delete a frame and update the index - python
I generate frames according to the selection made on a treeview. this treeview is connected to a sqllite3 type database. I have a concern which is the following (I hope to be clear in my explanations). once the selections are made (example 3 selections), I delete one of them. Then I make a new selection. the added frame is positioned on the last current one. instead of getting 3 frames again, we only get two frames. While the Full_list has 3 selection (Full_List is a list containing the information of the selections made). I think the problem is with the var variable which I can't seem to resolve. in the code, this happens between the selectItem (frame) and removeLabel (frame, var) function. thanks for your time for a solution.
# coding:utf-8
# version 3.x python
import sys
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *
from tkinter import messagebox # Librairie des fenêtres d'alerte
# ================= ID python ============================
print("TkVersion", TkVersion)
print("TclVersion", TclVersion)
print("Python version", sys.version_info)
import sys; print('Python %s on %s' % (sys.version, sys.platform))
# ================= Liaison file py =========================
import HV_DB_BackEnd
class Main:
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = root
self.root.config(bg="cadet blue")
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
application = Main(root)
# --- Déclaration Variables - Tableaux
frames = [] # Liste Frames
global Liste_Full
Liste_Full = [] # Liste d'imbrication des L_List (sélection faites depuis Treeview)
# ======================== Frame Treeview ====================
MainFrame = LabelFrame(root, text="[TEST]", relief=FLAT), y=5, width=1300, height=700)
# ============= Frame hébergeant les sous frame ==============
FrameCalc_1 = Frame(name='labels') #, relief=SOLID, borderwidth=1), y=300, width=800, height=300)
# ======================== Fonctions ========================
# [Treeview - Heading] - Empêche le redimensionnement des entêtes
def handle_click(event):
if HElist.identify_region(event.x, event.y) == "separator":
if HElist.identify_column(event.x) == '#1':
return "break"
if HElist.identify_column(event.x) == '#2':
return "break"
if HElist.identify_column(event.x) == '#3':
return "break"
if HElist.identify_column(event.x) == '#4':
return "break"
if HElist.identify_column(event.x) == '#5':
return "break"
if HElist.identify_column(event.x) == '#6':
return "break"
# [TreeView widgets] - Affiche Table
def DisplayData():
# Insertion Table BD dans TreeView
a = 0
for i in HV_DB_BackEnd.loadRecord():
HElist.insert('', 'end', text=i[0], values=(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5]))
# print("Index", i[0])
a = a + 1
print(" - Nombre d'enregistrement _ lecture Table", a)
print(" - Nombre d'enregistrement _ lecture Treeview", len(HElist.get_children()))
# Suppression frame(s) générés dynamiquement & MàJ Liste_Full
def removeLabel(frame, var):
print("frames avant suppression", frames)
print("\n", "len(frames) avant", len(frames))
ix = frames.index(var) # lit l'indexation de la frame
print("ix - Index de la frame à supprimer ", ix)
print("frames après suppression", frames)
# Mise à jour de l'indexation var des frame
# for i, v in enumerate(frames[ix:], start=ix):
for i, v in enumerate(frames[0:], start=0):
print("i", i)
# print("v", i, v.get())
# var.set(v.get())
print("len(frames) après", len(frames))
print("frames restantes", frames)
# Création dynamiquement frame(s) contenant Labels selon la sélection faite depuis TreeView
def selectItem(frame):
var = IntVar()
global frames
frame = Frame(FrameCalc_1, borderwidth=0) # frame à générer dans la frame master FramCalc_1
frame.grid(row=len(frames) + 1, column=5, pady=1) # Nb de Colonne à générer - pady=intervale entre la prochaine
frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=135) # Largeur de la Colonne
frame.columnconfigure(1, minsize=30)
frame.columnconfigure(2, minsize=30)
frame.columnconfigure(3, minsize=50)
frame.columnconfigure(4, minsize=30)
frame.columnconfigure(5, minsize=80)
frame.columnconfigure(6, minsize=0)
# === [Listing Table dans Widget Treeview] ===
curItem = HElist.focus()
Liste = HElist.item(curItem)["values"]
# === [Génére automatiquement de nouveaux widgets Labels] ===
var.set(len(frames)) # Compte le nombre de frame
if var.get() < 5:
print("\n" + "var.get()", var.get())
L_Line = [] # Liste temporaire pour chaque sélection
# -- Génère Label - Affiche le Nb de Frame généré
Label(frame, textvariable=var).grid(row=0, column=0)
# print("frame.winfo_children()[0] - Label compteur", frame.winfo_children()[0]) # .labels.!frame.!label
frames.append(var) # liste des frames générée
# print("frames", frames)
# print("nombre de frames générée-addNewLabel", len(frames))
# -- Génére widget Label - Nom
if Liste[0] != "":
