I was just wondering would anyone be able to help me. I am trying to do an inorder transversal of an AVL tree. But I keep getting an error that my function name 'r_in_order' is not defined. What is happening here and what am I missing? Here is the code:
class Node:
""" A node in a BST. It may have left and right subtrees """
def __init__(self, item, left = None, right = None):
self.item = item
self.left = left
self.right = right
class BST:
""" An implementation of a Binary Search Tree """
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def recurse_add(self, ptr, item):
if ptr == None:
return Node(item)
elif item < ptr.item:
ptr.left = self.recurse_add(ptr.left, item)
elif item > ptr.item:
ptr.right = self.recurse_add(ptr.right, item)
return ptr
def add(self, item):
""" Add this item to its correct position on the tree """
self.root = self.recurse_add(self.root, item)
def r_count(self, ptr):
if ptr == None:
return 0
return 1 + self.r_count(ptr.left) + self.r_count(ptr.right)
def count(self):
return self.r_count(self.root)
def r_height(self, ptr):
if ptr == None:
return 0
return 1 + max(self.r_height(ptr.left), self.r_height(ptr.right))
def height(self):
return self.r_height(self.root)
def r_in_order(self, ptr):
if ptr != None:
print(ptr.item + " ", end="")
def in_order(self):
return self.r_in_order(self.root)
I am then testing the code with this:
import sys
from BST import BST
def main():
# Read each test case
line = sys.stdin.readline()
items = line.strip().split()
nums = [int(item) for item in items]
tree = BST()
for num in nums:
print("Print the elements of the tree in order:")
if __name__ == "__main__":
r_in_order is a method of BST. It can only be called on a BST instance (or on the class with an instance as the first argument), but in the definition of r_in_order itself, you try to use it without one. So technically, it doesn't exist in the namespace you're trying to use it in.
Your function definition should be as follows:
def r_in_order(self, ptr):
if ptr != None:
print(ptr.item + " ", end="")
There is no general function r_in_order: you need to add self. to get a reference to the method you're already inside. There's also a syntax error lurking in the print statement. Try this:
def r_in_order(self, ptr):
if ptr != None:
print(ptr.item, " ", end="")
This runs, and yields the below (first line is input).
1 3 7 5 6 4 2
Print the elements of the tree in order:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I have a Binary Search Tree and I am trying to trace recursively in order through the tree and append each key,value to a list. It is only appending the first key,value to the list and not going through the list in order. I pasted my code below, along with the test code I used at the bottom. Any help on how to get past this issue is super appreciated!
class TreeMap:
class Node:
def __init__(self, key, value):
self.key = key
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
self.numsearches = 0
self.numcomparisons = 0
def add(self, newkey, newvalue):
newkey = newkey.lower()
if self.root == None:
self.root = TreeMap.Node(newkey, newvalue)
TreeMap.add_helper(self.root, newkey, newvalue)
def add_helper(thisnode, newkey, newvalue):
if newkey <= thisnode.key:
if thisnode.left == None:
thisnode.left = TreeMap.Node(newkey, newvalue)
TreeMap.add_helper(thisnode.left, newkey, newvalue)
if thisnode.right == None:
thisnode.right = TreeMap.Node(newkey, newvalue)
TreeMap.add_helper(thisnode.right, newkey, newvalue)
def print(self):
TreeMap.print_helper(self.root, 0)
def print_helper(somenode, indentlevel):
if somenode == None:
print(" "*(indentlevel),"---")
if not TreeMap.isleaf(somenode):
TreeMap.print_helper(somenode.right, indentlevel + 5)
print(" "*indentlevel + str(somenode.key) + ": " +str(somenode.value))
if not TreeMap.isleaf(somenode):
TreeMap.print_helper(somenode.left, indentlevel + 5)
def isleaf(anode):
return anode.left == None and anode.right == None
def listify(self, whichorder="in"):
Returns a list consisting of all the payloads of the tree. (This returns a plain old Python List.)
The order of the payloads is determined by whichorder, which defaults to inorder.
The other possibilities are "pre" and "post".
