I am trying to make a program, that tells me when a note has been pressed.
I have the following notes exported as a .wav file (The C Major Scale 4 times with different rhythms, dynamics and in different octaves):
I can get the volumes of my sound file using the following code:
from import wavfile
def get_volume(file):
sr, data =
if data.ndim > 1:
data = data[:, 0]
return data
volumes = get_volume("FILE")
Here are some information about the output:
Max: 27851
Min: -25664
Mean: -0.7569383391943734
A Sample from the array: [ -7987 -8615 -8983 -9107 -9019 -8750 -8324 -7752 -7033 -6156
-5115 -3920 -2610 -1245 106 1377 2520 3515 4364 5077
5659 6113 6441 6639 6708 6662 6518 6288 5962 5525
4963 4265 3420 2418 1264 -27 -1429 -2901 -4388 -5814
-7101 -8186 -9028 -9614 -9955 -10077 -10012 -9785 -9401 -8846]
And here is what I get when I plot the volumes array (x is the index, y is the volume):
I want to get the indices of the start and end of the notes like the ones in the image (Did it by hand not accurate):
When I looked at the data I realized, that it is a 1d array and I also noticed, that when a note gets louder or quiter it is not smooth. It is like a ZigZag, but there is still a trend. So basically I can't just get the gradients (slope) of each point. So I though about grouping notes into batches and getting the average gradient there and thus doing the calculations with it, like so:
def get_average_gradient(arr):
# Calculates average gradient
return sum([i - (sum(arr) / len(arr)) for i in arr]) / len(arr)
def get_note_start_end(arr_size, batch_size, arr):
# Finds start and end indices
ranges = []
curr_range = [0]
prev_slope = curr_slope = "NO SLOPE"
has_ended = False
for i, j in enumerate(arr):
if j > 0:
curr_slope = "INCREASING"
elif j < 0:
curr_slope = "DECREASING"
curr_slope = "NO SLOPE"
if prev_slope == "DECREASING" and not has_ended:
if i == len(arr) - 1 or arr[i + 1] < 0:
if curr_slope != "DECREASING":
curr_range.append((i + 1) * batch_size + batch_size)
curr_range = [(i + 1) * batch_size + batch_size + 1]
has_ended = True
if has_ended and curr_slope == "INCREASING":
has_ended = False
prev_slope = curr_slope
ranges[-1][-1] = arr_size - 1
return ranges
def get_notes(batch_size, arr):
# Gets the gradients of the batches
out = []
for i in range(0, len(arr), batch_size):
if i + batch_size > len(arr):
gradient = get_average_gradient(arr[i:])
gradient = get_average_gradient(arr[i: i+batch_size])
# print(gradient, i)
return get_note_start_end(len(arr), batch_size, out)
notes = get_notes(128, volumes)
The problem with this is, that if the batch size is too small, then it returns the indices of small peaks, which aren't a note on their own. If the batch size is too big then the program misses the start and end indices.
I also tried to get the notes, by using the silence.
Here is the code I used:
from pydub import AudioSegment, silence
audio = intro = AudioSegment.from_wav("C - Major - Test.wav")
dBFS = audio.dBFS
notes = silence.detect_nonsilent(audio, min_silence_len=50, silence_thresh=dBFS-10)
This worked the best, but it still wasn't good enough. Here is what I got:
It some notes pretty well, but it wasn't able to identify notes accurately if the notes themselves didn't become very quite before a different one was played (Like in the second scale and in the fourth scale).
I have been thinking about this problem for days and I have basically tried most if not all of the good(?) ideas I had. I am new to analysing audio files. Maybe I am using the wrong data to do what I want to do. Maybe I need to use the frequency data (I tried getting it, but couldn't make sense of it)
Frequency code:
from scipy.fft import *
from import wavfile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def get_freq(file, start_time, end_time):
sr, data =
if data.ndim > 1:
data = data[:, 0]
# Fourier Transform
N = len(data)
yf = rfft(data)
xf = rfftfreq(N, 1 / sr)
return xf, yf
FILE = "C - Major - Test.wav"
plt.plot(*get_freq(FILE, 0, 10))
And the frequency graph:
And here is the .wav file:
Any help is appreciated :)
think this is what you need:
first you convert negative numbers into positive ones and smooth the line to eliminate noise, to find the lower peaks yo work with the negative values.
