Finding the intersection of a curve from polyfit - python

This seems simple but I can't quite figure it out. I have a curve calculated from x,y data. Then I have a line. I want to find the x, y values for where the two intersect.
Here is what I've got so far. It's super confusing and doesn't give the correct result. I can look at the graph and find the intersection x value and calculate the correct y value. I'd like to remove this human step.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import *
from scipy import linalg
import sys
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
import scipy.optimize as optimize
w = np.array([0.0, 11.11111111111111, 22.22222222222222, 33.333333333333336, 44.44444444444444, 55.55555555555556, 66.66666666666667, 77.77777777777777, 88.88888888888889, 100.0])
v = np.array([0.0, 8.333333333333332, 16.666666666666664, 25.0, 36.11111111111111, 47.22222222222222, 58.333333333333336, 72.22222222222221, 86.11111111111111, 100.0])
z = np.polyfit(w, v, 2)
print (z)
g = np.polyval(z,w)
print (g)
print (e)
def pdiff(x):
return p1(x)-p2(x)
for val in x_mid:
root,infodict,ier,mesg = optimize.fsolve(pdiff,val,full_output=True)
# ier==1 indicates a root has been found
if ier==1 and x_min<root<x_max:
plt.plot(w,v, 'r', a, -a+99, 'b-')
q=input("what is the intersection value? ")
print (p(q))
Any ideas to get this to work?

I don't think I fully understand what you are trying to do in your code, but what you described in English can be done with
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
w = np.array([0.0, 11.11111111111111, 22.22222222222222, 33.333333333333336,
44.44444444444444, 55.55555555555556, 66.66666666666667,
77.77777777777777, 88.88888888888889, 100.0])
v = np.array([0.0, 8.333333333333332, 16.666666666666664, 25.0,
36.11111111111111, 47.22222222222222, 58.333333333333336,
72.22222222222221, 86.11111111111111, 100.0])
poly_coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(w, v, 2)
poly = np.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial(poly_coeff)
roots = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyroots(poly_coeff - [99, -1, 0])
x = np.linspace(np.min(roots) - 50, np.max(roots) + 50, num=1000)
plt.plot(x, poly(x), 'r-')
plt.plot(x, 99 - x, 'b-')
for root in roots:
plt.plot(root, 99 - root, 'ro')


