I am trying to run below code in jenkins job, code is to delete files older than 30 days from a directory in ftp server.
I created freestyle project job in jenkins and in build section I have selected "Execute shell" and I have added below code.
#! /usr/bin/python
import time
import ftputil
host = ftputil.FTPHost('host', 'user', 'pass')
mypath = '/path/directory'
now = time.time()
names = host.listdir(host.curdir)
for name in names:
if host.path.isfile(name):
I am facing below error on build
Building remotely on docker-4 (maven linux docker) in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Capacity/folder/Test_job
[Test_job] $ /usr/bin/python /tmp/jenkins8422988908580909797.sh
File "/tmp/jenkins8422988908580909797.sh", line 6
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc2' in file /tmp/jenkins8422988908580909797.sh on line 6, but no encoding declared;
and I also tried with "Execute python script" build option I am facing similar error like below.
Building remotely on docker-4 (maven linux docker) in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Capacity/folder/Test_job
[Test_job] $ python /tmp/jenkins5375363980435767190.py
File "/tmp/jenkins5375363980435767190.py", line 6
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc2' in file /tmp/jenkins5375363980435767190.py on line 6, but no encoding declared;
I am new to jenkins job and python, can any one guide how can I resolve this issue.
2) If I select jenkins pipeline job how can I call this python code from jenkinsfile.
Try to install ftputil globally.
pip install ftputil
sudo pip install ftputil
The following shell script works with no error, once I installed ftputil globally with sudo.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import datetime
import ftputil
There is nothing special about this python program. If you want to execute it from shell. Then create shell script file e.g. python_prog.sh then, change permissions chmod +x python_prog.sh python_prog.py
python python_prog.py
Finally, run the script from terminal . python_prog.sh or ./python_prog.sh
I got a Node.js CLI program called meyda installed (Mac OS 10.14) using:
sudo npm install --global meyda
From the Terminal I can call the program and it works as expected; like:
meyda --bs=256 --o=apagodis2.csv DczN6842.wav rms
Now, I want to call it from inside a python script (using Spyder) at the same location and tried this – but getting error:
import os
os.system ('/usr/local/bin/meyda --bs=256 --o=apagodis4.csv samples_training/DczN6842.wav rms')
>>> env: node: No such file or directory
I can issue more "traditional" shell commands like this from the same Python script and it works:
os.system ('cp samples_training/DczN6842.wav copy.wav')
Also tried subprocess call with same result. I confirmed the executable is at /usr/local/bin/
To make sure I also removed all file arguments calling the program using only the help flag but same, error.
os.system ('/usr/local/bin/meyda -h')
>>> env: node: No such file or directory
Why is the command not found from inside Python but sucessfully in the macOS Terminal?
When installing gcloud for mac I get this error when I run the install.sh command according to docs here:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/path_to_unzipped_file/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/install.py", line 8, in <module>
from __future__ import absolute_import
I poked through and echoed out some stuff in the install shell script. It is setting the environment variables correctly (pointing to my default python installation, pointing to the correct location of the gcloud SDK).
If I just enter the python interpreter (using the same default python that the install script points to when running install.py) I can import the module just fine:
>>> from __future__ import absolute_import
Only other information worth noting is my default python setup is a virtual environment that I create from python 2.7.15 installed through brew. The virtual environment python bin is first in my PATH so python and python2 and python2.7 all invoke the correct binary. I've had no other issues installing packages on this setup so far.
If I echo the final line of the install.sh script that calls the install.py script it shows /path_to_virtualenv/bin/python -S /path_to_unzipped_file/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/install.py which is the correct python. Or am I missing something?
The script uses the -S command-line switch, which disables loading the site module on start-up.
However, it is a custom dedicated site module installed in a virtualenv that makes a virtualenv work. As such, the -S switch and virtualenvs are incompatible, with -S set fundamental imports such as from __future__ break down entirely.
You can either remove the -S switch from the install.bat command or use a wrapper script to strip it from the command line as you call your real virtualenv Python.
I had the error below when trying to run gcloud commands.
File "/usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/lib/gcloud.py", line 20, in <module>
from __future__ import absolute_import
ImportError: No module named __future__
If you have your virtualenv sourced automatically you can specify the environment variable CLOUDSDK_PYTHON i.e. set -x CLOUDSDK_PYTHON /usr/bin/python to not use the virtualenv python.
In google-cloud-sdk/install.sh go to last line, remove variable $CLOUDSDK_PYTHON_ARGS as below.
