I would like to make some kind of solar system in pygame. I've managed to do a fixed one but I thought it would be more interesting to do one with planets moving around the sun and moons around planets etc. Is there a way I could do that (using pygame if possible)?
What I would like is :
Sun = pygame.draw.circle(...)
planet1 = pygame.draw.circle(...)
a = [planet1, planet2, ...]
for p in a:
move p[2] to pos(x, y)
That is what I think would work but I'm not sure how to do it. Also, I've thought about deleting the ancient planet and drawing a new one right next to it, but problem is I'm using random features (like colours, distance to the sun, number of planets in the system etc.) and it would have to keep these same features. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
You can implement gravity with Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation and Newton's Second Law to get the accelerations of the planets. Give each planet an initial position, velocity and mass. Acceleration is change in velocity a = v * dt, velocity is change in position v = r * dt, so we can integrate to find velocity and position.
Universal gravitation: F = G * m1 * m2 / r ** 2 where F is the magnitude of the force on the object, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects and r is the distance between the two objects.
Newton's Second Law: F = m1 * a where a is the acceleration.
dt = 0.01 # size of time step
G = 100 # gravitational constant
def calcGravity(sun, planet):
'Returns acceleration of planet with respect to the sun'
diff_x = sun.x - planet.x
diff_y = sun.y - planet.y
acceleration = G * sun.mass / (diff_x ** 2 + diff_y ** 2)
accel_x = acceleration * diff_x / (diff_x ** 2 + diff_y ** 2)
accel_y = acceleration * diff_y / (diff_x ** 2 + diff_y ** 2)
return accel_x, accel_y
while True:
# update position based on velocity
planet.x += planet.vel_x * dt
planet.y += planet.vel_y * dt
# update velocity based on acceleration
accel_x, accel_y = calcGravity(sun, planet)
planet.vel_x += accel_x * dt
planet.vel_y += accel_y * dt
This can produce circular and elliptical orbits. Creating an orbiting moon requires a very small timestep (dt) for the numeric integration.
Note: this approach is subtly inaccurate due to the limits of numeric integration.
Sample implementation in pygame here, including three planets revolving around a sun, a moon, and a basic orbital transfer.
Coordinates of a planet rotated about the Sun through some angle with respect to the X-axis are , where r is the distance to the Sun, theta is that angle, and (a, b) are the coordinates of the sun. Draw your circle centered at (x, y).
General elliptical orbit:
r0 is the radius of a circular orbit with the same angular momentum, and e is the "eccentricity" of the ellipse
I have a two 2D points u = (ux, uy) and v = (vx, vy) that define a line segment.
Additionally I have an angle θ that is defined relative to the coordinate system (angle to x-axis), indicating the directing of a moving particle.
Is there a simple way to find the angle of reflection resulting (again, relative to the coordinate system) from that particle bouncing off the line segment?
So far I have found the angle of the line segment θuv = numpy.arctan2(vy-uy, vx-ux), taken the difference Δθ = θuv - θ and set the resulting angle to θ_reflected = θ - 2*Δθ.
Sometimes, this seems to work, but other times it's completely off.
Segment has length
leng = hypot(vy-uy, vx-ux)
and unit direction vector (perhaps in numpy there is ready function like normalized)
dx = (vx-ux) / leng
dy = (vy-uy) / leng
Unit normal to segment
nx = - dy
ny = dx
particle direction vector is
px = cos(θ)
py = sin(θ)
Reflected vector
dott = dot(p, n) = px * nx + py * ny
rx = px - 2 * dott * nx
ry = py - 2 * dott * ny
If you need angle
θ_reflected = atan2(ry, rx)
but sometimes particle direction vector components are more useful
so I'm creating a billiard ball simulation. The current version I have calculates the new position of the ball for each step, but I would like to create a math function (f(x)) for the balls position. This is not too hard, but what is really tripping me out is getting it to work with friction.
For the ball I have the following relevant information: Speed/velocity, position/startpos and friction coefficient.