Label(frame, text=Liste[1]).grid(row=0, column=1)
# -- Génére widget Label
if Liste[0] != "":
Label(frame, text=Liste[3]).grid(row=0, column=2)
# -- Génére widget Label
if Liste[0] != "":
Label(frame, text=Liste[5]).grid(row=0, column=3)
# -- Génére widget Entry
if Liste[0] != "":
Input_gr = ""
# takefocus=True autorise la tabulation via la touche TAB
l=Entry(frame, width=4, text="", takefocus=True)
l.grid(row=0, column=4)
# print("frame.winfo_children()[3] ", frame.winfo_children()[3])
Input_gr = frame.winfo_children()[3]
# -- Génére Label -
if Liste[0] != "":
lb_pourcentage = ""
Label(frame, text="").grid(row=0, column=5)
lb_pourcentage = frame.winfo_children()[4] # Récupère le nom du label
# print("frame.winfo_children()[4] ", frame.winfo_children()[4])
# -- Génére widget Button
# takefocus=False supprime la tabulation via la touche TAB
b = Button(frame, text="Supprimer", width=10, takefocus=False, command=lambda: removeLabel(frame, var))
b.grid(row=0, column=5)
# print("frame.winfo_children()[5] - Button Supprimer", frame.winfo_children()[5]) # .labels.!frame.!button
# print("")
# print("frame.winfo_children()", frame.winfo_children())
Liste_Full.append(L_Line[0:len(L_Line)]) # Imbrique L_Line dans Liste_Full
print("Liste_Full", Liste_Full) # exemple [['test_14', 53, '0.142', 38, 38], ['test_0', 92, '0.138', 9, 9]]
print("frames add", frames)
# ============= Style Police : Treeview_Button_Label ==============
style = Style()
# Treeview
style.configure('.', foreground="black") # Configuration TxT de la Frame contenant Treeview
style.configure('TTreeview', rowheight=15, font=('verdana', 8, ''), foreground='white', background='dim gray')
style.configure('TTreeview.Heading', font=('verdana', 8, ''), foreground="black", cursor='none')
style.layout('TTreeview', [])
# ===== Treeview & Scrollbar Vertical/Horizontal [XY]
scrollbar_y = Scrollbar(MainFrame, orient='vertical') # Ascenseur Vertical, y=24, height=169)
scrollbar_x = Scrollbar(MainFrame, orient='horizontal') # Ascenseur Horizontal, y=177, width=1236)
HElist = Treeview(MainFrame, selectmode="browse", columns=(1,2,3,4,5,6), show="headings") #, yscrollcommand=scrollbar_y.set, xscrollcommand=scrollbar_x.set) # style='TTreeview'
# En-tête
HElist.heading('#1', text="ID")
HElist.heading('#2', text="Nom")
HElist.heading('#3', text="C0")
HElist.heading('#4', text="C1")
HElist.heading('#5', text="C2")
HElist.heading('#6', text="C3")
HElist.column('#1', width=0, minwidth=0, stretch=False)
HElist.column('#2', width=160, minwidth=160, stretch=OFF)
HElist.column('#3', width=50, minwidth=50, anchor=CENTER, stretch=OFF)
HElist.column('#4', width=57, minwidth=57, anchor=CENTER, stretch=OFF)
HElist.column('#5', width=120, minwidth=120, stretch=OFF)
HElist.column('#6', width=200, minwidth=200, stretch=OFF), y=2, width=1236, height=175)
# Cache colonne(s)
exclusionlist = ['1'] # Colonne [ID] exclue d'affichage
displaycolumns = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6'] # Colonne [xxx] affichées
for col in HElist["columns"]:
if not "%s" % col in exclusionlist:
HElist["displaycolumns"] = displaycolumns
scrollbar_y.config(command=HElist.yview) # Ascenseur Vertical
scrollbar_x.config(command=HElist.xview) # Ascenseur Horizontal
# Affiche Entry widget, via souris, la sélection des Datas [Colonnes Treeview]
HElist.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', selectItem) # Le bouton de la souris a été relâché
# Désactive le redimensionnement des Entêtes Treeview
HElist.bind('<Button-1>', handle_click) # Gauche
HElist.bind('<Button-2>', handle_click) # Molette
HElist.bind('<Button-3>', handle_click) # Droite
I import another page in tkinter but it is empty
as you can see when importing this window through the menu, it is empty: but if I import it directly through, the interface is normal: I imported other pages and they were correct enter image description here: main form: from tkinter import * import tkinter as tk #from forms.login.form_login import Login from PIL import Image, ImageTk from forms.empresadev.funcioario import PainelFuncionario from forms.empresadev.setor import PainelSetor from forms.empresadev.horario import Painelhorario from forms.gestao import Painel_gestao class PainelPrincipal: def __init__(self): global cur_width, expanded self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.title("Your Company") self.root.geometry('1280x720') self.min_w = 50 # Minimum width of the frame self.max_w = 200 # Maximum width of the frame self.cur_width = self.min_w # Increasing width of the frame self.expanded = False # Check if it is completely exanded def importlogin(): self.root.destroy() def importhorario(): Painelhorario() def importsetor(): PainelSetor() def importfunc(): PainelFuncionario() def importgest(): Painel_gestao() def expand(): global