cant save an 4d array int .txt file - python

I am using the sliding window technic to an image and i am extracting the mean values of pixels of each one window. So the results are someting like this [[[[215.015625][123.55036272][111.66057478]]]].now the question is how could i save all these values for every one window into a txt file or at a CSV because i want to use them for further compare similarities? whatever i tried the error is same..that it is a 4D array and not an 1D or 2D. I ll appreciate any help really.! Thank you in advance
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# read the image and define the stepSize and window size
# (width,height)
image2 = cv2.imread("bird.jpg")# your image path
image = cv2.resize(image2, (224, 224))
tmp = image # for drawing a rectangle
stepSize = 10
(w_width, w_height) = (60, 60 ) # window size
for x in range(0, image.shape[1] - w_width, stepSize):
for y in range(0, image.shape[0] - w_height, stepSize):
window = image[x:x + w_width, y:y + w_height, :]
# classify content of the window with your classifier and
# determine if the window includes an object (cell) or not
# draw window on image
cv2.rectangle(tmp, (x, y), (x + w_width, y + w_height), (255, 0, 0), 2) # draw rectangle on image
# show all windows
mean_val, std_dev = cv2.meanStdDev(image)
mean_val = mean_val[:3]
mean_values = np.asarray(mean_values)

Human Readable Option
Assuming that you want the data to be human readable, saving the data takes a little bit more work. My search showed me that there's this solution for saving 3D data to a text file. However, it's pretty simple to extend this example to 4D for your use case. This code is taken and adapted from that post, thank you Joe Kington and David Cheung.
import numpy as np
data = np.arange(2*3*4*5).reshape((2,3,4,5))
with open('test.csv', 'w') as outfile:
# We write this header for readable, the pound symbol
# will cause numpy to ignore it
outfile.write('# Array shape: {0}\n'.format(data.shape))
# Iterating through a ndimensional array produces slices along
# the last axis. This is equivalent to data[i,:,:] in this case.
# Because we are dealing with 4D data instead of 3D data,
# we need to add another for loop that's nested inside of the
# previous one.
for threeD_data_slice in data:
for twoD_data_slice in threeD_data_slice:
# The formatting string indicates that I'm writing out
# the values in left-justified columns 7 characters in width
# with 2 decimal places.
np.savetxt(outfile, twoD_data_slice, fmt='%-7.2f')
# Writing out a break to indicate different slices...
outfile.write('# New slice\n')
And then once the data has been saved all you need to do is load it and reshape it (np.load()) will default to reading in the data as a 2D array but np.reshape() will allow us to recover the structure. Again, this code is adapted from the previous post.
new_data = np.loadtxt('test.csv')
# Note that this returned a 2D array!
# However, going back to 3D is easy if we know the
# original shape of the array
new_data = new_data.reshape((2,3,4,5))
# Just to check that they're the same...
assert np.all(new_data == data)
Binary Option
Assuming that human readability is not necessary, I would recommend using the built-in *.npy format which is described here. This stores the data in a binary format.
You can save the array by doing'NAME_OF_ARRAY.npy', ARRAY_TO_BE_SAVED) and then load it with SAVED_ARRAY = np.load('NAME_OF_ARRAY.npy').
You can also save several numpy array in a single zip file with the np.savez() function like so np.savez('MANY_ARRAYS.npz', ARRAY_ONE, ARRAY_TWO). And you load the zipped arrays in a similar fashion SEVERAL_ARRAYS = np.load('MANY_ARRAYS.npz').


How to label inner/outer of contour when slice/rasterize 3D objects to image stack?

