Moving/running window of a Multi-dimensional image array - python

I am trying to work on an efficient numpy solution to perform a running average of an array of color images across the 4th dimension. A set of color images in a directory is read in a loop and I would like to average in subsets of 3. ie. If there are n = 5 color images in the directory I would like to average [1,2,3],[2,3,4], [3,4,5], [4,5,1], and [5,1,2] thus writing 5 output average images.
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import numpy as np
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
mypath = 'C:/path/to/5_image/dir'
onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))]
img = np.empty(len(onlyfiles), dtype=object)
temp = np.zeros((960, 1280, 3, 3), dtype='uint8')
temp_avg = np.zeros((960, 1280, 3), dtype='uint8')
for n in range(0, len(onlyfiles)):
img[n] = cv2.imread(join(mypath, onlyfiles[n]))
for n in range(0, len(img)):
if (n+2) < len(img)-1:
temp[:, :, :, 0] = img[n]
temp[:, :, :, 1] = img[n + 1]
temp[:, :, :, 2] = img[n + 2]
temp_avg = np.mean(temp,axis=3)
This script is in no way complete or elegant. The issues i am having is while plotting the average images the color space seems distorted and appears like CMKY. I am not accounting for the last two moving windows [4,5,1] and [5,1,2]. Critique and suggestions welcome.

For performing local operations (such as a running average) across the pixels of an image (or across multiple images), convolution with a kernel is usually a good approach.
Here's how this could be done in your case.
Generating Some Example Data
I used the following to generate 10 images containing random noise to work with:
for i in range(10):
an_img = np.random.randint(0, 256, (960,1280,3))
cv2.imwrite("img_"+str(i)+".png", an_img)
Preparing the Images
This is how I load the images back in:
# Get target file names
mypath = os.getcwd() # or whatever path you like
fnames = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if f.endswith('.png')]
# Create an array to hold all the images
first_img = cv2.imread(join(mypath, fnames[0]))
y,x,c = first_img.shape
all_imgs = np.empty((len(fnames),y,x,c), dtype=np.uint8)
# Load all the images
for i,fname in enumerate(fnames):
all_imgs[i,...] = cv2.imread(join(mypath, fnames[i]))
Some notes:
I use f.endswith('.png') to be a bit more specific with how I generate the list of filenames, allowing other files to be in the same directory without causing problems.
I place all of the images in a single 4D uint8 array of shape (image,y,x,c) instead of the object array you were using. This is necessary to employ the convolution approach below.
I use the first image to get the dimensions of the images, which makes the code just a little bit more general.
Performing Local Averaging by Kernel Convolution
This is all it takes.
from scipy.ndimage import uniform_filter
done = uniform_filter(all_imgs, size=(3,0,0,0), origin=-1, mode='wrap')
Some notes:
I am using scipy.ndimage because it readily allows for its convolution filters to be applied to images with many dimensions (4 in your case). For cv2, I am only aware of cv2.filter2D, which does not have that functionality as far as I know. However, I am not very familiar with cv2, so I may be wrong about this (will edit if someone corrects me in a comment).
The size kwarg specifies the size of the kernel to use along each dimension of the array. By using (3,0,0,0), I make sure that only the first dimension (=the different images) is used for the averaging.
By default, the running window (or rather the kernel) is used to compute the value of its central pixel. To match this more closely with your code, I used origin=-1, so the kernel computes the value of the pixel one to the left of its center.
By default, the edge cases (the two last images in this case) are handled by padding with a reflection. Your question suggests that what you want is to use the first images again instead. This is done using mode='wrap'.
By default, the filter returns the result in the same dtype as the input, here np.uint8. This is probably desirable, but your example code produces floats, so perhaps you want the filter to return floats as well, which you can do by simply changing the dtype of the input, i.e. done = uniform_filter(all_imgs.astype(np.float), size....
As for the distorted color space when you plot your averages; I cannot reproduce that. Your approach seems to produce the correct output for my random noise example images (after correction of the issue I pointed out in my comment to your question). Perhaps you could try plt.imshow(temp_avg, interpolation='none') to avoid possible artefacting from imshow's interpolation?