If the tree is empty, return the empty list.
assert type(whichorder) is str,"Whichorder is a string, and can only be pre, in or post"
assert whichorder in ["pre","in","post"],"Whichorder is a string, and can only be pre, in or post"
return TreeMap.listify_helper(self.root, whichorder)
def listify_helper(somenode, whichorder):
order_list = []
if somenode == None:
return order_list
elif somenode != None and whichorder == 'in':
TreeMap.listify_helper(somenode.left, 'in')
order_list.append(somenode.key+ '='+somenode.value)
TreeMap.listify_helper(somenode.right, 'in')
return order_list
import treemap
translator = treemap.TreeMap()
translator.add("cat", "Katze")
translator.add("bird", "Vogel")
translator.add("dog", "Hund")
translator.add("snake", "IDK")
translator.add("bear", "IDK")
translator.add("octopus", "Tintenfisch")
translator.add("horse", "Pferd")
translator.add("zebra", "IDK")
print (translator.listify())
The problem is here:
def listify_helper(somenode, whichorder):
order_list = []
This function initialises its own local order_list every time it is invoked. Pass order_list as a parameter instead so that the same list is appended to by each recursive invocation.
Alternatively, append each element of the result of the recursive calls of listify_helper to order_list, although this approach could result in unneeded copying.
The question that I am asking here is based on www.dailycodingproblem.com
question 3:
"Given the root to a binary tree, implement serialize(root), which serializes the tree into a string, and deserialize(s), which deserializes the string back into the tree."
The code below is one of the solutions that I found and the question I want to ask is:-
For the deserialize function in line 42, when I pass an argument such as
def deserializer(node): which is followed by return deserializer(node), the output says "node not defined error" if I input any numbers eg: 1,3,2.
However, it works when I leave out the argument part empty that is def deserializer() followed by return deserializer()?
Your help would be much appreciated!
#must create a constructor every time we create a class eg: def __init__(self)
class Node:
def __init__(self, v):
self.left = None #none = empty state
self.right = None
self.value = v
class Tree:
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def addNode(self, node, v1):
if node == None:
self.root = Node(v1)
#argument in Node need not have to be v
if v1 < node.value:
#if 2nd value less than 1st value for example?
if not node.left:
node.left = Node(v1) #will not update value
#if it is node.left,update value
self.addNode(node.left, v1)
if not node.right:
node.right = Node(v1)
self.addNode(node.right, v1)
def deserialize(s):
values = iter(s.split(','))
def deserializer(): #why putting def deserializer(node) gives me "node undefined error"?)
val = next(values)
if val == '?':
return None
node = Node(int(val))
node.left = deserializer()
node.right = deserializer()
return node
return deserializer() #why putting return deserializer(node) gives me "node undefined error"?)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Read input, numbers separated by commas
numbers = [int(n) for n in input().split(',')]
theTree = Tree()
for number in numbers:
theTree.addNode(theTree.root, number)
s2 = serialize(deserialize(s1))
I have looked at many very similar questions and cannot figure it out so:
I have a string like this:
I want to read the string into a tree like this:
I am confused as how to tell python to add a whole list as a child node?
I would also like to know how to change the current node to the parent of the old current node?
Here is my code so far:
class Node:
def __init__(self,val):
self.value = val
self.children = []
#init Node class so we can pass in values as nodes and set children to empty list
def add_child(self, obj):
for i in filedata:
if i == leftbrace:
n = Node(i)
#create new child of current node
s = []
#reset list s to blank
if i == rightbrace:
#add list s to current node
#make parent of current node the new current node
#add i to list s
for c in n.children:
print (c.data)
To make something like this work, it is easiest if you use recursion. Here is one way that this can be done.
class Node:
def __init__(self, stream):
val = []
children = []
while True:
# get the next character from the stream
ch = next(stream)
# if this is an open brace, then recurse to a child
if ch == '{':
# if this is a close brace, we are done on this level
elif ch == '}':
# otherwise add this character to our value
# stream is empty, we are done
except StopIteration:
self.value = ''.join(val)
self.children = children
def from_string(cls, string):
stream = iter(string)
tree_top = Node(stream)
# assert that the string started with '{' and was one top node
assert len(tree_top.children) == 1 and tree_top.value == ''
return tree_top.children[0]
def __str__(self):
return self.value
def __repr__(self):
return "Node('%s', <%d children>)" % (
self.value, len(self.children))
def tree_string(self, level=0):
yield '-' + " " * level + str(self)
for child in self.children:
for child_string in child.tree_string(level+1):
yield child_string
tree = '{121{12}12{211}2}'
for line in Node.from_string(tree).tree_string():
- 12
- 211
I'm practicing creating a balanced binary search tree in python.
