Modify multiple nodes with python ast.NodeTransformer - python

I have a input source code like this
def foo(my_input):
return my_input + 42
and want it to transform like this
def method_name(arg0):
return my_input + 42
The ast node transformer for this purpose is written like this.
class MyRenamer(ast.NodeTransformer):
def __init__(self):
self._arg_count = 0
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): = "method_name"
return node
def visit_arg(self, node):
node.arg = "arg_{}".format(self._arg_count)
self._arg_count += 1
return node
but when I call the above transformer like this.
node = ast.parse(code)
renamer = MyRenamer()
node2 = renamer.visit(node)
The output I get is
def method_name(my_input):
return my_input + 42
Here the argument of the function has not been changed.

The visitor needs to walk the AST by visiting all children of the currently visited node. The method generic_visit() does that for you, but you have to call it in every visit_... method, or at least for those where children are a possibility.
import ast
import astor
class MyRenamer(ast.NodeTransformer):
def __init__(self):
self._arg_count = 0
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): = "method_name"
return node
def visit_arg(self, node):
node.arg = "arg_{}".format(self._arg_count)
self._arg_count += 1
return node
code = """
def foo(my_input):
return my_input + 42
node = ast.parse(code)
renamer = MyRenamer()
node2 = renamer.visit(node)
def method_name(arg_0):
return my_input + 42
This gives your expected output, but in a larger context will rename all functions to "method_name", which might not be desired. And there's still the identifier in the function body that presumably also needs to be renamed.


adding childern to tree stucture and print

I am trying to implement an n-arry tree based on this post :
and I am getting an error when trying to define a function that adds children:
class node(object):
def __init__(self, value, children = []):
self.value = value
self.children = children
def __str__(self, level=0):
ret = "\t"*level+repr(self.value)+"\n"
for child in self.children:
ret += child.__str__(level+1)
return ret
# trying to implement this method si that I can get rid of
# calling root.children[0].children
def add_child(self, obj):
def __repr__(self):
return '<tree node representation>'
root = node('grandmother')
root.children = [node('daughter'), node('son')]
root.children[0].children = [node('granddaughter'), node('grandson')]
root.children[1].children = [node('granddaughter'), node('grandson')]
root.add_child([node((1)), node(2)]) # error
print (root)
I want to be able to to create a tree and print it.
[1]: Printing a Tree data structure in Python
If you name a method add_child, it should add a child, not children. And if you add children, you should extend the list, not just append the given list on its end.
Working example:
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, value, children=None):
if children is None:
children = []
self.value = value
self.children = children
def __str__(self, level=0):
ret = "\t" * level + repr(self.value) + "\n"
for child in self.children:
ret += child.__str__(level + 1)
return ret
def add_children(self, obj):
root = Node('grandmother')
root.children = [Node('daughter'), Node('son')]
root.children[0].children = [Node('granddaughter'), Node('grandson')]
root.children[1].children = [Node('granddaughter'), Node('grandson')]
root.add_children([Node(1), Node(2)])
You call add_child with an entire list object. Within add_child you use the method list.append which adds the entire list object to the list itself.
Solution 1: call add_child by specifying the nodes directly:
Solution 2: change the implementation of add_child by using list.extend instead of list.append. The former adds each element within the supplied argument to the list, while the latter adds the entire argument to the list.
def add_child(self, obj):

Cannot write a function to retrieve all words in a trie

I have a following Trie implementation:
class TrieNode:
def __init__(self):
self.nodes = defaultdict(TrieNode)
self.is_fullpath = False
class Trie:
def __init__(self):
self.root = TrieNode()
def insert(self, word):
curr = self.root
for char in word:
curr = curr.nodes[char]
curr.is_fullpath = True
I'm trying to write a method to retrieve a list of all words in my trie.
t = Trie()
print(t.paths()) # ---> ['a', 'ab']
My current implementation looks like this:
def paths(self, node=None):
if node is None:
node = self.root
result = []
for k, v in node.nodes.items():
if not node.is_fullpath:
for el in self.paths(v):
result.append(str(k) + el)
return result
But it does not seem to return full list of words.
Here are the issues in your code:
It doesn't look further when is_fullpath is True. But you should also look deeper (for longer words) in that case.
It should not check node.is_fullpath but v.is_fullpath.
result.append('') is not correct. It should be result.append(str(k))
So your for loop body could look like this:
if v.is_fullpath:
for el in self.paths(v):
result.append(str(k) + el)
I would however do it like this:
Define this recursive generator method on your TrieNode class:
def paths(self, prefix=""):
if self.is_fullpath:
yield prefix
for chr, node in self.nodes.items():
yield from node.paths(prefix + chr)
Note how this passes the collected characters on the path to the recursive call. If at any time the is_fullpath boolean is True, we yield that path. Always we continue the search recursively via child nodes.
The method on the Trie class is then quite simple:
def paths(self):
return list(self.root.paths())

