TL;DR I've been implementing a python program to solve numerically equations for natural convection based on a particular similarity variable using runge-kutta 4 and the shooting method. However I don't get the right solutions when I plot it. Did I make a mistake somewhere ?
Hi !
Starting from a special case of natural convection, we get these similitude equations.
The first describe the fluid flow, the second describe the heat flow.
"Pr" is for Prandtl it's basically a dimensionless number used in fluid dynamics (Prandtl) :
These equations are subjects to the following boundary values such that the temperature near the plate is greater than the temperature outside the boundary layer and such that the fluid velocity is 0 far away from the boundary layer.
I've been trying to resolve these numerically with Runge-Kutta 4 and the shooting method to transform the boundary value problem into an initial value problem. The way the shooting method is implemented is with the newton method.
However, I don't get the right solutions.
As you can see in the following, the temperature (in red) is increasing as we are moving away from the plate whereas it should decrease exponentially.
It's more consistent for the fluid velocity (in blue), however the speed i think it should go up faster then go down faster. Here the curve is smoother.
Now, the fact is that we have a system of 2 coupled ODE. However, right now, I'm only trying to find the one of the two initials values (e.g. f''(0) = a, trying to find a) such that we have a solution to the boundary value problem (shooting method). Once found, I suppose we have the solution for the whole problem.
I guess I should maybe manage the two (f''(0) = a ; theta'(0) = b) but I don't know how to manage these two in parallel.
Last think to mention, if I try to get the initial value of theta' (so theta'(0)) I don't get the right heat profile.
Here is the code :
The goal is to resolve a 3rd order non-linear ODE for the blasius problem.
It's made of 2 equations (flow / heat)
f''' = 3ff'' - 2(f')^2 + theta
3 Pr f theta' + theta'' = 0
RK4 + Shooting Method
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.optimize import newton
from edo_solver.plot import plot
from constants import PRECISION
def blasius_edo(y, t, prandtl):
f = y[0:3]
theta = y[3:5]
return np.array([
# flow edo
f[1], # f' = df/dn
f[2], # f'' = d^2f/dn^2
- 3 * f[0] * f[2] + (2 * math.pow(f[1], 2)) - theta[0], # f''' = - 3ff'' + 2(f')^2 - theta,
# heat edo
theta[1], # theta' = dtheta/dn
- 3 * prandtl * f[0] * theta[1], # theta'' = - 3 Pr f theta'
def rk4(eta_range, shoot):
prandtl = 0.01
# initial values
f_init = [0, 0, shoot] # f(0), f'(0), f''(0)
theta_init = [1, shoot] # theta(0), theta'(0)
ci = f_init + theta_init # concatenate two ci
# note: tuple with single argument must have "," at the end of the tuple
return odeint(func=blasius_edo, y0=ci, t=eta_range, args=(prandtl,))
if we have :
f'(t_0) = fprime_t0 ; f'(eta -> infty) = fprime_inf
we can transform it into :
f'(t_0) = fprime_t0 ; f''(t_0) = a
we define the function F(a) = f'(infty ; a) - fprime_inf
if F(a) has a root in "a",
then the solutions to the initial value problem with f''(t_0) = a
is also the solution the boundary problem with f'(eta -> infty) = fprime_inf
our goal is to find the root, we have the root...we have the solution.
it can be done with bissection method or newton method.