cur_width, expanded self.cur_width += 10 # Increase the width by 10 rep = self.root.after(5,expand) # Repeat this func every 5 ms frame.config(width=self.cur_width) # Change the width to new increase width if self.cur_width >= self.max_w: # If width is greater than maximum width expanded = True # Frame is expended self.root.after_cancel(rep) # Stop repeating the func fill() def contract(): global cur_width, expanded self.cur_width -= 10 # Reduce the width by 10 rep = self.root.after(5,contract) # Call this func every 5 ms frame.config(width=self.cur_width) # Change the width to new reduced width if self.cur_width <= self.min_w: # If it is back to normal width expanded = False # Frame is not expanded self.root.after_cancel(rep) # Stop repeating the func fill() def fill(): if expanded: # If the frame is exanded # Show a text, and remove the image home_b.config(text='Inicio',image='',font=(0,21)) set_b.config(text='Setor',image='',font=(0,21)) hour_b.config(text='Horários',image='',font=(0,21)) func_b.config(text='Funcionarios',image='',font=(0,21)) gest_b.config(text='Gestão',image='',font=(0,21)) termses_b.config(text='Terminar Sessão',image='',font=(0,17)) else: # Bring the image back home_b.config(image=home,font=(0,21)) set_b.config(image=settings,font=(0,21)) hour_b.config(image=hour,font=(0,21)) func_b.config(image=func,font=(0,21)) gest_b.config(image=gest,font=(0,21)) termses_b.config(image=termses,font=(0,21)) # Define the icons to be shown and resize it home = ImageTk.PhotoImage("./imagens/home.png").resize((40,40),Image.ANTIALIAS)) settings = ImageTk.PhotoImage("./imagens/setor.png").resize((40,40),Image.ANTIALIAS)) hour = ImageTk.PhotoImage("./imagens/horario.png").resize((40,40),Image.ANTIALIAS)) func = ImageTk.PhotoImage("./imagens/funcionario.png").resize((40,40),Image.ANTIALIAS)) gest = ImageTk.PhotoImage("./imagens/time.png").resize((45,45),Image.ANTIALIAS)) termses = ImageTk.PhotoImage("./imagens/logout.png").resize((40,40),Image.ANTIALIAS)) self.root.update() # For the width to get updated frame = Frame(self.root,bg='#4fa882',width=50,height=self.root.winfo_height()) frame.grid(row=0,column=0) # Make the buttons with the icons to be shown home_b = Button(frame,image=home,bg='#4fa882',relief='flat', overrelief='ridge') set_b = Button(frame,image=settings,bg='#4fa882',relief='flat', overrelief='ridge',command=importsetor) hour_b = Button(frame,image=hour,bg='#4fa882',relief='flat', overrelief='ridge',command=importhorario) func_b = Button(frame,image=func,bg='#4fa882',relief='flat', overrelief='ridge',command=importfunc) gest_b = Button(frame,image=gest,bg='#4fa882',relief='flat', overrelief='ridge',command=importgest) termses_b = Button(frame,image=termses,bg='#4fa882',relief='flat', overrelief='ridge',command=importlogin) # Put them on the frame home_b.grid(row=0,column=0,pady=10) set_b.grid(row=1,column=0,pady=30) hour_b.grid(row=2,column=0,pady=30) func_b.grid(row=3,column=0,pady=30) gest_b.grid(row=4,column=0,pady=30) termses_b.grid(row=5,column=0,pady=30) # Bind to the frame, if entered or left frame.bind('<Enter>',lambda e: expand()) frame.bind('<Leave>',lambda e: contract()) # So that it does not depend on the widgets inside the frame frame.grid_propagate(False) self.root.mainloop() management(gestao) form: from tkinter import * from tkinter import Tk import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from PIL import Image, ImageTk from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #from matplotlib.figure import Figure from tkcalendar import DateEntry #from datetime import date from tkinter import messagebox from forms.empresadev.view import * #cores co0 = "#f0f3f5" #Preta co1 = "#feffff" #Branca co2 = "#4fa882" #Verde co3 = "#38576b" #valor co4 = "#000000" #letra co5 = "#e06636" #- profit co6 = "#038cfc" #azul co7 = "#ef5350" #vermelha co8 = "#263238" #+ verde co9 = "#e9edf5" #+ skyblue colors= ['#5588bb', '#66bbbb', '#99bb55', '#ee9944', '#444466', '#bb5555'] class Painel_gestao(): def __init__(self): self.janela = Toplevel() self.janela.title("Gestão") self.janela.geometry('900x650') self.janela.configure(background=co9) self.janela.