So I'm making this Weather app since API for weather data takes only latitude and longitude (afaik) I'm using another API to get them by city name. So GetGeo takes city name and returns latitude and longitude which then I need to use in GetWeather function the problem is I don't know how to make them accessible in this function, the only way I found is lat, lon = GetGeo() but this isn't working since GetGeo is taking argument which I pass in from input field. I understand that this probably isn't the best way to do this but I'm a beginner and I already made this work without having separate functions, but I like to challenge myself and want to separate everything in functions :)
def GetGeo(cityName):
locationKey = 'xxx'
locationUrl = "" + locationKey + '&q=' + cityName + '&format=json'
locationDataReq = requests.get(locationUrl)
locationData = locationDataReq.json()
lat = locationData[0]['lat']
lon = locationData[0]['lon']
return lat, lon
def GetWeather():
lat, lon = GetGeo()
darkSkyKey = 'xxx'
darkSkyUrl = "" + darkSkyKey + "/" + lat + "," + lon + "?units=si"
darkSkyDataReq = requests.get(darkSkyUrl)
darkSkyData = darkSkyDataReq.json()
label["text"] = darkSkyData
How about:
def GetGeo(cityName):
locationKey = 'xxx'
locationUrl = "" + locationKey + '&q=' + cityName + '&format=json'
locationDataReq = requests.get(locationUrl)
locationData = locationDataReq.json()
lat = locationData[0]['lat']
lon = locationData[0]['lon']
return lat, lon
def GetWeather(cityName):
lat, lon = GetGeo(cityName)
darkSkyKey = 'xxx'
darkSkyUrl = "" + darkSkyKey + "/" + lat + "," + lon + "?units=si"
darkSkyDataReq = requests.get(darkSkyUrl)
darkSkyData = darkSkyDataReq.json()
label["text"] = darkSkyData
qCity=input('please type city: ')
I am trying to get buy and sell orders from binance api(python-binance) which has a limit of 500 values.(500 ask,500 buy). I already can get this with creating 500 variables with index numbers but it seems to me there has to be a better way than to write 500 lines of code.
This is the code I am trying to make it happen.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from binance.client import Client
user_key = ''
secret_key = ''
binance_client = Client(user_key, secret_key)
while True:
alis = binance_client.futures_order_book(symbol='XRPUSDT')
binance_buy = alis['bids'][0]
binance_buy1 = alis['bids'][1]
binance_buy2 = alis['bids'][2]
binance_buy3 = alis['bids'][3]
binance_buy4 = alis['bids'][4]
binance_buy5 = alis['bids'][5]
binance_buy6 = alis['bids'][6]
binance_buy7 = alis['bids'][7]
binance_buy8 = alis['bids'][8]
binance_buy9 = alis['bids'][9]
binance_buy10 = alis['bids'][10]
binance_buy11 = alis['bids'][11]
binance_buy12 = alis['bids'][12]
binance_buy13 = alis['bids'][13]
binance_buy14 = alis['bids'][14]
binance_buy15 = alis['bids'][15]
binance_buy16 = alis['bids'][16]
binance_buy17 = alis['bids'][17]
binance_buy18 = alis['bids'][18]
binance_buy19 = alis['bids'][19]
binance_buy20 = alis['bids'][20]
binance_sell = alis['asks'][0]
binance_sell1 = alis['asks'][1]
binance_sell2 = alis['asks'][2]
binance_sell3 = alis['asks'][3]
binance_sell4 = alis['asks'][4]
binance_sell5 = alis['asks'][5]
binance_sell6 = alis['asks'][6]
binance_sell7 = alis['asks'][7]
binance_sell8 = alis['asks'][8]
binance_sell9 = alis['asks'][9]
binance_sell10 = alis['asks'][10]
binance_sell11 = alis['asks'][11]
binance_sell12 = alis['asks'][12]
binance_sell13 = alis['asks'][13]
binance_sell14 = alis['asks'][14]
binance_sell15 = alis['asks'][15]
binance_sell16 = alis['asks'][16]
binance_sell17 = alis['asks'][17]
binance_sell18 = alis['asks'][18]
binance_sell19 = alis['asks'][19]
binance_sell20 = alis['asks'][20]
binance_buy_demand = float(binance_buy[1]) + float(binance_buy1[1]) \
+ float(binance_buy2[1]) + float(binance_buy3[1]) \
+ float(binance_buy4[1]) + float(binance_buy5[1]) \
+ float(binance_buy6[1]) + float(binance_buy7[1]) \
+ float(binance_buy8[1]) + float(binance_buy9[1]) \
+ float(binance_buy10[1]) + float(binance_buy11[1]) \
+ float(binance_buy12[1]) + float(binance_buy13[1]) \
+ float(binance_buy14[1]) + float(binance_buy15[1]) \
+ float(binance_buy16[1]) + float(binance_buy17[1]) \
+ float(binance_buy18[1]) + float(binance_buy19[1]) \
+ float(binance_buy20[1])
for i in range(0, 500):
print (alis['asks'][i][0], alis['asks'][i][1])
binance_sell_demand = float(binance_sell[1]) \
+ float(binance_sell1[1]) + float(binance_sell2[1]) \
+ float(binance_sell3[1]) + float(binance_sell4[1]) \
+ float(binance_sell5[1]) + float(binance_sell6[1]) \
+ float(binance_sell7[1]) + float(binance_sell8[1]) \
+ float(binance_sell9[1]) + float(binance_sell10[1]) \