For 3D printing, we slice the digital objects into image stacks in order to stack them layer by layer using a 3D printer. And when the slice is done, how to label the inner/outer to set the solid parts?
The STL model:
The Slices:
Sample of one image stack (sliced):
but the need is to keep or label the inner/outer of contours, say the inner is black so the 3D printer will print it and skip the white outer. The goal is filled inner of contours as the following image:
Try 1
import pyvista as pv
mesh ='./haus.stl')
slices = mesh.slice_along_axis(n=20, axis='z', progress_bar=True)
# show single slice with camera setting
slices[15].plot(cpos=[0, 1, 1], line_width=5, parallel_projection=True,)
# save slices (outcome is as step.3 image stack)
for i in range(20):
p = pv.Plotter(off_screen=True)
p.camera_position = 'zy'
im_name = "im_slice_" + str(i) + ".jpg"
# Try voxelize (as ans from
voxels = pv.voxelize(mesh, density=mesh.length / 100)
# Try pv.Plane() (not test yet)
plane.compute_implicit_distance(mesh, inplace=True)
#i_resolution=?, j_resolution=?
# Try vtk (not test yet)
voxelize model:
voxelize sliced:
but voxelize sliced doesn't seem very suitable. A very fine mesh needs to be built to restore the boundaries.
Try 2 VTK example
show STL:
Just add STL reader and Mapper:
filename = './haus.stl'
reader = vtkSTLReader()
stlMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
polydata = stlMapper
print("Get GetOrigin", polydata.GetCenter())
sphereSource = reader
slice result:
Try 2 is almost done with the job, but can not figure out the SetExtent/SetOrigin effect. The output image all fit to the contours' dimensions so each output image WXH is not identical.
Try 3 3D Silcer example
Only change some code as following:
inputModelFile = "./data/haus.stl"
outputDir = "./outputs/"
for i in range(80,140, 10):
imageio.imwrite(f"{outputDir}/image_{i:03}.jpg", 255 - outputLabelmapVolumeArray[i]) # Inverting Colors
The result seems acceptable, but need future to revise some code to match the resolution, position, spacing, etc. So, is there a more lean and more efficient way to automate similar work?
You may want to try out the combination of vtkFeatureEdges, vtkStripper and vtkTriangleFilter, eg:
from vedo import *
msh = Mesh('')
slices = []
for z in np.arange(-.50, .50, .15):
line = msh.clone().cut_with_plane(origin=(0,0,z), normal='z')
cap = line.cap(True)
show(slices, msh.alpha(0.1), axes=1)

How to do alpha compositing with a list of RGBA data in numpy arrays?

Following this formula for alpha blending two color values, I wish to apply this to n numpy arrays of rgba image data (though the expected use-case will, in practice, have a very low upper bound of arrays, probably > 5). In context, this process will be constrained to arrays of identical shape.
I could in theory achieve this through iteration, but expect that this would be computationally intensive and terribly inefficient.
What is the most efficient way to apply a function between two elements in the same position between two arrays across the entire array?
A loose example:
# in context, the numpy arrays come from here, as either numpy data in the
# first place or a path
def import_data(source):
# first test for an extant numpy array
assert(type(source) is np.ndarray)
data = source
except AssertionError:
data = add_alpha_channel(np.array(
except IOError:
raise IOError("Cannot identify image data in file '{0}'".format(source))
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("Cannot identify image data from source.")
return data
# and here is the in-progress method that will, in theory composite the stack of
# arrays; it context this is a bit more elaborate; self.width & height are just what
# they appear to be—-the final size of the composited output of all layers
def render(self):
render_surface = np.zeros((self.height, self.width, 4))
for l in self.__layers:
foreground = l.render() # basically this just returns an np array
# the next four lines just find the regions between two layers to
# be composited
l_x1, l_y1 = l.origin
l_x2 = l_x1 + foreground.shape[1]
l_y2 = l_y1 + foreground.shape[0]
background = render_surface[l_y1: l_y2, l_x1: l_x2]
# at this point, foreground & background contain two identically shaped
# arrays to be composited; next line is where the function i'm seeking
# ought to go
render_surface[l_y1: l_y2, l_x1: l_x2] = ?
Starting with these two RGBA images:
I implemented the formula you linked to and came up with this:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
# Open input images, and make Numpy array versions
src ="a.png")
dst ="b.png")
nsrc = np.array(src, dtype=np.float)
ndst = np.array(dst, dtype=np.float)
# Extract the RGB channels
srcRGB = nsrc[...,:3]
dstRGB = ndst[...,:3]
# Extract the alpha channels and normalise to range 0..1
srcA = nsrc[...,3]/255.0
dstA = ndst[...,3]/255.0
# Work out resultant alpha channel
outA = srcA + dstA*(1-srcA)
# Work out resultant RGB
outRGB = (srcRGB*srcA[...,np.newaxis] + dstRGB*dstA[...,np.newaxis]*(1-srcA[...,np.newaxis])) / outA[...,np.newaxis]
# Merge RGB and alpha (scaled back up to 0..255) back into single image
outRGBA = np.dstack((outRGB,outA*255)).astype(np.uint8)
# Make into a PIL Image, just to save it
Output image