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE) self.janela.focus_force() self.janela.grab_set() style= ttk.Style(self.janela) style.theme_use('clam') #frames para divisão de ecrã framecima = Frame(self.janela, width=1043, height=50, bg=co1, relief="flat") framecima.grid(row=0,column=0) framemeio = Frame(self.janela, width=1043, height=360, bg=co1,pady=20,relief="raised") framemeio.grid(row=1,column=0, pady=1, padx=0, sticky=NSEW) framebaixo = Frame(self.janela, width=1043, height=300, bg=co1,relief="raised") framebaixo.grid(row=2 ,column=0, pady=0, padx=10, sticky=NSEW) frame_gra_pie = Frame(framemeio, width=580, height=250, bg=co2), y=5) # trabalhar com frame cima #acessar a imagem self.app_img ='./imagens/stock.png') self.app_img = self.app_img.resize((45,45)) self.app_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.app_img) self.app_logo = Label(framecima, image=self.app_img, text="Orçamento da Empresa", width=900, compound=LEFT, padx=5, relief=RAISED,anchor=NW, font=("Verdana 20 bold"), bg=co1, fg=co4),y=0) #definir tree como global global tree #função inserir categoria def inserir_categoria_b(): nome = e_insira_categoria.get() lista_inserir = [nome] if nome=="": messagebox.showerror('Erro', 'Preencha todos os campos') else: inserir_categoria(lista_inserir) messagebox.showinfo("Sucesso","Os dados foram inseridos com sucesso") e_insira_categoria.delete(0,'end') categoria_funcao = mostrar_categoria() categoria = [] for i in categoria_funcao: categoria.append(i[1]) #atualizar a lista de categorias combo_categoria_despesa['values'] = (categoria) def inserir_receita_b(): nome = 'Receita' data = e_data_receita.get() quantia = e_valor_receita.get() lista_inserir = [nome, data, quantia] for i in lista_inserir: if i=='': messagebox.showerror('Erro', 'Preencha todos os campos') return # chamando a função inserir receitas presente na view inserir_receita(lista_inserir) messagebox.showinfo('Sucesso', 'Os dados foram inseridos com sucesso') e_data_receita.delete(0,'end') e_valor_despesas.delete(0,'end') # atualizando dados mostrar_renda() percentagem() grafico_pie() resumo() grafic_bars() def apagar(): try: treev_dados = tree.focus() treev_dicionario = tree.item(treev_dados) treev_lista = treev_dicionario['values'] valor = treev_lista[0] nome = treev_lista[1] if nome =='Receita': apagar_receita([valor]) messagebox.showinfo('Sucesso','Os dados foram apagados com sucesso') # atualizando dados mostrar_renda() percentagem() grafico_pie() resumo() grafic_bars() else: apagar_gasto([valor]) messagebox.showinfo('Sucesso','Os dados foram apagados com sucesso') # atualizando dados mostrar_renda() percentagem() grafico_pie() resumo() grafic_bars() except IndexError: messagebox.showerror('Erro','Seleciona um dos dados na tabela') #inserir desepesas def inserir_gasto_b(): nome = combo_categoria_despesa.get() data = e_data_despesas.get() quantia = e_valor_despesas.get() lista_inserir = [nome, data, quantia] for i in lista_inserir: if i=='': messagebox.showerror('Erro', 'Preencha todos os campos') return # chamando a função inserir receitas presente na view inserir_gasto(lista_inserir) messagebox.showinfo('Sucesso', 'Os dados foram inseridos com sucesso') combo_categoria_despesa.delete(0,'end') e_data_despesas.delete(0,'end') e_valor_despesas.delete(0,'end') # atualizando dados mostrar_renda() percentagem() grafico_pie() resumo() grafic_bars() def percentagem(): l_nome = Label(framemeio, text="Porcentagem da receita restante", height=1,anchor=NW,font=('Verdana 12'), bg=co1, fg=co4), y=5) style = ttk.Style() style.theme_use('default') style.configure("black.Horizontal.TProgressbar", background='#daed6b') style.configure("TProgressbar", thickness=25) bar= Progressbar(framemeio, length=180, style='black.Horizontal.TProgressbar'), y=35) bar['value'] = percentagem_valor()[0] valor = percentagem_valor()[0] l_percentagem = Label(framemeio, text="{:,.2f}".format(valor),anchor=NW,font=('verdana 12'), bg=co1, fg=co4), y=35) #função para gráfico de barra def grafic_bars(): lista_categoria = ['Renda','Despesas','Saldo'] lista_valores = bar_valores() # faça figura e atribua objetos de eixo figura = plt.Figure(figsize=(4, 3.45), dpi=60) ax = figura.add_subplot(111) # ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=None), lista_valores, color=colors, width=0.9) # create a list to collect the plt.patches data c = 0 # set individual bar lables using above list for i in ax.patches: # get_x pulls left or right; get_height pushes up or down ax.text(i.get_x()-.001, i.get_height()+.5, str("{:,.0f}".format(lista_valores[c])), fontsize=17, fontstyle='italic', verticalalignment='bottom',color='dimgrey') c += 1 ax.set_xticklabels(lista_categoria,fontsize=16) ax.patch.set_facecolor('#ffffff') ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('#CCCCCC') ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(0) ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(0) ax.spines['left'].set_color('#CCCCCC') ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.tick_params(bottom=False, left=False) ax.set_axisbelow(True) ax.yaxis.grid(False, color='#EEEEEE') ax.xaxis.grid(False) canva = FigureCanvasTkAgg(figura, framemeio) canva.get_tk_widget().place(x=10, y=70) def resumo(): valor = bar_valores() l_linha = Label(framemeio, text="", width=215,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('Arial 1'),bg='#545454'), y=52) l_sumario = Label(framemeio, text="Total Renda Mensal".upper(), width=22,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 