linalg
import sys
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
import scipy.optimize as optimize
w = np.array([0.0, 11.11111111111111, 22.22222222222222, 33.333333333333336, 44.44444444444444, 55.55555555555556, 66.66666666666667, 77.77777777777777, 88.88888888888889, 100.0])
v = np.array([0.0, 8.333333333333332, 16.666666666666664, 25.0, 36.11111111111111, 47.22222222222222, 58.333333333333336, 72.22222222222221, 86.11111111111111, 100.0])
z = np.polyfit(w, v, 2)
print (z)
g = np.polyval(z,w)
print (g)
print (e)
def pdiff(x):
return p1(x)-p2(x)
for val in x_mid:
root,infodict,ier,mesg = optimize.fsolve(pdiff,val,full_output=True)
# ier==1 indicates a root has been found
if ier==1 and x_min<root<x_max:
plt.plot(w,v, 'r', a, -a+99, 'b-')
q=input("what is the intersection value? ")
print (p(q))
Any ideas to get this to work?
I don't think I fully understand what you are trying to do in your code, but what you described in English can be done with
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
w = np.array([0.0, 11.11111111111111, 22.22222222222222, 33.333333333333336,
44.44444444444444, 55.55555555555556, 66.66666666666667,
77.77777777777777, 88.88888888888889, 100.0])
v = np.array([0.0, 8.333333333333332, 16.666666666666664, 25.0,
36.11111111111111, 47.22222222222222, 58.333333333333336,
72.22222222222221, 86.11111111111111, 100.0])
poly_coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(w, v, 2)
poly = np.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial(poly_coeff)
roots = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyroots(poly_coeff - [99, -1, 0])
x = np.linspace(np.min(roots) - 50, np.max(roots) + 50, num=1000)
plt.plot(x, poly(x), 'r-')
plt.plot(x, 99 - x, 'b-')
for root in roots:
plt.plot(root, 99 - root, 'ro')