How do I reshape an image to NxNx3 blocks and perform operations on their channels separately

I am trying to get a better understanding of numpy reshaping and transpose operations so that I can perform tasks on each local area of a color image (as opposed to the image as a whole). I can do these by creating slices and looping over slices, but I would prefer not having to create python loops. I have come up with some examples that should help me understand the parts that I have been having trouble with. I ordered them from easiest to most difficult. The last one is ultimately the one that I want to solve.
img = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(6,6,3), dtype=np.uint8)
img_mean = np.mean(img) #mean of the whole image, one value.
channel_means = np.mean(img, axis=(0,1)) #mean of each channel, three values.
binarized_img = np.where(img > img_mean, np.uint8(255), np.uint8(0)) #all values changed to either 0 or 255. Shape of image remains 5,5,3.
binarized_channels = #I would like to be able to do the same as above, but by using a different mean for each channel and without using python loops.
three_by_three_block_means = #I want to reshape the array into four 3x3x3 blocks and get each block's mean (should be 4 different means).
three_by_three_block_channel_means = #Same as above, but this time I want the mean of each channel of each block (should be 12 different means).
#I also want to be able to change the block's size arbitrarily, i.e. from 3x3x3 blocks to 2x2x3 blocks when needed.
binarized_blocks = #same as binarized_img, but done separately for each block based on their means instead of the mean of the whole image.
binarized_block_channels = #same as binarized_blocks, but done separately for each channel in each block.
If someone could show me how to complete these examples using only numpy (no python loops), I could learn from them and use them to accomplish the (similar) tasks that I frequently have trouble with.
The solution to your problem are Strided Convolutions, use scipy.signal.convolve to compute the block means.
from scipy import signal
img = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=(6,6,3), dtype=np.uint8)
img_mean = np.mean(img) #mean of the whole image, one value.
channel_means = np.mean(img, axis=(0,1)) #mean of each channel, three values.
binarized_img = np.where(img > img_mean, np.uint8(255), np.uint8(0)) #all values changed to either 0 or 255. Shape of image remains 5,5,3.
I would like to be able to do the same as above, but by using a
different mean for each channel and without using python loops.
binarized_channels = np.where(img > channels_mean, np.uint8(0),np.uint8(255))
I want to reshape the array into four 3x3x3 blocks and get each
block's mean (should be 4 different means).
Define a mean kernel (all ones divided by the sum of the kernel) of arbitrary shape, and perform a valid convolution of the image. Since scipy does not offer a stride argument we have to do this manually with [::s,::s].
s = 3
kernel = np.ones((s,s,s))/s**3
three_by_three_block_means = signal.convolve(img, kernel, 'valid')[::s,::s] # shape: (2, 2, 1)
Same as above, but this time I want the mean of each channel of each
block (should be 12 different means).
kernel = np.ones(s,s,1)/s**2
three_by_three_block_channel_means = np.concolve(img, kernel, 'valid')[::s,::s] # shape: (2, 2, 3)
I also want to be able to change the block's size arbitrarily, i.e.
from 3x3x3 blocks to 2x2x3 blocks when needed.
Simply change the size of the kernel.
Same as binarized_img, but done separately for each block based on
their means instead of the mean of the whole image.
binarized_blocks = np.where(three_by_three_block_means > img_mean,np.uint8(0),np.uint8(255))
Same as binarized_blocks, but done separately for each channel in each
binarized_block_channels = np.where(three_by_three_block_channel_means > channel_means, np.uint8(0), np.uint8(255))
Hope that solves your problem. Let me know if something is unclear.