I already have these below, any idea on how to create a balance_bst funtion that passed a list of unique values that are
sorted in increasing order. It returns a reference to the root of a well-balanced binary search tree:
class LN:
def __init__(self,value,next=None):
self.value = value
self.next = next
def list_to_ll(l):
if l == []:
return None
front = rear = LN(l[0])
for v in l[1:]:
rear.next = LN(v)
rear = rear.next
return front
def str_ll(ll):
answer = ''
while ll != None:
answer += str(ll.value)+'->'
ll = ll.next
return answer + 'None'
# Tree Node class and helper functions (to set up problem)
class TN:
def __init__(self,value,left=None,right=None):
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right
def height(atree):
if atree == None:
return -1
return 1+ max(height(atree.left),height(atree.right))
def size(t):
if t == None:
return 0
return 1 + size(t.left) + size(t.right)
def is_balanced(t):
if t == None:
return True
return abs(size(t.left)-size(t.right)) <= 1 and is_balanced(t.left) and is_balanced(t.right)
def str_tree(atree,indent_char ='.',indent_delta=2):
def str_tree_1(indent,atree):
if atree == None:
return ''
answer = ''
answer += str_tree_1(indent+indent_delta,atree.right)
answer += indent*indent_char+str(atree.value)+'\n'
answer += str_tree_1(indent+indent_delta,atree.left)
return answer
return str_tree_1(0,atree)
How do write the balance_bst?
def balance_bst(l):
Here is what I did:
def build_balanced_bst(l):
if l == None:
return None
middle = len(l) // 2
return TN(l[middle],
build_balanced_bst(l[middle + 1:]))
It gives me:
IndexError: list index out of range
How do I fix it?
I'm not going to write it for you since that's not what SO is about, but here's the general idea. Since the list is already sorted, the root should be the element in the middle of the list. Its left child will be the root of the balanced tree consisting of the elements to the left of the root in the list, and the right sub-tree will be the rest.
How do I make a function that returns the number of nodes in a tree that have two children?
My class code is as follows:
class RefBinaryTree:
def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None):
self.key = data
self.left = left
self.right = right
def insert_left(self, value):
self.left = RefBinaryTree(value, left=self.left)
def insert_right(self, value):
self.right = RefBinaryTree(value, right=self.right)
def get_left_subtree(self):
return self.left
def get_right_subtree(self):
return self.right
def set_value(self, new_value):
self.key = new_value
def get_value(self):
return self.key
def create_string(self, indent):
string = str(self.key) + '---+'
if self.left:
string += '\n(l)' + indent + self.left.create_string(indent + ' ')
if self.right:
string += '\n(r)' + indent + self.right.create_string(indent + ' ')
return string
def __str__(self):
return self.create_string(' ')
I'm guessing it would be best to use recursion. Any hints or helpful links would be awesome. Thanks.
It's really quite simple to count two-child nodes recursively. If you return a number with each function call (zero as the base case) you can simply add 1 every time you find a two-child node:
def findDoubleNodes(tree):
if tree == None or (tree.left == None and tree.right == None):
# base case
return 0
elif tree.left <> None and tree.right <> None:
# both have children, so add one to our total and go down one level
return findDoubleNodes(tree.left)+findDoubleNodes(tree.right) + 1
# only one child, so only go down one level
return findDoubleNodes(tree.left)+findDoubleNodes(tree.right)
Inputting a RefBinaryTree returns the number of nodes with two children. An example:
x = RefBinaryTree(1)
The (lazily) created tree looks like this:
/ \
6 7
/ \
8 9
And findDoubleNodes(x) returns 2, as only two nodes (5 and 7) have two children.
Additionally, adding a left child to node 9 (x.left.right.right.insert_left(11)) has the expected result, returning 3.
This should do:
def countNodes(tree):
if tree is None:
return 0
left = tree.get_left_subtree()
rght = tree.get_right_subtree()
return (0 if left is None or rght is None else 1) \
+ countNodes(left) + countNodes(rght)