+ float(binance_sell11[1]) + float(binance_sell12[1]) \
+ float(binance_sell13[1]) + float(binance_sell14[1]) \
+ float(binance_sell15[1]) + float(binance_sell16[1]) \
+ float(binance_sell17[1]) + float(binance_sell18[1]) \
+ float(binance_sell19[1]) + float(binance_sell20[1])
there is 500 bids and 500 asks
after getting data I sum bids ands asks like this
I tried to make for loop but only could print this values cant sum it in for loop this is the code I tried:
sample output:
0.9315 18328.6
0.9316 18201.2
0.9317 23544.0
0.9318 260.4
0.9319 689.5
0.9320 20410.5
0.9321 47.7
0.9322 294.2
0.9323 446.6
0.9324 104.0
0.9325 3802.3
0.9326 100.1
0.9327 20122.9
0.9328 1410.0
0.9329 7745.1
0.9330 9094.4
0.9331 10389.9
0.9332 248.5
0.9333 71559.7
0.9334 18024.1
0.9335 7404.5
0.9336 1366.6
0.9337 21972.4
0.9338 1224.8
0.9339 49.9
0.9340 17590.5
0.9341 17967.1
0.9342 272.3
0.9343 704.4
0.9344 3581.7
0.9345 3896.8
the first items are price second is quantity
I am trying to make a function that sum and divide avg.price and also want to know how many bids total and asks total.
Use the sum() function with a generator that gets the appropriate element of each list item.
binance_buy_demand = sum(float(x[1]) for x in alis['bids'])
binance_sell_demand = sum(float(x[1]) for x in alis['asks'])
You can sum in a for loop like this:
total_ask_volume = 0
total_bid_volume = 0
for i in range(0, 500):
total_ask_volume += float(alis["asks"][i][1])
total_bid_volume += float(alis["bids"][i][1])
print(total_ask_volume, total_bid_volume)
Another option is to skip the i index, and go through the values directly:
total_ask_volume = 0
for ask in alis["asks"]:
total_ask_volume += float(ask[1])
total_bid_volume = 0
for bid in alis["bids"]:
total_bid_volume += float(bid[1])
print(total_ask_volume, total_bid_volume)
This can sometimes be clearer, particularly in situations where you'd otherwise have multiple indexes (i, j, k and so on) which could get confusing.
As a side note, float often rounds in unintuitive ways; it probably doesn't matter in this particular circumstance, but in most situations involving money you probably want to use Decimal instead (or multiply by 100 and count whole numbers of cents).
I wanted to get the latitude and longitude of an adress with geopy. My code is
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="EXAMPLE")
location = geolocator.geocode("Wismarsche Straße 393-397 19049 Schwerin")
lat = str(location.latitude)
lon = str(location.longitude)
latLon = str(lat) + ";" + str(lon) + ";"
and it outputs NoneType.
Does anyone know why?
The documentation states that the geocode method returns None when no results are found. In your case, removing 19049 from your query returns a result:
location = geolocator.geocode("Wismarsche Straße 393-397 Schwerin")
lat = str(location.latitude)
lon = str(location.longitude)
latLon = str(lat) + ";" + str(lon) + ";"
print(f'Latitude: {lat}, longitude: {lon}, latLon: {latLon}')
Latitude: 53.6519479, longitude: 11.4073671, latLon: 53.6519479;11.4073671;
I want to get nearby cities from passed latitude and longitude. I have used the geonames and geobytes APIs but want to use Google API for finding nearby cities.
This is my code:
def getNearbyCities(self):
# lat, lon = self.getLatLon()
# res_url = urlopen('' + str(lat) + '&Longitude=' + str(lon))
res_url = urlopen('' + str(
resp = str(
validate_res = resp.split("b'?(")[-1].split(");'")[0]
validated_res = ast.literal_eval(validate_res)
cities_nd_distence = []
for data in validated_res:
data_tuple = (data[1], data[7])
if data[1] not in cities_nd_distence:
import pprint
return cities_nd_distence
If you only want to get cities based on latitude and longitude, you can have a look at
from cities.models import City
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions import Distance
p = Point(-118, 34, srid=4326)
City.objects.annotate(distance=Distance('location', p)).order_by("distance").first()
<City: Hacienda Heights>
I can search a shapefile for an attribute and it works fine but I don't know how to get the other fields in that record once the correct records is found. Don't know if I should use SearchCursor or SelectLayerByAttribute_management.
townlands = r'F:\MyProject\Assignment\townlands.shp'
outpath = r'F:\MyProject\Assignment'
selection = str(""" "NAME_TAG" = '""" + the_townland + "'")
selection2 = ????????????????
print selection, selection2
This code is working in that it finds the townland that the user puts in text_search_townland and it prints it as selection. I'm looking to get another field called OSM_USER from that record into selection2.