cant save an 4d array int .txt file

I am using the sliding window technic to an image and i am extracting the mean values of pixels of each one window. So the results are someting like this [[[[215.015625][123.55036272][111.66057478]]]].now the question is how could i save all these values for every one window into a txt file or at a CSV because i want to use them for further compare similarities? whatever i tried the error is same..that it is a 4D array and not an 1D or 2D. I ll appreciate any help really.! Thank you in advance
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# read the image and define the stepSize and window size
# (width,height)
image2 = cv2.imread("bird.jpg")# your image path
image = cv2.resize(image2, (224, 224))
tmp = image # for drawing a rectangle
stepSize = 10
(w_width, w_height) = (60, 60 ) # window size
for x in range(0, image.shape[1] - w_width, stepSize):
for y in range(0, image.shape[0] - w_height, stepSize):
window = image[x:x + w_width, y:y + w_height, :]
# classify content of the window with your classifier and
# determine if the window includes an object (cell) or not
# draw window on image
cv2.rectangle(tmp, (x, y), (x + w_width, y + w_height), (255, 0, 0), 2) # draw rectangle on image
# show all windows
mean_val, std_dev = cv2.meanStdDev(image)
mean_val = mean_val[:3]
mean_values = np.asarray(mean_values)
Human Readable Option
Assuming that you want the data to be human readable, saving the data takes a little bit more work. My search showed me that there's this solution for saving 3D data to a text file. However, it's pretty simple to extend this example to 4D for your use case. This code is taken and adapted from that post, thank you Joe Kington and David Cheung.
import numpy as np
data = np.arange(2*3*4*5).reshape((2,3,4,5))
with open('test.csv', 'w') as outfile:
# We write this header for readable, the pound symbol
# will cause numpy to ignore it
outfile.write('# Array shape: {0}\n'.format(data.shape))
# Iterating through a ndimensional array produces slices along
# the last axis. This is equivalent to data[i,:,:] in this case.
# Because we are dealing with 4D data instead of 3D data,
# we need to add another for loop that's nested inside of the
# previous one.
for threeD_data_slice in data:
for twoD_data_slice in threeD_data_slice:
# The formatting string indicates that I'm writing out
# the values in left-justified columns 7 characters in width
# with 2 decimal places.
np.savetxt(outfile, twoD_data_slice, fmt='%-7.2f')
# Writing out a break to indicate different slices...
outfile.write('# New slice\n')
And then once the data has been saved all you need to do is load it and reshape it (np.load()) will default to reading in the data as a 2D array but np.reshape() will allow us to recover the structure. Again, this code is adapted from the previous post.
new_data = np.loadtxt('test.csv')
# Note that this returned a 2D array!
# However, going back to 3D is easy if we know the
# original shape of the array
new_data = new_data.reshape((2,3,4,5))
# Just to check that they're the same...
assert np.all(new_data == data)
Binary Option
Assuming that human readability is not necessary, I would recommend using the built-in *.npy format which is described here. This stores the data in a binary format.
You can save the array by doing'NAME_OF_ARRAY.npy', ARRAY_TO_BE_SAVED) and then load it with SAVED_ARRAY = np.load('NAME_OF_ARRAY.npy').
You can also save several numpy array in a single zip file with the np.savez() function like so np.savez('MANY_ARRAYS.npz', ARRAY_ONE, ARRAY_TWO). And you load the zipped arrays in a similar fashion SEVERAL_ARRAYS = np.load('MANY_ARRAYS.npz').

How to concatenate three or more images vertically?

I try to concatenate three images vertically and I need some assistance with the code/function. So far I imported one image and cropped 3 smaller images with the same size. Now I want to concatenate them in one image that will be long, but narrow. However, I can't find an appropriate function or even if I find one I get an error message when I apply it to my code.
I already tried to make a collection from my three pictures and then use the function, but this results in a 4-dimensional picture that cannot be visualized.
sf_collection = (img1,img2,img3)
concat_page =
My expected output is the three images to be concatenated vertically in one image (very long and narrow).
Ive never used, but I think you are looking for np.concatenate. It defaults to axis=0, but you can specify axis=1 for a horizontal stack. This also assumes you have already loaded the images into their array from.
from scipy.misc import face
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
face1 = face()
face2 = face()
face3 = face()
merge = np.concatenate((face1,face2,face3))
which returns:
If you look at the docs, it's using np.concatenate too. It seems like that function provides a data structure to hold collections of images, but not merge into a single image.
Like this:
import numpy as np
h, w = 100, 400
yellow = np.zeros((h,w,3),dtype=np.uint8) + np.array([255,255,0],dtype=np.uint8)
red = np.zeros((h,w,3),dtype=np.uint8) + np.array([255,0,0],dtype=np.uint8)
blue = np.zeros((h,w,3),dtype=np.uint8) + np.array([0,0,255],dtype=np.uint8)
# Stack vertically
result = np.vstack((yellow,red,blue))
Use the following to stack side-by-side (horizontally):
result = np.hstack((yellow,red,blue))