interpolate, derivate and integrate a function -- some math fun

I have a problem. I have three lists. The list_umf are the x values and list list_kf are the y values, while list_kfm are y values, too. kfm is the integral of kf. The values are the output of my code.
To show that kfm is the integral of kf, I want to calculate the derivative of kfm, which shuold be the same as kf. But the re calculated kfm (list_kf_re) is just 101.0 every time.
Whats wrong with my code?
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate, interpolate
from scipy.misc import derivative as deriv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
list_kfm = [15.348748494618041, 26.240336614039776, 37.76846357985518, 49.80068952374503, 62.25356792292074, 75.0692188764684, 88.20491343740369, 101.6276911997135,
115.31128207665246, 129.2342114999071, 143.37856687640036, 157.72915825067278, 172.27292637703843, 186.9985127198004, 201.89593919604192, 216.95636451973587]
list_kf = [168.08871431597626, 179.78615963605742, 188.728883379148, 196.0371678709251, 202.25334207341422, 207.68364358717665, 212.51893919883966, 216.88670040685466,
220.87653440371076, 224.55397301446894, 227.96847485999652, 231.15833919688876, 234.1538643061246, 236.97945558527186, 239.65507793294745, 242.19728380107006]
list_umf = [0.1, 0.15000000000000002, 0.20000000000000004, 0.25000000000000006, 0.30000000000000004, 0.3500000000000001, 0.40000000000000013, 0.45000000000000007,
0.5000000000000001, 0.5500000000000002, 0.6000000000000002, 0.6500000000000001, 0.7000000000000002, 0.7500000000000002, 0.8000000000000002, 0.8500000000000002]
f = interpolate.interp1d(
list_umf, list_kfm, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(15, 217))
list_kf_re = [deriv(f, x) for x in list_umf]
plt.plot(list_umf, list_kfm, label='kfm')
plt.plot(list_umf, list_kf, label='kf')
plt.plot(list_umf, list_kf_re, label='kfre')
Use UnivariateSpline to create an interpolator that you can later apply integral or derivative functions (see this post)
import numpy as np
#from scipy import integrate, interpolate
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as US, InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as IUS
#from scipy.misc import derivative as deriv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
list_kfm = [15.348748494618041, 26.240336614039776, 37.76846357985518, 49.80068952374503, 62.25356792292074, 75.0692188764684, 88.20491343740369, 101.6276911997135,
115.31128207665246, 129.2342114999071, 143.37856687640036, 157.72915825067278, 172.27292637703843, 186.9985127198004, 201.89593919604192, 216.95636451973587]
list_kf = [168.08871431597626, 179.78615963605742, 188.728883379148, 196.0371678709251, 202.25334207341422, 207.68364358717665, 212.51893919883966, 216.88670040685466,
220.87653440371076, 224.55397301446894, 227.96847485999652, 231.15833919688876, 234.1538643061246, 236.97945558527186, 239.65507793294745, 242.19728380107006]
list_umf = [0.1, 0.15000000000000002, 0.20000000000000004, 0.25000000000000006, 0.30000000000000004, 0.3500000000000001, 0.40000000000000013, 0.45000000000000007,
0.5000000000000001, 0.5500000000000002, 0.6000000000000002, 0.6500000000000001, 0.7000000000000002, 0.7500000000000002, 0.8000000000000002, 0.8500000000000002]
f = US(list_umf, list_kfm)
list_kf_re = [f.derivative()(x) for x in list_umf]
plt.plot(list_umf, list_kfm, label='kfm')
plt.plot(list_umf, list_kf, label='kf')
plt.plot(list_umf, list_kf_re, label='kfre')
plt.plot(list_umf, list_kf, 'o', label='kfre_2')

Exponential fit on a histogram

I'm trying to fit an exponential curve on a histogram created from the variable y1_pt and then get the exponential's parameters. Problem is it gives me the following warnings:
OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated
and pcov_exponential =
array([[inf, inf, inf],
[inf, inf, inf],
[inf, inf, inf]]))
and the result is more an exponential fit which looks to me slightly random.. (see plot)
Does anyone have a clue as to what's wrong?
import pandas as pd
import numpy
from pylab import *
import scipy.stats as ss
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
pty1 = df1['y1_pt']
bins1 = numpy.linspace(35, 1235, 100)
counts, bins = numpy.histogram(pty1, bins = bins1, range = [35, 1235], density = False)
binscenters = numpy.array([0.5 * (bins1[i] + bins1[i+1]) for i in range(len(bins1)-1)])
def exponential(x, a, k, b):
return a*np.exp(-x*k) + b
popt_exponential, pcov_exponential = curve_fit(exponential, xdata=binscenters, ydata=counts)
xspace = numpy.linspace(0, 6, 100000), counts, color='navy', label=r'Histogram entries')
plt.plot(xspace, exponential(xspace, *popt_exponential), color='darkorange', linewidth=2.5, label=r'Fitted function')
I think you are missing a minus sign in the exponential formula, hence the overflow. It should be a * np.exp( - x * k) + b
See the example at

why is it so bad that using acceptance-rejection-sampling for computing integral

I want to compute $\int_1^2 x^2 dx$ using the acceptance-rejection-sampling method, but it performs not well as my expectation.
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12,8)
def acceptRejectSampling(number,p,c):
while len(sample)<number:
y = random.uniform(2, 4)
u = random.uniform(0, c)
if u <= p(y):
return sample
def f(x):#the domain of x is [1,2]
return x**2
def p(y):# pdf of y, the domain of y is [2,4]
return 0.5/(y**(0.5))
print("monte calro estimator: ",np.mean([f(i) for i in X]))
#acceptance rejection sampling
cc=[c for i in range(200)]
print("acceptance-rejection-sampling estimator: ", np.mean(samples))
plt.plot(y,cc, '--',label='c*g(x)')
py=[p(i) for i in y]
plt.plot(y, py,label='p(y)')
plt.hist(samples, bins=50, density=True,label='sampling')
the output of code is:
aera: 2.3333333333333335
monte calro estimator: 2.391469143847661
acceptance-rejection-sampling estimator: 2.938527759943371
I am confused that why acceptance-rejection-sampling performs so bad and I want to consult you guys on this problem. please help me, thank you very much!