def shooting(eta_range):
# boundary value
fprimeinf = 0 # f'(eta -> infty) = 0
# initial guess
# as far as I understand
# it has to be the good guess
# otherwise the result can be completely wrong
initial_guess = 10 # guess for f''(0)
# define our function to optimize
# our goal is to take big eta because eta should approach infty
# [-1, 1] : last row, second column => f'(eta_final) ~ f'(eta -> infty)
fun = lambda initial_guess: rk4(eta_range, initial_guess)[-1, 1] - fprimeinf
# newton method resolve the ODE system until eta_final
# then adjust the shoot and resolve again until we have a correct shoot
shoot = newton(func=fun, x0=initial_guess)
# resolve our system of ODE with the good "a"
y = rk4(eta_range, shoot)
return y
def compute_blasius_edo(title, eta_final):
ETA_0 = 0
ETA_FINAL = eta_final
# default values
title = title
x_label = "$\eta$"
y_label = "profil de vitesse $(f'(\eta))$ / profil de température $(\\theta)$"
legends = ["$f'(\eta)$", "$\\theta$"]
eta_range = np.arange(ETA_0, ETA_FINAL + ETA_INTERVAL, ETA_INTERVAL)
# shoot
y_set = shooting(eta_range)
plot(eta_range, y_set, title, legends, x_label, y_label)
title="Convection naturelle - Solution de similitude",
I could be completely off base here, but I wrote something similar to solve 1D fluid-reaction-heat equations. Try using solve_ivp and using the RADAU solver method, it helps with more difficult systems.
Also maybe try converting your system of ODES to a system of first order ODEs as that may help.
You are implementing the additional but wrong boundary condition f''(0) = theta'(0), as both slots get the same initial value in the shooting method. You need to hold them separate, giving 2 free variables and thus the need for a 2-dimensional Newton method or any other solver for non-scalar functions.
You could just as well use the solve_bvp routine with a sensible initial guess.
Objective: To add boundary/initial conditions (BCs/ICs) to a system of ODEs
I have used the method of lines to convert a system of PDEs into a system of ODEs. The ODEs themselves involve a lot of variables so I will present simple versions here
For the purpose of this simulation all I am interested in is the structure of the code to set up the BCs/ICs, so I have removed any correlations etc and just put constants
For reference, the actual system is the flow of a gas through a packed bed. For terminology, I am calling the initial conditions the constant conditions along the bed initially (the bed temperature, the fluid temperature, the density of the fluid in the bed) and the boundary conditions would be the mass flow into the bed, the temperature of the flow into the bed.
I have two functions. df, which is used to set up the non IC/BC ODEs (generally happy with the structure of this one):
def df(t,x,*constants):
##the time derivative of x
a,b,c,d = constants ## unpack constants
##setting up solution array
x = x.reshape(2,number_of_nodes)
dxdt = np.zeros_like(x)
## internal nodes
for j in range(2,2*n,2): ##start at index 2 (to avoid ICs/BCs), go to 2*n and increment by 2
##equation 1
dxdt[0][j] = a*(x[1][j-1] - b*x[1][j])
## equation 2
dxdt[1][j] = c*(x[1][j-1] - d*x[1][j])
return dxdt.reshape(-1)
And initialize_system, which is supposed to set up the BCs/ICs (which is currently incorrect):
def initialize_system(*constants):
#sets the appropriate initial/boundary conditions
a,b,c,d = constants #unpack constants
x0 = np.zeros((2, number_of_nodes))
y01 = 1
y02 = 1
#set up initial boundary values
# eq 1
x0[0][0] = a*(y01 - b*x0[1][0])
# eq 2
x0[1][0] = c * (y02 - d*x0[1][0])
for j in range(2, 2*n, 2):
# eq 1
x0[0][j] = a*(y0CO2 - b*x0[1][j])
# eq 2
x0[1][j] = b*(y0H2O - d*x0[1][j])
return x0.reshape(-1)
My question is:
How can I correctly set up the ICs/BCs in initialize_system here?
Edit: There are very limited examples of implementing the method of lines in python on the internet. I would also highly appreciate any resources on this
I'm trying for a computer vision project to determine the projection transformation occurring in a football image. I detect the vanishing points, get 2 point matches, and calculate the projection from model field points to image points based on cross ratios. This works really well for almost all points, but for points (which lie behind the camera) the projection goes completely wrong. Do you know why and how I can fix this?
It's based on the article Fast 2D model-to-image registration using vanishing points for sports video analysis and I use this projection function given on the page 3. I tried calculating the result using different methods, too (namely based on intersections), but the result is the same:
There should be a bottom field line, but that one is projected to way out far to the right.