Median filter produces unexpected result on FITS file

This is based on a couple of other questions that haven't quite been answered, so I've started a new post. I'm working on finding the median of a masked array in 50-pixel patches. The image and the mask are both 901x877 telescope images.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import fits
# Use the fits files as input image and mask
hdulist ='xbulge-w1.fits')
w1data = hdulist[0].data
hdulist3 ='xbulge-mask.fits')
mask = 1 - hdulist3[0].data
w1masked =, mask = mask)
# Use general arrays as input image and mask
#w1data = np.arange(790177).reshape(901,877)
#w1masked =, 30000, 60000)
side = 50
w, h = w1data.shape
width_index = np.array(range(w//side)) * side
height_index = np.array(range(h//side)) * side
def assign_patch(patch, median, side):
"""Break this loop out to prevent 4 nested 'for' loops"""
for j in range(side):
for i in range(side):
patch[i,j] = median
return patch
for width in width_index:
for height in height_index:
patch = w1masked[width:width+side, height:height+side]
median = np.median(patch)
assign_patch(patch, median, side)
The problem is, when I use the general arrays as input image and mask (the commented out section), it works fine, but when I use the FITS files, it produces 'side'-sized patches on the output image. I can't figure out what's going on with this.
I don't know how your FITS files look like but there are several things standing out:
np.median doesn't take the mask into account. In fact in recent NumPy releases this (correctly) prints a Warning if attempted. You should be using instead. If you would update your NumPy you'll likely see this:
UserWarning: Warning: 'partition' will ignore the 'mask' of the MaskedArray.
The assign_patch function is unnecessary when you know that you can use slice assignment:
w1masked[width:width+side, height:height+side] = median
# instead of "assign_patch(patch, median, side)"
That's also much faster than doing a double loop to replace each value.
I assume that the issue is in fact because you use np.median instead of There are lots of values a masked pixel could have including nan, 0, inf, ... so if these are taken into account (when they should be ignored) could produce any kind of problems, especially if the median starts returning nans or similar.
More generally if you really wanted a median filter you can't just calculate the median of a patch and replace all values in the patch with that median. You should be using a median filter that takes the mask into account. Unfortunately I've never seen such a filter implemented in any wide-spread Python package. But if you have numba you could checkout a (very experimental!) package of mine numbamisc which contains a median_filter that takes masks into account.

Python IndexError: Out of bounds

I've created a class of which I pass an image (2D array, 1280x720). It's suppose to iterate through, looking for the highest value:
import bumpy as np
class myCv:
def maxIntLoc(self,image):
intensity = image[0,0] #columns, rows
coordinates = (0,0)
for y in xrange(0,len(image)):
for x in xrange(0,len(image[0])):
if np.all(image[x,y] > intensity):
intensity = image[x,y]
coordinates = (x,y)
return (intensity,coordinates)
Yet when I run it I get the error:
if np.all(image[x,y] > intensity):
IndexError: index 720 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 720
Any help would be great as I'm new to Python.
Regardless of the index error that you are experience, which has been addressed by others, iterating through pixels/voxels is not a valid method for manipulating images. The issue becomes particularly evident in multi-dimensional images, where you face the curse of dimensionality.
The correct way to do this is to use vectorisation in programming languages that support it (e.g. Python, Julia, MATLAB). Through this method, you will achieve the results you're looking for much more efficiently (and thousands of times faster). Click here to find out more about vectorisation (aka. array programming). In Python, this can be achieved either using generators, which are not suitable for images as they don't really produce the results until called; or using NumPy arrays.
Here is an example:
Masking image matrices by vectorisation
from numpy.random import randint
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, imshow, title, grid, show
def mask_img(img, thresh, replacement):
# Copy of the image for masking. Use of |.copy()| is essential to
# prevent memory mapping.
masked = initial_image.copy()
# Replacement is the value to replace anything that
# (in this case) is bellow the threshold.
masked[initial_image<thresh] = replacement # Mask using vectorisation methods.
return masked
# Initial image to be masked (arbitrary example here).
# In this example, we assign a 100 x 100 matrix of random integers
# between 1 and 256 as our sample image.
initial_image = randint(0, 256, [100, 100])
threshold = 150 # Threshold
# Masking process.
masked_image = mask_img(initial_image, threshold, 0)
# Plots.
fig = figure(figsize=[16,9])
imshow(initial_image, interpolation='None', cmap='gray')
title('Initial image')
imshow(masked_image, interpolation='None', cmap='gray')
title('Masked image')
Which returns:
Of course you can put the masking process (function) in a loop to do this on a batch of images. You can modify the indices and do it on 3D, 4D (e.g. MRI), or 5D (e.g. CAT scan) images too, without the need to iterate over each individual pixel or voxel.
Hope this helps.
In python, like most programming languages, indexes start at 0.
So you can access only pixels from 0 to 719.
Check with a debug print that len(image) and len(image[0]) are indeed returning 1280 and 720.