from import wavfile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
def get_volume(file):
sr, data =
if data.ndim > 1:
data = data[:, 0]
return data
v1 = abs(get_volume("test.wav"))
#Smooth the curve
volumes=savgol_filter(v1,10000 , 3)
#find peaks
peaks,_ = find_peaks(volumes,distance=8000,prominence=300)
lpeaks,_= find_peaks(lv,distance=8000,prominence=300)
# plot them
plt.plot(np.zeros_like(volumes), "--", color="gray")
Plot with your test file, x marks the high peaks and o the lower peaks
This article presents two python libraries (Aubio, librosa) to achieve what you need and includes examples of how to use them: How to Use Python to Detect Music Onsets by Lynn Zheng
I am wondering if there is a way to create a beautiful visualisation (in Python) of something like algorithm which involves graphs.
It would be really nice if there is a way to do that in Python which would help converting each executed logical step of the algorithm's code into a neat live illustration.
While reading about TSP on Wikipedia I found this:
I do it all the time by using individual plots created from matplotlib.
An example procedure is:
create multiple plots and save them as image files
loop over each saved image file and read them using opencv
use opencv to compile all image files into a single video file.
Here is some simplified example code
import cv2
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# create a single plot
plt.plot([1,2,3], [3, 7, 11])
# save plot as an image
plt.savefig(plot_directory\plot_name.jpg, format='jpg', dpi=250)
def create_video(image_folder, video_name, fps=8, reverse=False):
"""Create video out of images saved in a folder."""
images = [img for img in os.listdir(image_folder) if img.endswith('.jpg')]
if reverse: images = images[::-1]
frame = cv2.imread(os.path.join(image_folder, images[0]))
height, width, layers = frame.shape
video = cv2.VideoWriter(video_name, -1, fps, (width,height))
for image in images:
video.write(cv2.imread(os.path.join(image_folder, image)))
# use opencv to read all images in a directory and compile them into a video
create_video('plot_directory', 'my_video_name.avi')
In the create_video function, I added options to reverse the frame order and set frames per second (fps).
This video on Youtube was created using exactly this method.
To apply to your sample code, try putting all your plotting functions inside your for loop. This should produce plots each tome you iterate over an edge. Then each time a plot is generated, you can save that plot to file. Something like this:
import random
from itertools import combinations
from math import sqrt
import itertools
from _collections import OrderedDict
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
n_points = 10
def dist(p1, p2):
return sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (p1[1] - p2[1]) ** 2)
points = [(random.random(), random.random()) for _ in range(n_points)]
named_points = {i: j for i, j in zip(itertools.count(), points)}
weighted_edges = dict()
tree_id = [None] * n_points
min_tree = []
for v1, v2 in combinations(named_points.values(), 2):
d = dist(v1, v2)
weighted_edges.update({d: ((list(named_points.keys())[list(named_points.values()).index(v1)]),
for i in range(n_points):
tree_id[i] = i
sorted_edges = OrderedDict(sorted(weighted_edges.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
list_edges = sorted_edges.values()
for edge in list_edges:
if tree_id[edge[0]] != tree_id[edge[1]]:
old_id = tree_id[edge[0]]
new_id = tree_id[edge[1]]
for j in range(n_points):
if tree_id[j] == old_id:
tree_id[j] = new_id
G = nx.Graph()
green_edges = min_tree
G = nx.Graph()
edge_colors = ['black' if not edge in green_edges else 'red' for edge in G.edges()]
pos = nx.spiral_layout(G)
G2 = nx.Graph()
pos2 = nx.spiral_layout(G2)
nx.draw(G, pos, node_size=700, edge_color=edge_colors,, with_labels = True)
nx.draw(G2, pos2, node_size=700, edge_color='green',, with_labels = True)
I am trying to create a spectrogram from a .wav file in python3.
I want the final saved image to look similar to this image:
I have tried the following:
This stack overflow post:
Spectrogram of a wave file
This post worked, somewhat. After running it, I got
However, This graph does not contain the colors that I need. I need a spectrogram that has colors. I tried to tinker with this code to try and add the colors however after spending significant time and effort on this, I couldn't figure it out!
I then tried this tutorial.
This code crashed(on line 17) when I tried to run it with the error TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer.
line 17:
samples = np.append(np.zeros(np.floor(frameSize/2.0)), sig)
I tried to fix it by casting
samples = int(np.append(np.zeros(np.floor(frameSize/2.0)), sig))
and I also tried
samples = np.append(np.zeros(int(np.floor(frameSize/2.0)), sig))
However neither of these worked in the end.