I am able to calculate the distance the ball moves in a single step by raising the friction coeff to the power of x. The problem is that I can only get it to work by calculating the new position step by step. I have illustrated it in Ti-Nspire:
If this is in the end is harder and less efficient that just updating each second, please let me know. If you have a solution to how I could get it as a function or a better solution, please let me know too. Thanks for any help in advance:)
Having the velocity diminish proportionally to its current magnitude in continuous time (vs. discrete time steps) is pretty much the definition of exponential decay. That means the continuous time function corresponding to your discrete-stepped scaling would be
V(t) = V0 e-λt
where V0 is the initial velocity at time 0 and λ is the rate of decay. We need to calibrate the decay rate to correspond with your friccoef, which means we want
V(1) = friccoef * V0,
and thus
e-λ*1 = friccoef
λ = -ln(friccoef).
We can then derive the distance covered as a function of time t by integrating the velocity from 0 to t. The resulting formula for the position at time t, if movement starts at time t0 with velocity Vt0 and initial location Xt0, is
Xt = Xt0 + Vt0 (1 - e-λ(t - t0)) / λ.
To show the continuous time evolution of the function I used gnuplot with t0 = 0, V0 = 32, X0 = 123, and friccoef = 0.9:
Bringing it back around to stackoverflow relevance, the formulae above can be implemented straightforwardly in Python:
from math import log, exp
def rate(friction_coeff):
return -log(friction_coeff)
def position(elapsed_time, x_0, v_0, friction_coeff):
lmbda = rate(friction_coeff)
return x_0 + v_0 * (1.0 - exp(-lmbda * elapsed_time)) / lmbda
def velocity(elapsed_time, v_0, friction_coeff):
return v_0 * exp(-rate(friction_coeff) * elapsed_time)
def time_to(destination, x_0, v_0, friction_coeff):
lmbda = rate(friction_coeff)
return -log(1.0 - lmbda * (destination - x_0) / v_0) / lmbda
A few simple test cases...
# A few test cases
x_0 = 2
destination = 12
v_0 = 5
friction_coeff = 0.9
t = time_to(destination, x_0, v_0, friction_coeff)
print(f"Time to go from {x_0} to {destination} starting at velocity {v_0} is {t}")
print(f"Position at time {t} is calculated to be {position(t, x_0, v_0, friction_coeff)}")
print(f"Velocity at time {t} is {velocity(t, v_0, friction_coeff)}")
produce the following output:
Time to go from 2 to 12 starting at velocity 5 is 2.24595947233019
Position at time 2.24595947233019 is calculated to be 12.00000
Velocity at time 2.24595947233019 is 3.946394843421737
I am trying to simulate the orbit of a planet around a star using the Runge-Kutta 4 method. After speaking to tutors my code should be correct. However, I am not generating my expected 2D orbital plot but instead a linear plot. This is my first time using solve_ivp to solve a second order differential. Can anyone explain why my plots are wrong?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
# %% Define derivative function
def f(t, z):
x = z[0] # Position x
y = z[1] # Position y
dx = z[2] # Velocity x
dy = z[3] # Velocity y
G = 6.674 * 10**-11 # Gravitational constant
M = 2 # Mass of binary stars in solar masses
c = 2*G*M
r = np.sqrt(y**2 + x**2) # Distance of planet from stars
zdot = np.empty(6) # Array for integration solutions
zdot[0] = x
zdot[1] = y
zdot[2] = dx # Velocity x
zdot[3] = dy #Velocity y
zdot[4] = (-c/(r**3))*(x) # Acceleration x
zdot[5] = (-c/(r**3))*(y) # Acceleration y
return zdot
# %% Define time spans, initial values, and constants
tspan = np.linspace(0., 10000., 100000000)
xy0 = [0.03, -0.2, 0.008, 0.046, 0.2, 0.3] # Initial positions x,y in R and velocities
# %% Solve differential equation
sol = solve_ivp(lambda t, z: f(t, z), [tspan[0], tspan[-1]], xy0, t_eval=tspan)
# %% Plot
plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
plt.plot(sol.y[0],sol.y[1], color='b')
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
plt.plot(sol.t,sol.y[2], color='g')
plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
plt.plot(sol.t,sol.y[4], color='r')
With the ODE function as given, you are solving in the first components the system
xdot = x
ydot = y
which has well-known exponential solutions. As the exponential factor is the same long both solutions, the xy-plot will move along a line through the origin.