Moving/running window of a Multi-dimensional image array

I am trying to work on an efficient numpy solution to perform a running average of an array of color images across the 4th dimension. A set of color images in a directory is read in a loop and I would like to average in subsets of 3. ie. If there are n = 5 color images in the directory I would like to average [1,2,3],[2,3,4], [3,4,5], [4,5,1], and [5,1,2] thus writing 5 output average images.
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import numpy as np
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
mypath = 'C:/path/to/5_image/dir'
onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))]
img = np.empty(len(onlyfiles), dtype=object)
temp = np.zeros((960, 1280, 3, 3), dtype='uint8')
temp_avg = np.zeros((960, 1280, 3), dtype='uint8')
for n in range(0, len(onlyfiles)):
img[n] = cv2.imread(join(mypath, onlyfiles[n]))
for n in range(0, len(img)):
if (n+2) < len(img)-1:
temp[:, :, :, 0] = img[n]
temp[:, :, :, 1] = img[n + 1]
temp[:, :, :, 2] = img[n + 2]
temp_avg = np.mean(temp,axis=3)
This script is in no way complete or elegant. The issues i am having is while plotting the average images the color space seems distorted and appears like CMKY. I am not accounting for the last two moving windows [4,5,1] and [5,1,2]. Critique and suggestions welcome.
For performing local operations (such as a running average) across the pixels of an image (or across multiple images), convolution with a kernel is usually a good approach.
Here's how this could be done in your case.
Generating Some Example Data
I used the following to generate 10 images containing random noise to work with:
for i in range(10):
an_img = np.random.randint(0, 256, (960,1280,3))
cv2.imwrite("img_"+str(i)+".png", an_img)
Preparing the Images
This is how I load the images back in:
# Get target file names
mypath = os.getcwd() # or whatever path you like
fnames = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if f.endswith('.png')]
# Create an array to hold all the images
first_img = cv2.imread(join(mypath, fnames[0]))
y,x,c = first_img.shape
all_imgs = np.empty((len(fnames),y,x,c), dtype=np.uint8)
# Load all the images
for i,fname in enumerate(fnames):
all_imgs[i,...] = cv2.imread(join(mypath, fnames[i]))
Some notes:
I use f.endswith('.png') to be a bit more specific with how I generate the list of filenames, allowing other files to be in the same directory without causing problems.
I place all of the images in a single 4D uint8 array of shape (image,y,x,c) instead of the object array you were using. This is necessary to employ the convolution approach below.
I use the first image to get the dimensions of the images, which makes the code just a little bit more general.
Performing Local Averaging by Kernel Convolution
This is all it takes.
from scipy.ndimage import uniform_filter
done = uniform_filter(all_imgs, size=(3,0,0,0), origin=-1, mode='wrap')
Some notes:
I am using scipy.ndimage because it readily allows for its convolution filters to be applied to images with many dimensions (4 in your case). For cv2, I am only aware of cv2.filter2D, which does not have that functionality as far as I know. However, I am not very familiar with cv2, so I may be wrong about this (will edit if someone corrects me in a comment).
The size kwarg specifies the size of the kernel to use along each dimension of the array. By using (3,0,0,0), I make sure that only the first dimension (=the different images) is used for the averaging.
By default, the running window (or rather the kernel) is used to compute the value of its central pixel. To match this more closely with your code, I used origin=-1, so the kernel computes the value of the pixel one to the left of its center.
By default, the edge cases (the two last images in this case) are handled by padding with a reflection. Your question suggests that what you want is to use the first images again instead. This is done using mode='wrap'.
By default, the filter returns the result in the same dtype as the input, here np.uint8. This is probably desirable, but your example code produces floats, so perhaps you want the filter to return floats as well, which you can do by simply changing the dtype of the input, i.e. done = uniform_filter(all_imgs.astype(np.float), size....
As for the distorted color space when you plot your averages; I cannot reproduce that. Your approach seems to produce the correct output for my random noise example images (after correction of the issue I pointed out in my comment to your question). Perhaps you could try plt.imshow(temp_avg, interpolation='none') to avoid possible artefacting from imshow's interpolation?

