SOAP call response only getting last result - Python - python

this is the first time i am posting . So apologizing in advance if something is not in order . So based on the below python script i am trying to call a SOAP API and recording the response. Then iterating through that response to call another method with data from the first response. But print(data) only displaying the last row,not complete result set. I am new to Python .
def lambda_handler(): #event, context--------------------
zsession = Session()
zsession.verify = False
url = 'TheURL'
transport = Transport(session=zsession)
client = Client(local_file_name, transport=transport)
service = client.create_service(
'{', url)
response = service.RetrieveRegionsByCriteria('*')
content = ''
for item in response:
properties = service.RetrievePlanningSessionPropertiesByCriteria(criteria=item.regionIdentity.regionID)#item.regionIdentity.regionID))
for property in properties:
row_str ='{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}'.format(property.sessionIdentity.internalSessionID, GetStringValue(item.regionIdentity.regionID), GetStringValue(property.description), GetStringValue(property.scenario))
data = ''
data = data + row_str + "\n"
print("Function completed successfully")

You're using custom service methods in your code, so I don't know what data you are receiving.
One issue I noticed is that you keep overwriting the same variable (row_str) in the property loop.
Change this line:
for property in properties:
row_str ='{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}'.format(property.sessionIdentity.internalSessionID, GetStringValue(item.regionIdentity.regionID), GetStringValue(property.description), GetStringValue(property.scenario))
To this:
row_str = ''
for property in properties:
row_str +='{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}\n'.format(property.sessionIdentity.internalSessionID, GetStringValue(item.regionIdentity.regionID), GetStringValue(property.description), GetStringValue(property.scenario))


Python API script

I am making a python script using API of a free test automation website called TestProject.
Link to their API:
Basically what i want to do is grab pdf of reports of all tests and save them somewhere.
But to make the GET request to do that i first need projectID and jobID which i already wrote functions getting them and saving them in the array.
But now i have a problem where its looping through both lists and not using correct projectID and jobID and its throwing errors because it does not exist.
So what i need is something to check if jobID is in projectID so that way i can make a GET request to get all the executionID's to get the PDF of the report.
I am kinda new to programming so i would love any help i can get. If anyone has any better solutions please feel free to let me know.
My script:
import requests
import json
import csv
from datetime import datetime
from jsonpath_ng import jsonpath, parse
API_key = 'api_key'
headers = {'Authorization':'{}'.format(API_key)}
list_projectId = []
list_jobId = []
list_executionId = []
ParseData_projectId = parse('$')
ParseData_jobId = parse('$')
ParseData_executionId = parse('$')
def parsing (response,ParseData,list_data):
# parses data and appends it to the list
Data = json.loads(response)
Parsaj = ParseData
Podatki = Parsaj.find(Data)
for i in range(0, len(Podatki)):
vrednost = Podatki[i].value
def projectId():
# gets all projectId's and saves them in list_projectId
url = ''
response = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
response_json = response.json()
converted = json.dumps(response_json)
def jobId():
# gets all jobId's and saves them in list_jobId
for i in range(0, len(list_projectId)):
id = list_projectId[i]
url = '{}'.format(id) + '/jobs?onlyScheduled=false&_start=0'
response = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
response_json = response.json()
converted = json.dumps(response_json)
def executionId():
# Their API link:
# the for loop below does not work here is where i need the help:
for i in range(0, len(list_projectId)):
project_id = list_projectId[i]
job_id = list_jobId[i]
url = '{}'.format(project_id) + '/jobs/{}'.format(job_id) + '/reports?_start=0'
response = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
response_json = response.json()
converted = json.dumps(response_json)
print("----------LIST PROJECT ID: ----------")
print("----------LIST JOB ID: ----------")
print("----------LIST EXECUTION ID: ----------")
you have to use 'in' operator to check the value exist in the list data structure.

How to get actual slack username instead of user id

I have pulled data from a private slack channel, using conversation history, and it pulls the userid instead of username, how can I change the code to pull the user name so I can identify who each user is? Code below
client = slack_sdk.WebClient(token=SLACK_TOKEN)
# get first page
page = 1
print("Retrieving page {}".format(page))
response = client.conversations_history(
assert response["ok"]
messages_all = response['messages']
# get additional pages if below max message and if they are any
while len(messages_all) + MESSAGES_PER_PAGE <= MAX_MESSAGES and response['has_more']:
page += 1
print("Retrieving page {}".format(page))
sleep(1) # need to wait 1 sec before next call due to rate limits
response = client.conversations_history(
assert response["ok"]
messages = response['messages']
messages_all = messages_all + messages
It isn't possible to change what is returned from the conversations.history method. If you'd like to convert user IDs to usernames, you'll need to either:
Call the method and retrieve the username from the response.
Call the users.list method and iterate through the list and create a local copy (or store in a database) and then have your code look it up.