The solution is of course to fill zdot[0:2] with dx,dy, and zdot[2:4] with ax,ay or ddx,ddy or however you want to name the components of the acceleration. Then the initial state also has only 4 components. Or you need to make and treat position and velocity as 3-dimensional.
You need to put units to your constants and care that all use the same units. G as cited is in m^3/kg/s^2, so that any M you define will be in kg, any length is in m and any velocity in m/s. Your constants might appear ridiculously small in that context.
It does not matter what the comment in the code says, there will be no magical conversion. You need to use actual conversion computations to get realistic numbers. For instance using the numbers
G = 6.67408e-11 # m^3 s^-2 kg^-1
AU = 149.597e9 # m
Msun = 1.988435e30 # kg
hour = 60*60 # seconds in an hour
day = hour * 24 # seconds in one day
year = 365.25*day # seconds in a year (not very astronomical)
one could guess that for a sensible binary system of two stars of equal mass one has
M = 2*Msun # now actually 2 sun masses
x0 = 0.03*AU
y0 = -0.2*AU
vx0 = 0.008*AU/day
vy0 = 0.046*AU/day
For the position only AU makes sense as unit, the speed could also be in AU/hour. By https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4033996/developing-keplers-first-law and Cannot get RK4 to solve for position of orbiting body in Python the speed for a circular orbit of radius R=0.2AU around a combined mass of 2*M is
sqrt(2*M*G/R)=sqrt(4*Msun*G/(0.2*AU)) = 0.00320 * AU/hour = 0.07693 AU/day
which is ... not too unreasonable if the given speeds are actually in AU/day. Invoke the computations from https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4050575/application-of-the-principle-of-conservation to compute if the Kepler ellipse would look sensible
r0 = (x0**2+y0**2)**0.5
dotr0 = (x0*vx0+y0*vy0)/r0
L = x0*vy0-y0*vx0 # r^2*dotphi = L constant, L^2 = G*M_center*R
dotphi0 = L/r0**2
R = L**2/(G*2*M)
wx = R/r0-1; wy = -dotr0*(R/(G*2*M))**0.5
E = (wx*wx+wy*wy)**0.5; psi = m.atan2(wy,wx)
print(f"half-axis R={R/AU} AU, eccentr. E={E}, init. angle psi={psi}")
print(f"min. rad. = {R/(1+E)/AU} AU, max. rad. = {R/(1-E)/AU} AU")
which returns
half-axis R=0.00750258 AU, eccentr. E=0.96934113, init. angle psi=3.02626659
min. rad. = 0.00380969 AU, max. rad. = 0.24471174 AU
This gives an extremely thin ellipse, which is not that astonishing as the initial velocity points almost directly to the gravity center.
orbit variants with half-day steps marked, lengths in AU
If the velocity components were swapped one would get
half-axis R=0.07528741 AU, eccentr. E=0.62778767, init. angle psi=3.12777251
min. rad. = 0.04625137 AU, max. rad. = 0.20227006 AU
This is a little more balanced.
I am trying to code an N-body simulation code in python and have successfully managed to produce a system involving the Sun, Earth and Jupiter as below using a leapfrog approximation method.
However, when I try and extend the same code for N bodies of equal mass all with zero velocity, I don't get the expected result of a system forming. Instead, the following is produced where the bodies spread out after initially being attracted to each other.
This same pattern is replicated regardless of the number of initial particles used.
This second image is just an enlarged version of the first showing they are initially attracted to each other.