Python image analysis: reading a multidimensional TIFF file from confocal microscopy

I have a TIFF image file from a confocal microscope which I can open in ImageJ, but which I would like to get into Python.
The format of the TIFF is as follows:
There are 30 stacks in the Z dimension. Each Z layer has three channels from different fluorescent markers. Each channel has a depth of 8 bits. The image dimensions are 1024x1024.
I can, in principle, read the file with skimage (which I plan to use to further analyse the data) using the tifffile plugin. However, what I get is not quite what I expect.
merged = io.imread("merge.tif", plugin="tifffile")
# (30, 3, 3, 1024, 1024)
# (zslice, RGB?, channel?, height, width)
# dtype('uint16')
What confused me initially was the fact that I get two axes of length 3. I think that this is because tifffile treats each channel as separate RGB images, but I can work around this by subsetting or using skimage.color.rgb2grey on the individual channels. What concerns me more is that the file is imported as a 16 bit image. I can convert it back using skimage.img_as_ubyte, but afterwards, the histogram does no longer match the one I see in ImageJ.
I am not fixated on using skimage to import the file, but I would like to get the image into a numpy array eventually to use skimage's functionality on it.
I've encountered the same issue working on .tif files. I recommend to use bioformats python package.
import javabridge
import bioformats
path_to_data = '/path/to/data/file_name.tif'
# get XML metadata of complete file
xml_string = bioformats.get_omexml_metadata(path_to_data)
ome = bioformats.OMEXML(xml_string) # be sure everything is ascii
print ome.image_count
depending on data, one file can hold multiple images. Each image can be accessed as follows:
# read some metadata
iome = ome.image(0) # e.g. first image
print iome.get_Name()
print iome.get_ID()
# get pixel meta data
print iome.Pixels.get_DimensionOrder()
print iome.Pixels.get_PixelType()
print iome.Pixels.get_SizeX()
print iome.Pixels.get_SizeY()
print iome.Pixels.get_SizeZ()
print iome.Pixels.get_SizeT()
print iome.Pixels.get_SizeC()
print iome.Pixels.DimensionOrder
loading raw data of image 0 into numpy array is done like that:
reader = bioformats.ImageReader(path_to_data)
raw_data = []
for z in range(iome.Pixels.get_SizeZ()):
# returns 512 x 512 x SizeC array (SizeC = number of channels)
raw_image =, series=0, rescale=False)
raw_data = np.array(raw_data) # 512 x 512 x SizeC x SizeZ array
Hope this helps processing .tif files, Cheers!
I am not sure if the 'hyperstack to stack' function is that what you want. Hyperstacks are simply multidimensional images, could be 4D or 5D (width, hight, slices, channels (e.g. 3 for RGB) and time frames). In ImageJ you have a slider for each dimension in a hyperstack.
Stacks are just stacked 2D images that are somehow related and you have only one slider, in the simplest case it represents the z-slices in a 3D data set.
The 'hyperstack to stack' function stacks all dimensions in your hyperstack. So if you have a hyperstack with 3 channels, 4 slices and 5 time frames (3 sliders) you will get a stack of 3x4x5 = 60 images (one slider). Basically the same thing as you mentioned above with sliding through the focal planes on a per-channel basis. You can go the other way around using 'stack to hyperstack' and make a hyperstack by defining which slices from your stack represent which dimension. In the example file I mentioned above just select order xyzct, 3 channels and 7 time points.
So if your tiff file has 2 sliders, it seems that it is a 4D hyperstack with hight, width, 30 slices and 3 channels. 'hyperstack to stack' would stack all dimensions on top of each other, so you will get 3x30=90 slices.
However, according to the skimage tiff reader it seems that your tiff file is some kind of a 5D hyperstack. Width, hight (1024x1024), 30 z-slices, 3 channels (RGB) and another dimension with 3 entries (e.g. time frames).
In order to find out what is wrong, I would suggest to compare the dimensions with 3 entries of the array you get from skimage. Find out which one of them represents the RGB channels and what the other one is. You can for example use pyqtgraph's image function:
import pyqtgraph as pg
merged = io.imread("merge.tif", plugin="tifffile")
#pg.image takes the dimensions in the following order: z-slider,x,y,RGB channel
#if merged.shape = (30, 3, 3, 1024, 1024), you have to compare the 1st and 2nd dimension
pg.image(merged[:,0,:,:,:].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))
pg.image(merged[:,1,:,:,:].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))
pg.image(merged[:,2,:,:,:].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))
pg.image(merged[:,:,0,:,:].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))
pg.image(merged[:,:,1,:,:].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))
pg.image(merged[:,:,2,:,:].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))