In Order Traversal AVL Tree: Name not defined

I was just wondering would anyone be able to help me. I am trying to do an inorder transversal of an AVL tree. But I keep getting an error that my function name 'r_in_order' is not defined. What is happening here and what am I missing? Here is the code:
class Node:
""" A node in a BST. It may have left and right subtrees """
def __init__(self, item, left = None, right = None):
self.item = item
self.left = left
self.right = right
class BST:
""" An implementation of a Binary Search Tree """
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def recurse_add(self, ptr, item):
if ptr == None:
return Node(item)
elif item < ptr.item:
ptr.left = self.recurse_add(ptr.left, item)
elif item > ptr.item:
ptr.right = self.recurse_add(ptr.right, item)
return ptr
def add(self, item):
""" Add this item to its correct position on the tree """
self.root = self.recurse_add(self.root, item)
def r_count(self, ptr):
if ptr == None:
return 0
return 1 + self.r_count(ptr.left) + self.r_count(ptr.right)
def count(self):
return self.r_count(self.root)
def r_height(self, ptr):
if ptr == None:
return 0
return 1 + max(self.r_height(ptr.left), self.r_height(ptr.right))
def height(self):
return self.r_height(self.root)
def r_in_order(self, ptr):
if ptr != None:
print(ptr.item + " ", end="")
def in_order(self):
return self.r_in_order(self.root)
I am then testing the code with this:
import sys
from BST import BST
def main():
# Read each test case
line = sys.stdin.readline()
items = line.strip().split()
nums = [int(item) for item in items]
tree = BST()
for num in nums:
print("Print the elements of the tree in order:")
if __name__ == "__main__":
r_in_order is a method of BST. It can only be called on a BST instance (or on the class with an instance as the first argument), but in the definition of r_in_order itself, you try to use it without one. So technically, it doesn't exist in the namespace you're trying to use it in.
Your function definition should be as follows:
def r_in_order(self, ptr):
if ptr != None:
print(ptr.item + " ", end="")
There is no general function r_in_order: you need to add self. to get a reference to the method you're already inside. There's also a syntax error lurking in the print statement. Try this:
def r_in_order(self, ptr):
if ptr != None:
print(ptr.item, " ", end="")
This runs, and yields the below (first line is input).
1 3 7 5 6 4 2
Print the elements of the tree in order:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Using self.xxxx as a default parameter - Python

I'm trying to simplify one of my homework problems and make the code a little better. What I'm working with is a binary search tree. Right now I have a function in my Tree() class that finds all the elements and puts them into a list.
tree = Tree()
#insert a bunch of items into tree
then I use my makeList() function to take all the nodes from the tree and puts them in a list.
To call the makeList() function, I do tree.makeList(tree.root). To me this seems a little repetitive. I'm already calling the tree object with the tree.root is just a waste of a little typing.
Right now the makeList function is:
def makeList(self, aNode):
if aNode is None:
return []
return [] + self.makeList(aNode.lChild) + self.makeList(aNode.rChild)
I would like to make the aNode input a default parameter such as aNode = self.root (which does not work) that way I could run the function with this, tree.makeList().
First question is, why doesn't that work?
Second question is, is there a way that it can work? As you can see the makeList() function is recursive so I cannot define anything at the beginning of the function or I get an infinite loop.
Here is all the code as requested:
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, data): = data
self.lChild = None
self.rChild = None
class Tree(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def __str__(self):
current = self.root
def isEmpty(self):
if self.root == None:
return True
return False
def insert (self, item):
newNode = Node (item)
current = self.root
parent = self.root
if self.root == None:
self.root = newNode
while current != None:
parent = current
if item <
current = current.lChild
current = current.rChild
if item <
parent.lChild = newNode
parent.rChild = newNode
def inOrder(self, aNode):
if aNode != None:
def makeList(self, aNode):
if aNode is None:
return []
return [] + self.makeList(aNode.lChild) + self.makeList(aNode.rChild)
def isSimilar(self, n, m):
nList = self.makeList(n.root)
mList = self.makeList(m.root)
print mList == nList
larsmans answered your first question
For your second question, can you simply look before you leap to avoid recursion?
def makeList(self, aNode=None):
if aNode is None:
aNode = self.root
treeaslist = []
if aNode.lChild:
if aNode.rChild:
return treeaslist
It doesn't work because default arguments are evaluated at function definition time, not at call time:
def f(lst = []):
return lst
print(f()) # prints [1]
print(f()) # prints [1, 1]
The common strategy is to use a None default parameter. If None is a valid value, use a singleton sentinel:
NOTHING = object()
def f(arg = NOTHING):
if arg is NOTHING:
# no argument
# etc.
If you want to treat None as a valid argument, you could use a **kwarg parameter.
def function(arg1, arg2, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('arg3', default)
arg3 = kwargs['arg3']
# Continue with function
function("amazing", "fantastic") # uses default
function("foo", "bar", arg3=None) # Not default, but None
function("hello", "world", arg3="!!!")
I have also seen ... or some other singleton be used like this.
def function(arg1, arg2=...):
if arg2 is ...:
arg2 = default