I also tried using decimal to see if it was a negative overflow error, but that wouldn't have made much sense to me, since the same result showed up on Wolfram Alpha with testing.
def Projection(vanpointH, vanpointV, pointmatch2, pointmatch1):
:param vanpointH:
:param vanpointV:
:param pointmatch1:
:param pointmatch2:
:returns function that takes a single modelpoint as input:
X1 = pointmatch1[1]
point1field = pointmatch1[0]
X2 = pointmatch2[1]
point2field = pointmatch2[0]
point1VP = linecalc.calcLineEquation([[point1field[0], point1field[1], vanpointH[0], vanpointH[1], 1]])
point1VP2 = linecalc.calcLineEquation([[point1field[0], point1field[1], vanpointV[0], vanpointV[1], 1]])
point2VP = linecalc.calcLineEquation([[point2field[0], point2field[1], vanpointV[0], vanpointV[1], 1]])
point2VP2 = linecalc.calcLineEquation([[point2field[0], point2field[1], vanpointH[0], vanpointH[1], 1]])
inters = linecalc.calcIntersections([point1VP, point2VP])[0]
inters2 = linecalc.calcIntersections([point1VP2, point2VP2])[0]
def lambdaFcnX(X, inters):
# This fcn provides the solution of where the point to be projected is, according to the matching,
# on the line connecting point1 and vanpointH. Based only on that the cross ratio is the same as in the model field
return (((X[0] - X1[0]) * (inters[1] - point1field[1])) / ((X2[0] - X1[0]) * (inters[1] - vanpointH[1])))
def lambdaFcnX2(X, inters):
# This fcn provides the solution of where the point to be projected is, according to the matching,
# on the line connecting point2 and vanpointH, Based only on that the cross ratio is the same as in the model field
return (((X[0] - X1[0]) * (point2field[1] - inters[1])) / ((X2[0] - X1[0]) * (point2field[1] - vanpointH[1])))
def lambdaFcnY(X, v1, v2):
# return (((X[1] - X1[1]) * (np.subtract(v2,v1))) / ((X2[1] - X1[1]) * (np.subtract(v2, vanpointV))))
return (((X[1] - X1[1]) * (v2[0] - v1[0])) / ((X2[1] - X1[1]) * (v2[0] - vanpointV[0])))
def projection(Point):
lambdaPointx = lambdaFcnX(Point, inters)
lambdaPointx2 = lambdaFcnX2(Point, inters2)
v1 = (np.multiply(-(lambdaPointx / (1 - lambdaPointx)), vanpointH) + np.multiply((1 / (1 - lambdaPointx)),
v2 = (np.multiply(-(lambdaPointx2 / (1 - lambdaPointx2)), vanpointH) + np.multiply((1 / (1 - lambdaPointx2)),
lambdaPointy = lambdaFcnY(Point, v1, v2)
point = np.multiply(-(lambdaPointy / (1 - lambdaPointy)), vanpointV) + np.multiply((1 / (1 - lambdaPointy)), v1)
return point
return projection
match1 = ((650,390,1),(2478,615,1))
match2 = ((740,795,1),(2114,1284,1))
vanpoint1 = [-2.07526585e+03, -5.07454315e+02, 1.00000000e+00]
vanpoint2 = [ 5.53599881e+03, -2.08240612e+02, 1.00000000e+00]
model = Projection(vanpoint2,vanpoint1,match2,match1)
Suppose the vanishing points are
vanpoint1 = [-2.07526585e+03, -5.07454315e+02, 1.00000000e+00]
vanpoint2 = [ 5.53599881e+03, -2.08240612e+02, 1.00000000e+00]
and two matches are:
match1 = ((650,390,1),(2478,615,1))
match2 = ((740,795,1),(2114,1284,1))
These work for almost all points as seen in the picture. The left bottom point, however, is completely off and gets image coordinates
[ 4.36108177e+04, -1.13418258e+04] This happens going down from (312,1597); for (312,1597) the result is [-2.34989787e+08, 6.87155603e+07] which is where it's supposed to be.
Why does it shift all the way to 4000? It would make sense perhaps if I calculated the camera matrix and then the point was behind the camera. But since what I do is actually similar to homography estimation (2D mapping) I cannot make geometric sense of this. However, my knowledge of this is definitely limited.