12'),bg=co1,fg='#83a9e6'), y=35) l_sumario = Label(framemeio, text="€ {:,.2f}".format(valor[0]), width=10,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('arial 17'),bg=co1,fg='#545454'), y=70) l_linha = Label(framemeio, text="", width=215,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('Arial 1'),bg='#545454'), y=132) l_sumario = Label(framemeio, text="Total Despesas Mensais".upper(), width=22,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 12'),bg=co1,fg='#83a9e6'), y=115) l_sumario = Label(framemeio, text="€ {:,.2f}".format(valor[1]), width=10,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('arial 17'),bg=co1,fg='#545454'), y=150) l_linha = Label(framemeio, text="", width=215,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('Arial 1'),bg='#545454'), y=207) l_sumario = Label(framemeio, text="Total Saldo".upper(), width=22,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 12'),bg=co1,fg='#83a9e6'), y=190) l_sumario = Label(framemeio, text="€ {:,.2f}".format(valor[2]), width=10,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('arial 17'),bg=co1,fg='#545454'), y=220) # funcao grafico pie def grafico_pie(): # faça figura e atribua objetos de eixo figura = plt.Figure(figsize=(5, 3), dpi=90) ax = figura.add_subplot(111) lista_valores = pie_valores()[1] lista_categorias = pie_valores()[0] # only "explode" the 2nd slice (i.e. 'Hogs') explode = [] for i in lista_categorias: explode.append(0.05) ax.pie(lista_valores, explode=explode, wedgeprops=dict(width=0.2), autopct='%1.1f%%', colors=colors,shadow=True, startangle=90) ax.legend(lista_categorias, loc="center right", bbox_to_anchor=(1.55, 0.50)) canva_categoria = FigureCanvasTkAgg(figura, frame_gra_pie) canva_categoria.get_tk_widget().grid(row=0, column=0) percentagem() grafic_bars() resumo() grafico_pie() #criação de frames dentro do frame baixo frame_renda = Frame(framebaixo, width=300, height=250, bg=co1, relief="flat") frame_renda.grid(row=0,column=0) frame_operacoes = Frame(framebaixo, width=300, height=250, bg=co1, relief="flat") frame_operacoes.grid(row=0,column=1, padx=5) frame_configuracao = Frame(framebaixo, width=300, height=250, bg=co1, relief="flat") frame_configuracao.grid(row=0,column=2, padx=5) # Tabela Renda Mensal---- app_tabela = Label(framemeio, text="Tabela Receitas e Despesas",anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 12 bold'), bg=co1, fg=co4),y=309) # funcao para mostrar_renda def mostrar_renda(): # creating a treeview with dual scrollbars tabela_head = ['#Id','Categoria','Data','Quantia'] lista_itens = tabela() global tree tree = ttk.Treeview(frame_renda, selectmode="extended",columns=tabela_head, show="headings") # vertical scrollbar vsb = ttk.Scrollbar(frame_renda, orient="vertical", command=tree.yview) # horizontal scrollbar hsb = ttk.Scrollbar(frame_renda, orient="horizontal", command=tree.xview) tree.configure(yscrollcommand=vsb.set, xscrollcommand=hsb.set) tree.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='nsew') vsb.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='ns') hsb.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='ew') hd=["center","center","center", "center"] h=[30,100,100,100] n=0 for col in tabela_head: tree.heading(col, text=col.title(), anchor=CENTER) # adjust the column's width to the header string tree.column(col, width=h[n],anchor=hd[n]) n+=1 for item in lista_itens: tree.insert('', 'end', values=item) mostrar_renda() #configurações despesas l_descricao = Label(frame_operacoes, text="Inserir nova Despesa",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 10 bold'), bg=co1,fg=co4), y=10) #categoria l_categoria = Label(frame_operacoes, text="Categoria",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Ivy 10'), bg=co1,fg=co4), y=40) #Get categorias categoria_funcao= mostrar_categoria() categoria = [] for i in categoria_funcao: categoria.append(i[1]) combo_categoria_despesa =ttk.Combobox(frame_operacoes,width=10,font=('Ivy 10')) combo_categoria_despesa['values'] = (categoria), y=40) #despesas l_data_despesas = Label(frame_operacoes, text="Data",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Ivy 10'), bg=co1,fg=co4), y=70) e_data_despesas = DateEntry(frame_operacoes, width=12, background='darkblue', foreground='white', borderwidth=2, year=2023), y=70) l_valor_despesas = Label(frame_operacoes, text="Valor",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Ivy 10'), bg=co1,fg=co4), y=100) e_valor_despesas = Entry(frame_operacoes,width=14, justify='left', relief='solid'),y=100) #Botão Inserir img_add_despesa ='./imagens/plus.png') img_add_despesa = img_add_despesa.resize((17,17)) img_add_despesa = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img_add_despesa) botao_inserir_despezas = Button(frame_operacoes,command=inserir_gasto_b, image=img_add_despesa, text="Adicionar".upper(), width=80, compound=LEFT,anchor=NW, font=("Ivy 7 bold"), bg=co1, fg=co2,overrelief=RIDGE),y=130) #Botão Excluir img_apagar ='./imagens/delete.png') img_apagar = img_apagar.resize((17,17)) img_apagar = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img_apagar) l_apagar = Label(frame_operacoes, text="Apagar Dados",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Ivy 10 bold'), bg=co1,fg=co4), y=190) botao_apagar = Button(frame_operacoes,command=apagar, image=img_apagar, text="Apagar".upper(), width=80, compound=LEFT,anchor=NW, font=("Ivy 7 bold"), bg=co1, fg=co2,overrelief=RIDGE),y=190) #Configurações receitas l_info = Label(frame_configuracao, text="Inserir nova Receita",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 10 bold'), bg=co1,fg=co4), y=10) #Inserir data receita l_data_receita = Label(frame_configuracao, text="Data",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Ivy 10'), bg=co1,fg=co4), y=40) e_data_receita = DateEntry(frame_configuracao, width=12, background='darkblue', foreground='white', borderwidth=2, year=2023), y=40) #valor receita l_valor_receita = Label(frame_configuracao, text="Valor",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Ivy 10'), bg=co1,fg=co4), y=70) e_valor_receita = Entry(frame_configuracao,width=14, justify='left', relief='solid'),y=70) botao_inserir_receita = Button(frame_configuracao,command=inserir_receita_b, image=img_add_despesa, text="Adicionar".upper(), width=80, compound=LEFT,anchor=NW, font=("Ivy 7 bold"), bg=co1, fg=co2,overrelief=RIDGE),y=130) l_insira_categoria = Label(frame_configuracao, text="Categoria",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 10 bold'), bg=co1,fg=co4), y=170) e_insira_categoria = Entry(frame_configuracao,width=14, justify='left', relief='solid'),y=170) #Botão Inserir2 img_add_categoria ='./imagens/plus2.png') img_add_categoria = img_add_categoria.resize((17,17)) img_add_categoria = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img_add_categoria) botao_inserir_categoria = Button(frame_configuracao,command=inserir_categoria_b, image=img_add_categoria, text="Adicionar".upper(), width=80, compound=LEFT,anchor=NW, font=("Ivy 7 bold"), bg=co1, fg=('blue'),overrelief=RIDGE),y=195) self.janela.mainloop()
Click on a button and advance to the limit of the window in tinker
i am trying to learn python from a book. I'm trying to do an exercise with tinker. Click on a button and advance to the limit of the window. Then always by clicking on the same button to advance the circle to the other side of the window. Thanks for your help. from tkinter import * def avance(n, g): global x, y, step # nouvelles coordonnées : x[n] = x[n] + g # deplacement de l'axe des x # déplacement du dessin dans le canevas : can.coords(bille[n], x[n]-10, y[n]-10, x[n]+10, y[n]+10) # affichage pour info du x: Info.configure(text="Coordonnée x = " + str(x[n])) i = 0 if x[n] >= 50: while i <= 400: step = +20 i = i+5 if x[n] >= 400: step = -20 i = i-5 return step def go(): avance(0, step) bille = [0] # liste servant à mémoriser les références du cercle x = [50] # X de départ y = [100] # y de départ step = 0 # "pas" de déplacement initial # Construction de la fenêtre : fen = Tk() fen.title("avance quand on clique jusqu'à la limite de la fenêtre et revient") Info = Label(fen) # pour afficher l'info du x Info.grid(row=3, column=0) # Canvas : can = Canvas(fen, bg="white", width=400, height=200) can.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2) bille[0] = can.create_oval(x[0]-10, y[0]-10, x[0]+10, y[0]+10, fill="blue") # bouton avance : f = Frame(fen) f.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W, padx=10) Button(f, text="Go", fg='blue', command=go).pack(side=LEFT) fen.mainloop() the problem is that when the ball reaches the limit (first while loop) when it starts the second loop, it returns to the conditions of the first. sorry for my English thank for help
I solved my problem. here is my solution from tkinter import * def avance(n, g): global x, y, step # nouvelles coordonnées : x[n] = x[n] + g # deplacement de l'axe des x # déplacement du dessin dans le canevas : can.coords(bille[n], x[n]-10, y[n]-10, x[n]+10, y[n]+10) # affichage pour info du x: Info.configure(text="Coordonnée x = " + str(x[n])) i = 0 if 5 >= x[n] < 400: # 5 superieur ou egale à x et x inferieur à 400 , execute la ligne suivante step=+20 return step if 5 <= x[n] >= 400: # 5 inferieur ou egale à x et x superieur ou egale à 400 , execute la ligne suivante step = -20 return step # x egale 50 execute le premier if.. def go(): avance(0, step) step = 0 # variable pour le pas d'avancement bille = [0] # liste servant à mémoriser les références du cercle x = [5] # X de départ y = [100] # y de départ # "pas" de déplacement initial # Construction de la fenêtre : fen = Tk() fen.title("avance quand on clique jusqu'à la limite de la fenêtre et revient") Info = Label(fen) # pour afficher l'info du x Info.grid(row=3, column=0) # Canvas : can = Canvas(fen, bg="white", width=400, height=200) can.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2) bille[0] = can.create_oval(x[0]-10, y[0]-10, x[0]+10, y[0]+10, fill="blue") # bouton avance : f = Frame(fen) f.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W, padx=10) Button(f, text="Go", fg='blue', command=go).pack(side=LEFT) fen.mainloop()