Trees in Python

Please help me to understand trees in Python. This is an example of tree implementation I found in the Internet.
from collections import deque
class EmptyTree(object):
"""Represents an empty tree."""
# Supported methods
def isEmpty(self):
return True
def __str__(self):
return ""
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterator for the tree."""
return iter([])
def preorder(self, lyst):
def inorder(self, lyst):
def postorder(self, lyst):
class BinaryTree(object):
"""Represents a nonempty binary tree."""
# Singleton for all empty tree objects
THE_EMPTY_TREE = EmptyTree()
def __init__(self, item):
"""Creates a tree with
the given item at the root."""
self._root = item
self._left = BinaryTree.THE_EMPTY_TREE
self._right = BinaryTree.THE_EMPTY_TREE
def isEmpty(self):
return False
def getRoot(self):
return self._root
def getLeft(self):
return self._left
def getRight(self):
return self._right
def setRoot(self, item):
self._root = item
def setLeft(self, tree):
self._left = tree
def setRight(self, tree):
self._right = tree
def removeLeft(self):
left = self._left
self._left = BinaryTree.THE_EMPTY_TREE
return left
def removeRight(self):
right = self._right
self._right = BinaryTree.THE_EMPTY_TREE
return right
def __str__(self):
"""Returns a string representation of the tree
rotated 90 degrees to the left."""
def strHelper(tree, level):
result = ""
if not tree.isEmpty():
result += strHelper(tree.getRight(), level + 1)
result += " " * level
result += str(tree.getRoot()) + "\n"
result += strHelper(tree.getLeft(), level + 1)
return result
return strHelper(self, 0)
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterator for the tree."""
lyst = []
return iter(lyst)
def preorder(self, lyst):
"""Adds items to lyst during
a preorder traversal."""
def inorder(self, lyst):
"""Adds items to lyst during
an inorder traversal."""
def postorder(self, lyst):
"""Adds items to lystduring
a postorder traversal."""
def levelorder(self, lyst):
"""Adds items to lyst during
a levelorder traversal."""
# levelsQueue = LinkedQueue()
levelsQueue = deque ([])
while levelsQueue != deque():
node = levelsQueue.popleft()
left = node.getLeft()
right = node.getRight()
if not left.isEmpty():
if not right.isEmpty():
This is programm that makes the small tree.
Builds a full binary tree with 7 nodes.
from binarytree import BinaryTree
lst = ["5", "+", "2"]
for i in range(len(lst)):
b = BinaryTree(lst[0])
d = BinaryTree(lst[1])
f = BinaryTree(lst[2])
# Build the tree from the bottom up, where
# d is the root node of the entire tree
def size(tree):
if tree.isEmpty():
return 0
return 1 + size(tree.getLeft()) + size(tree.getRight())
def frontier(tree):
"""Returns a list containing the leaf nodes
of tree."""
if tree.isEmpty():
return []
elif tree.getLeft().isEmpty() and tree.getRight().isEmpty():
return [tree.getRoot()]
return frontier(tree.getLeft()) + frontier(tree.getRight())
print ("Size:", size(d))
print ("String:")
print (d)
How can I make a class that will count the value of the expression, such that the answer = 7 (5+2). I really want to understand the concept with a small example.
It sounds like your problem isn't trees, which are a much more general (and simple) concept, but in how to properly populate and/or evaluate an expression tree.
If you have your operators specified in post-fix order, it becomes a lot easier.
See this wikipedia article on how to deal with infix notation when parsing input to a desktop calculator. It is called the shunting-yard algorithm.
You should do function that walks a tree in depth first order, calculating value of each node, either just taking value of it (if it is "5" for example), or making calculation (if it is "+" for example) - by walking the tree in depth first order you are sure that all subnodes of given node will be calculated when you are calculating that node (for example "5" and "2" will be calculated when you are calculating "+").
Then, at the root of the tree you'll get the result of the whole tree.
First of all, I'm not going to give much detail in case this is homework, which it sounds a bit like.
You need a method on your tree class that evaluates the tree. I suppose it'll assume that the "root" value of each tree node is a number (when the node is a leaf, i.e. when it has no children) or the name of an operator (When the node has children).
Your method will be recursive: the value of a tree-node with children is determined by (1) the value of its left subtree, (2) the value of its right subtree, and (3) the operator in its "root".
You'll probably want a table -- maybe stored in a dict -- mapping operator names like "+" to actual functions like operator.add (or, if you prefer, lambda x,y: x+y).