Edit: does this perhaps have to do with the topology of the projective plane and that it's non orientable (wraps around)? My knowledge of topology is not what it should be...
Okay, figured it out. This might not make too much sense to others, but it does for me (and if anyone ever has the same problem...)
Geometrically, I realized the following when using an equivalent approach, where v1 and v2 are calculated based on the different vanishing points and I project based on the intersection of the lines connecting points with the vanishing points. Here at some point, these lines become parallel, and after that the intersection actually lies completely on the other side. And that makes sense; it just took me a while to realize it does.
In the code above, the last cross ratio, called lambdapointy, goes to 1 and after that above. Here the same thing happens, but it was easiest to visualize based on the intersections.
Also know how to solve it; this is just in case anyone else tries such code.
I am trying to solve an equation in Python. Basically what I want to do is to solve the equation:
This is the Klein-Gordon equation for a massive scalar field in a Schwarzschild spacetime. It suppose that we know m and Gam=x^2-2*x. The initial/boundary condition that I know are L(2+epsilon)=1 and L(infty)=0. Notice that the asymptotic behavior of the equation is
L(x-->infty)-->Exp[(m^2-a^2)*x]/x and Exp[-(m^2-a^2)*x]/x
Then, if a^2>m^2 we will have oscillatory solutions, while if a^2 < m^2 we will have a divergent and a decay solution.
What I am interested is in the decay solution, however when I am trying to solve the above equation transforming it as a system of first order differential equations and using the shooting method in order to find the "a" that can give me the behavior that I am interested about, I am always having a divergent solution. I suppose that it is happening because odeint is always finding the divergent asymptotic solution. Is there a way to avoid or tell to odeint that I am interested in the decay solution? If not, do you know a way that I could solve this problem? Maybe using another method for solving my system of differential equations? If yes, which method?
Basically what I am doing is to add a new system of equation for "a"
(d^2a/dx^2=0, da/dx(2+epsilon)=0,a(2+epsilon)=a_0)
in order to have "a" as a constant. Then I am considering different values for "a_0" and asking if my boundary conditions are fulfilled.
Thanks for your time. Regards,
Luis P.
I am incorporating the value at infinity considering the assimptotic behavior, it means that I will have a relation between the field and its derivative. I will post the code for you if it is helpful:
from IPython import get_ipython
get_ipython().magic('reset -sf')
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from math import *
from scipy.integrate import ode
These are initial conditions for Schwarzschild. The field is invariant under reescaling, then I can use $L(2+\epsilon)=1$
def init_sch(u_sch):
om = u_sch[0]
return np.array([1,0,om,0]) #conditions near the horizon, [L_c,dL/dx,a,da/dx]
These are our system of equations
def F_sch(IC,r,rho_c,m,lam,l,j=0,mu=0):
L = IC[0]
ph = IC[1]
om = IC[2]
b = IC[3]
dR_dr = ph
dph_dr = (1./Gam_sch)*(2.*(1.-r)*ph+L*(l*(l+1.))-om**2.*r**4.*L/Gam_sch+(m**2.+lam*L**2.)*r**2.*L)
dom_dr = b
db_dr = 0.