I would really like to know how to convert my .wav files to spectrograms with color so that I can analyze them! Any help would be appreciated!!!!!
Please tell me if you want me to provide any more information about my version of python, what I tried, or what I want to achieve.
Use scipy.signal.spectrogram.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
from import wavfile
sample_rate, samples ='path-to-mono-audio-file.wav')
frequencies, times, spectrogram = signal.spectrogram(samples, sample_rate)
plt.pcolormesh(times, frequencies, spectrogram)
plt.ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
plt.xlabel('Time [sec]')
Be sure that your wav file is mono (single channel) and not stereo (dual channel) before trying to do this. I highly recommend reading the scipy documentation at
Putting plt.pcolormesh before plt.imshow seems to fix some issues, as pointed out by #Davidjb, and if unpacking error occurs, follow the steps by #cgnorthcutt below.
I have fixed the errors you are facing for
This implementation is better because you can change the binsize (e.g. binsize=2**8)
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import as wav
from numpy.lib import stride_tricks
""" short time fourier transform of audio signal """
def stft(sig, frameSize, overlapFac=0.5, window=np.hanning):
win = window(frameSize)
hopSize = int(frameSize - np.floor(overlapFac * frameSize))
# zeros at beginning (thus center of 1st window should be for sample nr. 0)
samples = np.append(np.zeros(int(np.floor(frameSize/2.0))), sig)
# cols for windowing
cols = np.ceil( (len(samples) - frameSize) / float(hopSize)) + 1
# zeros at end (thus samples can be fully covered by frames)
samples = np.append(samples, np.zeros(frameSize))
frames = stride_tricks.as_strided(samples, shape=(int(cols), frameSize), strides=(samples.strides[0]*hopSize, samples.strides[0])).copy()
frames *= win
return np.fft.rfft(frames)
""" scale frequency axis logarithmically """
def logscale_spec(spec, sr=44100, factor=20.):
timebins, freqbins = np.shape(spec)
scale = np.linspace(0, 1, freqbins) ** factor
scale *= (freqbins-1)/max(scale)
scale = np.unique(np.round(scale))
# create spectrogram with new freq bins
newspec = np.complex128(np.zeros([timebins, len(scale)]))
for i in range(0, len(scale)):
if i == len(scale)-1:
newspec[:,i] = np.sum(spec[:,int(scale[i]):], axis=1)
newspec[:,i] = np.sum(spec[:,int(scale[i]):int(scale[i+1])], axis=1)
# list center freq of bins
allfreqs = np.abs(np.fft.fftfreq(freqbins*2, 1./sr)[:freqbins+1])
freqs = []
for i in range(0, len(scale)):
if i == len(scale)-1:
freqs += [np.mean(allfreqs[int(scale[i]):])]
freqs += [np.mean(allfreqs[int(scale[i]):int(scale[i+1])])]
return newspec, freqs
""" plot spectrogram"""
def plotstft(audiopath, binsize=2**10, plotpath=None, colormap="jet"):
samplerate, samples =
s = stft(samples, binsize)
sshow, freq = logscale_spec(s, factor=1.0, sr=samplerate)
ims = 20.*np.log10(np.abs(sshow)/10e-6) # amplitude to decibel
timebins, freqbins = np.shape(ims)
print("timebins: ", timebins)
print("freqbins: ", freqbins)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7.5))
plt.imshow(np.transpose(ims), origin="lower", aspect="auto", cmap=colormap, interpolation="none")
plt.xlabel("time (s)")
plt.ylabel("frequency (hz)")
plt.xlim([0, timebins-1])
plt.ylim([0, freqbins])
xlocs = np.float32(np.linspace(0, timebins-1, 5))
plt.xticks(xlocs, ["%.02f" % l for l in ((xlocs*len(samples)/timebins)+(0.5*binsize))/samplerate])
ylocs = np.int16(np.round(np.linspace(0, freqbins-1, 10)))
plt.yticks(ylocs, ["%.02f" % freq[i] for i in ylocs])
if plotpath:
plt.savefig(plotpath, bbox_inches="tight")
return ims
ims = plotstft(filepath)
import os
import wave
import pylab
def graph_spectrogram(wav_file):
sound_info, frame_rate = get_wav_info(wav_file)
pylab.figure(num=None, figsize=(19, 12))
pylab.title('spectrogram of %r' % wav_file)
pylab.specgram(sound_info, Fs=frame_rate)
def get_wav_info(wav_file):
wav =, 'r')
frames = wav.readframes(-1)
sound_info = pylab.fromstring(frames, 'int16')
frame_rate = wav.getframerate()
return sound_info, frame_rate
for A Capella Science - Bohemian Gravity! this gives:
Use graph_spectrogram(path_to_your_wav_file).
