Run .m-file from python script in Linux - python

I read the proposals but I dont found a answer.
How can I run a Octave .m-File from a python script in Linux?
Must I change the direction?
I want to run the Octave .m-File with functions in the background without gui.
I try it with the os module from python:
(INFO: The .m-File run without bugs in octave)
import os
os.system("octave-cli /home/myscripts/test.m")
If I run this in the python console in spyder, I get "0" as output.
Normaly It must be "1" if have no bugs or? Must I make the test.m file executable?


Python Input function in atom prevents code from running [duplicate]

I created a script which just asks a user for their name and age using Python's input() function.
I installed the package Script. This ran the script well but couldn’t deal with the input.
I have also tried a number of other options but haven’t had any success.
Any ideas how to build and execute scripts from within Atom? I don’t mind if it just simply saved the script and opened Pythons IDLE at a minimum.
Add Terminal-Plus and run the code with the python command
Script Runner can run scripts and supports input, unlike Script. It's the simplest full terminal package that I know of. To run a script, press Alt+X
For more advanced usage, you might look at Hydrogen.
The atom-python-run package gets around the input("") freeze problem by opening a terminal window and running the code in that.
Doing it within Atom has eluded me too, but this works OK.

Python curses Redirection is not supported

I am trying to use Curses in PyDev in Eclipse in Win7.
I have installed Python 3.2 (64bit) and When I input the following testing codes into PyDev:
import curses
myscreen = curses.initscr()
myscreen.addstr(12, 25, "Python curses in action!")
It did not show any syntax error, so I think the curses was installed correctly.
However, when I ran it as Python Run, the output showed: Redirection is not supported. I do not know where this problem comes from. I googled a lot but can't find related information.
Recent PyCharm versions (I am currently running 2017.2, not sure when this option was added, or if it has been there the entire time) have the option "Emulate terminal in output console". Curses works with this option checked.
You cannot expect to use curses with a non-terminal.
Probably you get this because you are running the script from inside an IDE, like PyCharm or any other.
All IDEs do provide consoles that are not terminals, so that's where the problem comes from.
For a Pycharm user the solution given by codeape works fine :
You can't use any IDE to run python files with the curses package. I used to run in pycharm and naturally couldn't run.
Change to the command line to run:
for testing follow my following steps
on desktop open notepad and copy paste the code and save it as
open command line change directory to desktop use below command cd Desktop and hit enter type python and hit enter, your program will definitely run
My workaround is to create a Run Configuration that calls a curses script. The little overhead is worth not having to switch to the terminal and manually run the script hundreds of times a session. I use Intellij but I imagine the process should be similar in PyCharm.
The desired result is the convenience of a button to run the script:
First create a script that calls the entry script, for instance:
Then, to create a configuration for each script:
Go to Edit configuration.
Click the plus button and add a Shell Script.
Enter the path to a shell script.
Here is a picture of a directory with a couple of sample scripts.
I use this process to view my progress. My curses scripts are very modest so fortunately I can live without a debugger.

Python Beginner: ImportError when run from NP++ but not IDLE

I am using Python 3.3 (2.7 is also installed) and a compatible version of pygame. Recently I have been trying to switch from IDLE to Notepad++
I am using a saved shortcut in Notepad++
C:\Python33\python.bat "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" "$(FILE_NAME)"
which runs the batch file:
#echo off
cd %1
if not errorlevel 1 goto quit
When I run C:\Python33\Foldername\
import pygame
in IDLE it works fine, in Notepad++ using that shortcut it gives an ImportError: No module named pygame
My questions are:
Why is the NP++ method not producing the same result?
How can I change the shortcut or batch file to make it run stuff that IDLE can run?
What method can I use to ensure that I can import a module regardless of which directory I am running the program from?
edit: a working alternative was in the answers to How do you run a python script from within notepad++?
I had some issues with the code they provided, but replacing "python" with the full path to my python33 install solved that.
I still don't understand why pygame wouldn't import when using my run shortcut. I also don't understand why NppExec works when Run doesn't.
It sounds like you would need to set your systemvariables. Idle does not require these steps. You entered the full path to the python.exe in np++ to execute the python program, but the path to the modules etc. is still unknown.
Add the paths, and try again.
System Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables, in the bottom window look for a "Path" variable, Edit and append the following the existing entries (do not delete anything in there!)
for Python 3.3, if you have installed it into its default directory.
To see if everything worked, open the console anywhere (shift+rightclick -> Open Command Window Here) and just type "python". The python console should open, telling you that you use python 3.3. You then also do not need to tell np++ the full python path, but instead can just use "python" again.

Can we know if a Python script is launched from Windows or a textual terminal?

I use the Windows version of Python. I have a Python script using Pyside (nothing complicated, a kind of "hello world").
When I click on my script file or if I launch it from a command line, it executes perfectly and I have a GUI appearing.
However, I would like to avoid having a GUI if the script is launched from a textual terminal (cmd.exe, cygwin, ...). A kind of script which automatically knows if it should have a GUI output or a textual output.
Is there an easy and simple way to do that? I want to be able to do that with the Windows version of Python (not the one coming with Cygwin packages).
An obvious way would be to add a kind of "--no-gui" parameter when I launch the script from a textual terminal, but I wonder if Python (or some Python libraries) already provide tools for that.
Moreover I have an SSH server (Cygwin-base) on this computer, I can execute the script at distance but no GUI appear (of course) and I have no error message. It is a case where it is very interesting to know if the script failed because of the lack of Windows graphical support or if the script should adapt its output for a textual terminal.
I know that you can run file as .py file or as .pyw file. The second option is used for GUI applications and it does not open the console window. To distinguish these to two cases you can check isatty method of sys.stdout.
import sys
if sys.stdout.isatty():
# .py file is running, with console window
# .pyw file is running, no console
I tried to run that with putty+ssh on linux box - it returns True.
I tried to use msys bash shell on windows box - it returns True (.py file)
I tried to use cygwin bash shell with cygwin python - it returns True (.py file)
Unfortunately, I have no possibility to try putty + windows cygwin ssh server.

Run executable from script with conditions python2.6

I am looking for a way to execute ABAQUS (a program) automatically from a python script with certain conditions. In Linux's command (terminal) line I type in
abq683 cae
and it will have ABAQUS run the script. I am aware of the python module 'subprocess' and it can run the basic program, which is the 'abq683' part of the command, however I cannot seem to find a way to have the other conditions run with it.
I am wondering if there is a way to run the full abq683 cae command automatically from a python text file.
Perhaps there is a way to print characters to the terminal window's active line and run them?
I am using Python2.6 on a linux machine
Thank you for any help you may offer.
import subprocess
retcode =['abq684', 'cae', ''])