return [dR_dr,dph_dr,dom_dr,db_dr]
Then I try for different values of "om" and ask if my boundary conditions are fulfilled. p_sch are the parameters of my model. In general what I want to do is a little more complicated and in general I will need more parameters that in the just massive case. Howeve I need to start with the easiest which is what I am asking here
p_sch = (1,1,0,0) #[rho_c,m,lam,l], lam and l are for a more complicated case
ep = 0.2
ep_r = 0.01
r_end = 500
n_r = 500000
n_omega = 1000
omega = np.linspace(p_sch[1]-ep,p_sch[1],n_omega)
r = np.linspace(2+ep_r,r_end,n_r)
tol = 0.01
a = 0
for j in range(len(omega)):
print('trying with $omega =$',omega[j])
omeg = [omega[j]]
ini = init_sch(omeg)
Y = odeint(F_sch,ini,r,p_sch,mxstep=50000000)
print Y[-1,0]
#Here I ask if my asymptotic behavior is fulfilled or not. This should be basically my value at infinity
if abs(Y[-1,0]*((p_sch[1]**2.-Y[-1,2]**2.)**(1/2.)+1./(r[-1]))+Y[-1,1]) < tol:
print(j,'times iterations in omega')
print("R'(inf)) = ", Y[-1,0])
omega_1 = [omega[j]]
a = 10
if a > 1:
Basically what I want to do here is to solve the system of equations giving different initial conditions and find a value for "a=" (or "om" in the code) that should be near to my boundary conditions. I need this because after this I can give such initial guest to a secant method and try to fiend a best value for "a". However, always that I am running this code I am having divergent solutions that it is, of course, a behavior that I am not interested. I am trying the same but considering the scipy.integrate.solve_vbp, but when I run the following code:
from IPython import get_ipython
get_ipython().magic('reset -sf')
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import *
from scipy.integrate import solve_bvp
def bc(ya,yb,p_sch):
m = p_sch[1]
om = p_sch[4]
tol_s = p_sch[5]
r_end = p_sch[6]
return np.array([ya[0]-1,yb[0]-tol_s,ya[1],yb[1]+((m**2-yb[2]**2)**(1/2)+1/r_end)*yb[0],ya[2]-om,yb[2]-om,ya[3],yb[3]])
def fun(r,y,p_sch):
rho_c = p_sch[0]
m = p_sch[1]
lam = p_sch[2]
l = p_sch[3]
L = y[0]
ph = y[1]
om = y[2]
b = y[3]
dR_dr = ph
dph_dr = (1./Gam_sch)*(2.*(1.-r)*ph+L*(l*(l+1.))-om**2.*r**4.*L/Gam_sch+(m**2.+lam*L**2.)*r**2.*L)
dom_dr = b
db_dr = 0.*y[3]
return np.vstack((dR_dr,dph_dr,dom_dr,db_dr))
r_end = 500
n_r = 50000
r = np.linspace(2+eps_r,r_end,n_r)
y = np.zeros((4,r.size))
tol_s = 0.0001
p_sch= (1,1,0,0,0.8,tol_s,r_end)
sol = solve_bvp(fun,bc, r, y, p_sch)
I am obtaining this error: ValueError: bc return is expected to have shape (11,), but actually has (8,).
ValueError: bc return is expected to have shape (11,), but actually has (8,).
I'm trying to solve a differential equation numerically, and am writing an equation that will give me an array of the solution to each time point.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
sina = sin(alpha)**2
second_term = g*sin(alpha)*cos(alpha)
x0 = float(raw_input('What is the initial x in meters?'))
x_vel0 = float(raw_input('What is the initial velocity in the x direction in m/s?'))
y_vel0 = float(raw_input('what is the initial velocity in the y direction in m/s?'))
t_f = int(raw_input('What is the maximum time in seconds?'))
r0 = x0
vtan = sqrt(x_vel0**2+y_vel0**2)
dt = 1000
n = range(0,t_f)
r_n = r0*(n*dt)
r_nm1 = r0((n-1)*dt)
F_r = ((vtan**2)/r_n)*sina-second_term
r_np1 = 2*r_n - r_nm1 + dt**2 * F_r
data = [r0]
for time in n:
print data
I'm not sure how to make the equation solve for r_np1 at each time in the range n. I'm still new to Python and would like some help understanding how to do something like this.
First issue is:
n = range(0,t_f)
r_n = r0*(n*dt)
Here you define n as a list and try to multiply the list n with the integer dt. This will not work. Pure Python is NOT a vectorized language like NumPy or Matlab where you can do vector multiplication like this. You could make this line work with
n = np.arange(0,t_f)
r_n = r0*(n*dt),
but you don't have to. Instead, you should move everything inside the for loop to do the calculation at each timestep. At the present point, you do the calculation once, then add the same only result t_f times to the data list.
Of course, you have to leave your initial conditions (which is a key part of ODE solving) OUTSIDE of the loop, because they only affect the first step of the solution, not all of them.