Numpy manipulating array of True values dependent on x/y index

So I have an array (it's large - 2048x2048), and I would like to do some element wise operations dependent on where they are. I'm very confused how to do this (I was told not to use for loops, and when I tried that my IDE froze and it was going really slow).
Onto the question:
h = aperatureimage
h[:,:] = 0
indices = np.where(aperatureimage>1)
for True in h:
h[index] = np.exp(1j*k*z)*np.exp(1j*k*(x**2+y**2)/(2*z))/(1j*wave*z)
So I have an index, which is (I'm assuming here) essentially a 'cropped' version of my larger aperatureimage array. *Note: Aperature image is a grayscale image converted to an array, it has a shape or text on it, and I would like to find all the 'white' regions of the aperature and perform my operation.
How can I access the individual x/y values of index which will allow me to perform my exponential operation? When I try index[:,None], leads to the program spitting out 'ValueError: broadcast dimensions too large'. I also get array is not broadcastable to correct shape. Any help would be appreciated!
One more clarification: x and y are the only values I would like to change (essentially the points in my array where there is white, z, k, and whatever else are defined previously).
I'm not sure the code I posted above is correct, it returns two empty arrays. When I do this though
index = (aperatureimage==1)
print len(index)
Actually, nothing I've done so far works correctly. I have a 2048x2048 image with a 128x128 white square in the middle of it. I would like to convert this image to an array, look through all the values and determine the index values (x,y) where the array is not black (I only have white/black, bilevel image didn't work for me). I would then like to take all the values (x,y) where the array is not 0, and multiply them by the h[index] value listed above.
I can post more information if necessary. If you can't tell, I'm stuck.
EDIT2: Here's some code that might help - I think I have the problem above solved (I can now access members of the array and perform operations on them). But - for some reason the Fx values in my for loop never increase, it loops Fy forever....
import sys, os
from scipy.signal import *
import numpy as np
import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps, ImageEnhance, ImageColor
def createImage(aperature, type):
imsize = aperature*8
middle = imsize/2
im ="L", (imsize,imsize))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
box = ((middle-aperature/2, middle-aperature/2), (middle+aperature/2, middle+aperature/2))
import sys, os
from scipy.signal import *
import numpy as np
import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps, ImageEnhance, ImageColor
def createImage(aperature, type):
imsize = aperature*8 #Add 0 padding to make it nice
middle = imsize/2 # The middle (physical 0) of our image will be the imagesize/2
im ="L", (imsize,imsize)) #Make a grayscale image with imsize*imsize pixels
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) #Create a new draw method
box = ((middle-aperature/2, middle-aperature/2), (middle+aperature/2, middle+aperature/2)) #Bounding box for aperature
if type == 'Rectangle':
draw.rectangle(box, fill = 'white') #Draw rectangle in the box and color it white
del draw
return im, middle
def Diffraction(aperaturediameter = 1, type = 'Rectangle', z = 2000000, wave = .001):
# Constants
deltaF = 1/8 # Image will be 8mm wide
z = 1/3.
wave = 0.001
k = 2*pi/wave
# Now let's get to work
aperature = aperaturediameter * 128 # Aperaturediameter (in mm) to some pixels
im, middle = createImage(aperature, type) #Create an image depending on type of aperature