REST API requests - Use Concurrent.futures in the right way

The code below is a sample from my complete program, I tried it to make understandable.
It sends requests to a REST API. It starts with an URL and the number of pages for this specific search and tries to catch the content for each page.
Each page has several results. Each result becomes a FinalObject.
Because there are as many API requests as there are pages, I decided to use multi-threading and the concurrent.futures module.
=> It works but, as I'm new in coding and Python, I still have these 2 questions:
How to use ThreadPoolExecutor sequentially in this case,
Is there a better way to handle multi-threading in this case?
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from requests import get as re_get
def main_function(global_page_number, headers, url_request):
# create a list of pages number
pages_numbers_list = [i for i in range(global_page_number)]
# for each page, call the page_handler (MultiThreading)
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
for item in pages_numbers_list:
def page_handler(page_number, url_request, headers):
# we change the page number in the url request
url_request = change_page(url_request, page_number)
# new request with the new url
result = re_get(url_request, headers=headers)
result = result.json()
# in the result, with found the list of dict in order to create the
# final object
def change_page(url_request, new_page_number):
"to increment the value of the 'page=' attribute in the url"
current_nb_page = ''
start_nb = url_request.find("page=") + len('page=')
while 1:
if url_request[start_nb].isdigit():
current_nb_page = url_request[start_nb]
new_url_request = url_request.replace("page=" + current_nb_page,
"page=" + str(new_page_number))
return new_url_request
def final_object_creation(results_list):
'thanks to the object from requests.get(), it builts the final object'
global current_id_decision, dict_decisions
# each item in the results lis should be an instance of the final object
for item in results_list:
# On définit l'identifiant du nouvel objet Decision
current_id_decision += 1
new_id = current_id_decision
# On crée l'objet Décision et on l'ajoute au dico des décisions
dict_decisions[new_id] = FinalObject(item)
class FinalObject:
def __init__(self, content):
self.content = content
current_id_decision = 0
dict_decisions = {}
main_function(1000, "headers", "https://api/v1.0/search?page=0&query=test")