# Initial conditions
r0 = x0
data = [r0]
# Loop along timesteps
for n in range(t_f):
# calculations performed at each timestep
vtan = sqrt(x_vel0**2+y_vel0**2)
dt = 1000
r_n = r0*(n*dt)
r_nm1 = r0*((n-1)*dt)
F_r = ((vtan**2)/r_n)*sina-second_term
r_np1 = 2*r_n - r_nm1 + dt**2 * F_r
# append result to output list
# do something with output list
print data
I did not add any piece of code, only rearranged your lines. Notice that the part:
n = range(0,t_f)
for time in n:
Can be simplified to:
for time in range(0,t_f):
However, you use n as a time variable in the calculation (previously - and wrongly - defined as a list instead of a single number). Thus you can write:
for n in range(0,t_f):
Note 1: I do not know if this code is right mathematically, as I don't even know the equation you're solving. The code runs now and provides a result - you have to check if the result is good.
Note 2: Pure Python is not the best tool for this purpose. You should try some highly optimized built-ins of SciPy for ODE solving, as you have already got hints in the comments.
I'm doing a project that involves using a SciPy Integrator to model projectile motion in this shooting game. I've never had to program anything in python before and my calculus is a little rusty, but after several hours I was also I'm having a hard time determining exactly what causes certain errors. After several hours of trial and error I've gotten it to work with the commented out code in the integration method (I think it's a Euler Integration but I'm honestly not 100% sure). However I'm also supposed to use two integrators from the SciPy library, which haven't been working. Both throw the same error message in the same place which is:
" File "**file extension**", line 17, in eq
projX = x[0];
TypeError: 'float' object has no attribute '__getitem__'"
It seems like it's expecting a different object type, but I honestly don't know what to make of it. I can't tell if I'm using the integrator wrong, or if I made a mistake in setting up the ODE. I'm really stumped. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the code:
from numpy import *
from scipy.integrate import ode
from scipy import *
# setup wind (it will be replaced with the current value of the wind at every
# instant in time)
wd = array([0, 0])
# computes the ODE
def eq(x, t):
# setup gravitational acceleration
#this is Acceleration for Y
GRAVITY = 9.81
# get out the positions and velocities
projX = x[0];
projY = x[1];
projVX = x[2];
projVY = x[3];
# TODO: setup the acceleration
#acceleration is the derivitive of velocity (VX..VY acceleration is GRAVITY) in this case it's 0 (no wind)?
ACCELERATION = 0 #will be effected by wind
#TODO ground force
# TODO: return appropriate things
#needs to return: (x,y Time derivatives and x,y acceleration)
#acceleration is derivative of velocity. Velocity derivative of position.
#is essentially dx/dt
return array([x[2], x[3], ACCELERATION, -GRAVITY])
# integrates a projectile forward in time using simple Euler integration
# t: the current time of the system
# dt: the time to step the system forward
# x: the current state of the system ([x position, y position, x velocity, y
# velocity)
# returns the new state of the system
def integrate(t, dt, x):
#Euler Method
#x[0] = x[0] + x[2]*dt
#x[2] = x[2]
#x[1] = x[1]+x[3]*dt
#x[3] = x[3]-(9.81*dt)
#SciPy Dopri5 Integration
#vode Integrator
method = ode(eq).set_integrator('vode', method = 'bdf')
method.set_initial_value(x, t)
return x
#write one function that represents one step of the diff equation
It's called from Most of that is just drawing and set-up for the PyGame but the snippet where this part is relevant is:
# integrate the projectile forward in time
x = dynamics.integrate(fireT, dt, array([projX, projY, projVX, projVY]))
projX = x[0]
projY = x[1]
projVX = x[2]
projVY = x[3]
# update the time
fireT = fireT + dt
The problem is that eq is defined with the arguments in the wrong order. from the docs of ode, the function that you pass in should be defined as:
f : callable f(t, y, *f_args)
while in your case you swapped t and y, by defining it with
def eq(x, t):
Then your code tries to access t[0], raising a TypeError.
Simply change that line to
def eq(t, x):