aperaturearray = np.array(im) # Turn image into numpy array
# Fourier Transform of Aperature
Ta = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(aperaturearray))/(len(aperaturearray))
# Transforming and calculating of Transfer Function Method
H = aperaturearray.copy() # Copy image so H (transfer function) has the same dimensions as aperaturearray
H[:,:] = 0 # Set H to 0
U = aperaturearray.copy()
U[:,:] = 0
index = np.nonzero(aperaturearray) # Find nonzero elements of aperaturearray
H[index[0],index[1]] = np.exp(1j*k*z)*np.exp(-1j*k*wave*z*((index[0]-middle)**2+(index[1]-middle)**2)) # Free space transfer for ap array
Utfm = abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(Ta*H))) # Compute intensity at distance z
# Fourier Integral Method
apindex = np.nonzero(aperaturearray)
U[index[0],index[1]] = aperaturearray[index[0],index[1]] * np.exp(1j*k*((index[0]-middle)**2+(index[1]-middle)**2)/(2*z))
Ufim = abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(U))/len(U))
# Save image
fim = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(Ufim))"PATH\Fim.jpg")
ftfm = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(Utfm))"PATH\FTFM.jpg")
print "that may have worked..."
if __name__ == '__main__':
You'll need numpy, scipy, and PIL to work with this code.
When I run this, it goes through the code, but there is no data in them (everything is black). Now I have a real problem here as I don't entirely understand the math I'm doing (this is for HW), and I don't have a firm grasp on Python.
U[index[0],index[1]] = aperaturearray[index[0],index[1]] * np.exp(1j*k*((index[0]-middle)**2+(index[1]-middle)**2)/(2*z))
Should that line work for performing elementwise calculations on my array?
Could you perhaps post a minimal, yet complete, example? One that we can copy/paste and run ourselves?
In the meantime, in the first two lines of your current example:
h = aperatureimage
h[:,:] = 0
you set both 'aperatureimage' and 'h' to 0. That's probably not what you intended. You might want to consider:
h = aperatureimage.copy()
This generates a copy of aperatureimage while your code simply points h to the same array as aperatureimage. So changing one changes the other.
Be aware, copying very large arrays might cost you more memory then you would prefer.
What I think you are trying to do is this:
import numpy as np
N = 2048
M = 64
a = np.zeros((N, N))
x,y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, N), np.linspace(0, 1, N))
b = a.copy()
indices = np.where(a>0)
b[indices] = np.exp(x[indices]**2+y[indices]**2)
Or something similar. This, in any case, sets some values in 'b' based on the x/y coordinates where 'a' is bigger than 0. Try visualizing it with imshow. Good luck!
Concerning the edit
You should normalize your output so it fits in the 8 bit integer. Currently, one of your arrays has a maximum value much larger than 255 and one has a maximum much smaller. Try this instead:
fim = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(255*Ufim/np.amax(Ufim)))"PATH\Fim.jpg")
ftfm = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(255*Utfm/np.amax(Utfm)))"PATH\FTFM.jpg")
Also consider np.zeros_like() instead of copying and clearing H and U.
Finally, I personally very much like working with ipython when developing something like this. If you put the code in your Diffraction function in the top level of your script (in place of 'if __ name __ &c.'), then you can access the variables directly from ipython. A quick command like np.amax(Utfm) would show you that there are indeed values!=0. imshow() is always nice to look at matrices.