I don't remember the blog from where I took this snippet. I will add the link whenever I see it again.
Beginner's answer above is excellent. I dont have 50 rep so I can't comment on it, but if you want the correct amplitude in the frequency domain the stft function should look like this:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import as wav
from numpy.lib import stride_tricks
""" short time fourier transform of audio signal """
def stft(sig, frameSize, overlapFac=0, window=np.hanning):
win = window(frameSize)
hopSize = int(frameSize - np.floor(overlapFac * frameSize))
# zeros at beginning (thus center of 1st window should be for sample nr. 0)
samples = np.append(np.zeros(int(np.floor(frameSize/2.0))), sig)
# cols for windowing
cols = np.ceil( (len(samples) - frameSize) / float(hopSize)) + 1
# zeros at end (thus samples can be fully covered by frames)
samples = np.append(samples, np.zeros(frameSize))
frames = stride_tricks.as_strided(samples, shape=(int(cols), frameSize), strides=(samples.strides[0]*hopSize, samples.strides[0])).copy()
frames *= win
fftResults = np.fft.rfft(frames)
windowCorrection = 1/(np.sum(np.hanning(frameSize))/frameSize) #This is amplitude correct (1/mean(window)). Energy correction is 1/rms(window)
FFTcorrection = 2/frameSize
scaledFftResults = fftResults*windowCorrection*FFTcorrection
return scaledFftResults
You can use librosa for your mp3 spectogram needs. Here is some code I found, thanks to Parul Pandey from medium. The code I used is this,
# Method described here
import librosa
import librosa.display
from pydub import AudioSegment
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import wavfile
from tempfile import mktemp
def plot_mp3_matplot(filename):
plot_mp3_matplot -- using matplotlib to simply plot time vs amplitude waveplot
filename -- filepath to the file that you want to see the waveplot for
Returns -- None
# sr is for 'sampling rate'
# Feel free to adjust it
x, sr = librosa.load(filename, sr=44100)
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 5))
librosa.display.waveplot(x, sr=sr)
def convert_audio_to_spectogram(filename):
convert_audio_to_spectogram -- using librosa to simply plot a spectogram
filename -- filepath to the file that you want to see the waveplot for
Returns -- None
# sr == sampling rate
x, sr = librosa.load(filename, sr=44100)
# stft is short time fourier transform
X = librosa.stft(x)
# convert the slices to amplitude
Xdb = librosa.amplitude_to_db(abs(X))
# ... and plot, magic!
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 5))
librosa.display.specshow(Xdb, sr = sr, x_axis = 'time', y_axis = 'hz')
# same as above, just changed the y_axis from hz to log in the display func
def convert_audio_to_spectogram_log(filename):
x, sr = librosa.load(filename, sr=44100)
X = librosa.stft(x)
Xdb = librosa.amplitude_to_db(abs(X))
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 5))
librosa.display.specshow(Xdb, sr = sr, x_axis = 'time', y_axis = 'log')
I have a netcdf file containing global sea-surface temperatures. Using matplotlib and Basemap, I've managed to make a map of this data, with the following code:
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
filename = '/Users/Nick/Desktop/SST/'
fh = Dataset(filename, mode='r')
lons = fh.variables['LON'][:]
lats = fh.variables['LAT'][:]
sst = fh.variables['SST'][:].squeeze()
fig = plt.figure()
m = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlon=80.,llcrnrlat=-25.,urcrnrlon=150.,urcrnrlat=25.,lon_0=115., lat_0=0., resolution='l')
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
xi, yi = m(lon, lat)
cs = m.pcolormesh(xi,yi,sst, vmin=18, vmax=32)
m.fillcontinents(color='0.3', lake_color='0.3')
cbar = m.colorbar(cs, location='bottom', pad="10%", ticks=[18., 20., 22., 24., 26., 28., 30., 32.])
cbar.set_label('January SST (' + u'\u00b0' + 'C)')
plt.savefig('SST.png', dpi=300)
The problem is that the data is very high resolution (9km grid) which makes the resulting image quite noisy. I would like to put the data onto a lower resolution grid (e.g. 1 degree), but I'm struggling to work out how this could be done. I followed a worked solution to try and use the matplotlib griddata function by inserting the code below into my above example, but it resulted in 'ValueError: condition must be a 1-d array'.
xi, yi = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
X = np.arange(min(x), max(x), 1)
Y = np.arange(min(y), max(y), 1)
Xi, Yi = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
Z = griddata(xi, yi, z, Xi, Yi)
I'm a relative beginner to Python and matplotlib, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong (or what a better approach might be). Any advice appreciated!