python variable extracted from nested yaml

Trying to find a way to iterate over the roleprivs and having issues getting to that level of the yaml from python.
rolename: "testDeveloper"
desc: "Test Developer Role"
roletype: "user"
name: "Administrate Appliance" # Informational Only Not used in code
description: "admin-appliance" # Informational Only Not used in code
code: "admin-appliance"
access: "full"
name: "Administrate Backup Settings" # Informational Only Not used in code
description: "admin-appliance" # Informational Only Not used in code
code: "admin-backupSettings"
access: "full"
I have a few different needs / use cases.
Part 1 of the script below - grab all the files in a directory and take the rolename, desc, and roletype and create a role.
Get the Role ID of the newly created role that was above.
HELP Needed - going back to the original yaml file and iterating over it and getting only the roleprivs..code and roleprivs..code --> role type would be something like admin-appliance. Keeping in mind that there are like 50 some odd features that need to be updated with the type of access.
The question:
How do i get the code and access in the yaml file into python variables?
def genericRoleCreate(baseURL, bearerToken):
files = glob.glob(ROLES_DIR)
logger.debug('Roles Dir '+ROLES_DIR)
for file in files:
yaml_file = file
with open(yaml_file) as f:
authority = result['info']['rolename']
desc = result['info']['desc']
roletype = result['info']['roletype']
url = baseURL+"/api/roles"
payload= json.dumps({"role":{"authority": authority, "description": desc, "roletype": roletype}})
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Authorization': 'Bearer ' +bearerToken}
roleResult = requests.request("POST", url, verify=False, headers=headers, data=payload)
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
# Getting Role ID
with open(yaml_file) as f:
result = yaml.safe_load(f)
authority = result['info']['rolename']
url = baseURL+"/api/roles?phrase="+authority
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Authorization': 'Bearer ' +bearerToken}
roleResult = requests.request("GET", url, verify=False, headers=headers )
roleID = json.loads(roleResult.text)
role = roleID['roles'][0]['id']
#logger.debug(role)"Get Role ID")
#return role
#logger.debug("Role ID: "+role)
except Exception as e:
logger.error('Exception occurred', exc_info=True)
logger.error('Error getting roleID')
# Start Updating
#role = getRoleId(baseURL, bearerToken)
with open(yaml_file) as f:
result = yaml.safe_load(f)
except Exception as e:
strRoleID = str(role)
url = baseURL+"/api/roles/"+strRoleID+"/update-permission"
keys = list(result.keys())
for features in keys:
code = result[features]['code']
access = result[features]['access']
payload = json.dumps({
"permissionCode": code,
"access": access
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Authorization': 'Bearer ' +bearerToken}
requests.request("PUT", url, verify=False, headers=headers, data=payload)
lets keep in mind i do know that i should be breaking that big nasty thing into multiple functions - i have it broken down in other areas - but compiling everything in a single function at the time.
I have been trying multiple iterations of how to get to the feature level. I have looked at many examples and can't seem to figure out how to drop to a level.
update 1
with open(yaml_file, 'r') as f:
result = yaml.safe_load(f)
except Exception as e:
strRoleID = str(role)
url = baseURL+"/api/roles/"+strRoleID+"/update-permission"
keys = list(result['roleprivs'].keys())
#code2 = {roleprivs for roleprivs in result['roleprivs'].keys()}
#return inventory, sites
for features in keys:
The code above produces the output:
now the question is how do i go one step deeper in the chain and get code and access into a variable in python.
I ended up solving the problem after a few hours of testing and researching...The main problem i was encountering was how do i get to the next level after roleprivs. I could easily print the main elements under the roleprivs, but getting the code and access elements were a bit of a challenge.
I also kept running into an error where the indices needed to be an integer. This cleans up some of the keys that i was doing before and puts it into a one liner. Should help clean up a few for loops that i have been working with.
for k, v in result['roleprivs'].items():
print("Code "+result['roleprivs'][k]['code'])
print("Access: "+result['roleprivs'][k]['access'])
access = result['roleprivs'][k]['access']
code = result['roleprivs'][k]['code']
payload = json.dumps({
"permissionCode": code,
"access": access
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Authorization': 'Bearer ' +bearerToken}
requests.request("PUT", url, verify=False, headers=headers, data=payload)
From the original code i may have multiple roles in the ./config/roles/ directory. I needed to make sure i can read all and iterate in a for loop for each one. This solved it for me.
Final output:
2021-10-13 01:25:50,212:84:logger:role:genericRoleCreate:DEBUG:./config/roles/testDeveloper.yaml
2021-10-13 01:25:50,487:110:logger:role:genericRoleCreate:INFO:Get Role ID
Code admin-appliance
Access: full
Code admin-backupSettings
Access: full

How do I filter out error responses from API call in python?

I'm using python to retrieve some data back from a rest API. I'm looping through a list to get data back for each record that is passed in like so:
safety_codes = ['M516RHJ', 'M16AJAR', 'Z49EJ57', 'Z1035TH', 'S0X6DJU9', 'S9099LP', 'S912AZSD', 'S72AEFH', 'S61ABKJ', 'W4XXATF']
#Building API variables:
api_data = dict()
rest_url = ""
response_type = '&format=json'
header_details = {"KEY": "1101079000335WAXMEMU14532"}
#Making API call:
for i in generic_emp_codes:
response = requests.get(rest_url+'{}'.format(i)+response_format, headers = header_details)
data = json.loads(response.text)
api_data.update({i: data})
So long as the emp_code is valid I will return some data. But the moment one of those codes are bad, I get the following response and all of the other data is lost.
"error": "No record found for given employee safety code."
How do I filter out the these responses so that my api call does not fall over? Essentially, if codes M516RHJ and M16AJAR return that data. But if Z49EJ57 returns an error message, move that aside and keep the the data for M516RHJ and M16AJAR, then move on to the next code and repeat the process.
json_rdd = sc.parallelize(api_data)
json_df =
|-- _corrupt_record: string (nullable = true)
Once I get that error message all of my data becomes corrupted.
results = []
bad_codes = []
#Making API call:
for i in generic_emp_codes:
response = requests.get(rest_url+'{}'.format(i)+response_format, headers = header_details)
data = json.loads(response.text)
if type(data)==dict and 'error' in data.keys():