Problems when positioning buttons with tkinter
I'm having trouble creating buttons in tkinter, I've tried doing it in different ways, but I haven't reached the solution. It turns out that one of the requirements that they have made me when making this calculator is to create three text boxes and eleven buttons, so when I create the positioning of the boxes and I want to place the buttons they do nothing, if I try to tell them to position in column 3, row 4 is not positioned. Image of the code output This is the code, if you see something wrong that I have not been able to see and that is the cause of such an error, I would appreciate it from tkinter import * #instancia de calculadora calculadora = Tk() #Nombre de la ventana grafica calculadora.title("Practica calculadora con tkinter") #tamano de la ventana calculadora.geometry("600x750") #color personalizado de la ventana calculadora.configure(bg="black") firtDisplay = Entry(calculadora, state="readonly", width=25).place(x=0, y=5) secondDisplay = Entry(calculadora, state="readonly", width=25).place(x=300, y=5) thirdDisplay = Entry(calculadora, state="readonly", width=25).place(x=149, y=40) #Botones Button(calculadora, text="7", width=15).grid(row=5, column=3) Button(calculadora, text="8", width=15) Button(calculadora, text="9", width=15) calculadora.mainloop() Please help would be very good, thank you ...
I think you must first of all use only one type of geometry management, and then keep it simplest, I've made some changes to show how to use grid manager with some loop. from tkinter import * #instancia de calculadora calculadora = Tk() #Nombre de la ventana grafica calculadora.title("Practica calculadora con tkinter") #tamano de la ventana #calculadora.geometry("600x750") #color personalizado de la ventana #calculadora.configure(bg="black") r = 0 c = 0 for i in range(0,4): if i < 3: Entry(calculadora, state="readonly", width=15).grid(row=r, column=c) else: Checkbutton(calculadora, width=15, text="/").grid(row=r, column=c) c +=1 array = (("7","8","9","x"),("4","5","6","-"),("1","2","3","+")) r = 1 c = 0 for items in array: for i in items: index = items.index(i) if index < 3: Button(calculadora, text=i, width=15).grid(row=r, column=c) else: Checkbutton(calculadora, width=15, text=i).grid(row=r, column=c) c +=1 r +=1 c = 0 calculadora.mainloop()
You souldn't mix .pack(), .grid(), and .place() in the same master window.
Float is required (in Tkinter)
I have a problem that i still cant solve, specifically involving tkinter. Eventhough some parts of the code are written in spanish I hope its not a problem. When trying to calculate the hypotenuse of a triangle with Vel_in_y as the opposing side. import tkinter import math window= tkinter.Tk() frame = tkinter.Frame(window) frame.pack() Velocidad_in =tkinter.IntVar() Angulo_desp = tkinter.IntVar() Altura_max = tkinter.IntVar() Alcan = tkinter.IntVar() Temp = tkinter.IntVar() Vel_in_y= tkinter.IntVar() Vel_in_x= tkinter.IntVar() var = [Velocidad_in,Angulo_desp ,Altura_max,Alcan,Temp,Vel_in_y,Vel_in_x] opciones_de_Vel = ['Velocidad Inicial en X','Velocidad Inicial en Y','Modulo de Velocidad'] def Velocidad_Inicial(root): for (tipo,var) in ((' La Velocidad Inicial en X',Vel_in_x),(' La Velocidad Inicial en Y',Vel_in_y),(' El Modulo de Velocidad',Velocidad_in)): label = tkinter.Label(frame,text= 'Inserte '+ tipo) label.pack() entry= tkinter.Entry(frame,textvariable = var) entry.pack() def Angulo_Despegue(root): label = tkinter.Label(frame,text='Inserte el Angulo de despegue') label.pack() entry= tkinter.Entry(frame,textvariable = Angulo_desp) entry.pack() def Altura_Maxima(root): label = tkinter.Label(frame,text='Inserte la Altura Maxima') label.pack() entry= tkinter.Entry(frame,textvariable = Altura_max) entry.pack() def Alcance(root): label = tkinter.Label(frame,text='Inserte el Alcance') label.pack() entry= tkinter.Entry(frame,textvariable = Alcan) entry.pack() def Tiempo(root): label = tkinter.Label(frame,text='Inserte el Tiempo') label.pack() entry= tkinter.Entry(frame,textvariable = Temp) entry.pack() def calcular_modulo(root): modulo = Vel_in_y* math.sin(Angulo_desp) label = tkinter.Label(frame,textvariable=modulo) label.pack() if modulo == 0: modulo = math.sqrt(Vel_in_x**2+ Vel_in_y**2) label = tkinter.Label(frame,textvariable=modulo) label.pack() button = tkinter.Button(frame,text='respuesta' ,command = lambda: calcular_modulo(window)) button.pack() menubar = tkinter.Menu(window) option_menu =tkinter.Menu(menubar) option_menu.add_command(label= 'Velocidad Inicial',command=lambda:Velocidad_Inicial(window)) option_menu.add_command(label= 'Angulo de Despegue',command=lambda:Angulo_Despegue(window)) option_menu.add_command(label= 'Altura Maxima',command=lambda:Altura_Maxima(window)) option_menu.add_command(label= 'Alcance',command=lambda:Alcance(window)) option_menu.add_command(label= 'Tiempo', command=lambda:Tiempo(window)) menubar.add_cascade(label= 'Tipo de Variable',menu=option_menu) window.config(menu=menubar) window.mainloop() If you spot an error,Ill apreciate all feedback! BTW when I run this code I get an error saying : TypeError: a float is required
modulo = Vel_in_y* math.sin(Angulo_desp.get()) math.sin has no idea what to do with an IntVar ... you must get the value the same applies everywhere else you are trying to access the value of the variables
I don't understand why you use IntVal instead int . You need to convert IntVal type to int type by use the get function . Here is your code , it was fixed : def calcular_modulo(root): modulo = Vel_in_y.get()* math.sin(Angulo_desp.get()) label = tkinter.Label(frame,textvariable=modulo) label.pack() if modulo == 0: modulo = math.sqrt(Vel_in_x.get()**2+ Vel_in_y.get()**2) label = tkinter.Label(frame,textvariable=modulo) label.pack()
loading screen or change cursor in python Tkinter
I am using Tkinter to create my UI on python. Currently, the .__init__() and .initialize() are like this: def __init__(self,parent): Tkinter.Tk.__init__(self,parent) self.parent = parent self.initialize() def initialize(self): self.grid() self.entryVariable = Tkinter.StringVar() self.entry = Tkinter.Entry(self,textvariable=self.entryVariable)#Entry é um nome de Textfield da tela self.entry.grid(column=0,row=0,sticky='EW')#EW é pra ele grudar nas edges self.entry.bind("<Return>", self.OnPressEnter)#dispara onPressEnter quando enter é pressionado no ttext field self.entryVariable.set(u"Entre com o nome do amigo que você quer convidar pra sair") button = Tkinter.Button(self,text=u"Ver compatibilidade!", command=self.OnButtonClick)#botao clicavel dispara onButtonClick button.grid(column=1,row=0) self.labelVariable = Tkinter.StringVar() #label = Tkinter.Label(self,textvariable=self.labelVariable, # label que usa variável labelVariable como texto #anchor="w",fg="white",bg="black", height=35, width=55)#NOVO WIDTH E HEIGHT FIXO #PESQUISAR COMO SE ADD SCROLLBAR PRA LABEL, SE TEM COMO OU ADD LABEL EM WINDOW E AIH BOTAR SCROLLBAR self.texto = Tkinter.Text(self, fg="white",bg="black", height=35, width=55) self.texto.grid(column=0,row=1,columnspan=2,sticky='EW') # create a Scrollbar and associate it with txt scrollb = Tkinter.Scrollbar(self, command=self.texto.yview) scrollb.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nsew') self.texto['yscrollcommand'] = scrollb.set #label.grid(column=0,row=1,columnspan=2,sticky='EW') self.labelVariable.set(u"Hello !") self.grid_columnconfigure(0,weight=1)#estica a coluna 1 mesmo com resize da janela self.resizable(True,True)#soh ppode resize horizontalmente! vertical nao pode self.update() self.geometry(self.geometry()) self.entry.focus_set()#textfield foca self.entry.selection_range(0, Tkinter.END) On this GUI, I have a button, and on this button, I do this: def OnButtonClick(self): #self.labelVariable.set( self.labelVariable.get() + "\n" + self.entryVariable.get()+" (You clicked the button)" ) #muda o texto da labelVariable com o valor de entryVariable #self.texto.insert(Tkinter.END, self.entryVariable.get() + "\n") from AcharCompatibilidadeEntreAmigosTudoJunto import AcharCompatibilidadeEntreAmigosTudoJunto achaCompatibilidade = AcharCompatibilidadeEntreAmigosTudoJunto(self.access_token, self) achaCompatibilidade.calcularCompatibilidadeEntreEsseAmigoETodosOsMeusAmigos(self.entryVariable.get()) self.entry.focus_set()#seleciona o texto todo assim que o usuário aperta botão ou enter self.entry.selection_range(0, Tkinter.END) The problem is that I want to change the cursor of my mouse to a loading cursor when the user clicks on the button and it will have to change back when the .onButtonClick() function ends. How do i do that?
Have the button pressed call a method which sets the cursor into whatever you want it to, and then in the same method start a new thread of the actual method you were trying to call. Then at the end of this method change the cursor back. This link: should help you with changing of the cursor, and a quick google search or search on this website should give you all the information you need for threading. The module you are looking for is called 'threading' by the way.