morse potential fit using python and curve fit from scipy

I am trying to fit a morse potential using a python and scipy.
The morse potential is defined as:
V = D*(exp(-2*m*(x-u)) - 2*exp(-m*(x-u)))
where D, m and u are the parameters I need to extract.
Unfortunately the fit is not satisfactory as you can see below (sorry I do not have 10 reputation so the image has to be clicked). Could anyone help me please? I must say I am not the best programmer with python.
Here is my code:
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xdata2=np.array([1.0 ,1.1 ,1.2 ,1.3 ,1.4 ,1.5 ,1.6 ,1.7 ,1.8 ,1.9 ,2.0 ,2.1 ,2.2 ,2.3 ,2.4 ,2.5 ,2.6 ,2.7 ,2.8 ,2.9 ,3.0 ,3.1 ,3.2 ,3.3 ,3.4 ,3.5 ,3.6 ,3.7 ,3.8 ,3.9 ,4.0 ,4.1 ,4.2 ,4.3 ,4.4 ,4.5 ,4.6 ,4.7 ,4.8 ,4.9 ,5.0 ,5.1 ,5.2 ,5.3 ,5.4 ,5.5 ,5.6 ,5.7 ,5.8 ,5.9])
def morse(q, m, u, x ):
return (q * (np.exp(-2*m*(x-u))-2*np.exp(-m*(x-u))))
popt, pcov = curve_fit(morse, xdata2, ydata2, maxfev=40000000)
yfit = morse(t,popt[0], popt[1], popt[2])
print popt
plt.plot(xdata2, ydata2,"ro")
plt.plot(t, yfit)
Old fit before gboffi's comment
I am guessing the exact depth of the morse potential does not interest you overly much. So I added an additional parameter to shift the morse potential up and down (v), includes #gboffis comment. Furthermore, the first argument of your function must be the arguments, not the parameters you want to fit (see
In addition, such fits are dependent on your starting position. The following should give you what you want.
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xdata2=np.array([1.0 ,1.1 ,1.2 ,1.3 ,1.4 ,1.5 ,1.6 ,1.7 ,1.8 ,1.9 ,2.0 ,2.1 ,2.2 ,2.3 ,2.4 ,2.5 ,2.6 ,2.7 ,2.8 ,2.9 ,3.0 ,3.1 ,3.2 ,3.3 ,3.4 ,3.5 ,3.6 ,3.7 ,3.8 ,3.9 ,4.0 ,4.1 ,4.2 ,4.3 ,4.4 ,4.5 ,4.6 ,4.7 ,4.8 ,4.9 ,5.0 ,5.1 ,5.2 ,5.3 ,5.4 ,5.5 ,5.6 ,5.7 ,5.8 ,5.9])
tstart = [1.e+3, 1, 3, 0]
def morse(x, q, m, u , v):
return (q * (np.exp(-2*m*(x-u))-2*np.exp(-m*(x-u))) + v)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(morse, xdata2, ydata2, p0 = tstart, maxfev=40000000)
print popt # [ 5.10155662 1.43329962 1.7991549 -1378.53461345]
yfit = morse(t,popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3])
#print popt
plt.plot(xdata2, ydata2,"ro")
plt.plot(t, yfit)

'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable when using a CALLABLE function in minimization