Leading me to believe the error must lie in my initial conditions:
N = 3
mass = 1e30
R = 1e10
V = np.zeros([N,3])
M = np.full([N],mass)
P = np.random.uniform(-R, R, (N,3))
epsilon = 0.1 * R
acceleration calculation:
def calc_acceleration(position, mass, softening):
G = 6.67 * 10**(-11)
N = position.shape[0] # N = number of rows in particle_positions array
acceleration = np.zeros([N,3])
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if i != j:
#print("j", j)
dx = position[i,0] - position[j,0]
dy = position[i,1] - position[j,1]
dz = position[i,2] - position[j,2]
inv_r3 = ((dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2 + softening**2)**(-1.5))
acceleration[i,0] += - G * mass[j] * dx * inv_r3
acceleration[i,1] += - G * mass[j] * dy * inv_r3
acceleration[i,2] += - G * mass[j] * dz * inv_r3
leap frog functions:
def calc_next_v_half(position, mass, velocity, softening, dt):
half_velocity = np.zeros_like(velocity)
half_velocity = velocity + calc_acceleration(position, mass, softening) * dt/2
def calc_next_position(position, mass, velocity, dt):
next_position = np.zeros_like(position)
next_position = position + velocity * dt
actual program function:
def programe(position, mass, velocity, softening, time, dt):
no_of_time_steps = (round(time/dt))
all_positions = np.full((no_of_time_steps, len(mass), 3), 0.0)
all_velocities = []
kinetic_energy = []
potential_energy = []
total_energy = []
for i in range(no_of_time_steps):
all_positions[i] = position
'leap frog'
velocity = calc_next_v_half(position, mass, velocity, softening, dt)
position = calc_next_position(position, mass, velocity, dt)
velocity = calc_next_v_half(position, mass, velocity, softening, dt)
return(all_positions, all_velocities, kinetic_energy, potential_energy, total_energy)
The problem is that the symplectic methods only have their special properties as long as the systems stays well away from any singularities. For a gravitational system this is the case if it is hierarchical like in a solar system with sun, planets and moons where all orbits have low eccentricities.
However, if you consider a "star cluster" with objects of about equal mass, you do not get Kepler ellipses and the likelihood for very close encounters becomes rather high. The more so as your initial condition of zero velocity results in an initial free fall of all stars towards the common center of gravity, as can also be seen in your detail picture.
Due to the potential energy falling down into a singularity, the kinetic energy increases as the distance decreases, so close encounters equal high speed. With a constant step size like in the leapfrog-Verlet method, the sampling rate becomes too small to represent the curve, capture the swing-by fully. Energy conservation is grossly violated and the high speed is kept beyond the close encounter, leading to the unphysical explosion of the system.
I have the following code. This code is simulation of orbiting objects around other objects, E.g. Solar system. As you run it, the objects orbit in circular trajectory.
import math
from vpython import *
lamp = local_light(pos=vector(0,0,0), color=color.yellow)
# Data in units according to the International System of Units
G = 6.67 * math.pow(10,-11)
# Mass of the Earth
ME = 5.973 * math.pow(10,24)
# Mass of the Moon
MM = 7.347 * math.pow(10,22)
# Mass of the Mars
MMa = 6.39 * math.pow(10,23)
# Mass of the Sun
MS = 1.989 * math.pow(10,30)
# Radius Earth-Moon
REM = 384400000
# Radius Sun-Earth
RSE = 149600000000
RMS = 227900000000
# Force Earth-Moon
FEM = G*(ME*MM)/math.pow(REM,2)
# Force Earth-Sun
FES = G*(MS*ME)/math.pow(RSE,2)
# Force Mars-Sun
FEMa = G*(MMa*MS)/math.pow(RMS,2)
# Angular velocity of the Moon with respect to the Earth (rad/s)
wM = math.sqrt(FEM/(MM * REM))
# Velocity v of the Moon (m/s)
vM = wM * REM
print("Angular velocity of the Moon with respect to the Earth: ",wM," rad/s")
print("Velocity v of the Moon: ",vM/1000," km/s")
# Angular velocity of the Earth with respect to the Sun(rad/s)
wE = math.sqrt(FES/(ME * RSE))
# Angular velocity of the Mars with respect to the Sun(rad/s)
wMa = math.sqrt(FEMa/(MMa * RMS))
# Velocity v of the Earth (m/s)
vE = wE * RSE
# Velocity v of the Earth (m/s)
vMa = wMa * RMS
