I know it might sound weird because I can do it using PowerShell, but I'd like to use Python to find what Windows Features are enabled.
I'll explain my reason and maybe you'll be able to guide me in a different direction, because from a quick google search, what I'm looking for is not possible.
I have a script that should be able to run on both Windows and Linux. It checks if a path to a directory exists, and if I have permissions to it. It does a bunch of other things and since it should work on both OSes, I need it to check that Windows Features thing. I don't want to run two different scripts, I'd rather have it all in one place and I'm not sure if maybe I'm able to call PowerShell inside my script.
Any idea what I can do?
I tried to search myself how to get the enabled windows features and found nothing, but i have some solution for you.
In my opinion you can run a powershell script inside your python script and get the result in a variable in you python script using subprocess module:
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(["powershell.exe",
output, err = p.communicate()
The output variable will contain the data i believe you desire
I'd like to give my Python scripts the ability to detect whether it was executed in a Git Bash terminal, or the Windows cmd command line interface. For example, I'm trying to write a function to clear the terminal (regardless of which terminal it is), e.g. echoes the clear command if in Git Bash, or cls if in cmd.
I've tried using sys.platform to detect this, but it returns win32 regardless of which type of terminal it was ran in.
Please try using os and psutil modules.
For example,
import os, psutil # Get the parent process name.
pprocName = psutil.Process(os.getppid()).name()
Then you can have your logic depending on the shell.
Additionally, you may want to check https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/clear-screen-python/
I don't believe what you're asking for is possible, but there are several answers here that show all the detections you can do to use the correct type of clear. Usually, it's just best to either make your own window or not clear the screen, sadly.
I'm writing a program that executes short shell one liners (potentially including pipes and background tasks etc), and I'd like to make it "just work" cross platform as much as possible.
For mac/linux the following seems to work well:
shell = os.environ.get("SHELL", "/bin/bash")
subprocess.Popen([shell, "-c", script_content])
However given that on windows:
SHELL isn't usually set
Assuming that bash is installed, a usable bash executable might be found in a variety of different places
What's the best way to make this work as reliably as possible in windows?
Are you looking for C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe?
And if you are doing cross platorm you could use sys.platorm to find the platform the user is using.
On Window, 'COMSPEC' holds the name of the current command program. You can write unconditional lookup to lookup in the environemnt. Usually, better to take this approach, as in many cases, python script may be executed from 'git-bash', WSL or similar. No need to explicitly program for specific platform.
First Using SHELL
If none, use COMSPEC
See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COMSPEC
If you have Windows git client installed, you should have git bash, so in a CMD window:
set SHELL="c:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe"
then you can run you python program.
So I've been using subprocess and pexpect
to try to interact with a separate program running in the terminal. I need to feed it a command, with arguments, and be able to receive it's response and potentially send it more commands.
With subprocess, I have only been able to launch a terminal, but not feed it commands. Or I can pass ONE line of command to an emulated terminal within python. The issue it that it's one-and-done and I can't really interact with it.
pexpect seems to only be able to initiate one command, and then respond to the terminal in an automated fashion, I couldn't find relevant and up to date documentation that went over what I needed.
Are there better modules to use for this? Or am I using them the wrong way?
pexpect is your best candidate, as far as I'm aware.
It's documentation matches version on pypi - 3.2 as for now.
If you would like to run bunch of commands one after another you can try to divide commands with ";" or "&", depends on your usage.
Btw. please take a look at example section.
EDIT: The code I wrote in my Python file was just this:
print "foo"
I'm using Windows XP Home Premium on this tiny little HP Mini 1000, and I want to run Python files, since we're learning it in school. I am aware of this topic, so I tried to run Python files using a batch file (python.bat), and I'm getting an error that says, "Can't find 'main' module in ''" whenever I run the batch file. I followed the instructions given here. All I did was change "Python26" to "Python33" because of the difference in versions.
Any idea what's wrong here? I really want to run Python files from Notepad++, so I don't want any alternative ways to run them.
This sounds like you don't have PYTHONPATH set up correctly. I suggest you review the documentation here:
Instead of calling Python, call cmd.exe and then use the set command to inspect which variables are set and how they are set. Run the exit command to leave the command shell. When you think you have the variables set up correctly, try again to run Python.
Good luck and have fun!
I use the command line interpreter or IDLE mostly (Win 8.1 now, but I've done so since Win XP SP2), but NPP is my main text editor, so I was curious about this issue.
When I was reproducing this, I was able to generate several errors, but the only one I got that was an exact match was when I failed to configure the Run option correctly.
You need to make sure to follow this step exactly in the instructions you were following. When you navigate to Run -> Run in Notepad++, you have to enter this exactly:
C:\Python33\python.bat "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
I am pretty sure you left out the "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)", or otherwise didn't add it correctly, as failing to do so causes exactly the same error on my end. Failing to include this means that when you run the batch script, you get the wrong input to the Python interpreter, causing the error.
i've been searching about how to link visual basic with python file
i've tried so hard through using shell in Visual Basic but nothing happend
i have python file called Go.py and i want to link Visual Basic button with it and get the return into variable
any idea ?
First, you can use Shell, although it's unfortunately probably more complicated than you imagined.
Your current problem is a simple one - Shell can't run a python file directly, so you need to have Shell call cmd /c python.exe Go.py, and you may need to provide a full path to python.exe as well.
However, you also want to capture the result, and Shell only returns the process ID, not any kind of process output. You can check out some examples of external process invocation, although they don't explicitly cover how to capture output. If Go.py outputs to the terminal, you can probably capture the output into a file using standard Windows output redirection, and then open the file in VisualBasic and read the values.
You can also use System.Diagnostics.Process() instead of jumping through all the hoops of trying to get more functionality out of Shell. (Specifically, review the ProcessStartInfo class properties related to output redirection which give you much more control than anything using Shell will).