"$CLOUDSDK_PYTHON" $CLOUDSDK_PYTHON_ARGS "${CLOUDSDK_ROOT_DIR}/bin/bootstrapping/install.py" "$#"
"$CLOUDSDK_PYTHON" "${CLOUDSDK_ROOT_DIR}/bin/bootstrapping/install.py" "$#"
I'm trying to install gcloud on my EC2 server running Amazon Linux 4.14.47-56.37 64bits, in interactive mode running the following command :
curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
The files download correctly, but the install then fails with the following Traceback :
File "/home/ec2-user/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/install.py", line 12, in <module>
import bootstrapping
File "/home/ec2-user/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/bootstrapping.py", line 32, in <module>
import setup # pylint:disable=g-import-not-at-top
File "/home/ec2-user/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/setup.py", line 55, in <module>
from googlecloudsdk.core import properties
File "/home/ec2-user/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/core/properties.py", line 291
self.__sections = {section.name: section for section in sections}
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Any idea why this for is causing issues?
I am running python 2.7 (2.7.14) as recommended by Google.
On top of python 2.7 installed on the "python" command, I also had python 2.6 installed on the "python2" command.
Uninstalling python 2.6 solved the issue, Google Cloud install went through without issue on the next try.
You locally update the install.sh file to use python2.7 instead of python2. This worked for me
In case someone meets this problem again, and if you do not want to uninstall python 2.6 or to modify install.sh, here is a procedure that worked for me on an ec2 instance :
open a new terminal and type :
curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
The install should not work as CLOUDSDK_PYTHON=python2 by default, which leads to Python 2.6. To correct this, enter this command :
export CLOUDSDK_PYTHON=python
this links CLOUDSDK_PYTHON to Python 3.6
bash google-cloud-sdk/install.sh
and finally
./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud init
Once this is done, you can use any gcloud or gsutil command by doing this :
./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud <your gcloud command>
./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gsutil <your gsutil command>
For example, in order to copy a folder from a gs bucket to your ec2 instance :
./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gsutil -m cp -r gs://<bucket_name>/path/to/folder /path/on/your/ec2/instance
the -m option allows fast transfer (I could transfer with an average speed of 81 MiB/s with this option)
Hope this helps !
Setup yum repo:
# Update YUM with Cloud SDK repo information:
sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/google-cloud-sdk.repo << EOM
name=Google Cloud SDK
# The indentation for the 2nd line of gpgkey is important.
Install yum downloader and download the rpm, then install with "--nodeps":
yum install yum-utils
yumdownloader google-cloud-sdk-231.0.0-1.el7.noarch
mv 23873bd6e8459ba6e70e96eb8f03f6ac03cd707ce3c80baa8264c714e030c915-google-cloud-sdk-231.0.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm /usr/local/src/google-cloud-sdk-231.0.0-1.el7.noarch
rpm -ivh --nodeps /usr/local/src/google-cloud-sdk-231.0.0-1.el7.noarch
This solved issue:
export CLOUDSDK_PYTHON=python
I've been looking over many answers here on stackoverflow. I've tried absolutely everything. I have this at the top of my AddressConversion.py python script.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
The objective is to run this as a command utility, meaning I could type
AddressConversion [options][address]
As of now I would settle for being able to type
./AddressConversion [options][address]
I have done the chmod so the file is executable
I've ran dos2unix on the file to eliminate any random windows characters(which wouldn't seem possible because the file has only been used on Ubuntu.
I've checked the python install with which python with the results
I've also checked which env and get a similar path
The script will work fine when I use the traditional python command. It also works fine when I type:
usr/bin/env python
It will open up the python interpreter.
These steps seem to be the solutions suggested anytime someone asks this question. I am getting this error:
./AddressConversion.py: line 1: import: command not found
./AddressConversion.py: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./AddressConversion.py: line 3: `def init_parser():'
which seems like it is trying to run it as a shell script or something.
Any suggestions?
created one file executeme.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
make it as executable (optional)
chmod a+x executeme.py
reanme the file
mv executeme.py executeme
Execute now
Another option to create one setup.py file, for more you can read here
in entry_points a key name console_script in which you can give the name of executor and target module in format
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
entry_points = {
'console_scripts': [
then run the command
pip install -e /path/to/setup.py
Installing from local src in Development Mode, i.e. in such a way that
the project appears to be installed, but yet is still editable from
the src tree.
I had a similar issue and it ended being because of the CRLF at the end of lines. These were added when the script was created on a windows machine. To check if this is the case use the file command.
file script.py
It will give you an output like this. "Python script, ASCII text executable, with CRLF line terminators"
To remove the CRLF line terminators do the following.
dos2unix script.py
I am using python and trying to execute a system command as below
import commands
import os
sh-4.2$ python code.py
updatedb: can not open a temporary file for `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db'
So how to execute all the system commands like above from a python module ?
This is almost certainly simply a permissions problem.
If you can trust your script to run as root:
$ sudo python code.py