print("Angular velocity of the Earth with respect to the Sun: ",wE," rad/s")
print("Velocity v of the Earth: ",vE/1000," km/s")
# Initial angular position
theta0 = 0
# Position at each time
def positionMoon(t):
theta = theta0 + wM * t
return theta
def positionMars(t):
theta = theta0 + wMa * t
return theta
def positionEarth(t):
theta = theta0 + wE * t
return theta
def fromDaysToS(d):
s = d*24*60*60
return s
def fromStoDays(s):
d = s/60/60/24
return d
def fromDaysToh(d):
h = d * 24
return h
# Graphical parameters
print("\nSimulation Earth-Moon-Sun motion\n")
days = 365
seconds = fromDaysToS(days)
print("Days: ",days)
print("Seconds: ",seconds)
v = vector(384,0,0)
E = sphere(pos = vector(1500,0,0), color = color.blue, radius = 60, make_trail=True)
Ma = sphere(pos = vector(2300,0,0), color = color.orange, radius = 30, make_trail=True)
M = sphere(pos = E.pos + v, color = color.white,radius = 10, make_trail=True)
S = sphere(pos = vector(0,0,0), color = color.yellow, radius=700)
t = 0
thetaTerra1 = 0
dt = 5000
dthetaE = positionEarth(t+dt)- positionEarth(t)
dthetaM = positionMoon(t+dt) - positionMoon(t)
dthetaMa = positionMars(t+dt) - positionMars(t)
print("delta t:",dt,"seconds. Days:",fromStoDays(dt),"hours:",fromDaysToh(fromStoDays(dt)),sep=" ")
print("Variation angular position of the Earth:",dthetaE,"rad/s that's to say",degrees(dthetaE),"degrees",sep=" ")
print("Variation angular position of the Moon:",dthetaM,"rad/s that's to say",degrees(dthetaM),"degrees",sep=" ")
while t < seconds:
thetaEarth = positionEarth(t+dt)- positionEarth(t)
thetaMoon = positionMoon(t+dt) - positionMoon(t)
thetaMars = positionMars(t+dt) - positionMars(t)
# Rotation only around z axis (0,0,1)
E.pos = rotate(E.pos,angle=thetaEarth,axis=vector(0,1,0))
Ma.pos = rotate(Ma.pos,angle=thetaMars,axis=vector(0,1,0))
v = rotate(v,angle=thetaMoon,axis=vector(0,1,0))
M.pos = E.pos + v
t += dt
I am wondering How to change the path of orbit to elliptical?
I have tried several ways but I could not manage to find any solution.
Thank you.
Thank you
This seems like more of a physics issue as opposed to a programming issue. The problem is that you are assuming that each of the orbits are circular when calculating velocity and integrating position linearly (e.g v * dt). This is not how you would go about calculating the trajectory of an orbiting body.
For the case of simplicity, we will assume all the masses are point masses so there aren't any weird gravity gradients or attitude dynamics to account for.
From there, you can refer to this MIT page. (http://web.mit.edu/12.004/TheLastHandout/PastHandouts/Chap03.Orbital.Dynamics.pdf) on orbit dynamics. On the 7th page, there is an equation relating the radial position from your centerbody as a function of a multitude of orbital parameters. It seems like you have every parameter except the eccentricity of the orbit. You can either look that up online or calculate it if you have detailed ephemeral data or apoapsis/periapsis information.
From that equation, you will see a phi - phi_0 term in the denominator. That is colloquially known as the true anomaly of the satellite. Instead of time, you would iterate on this true anomaly parameter from 0 to 360 to find your radial distance, and from true anomaly, inclination, right angle to the ascending node, and the argument of periapses, you can find the 3D cartesian coordinates at a specific true anomaly.
Going from true anomaly is a little less trivial. You will need to find the eccentric anomaly and then the mean anomaly at each eccentric anomaly step. You now have mean anomaly as a function of time. You can linearly interpolate between "nodes" at which you calculate the position with v * dt. You can calculate the velocity from using the vis-viva equation and dt would be the difference between the calculated time steps.
At each time step you can update the satellite's position in your python program and it will properly draw your trajectories.
For more information of the true anomaly, wikipedia has a good description of it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_anomaly
For more information about orbital elements (which are needed to convert from radial position to cartesian coordinates): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_elements