If you regrid your data to a coarser lat/lon grid using e.g. bilinear interpolation, this will result in a smoother field.
The NCAR ClimateData guide has a nice introduction to regridding (general, not Python-specific).
The most powerful implementation of regridding routines available for Python is, to my knowledge, the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) Python interface (ESMPy). If this is a bit too involved for your application, you should look into
EarthPy tutorials on regridding (e.g. using Pyresample, cKDTree, or Basemap).
Turning your data into an Iris cube and using Iris' regridding functions.
Perhaps start by looking at the EarthPy regridding tutorial using Basemap, since you are using it already.
The way to do this in your example would be
from mpl_toolkits import basemap
from netCDF4 import Dataset
filename = '/Users/Nick/Desktop/SST/'
with Dataset(filename, mode='r') as fh:
lons = fh.variables['LON'][:]
lats = fh.variables['LAT'][:]
sst = fh.variables['SST'][:].squeeze()
lons_sub, lats_sub = np.meshgrid(lons[::4], lats[::4])
sst_coarse = basemap.interp(sst, lons, lats, lons_sub, lats_sub, order=1)
This performs bilinear interpolation (order=1) on your SST data onto a sub-sampled grid (every fourth point). Your plot will look more coarse-grained afterwards. If you do not like that, interpolate back onto the original grid with e.g.
sst_smooth = basemap.interp(sst_coarse, lons_sub[0,:], lats_sub[:,0], *np.meshgrid(lons, lats), order=1)
I usually run my data through a Laplace filter for smoothing. Perhaps you could try the function below and see if it helps with your data. The function can be called with or without a mask (e.g land/ocean mask for ocean data points). Hope this helps. T
# Laplace filter for 2D field with/without mask
# M = 1 on - cells used
# M = 0 off - grid cells not used
# Default is without masking
import numpy as np
def laplace_X(F,M):
jmax, imax = F.shape
# Add strips of land
F2 = np.zeros((jmax, imax+2), dtype=F.dtype)
F2[:, 1:-1] = F
M2 = np.zeros((jmax, imax+2), dtype=M.dtype)
M2[:, 1:-1] = M
MS = M2[:, 2:] + M2[:, :-2]
FS = F2[:, 2:]*M2[:, 2:] + F2[:, :-2]*M2[:, :-2]
return np.where(M > 0.5, (1-0.25*MS)*F + 0.25*FS, F)
def laplace_Y(F,M):
jmax, imax = F.shape
# Add strips of land
F2 = np.zeros((jmax+2, imax), dtype=F.dtype)
F2[1:-1, :] = F
M2 = np.zeros((jmax+2, imax), dtype=M.dtype)
M2[1:-1, :] = M
MS = M2[2:, :] + M2[:-2, :]
FS = F2[2:, :]*M2[2:, :] + F2[:-2, :]*M2[:-2, :]
return np.where(M > 0.5, (1-0.25*MS)*F + 0.25*FS, F)
# The mask may cause laplace_X and laplace_Y to not commute
# Take average of both directions
def laplace_filter(F, M=None):
if M == None:
M = np.ones_like(F)
return 0.5*(laplace_X(laplace_Y(F, M), M) +
laplace_Y(laplace_X(F, M), M))
To answer your original question regarding scipy.interpolate.griddata, too:
Have a close look at the parameter specs for that function (e.g. in the SciPy documentation) and make sure that your input arrays have the right shapes. You might need to do something like
import numpy as np
points = np.vstack([a.flat for a in np.meshgrid(lons,lats)]).T # (n,D)
values = sst.ravel() # (n)
If you are working on Linux, you can achieve this using nctoolkit (
You have not stated the latlon extent of your data, so I will assume it is a global dataset. Regridding to 1 degree resolution would require the following:
import nctoolkit as nc
filename = '/Users/Nick/Desktop/SST/'
data = nc.open_data(filename)
data.to_latlon(lon = [-179.5, 179.5], lat = [-89.5, 89.5], res = [1,1])
# visualize the data
Look at this example with xarray...
use the ds.interp method and specify the new latitude and longitude values.