I keep getting the numpy.ndarray object is not callable error. I know that this mistake happens because one uses an np.array instead of a function. The problem in my code, is that I am indeed using a function to run the minimize python function.
Could someone please let me know what is happening?
The code is here:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Oct 15 06:27:54 2015
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Oct 12 20:22:27 2015
# Midterm Macroeconometrics
import numpy as np
from numpy import log
import numpy.linalg as linalg
from scipy import *
from scipy.optimize import fminbound, broyden1, brentq, bisect, minimize
from scipy import interp
import pylab as pl
#from numdifftools import Gradient, Jacobian, Derivative
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
from matplotlib import cm
import as sio
import os
#Importing data from text file- using Pandas.
os.chdir(r'/Users/camilahenao/Dropbox/UIUC Phd Econ/Year 3/Fall/macroeconometrics shin/Homework/ps3-MIDTERM')
data=pd.read_csv(r'midterm2015.csv', header= None)
data.columns = ['GDP_I', 'GDP_E']
y= np.vstack((GDP_I,GDP_E))
def kalman2(a_old, p_old, Z, gamma, theta, y):
mu, rho, h_I, h_E, h_G = theta[0], theta[1], np.log(theta[2]), np.log(theta[3]), np.log(theta[4])
sigma_I= np.exp(h_I)
sigma_E= np.exp(h_E)
sigma_G= np.exp(h_G)
H = np.array([[sigmaI,0],[0, sigmaE]])
list_a = np.array([a_old])
list_p = np.array([p_old])
list_f = np.array([])
list_v = np.array([])
log_likelihood_Y= np.array([ ])
list_log_like_sum = np.array([])
for i in range(y[0].size):
inv= np.matrix(linalg.inv(Z*p_old*Z.T+H))
cosa= Z.T*inv
temp= p_old*cosa
a_new= np.array(a_old +temp*(np.array([[y[0][i]],[y[1][i]]])-Z*a_old-gamma*w))[0]
p_new= np.array(p_old - temp* Z*p_old)[0]
list_p=np.hstack((list_p, p_new))
#Transform the previous posterior into prior-
p_old=T*p_new*T + R*Q*R #25
#Moments for log-likelihood:
f= np.linalg.det(Z*p_old*Z.T + H)
list_f= np.hstack((list_f,f))
#print list_f
v= np.array([[y[0][i]],[y[1][i]]])-Z*a_old - gamma*w
v_element= np.array((v.T *np.matrix(np.linalg.inv(Z*p_old*Z.T + H)) *v))[0]
#print list_v
#Log likelihood function for each period of time:
log_like= (-N*(Time-1)/2*np.log(2*pi)-(1/2)*sum(log(list_f)) -(1/2)*sum(list_v))
log_likelihood_Y=np.hstack((log_likelihood_Y, log_like))
#Create the sum over all Time of the log-likelihood
list_log_like_sum=np.hstack((list_log_like_sum, log_like_sum))
return list_a, list_p, log_likelihood_Y, list_log_like_sum
#Define the "callable function"
def mle(a_old, p_old, Z, gamma, theta, y, bds):
a, P, py, py_sum = kalman2(a_old, p_old, Z, gamma, theta, y)
mle= -1*py_sum
return mle
#Run the minimization algorithm
theta2=(.8, 3.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0)
p_old= sigmaG/(1-rho**2)
bds = [[-10e100, 10e100], [-10e100, 10e100], [1e-6, 10e100], [1e-6, 10e100], [1e-6, 10e100]]
theta_guess = [3, 0.8, np.sqrt(5), np.sqrt(5), np.sqrt(5)]
result = minimize(mle(a_old, p_old, Z, gamma, theta, y, bds), theta_guess, bounds = bds)
As Warren Weckesser mentioned in a comment, you're passing the result of calling mle(a_old, p_old, Z, gamma, theta, y, bds) — which is a floating point value — as the first argument to the minimize() function. According to the scipy documentation the first argument to minimize() should be a callable function, so for starters you're going to need to change the call it so it's something like this:
result = minimize(mle, (a_old, p_old, Z, gamma, theta, y, bds),
theta_guess, bounds=bds)
However you're going to run into new problems because your mle() function doesn't accept a vector as its first argument, which is required of the function you pass to minimize() — so you're also going to need to modify its definition accordingly.
Unfortunately I don't understand enough of what you're actually trying to accomplish to suggest how you should do that.