I am trying to plot a very big file (~5 GB) using python and matplotlib. I am able to load the whole file in memory (the total available in the machine is 16 GB) but when I plot it using simple imshow I get a segmentation fault. This is most probable to the ulimit which I have set to 15000 but I cannot set higher. I have come to the conclusion that I need to plot my array in batches and therefore made a simple code to do that. My main isue is that when I plot a batch of the big array the x coordinates start always from 0 and there is no way I can overlay the images to create a final big one. If you have any suggestion please let me know. Also I am not able to install new packages like "Image" on this machine due to administrative rights. Here is a sample of the code that reads the first 12 lines of my array and make 3 plots.
import os
import sys
import scipy
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import matplotlib as mpl
import as cm
from optparse import OptionParser
from scipy import fftpack
from scipy.fftpack import *
from cmath import *
from pylab import *
import pp
import fileinput
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import pickle
def readalllines(file1,rows,freqs):
file = open(file1,'r')
sizer = int(rows*freqs)
i = 0
q = np.zeros(sizer,'float')
for i in range(rows*freqs):
s =file.readline()
s = s.split()
#print s[4],q[i]
q[i] = float(s[4])
if i%262144 == 0:
print '\r ',int(i*100.0/(337*262144)),' percent complete',
i += 1
return q
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-f',dest="filename",help="Read dynamic spectrum from FILE",metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option('-t',dest="dtime",help="The time integration used in seconds, default 10",default=10)
parser.add_option('-n',dest="dfreq",help="The bandwidth of each frequency channel in Hz",default=11.92092896)
parser.add_option('-w',dest="reduce",help="The chuncker divider in frequency channels, integer default 16",default=16)
(opts,args) = parser.parse_args()
freqs = 262144
file1 = opts.filename
s = readalllines(file1,rows,freqs)
s = np.reshape(s,(rows,freqs))
s = s.T
print s.shape
#s_shift = scipy.fftpack.fftshift(s)
#fig = plt.figure()
#axes = plt.axes()
i = 0
for o in range(0,rows,4):
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(s[:,o:o+4],interpolation='nearest',aspect='auto', cmap=cm.gray_r, origin='lower')
if o == 0:
fdf, fdff = xticks()
print fdf
print xticks()
#w, h = fig.canvas.get_width_height()
#buf = np.fromstring(fig.canvas.tostring_argb(), dtype=np.uint8)
#buf.shape = (w,h,4)
#buf = np.rol(buf, 3, axis=2)
#w,h,_ = buf.shape
#img = Image.fromstring("RGBA", (w,h),buf.tostring())
#if prev:
# prev.paste(img)
# del prev
#prev = img
i += 1
If you plot any array with more than ~2k pixels across something in your graphics chain will down sample the image in some way to display it on your monitor. I would recommend down sampling in a controlled way, something like
data = convert_raw_data_to_fft(args) # make sure data is row major
def ds_decimate(row,step = 100):
return row[::step]
def ds_sum(row,step):
return np.sum(row[:step*(len(row)//step)].reshape(-1,step),1)
# as per suggestion from tom10 in comments
def ds_max(row,step):
return np.max(row[:step*(len(row)//step)].reshape(-1,step),1)
data_plotable = [ds_sum(d) for d in data] # plug in which ever function you want
or interpolation.
Matplotlib is pretty memory-inefficient when plotting images. It creates several full-resolution intermediate arrays, which is probably why your program is crashing.
One solution is to downsample the image before feeding it into matplotlib, as #tcaswell suggests.
I also wrote some wrapper code to do this downsampling automatically, based on your screen resolution. It's at, if it's useful. It also has the advantage that the image is resampled on the fly, so you can still pan and zoom without sacrificing resolution where you need it.
I think you're just missing the extent=(left, right, bottom, top) keyword argument in plt.imshow.
x = np.random.randn(2, 10)
y = np.ones((4, 10))
x[0] = 0 # To make it clear which side is up, etc
y[0] = -1
plt.imshow(x, extent=(0, 10, 0, 2))
plt.imshow(y, extent=(0, 10, 2, 6))
# This is necessary, else the plot gets scaled and only shows the last array
plt.ylim(0, 6)