I got this working after lots of trial and error. It does need SearchCursor or at least that is how I got it working.
def new_record():
#set environment variables.
arcpy.env.workspace = r'F:\MyProject\Assignment\folklore.gdb'
myPath = r'F:\MyProject\Assignment\folklore.gdb'
editRows = arcpy.da.InsertCursor('folklore', '*')
print editRows.fields
# get the centroid of the townland from townland_centroid (fc) based on the
# townland the user enters.
database = r'F:\MyProject\Assignment\folklore.gdb'
fc = database + '/' + 'townland_centroid'
fields = ['NAME_TAG', 'X_coord', 'Y_coord']
whereClause = '"NAME_TAG"' + " = '" + the_townland + "'"
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, fields, whereClause) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
print('{0}, {1}, {2}'.format(row[0], row[1], row[2]))
X_coord = str(row[1])
Y_coord = str(row[2])
del cursor
# Set variables with values that will populate 'folklore' featureclass.
OID = 1
ptShape = arcpy.Point(0,0)
townland = text_search_townland.get()
county = var_county2.get()
category = var_category.get()
URL = text_search_URL.get()
spec_location = "text_search_speclocation.get()"
date_entered = text_search_date_entered.get()
story_year = int(text_search_story_year.get())
X_coord_put = X_coord
Y_coord_put = Y_coord
newRecord = [OID, ptShape, townland, county, URL, spec_location, date_entered, story_year, category, X_coord, Y_coord]
del editRows
Hope this helps someone.
I am creating my own .obj exporter for maya.
When i'm exporting just one mesh my code works just fine but when exporting several meshes / objects it fails to create the complete meshes.
I'm pretty sure that the problem is when i'm getting the
face.getVertices(), face.getUVIndex() and face.normalIndex() and printing them to the file. As i said the first mesh works fine but when it gets to the second mesh the codinates gets all wrong, they connect to the wrong triangles.
If anyone has any ideas on how to possibly loop them differently or change the values to the correct ones i would be forever greatful. Help would be very very appreciated!
Here is an example on how a multi object mesh ends out.
import pymel.core as pm
import pymel.core.nodetypes as nt
planes =
def meshFile():
def myRound(n):
return round(n, 6)
file = open("C:/Users/Blondiegirls/Desktop/test2.obj", "wb")
file.write("mtllib test2.mtl\r\n")
for p in planes[:]:
file.write("\r\ng default")
# Printa world kordinater
for index, point in enumerate(p.vtx):
temp = index,map(myRound, point.getPosition(space='world'))
file.write("\r\nv ")
file.write(str(' '.join(map(str, temp[1]))))
# Printa texture kordinater
mesh =[0]
U,V = mesh.getUVs()
UVs = zip(U,V)
for uv in UVs:
file.write("\r\nvt ")
file.write(str(uv[0])+" "+str(uv[1]))
#printa normals
for n in p.getNormals():
file.write("\r\nvn ")
file.write(str(n[0])+" "+str(n[1])+" "+str(n[2]))
file.write("\r\ns 1")
file.write("\r\ng ")
file.write("\r\nusemtl test")
for faceIndex, face in enumerate(p.faces):
faceVertices = face.getVertices()
faceUV0 = face.getUVIndex(0)+1
faceUV1 = face.getUVIndex(1)+1
faceUV2 = face.getUVIndex(2)+1
faceNor0 = face.normalIndex(0)+1
faceNor1 = face.normalIndex(1)+1
faceNor2 = face.normalIndex(2)+1
file.write("\r\nf ")
faceVertices0 = int(faceVertices[0])+1
faceVertices1 = int(faceVertices[1])+1
faceVertices2 = int(faceVertices[2])+1
temp3 = (str(faceVertices0)) + "/" + (str(faceUV0)) +"/" + (str(faceNor0)) + " " + (str(faceVertices1)) + "/" + (str(faceUV1)) +"/" + (str(faceNor1)) + " " + (str(faceVertices2)) + "/" + (str(faceUV2)) +"/" + (str(faceNor2))
def MTLFile():
file2 = open("C:/Users/Blondiegirls/Desktop/test2.mtl", "wb")
object =[0].split(':')[0]
#print('object: '+object)
shipTX = pm.PyNode(object)
shadingGroups = shipTX.shadingGroups()
sg1 = shadingGroups[0]
material = sg1.listConnections(source=True, destination=False, type=nt.Lambert)[0]
file = material.color.listConnections(type=nt.File)[0]
filename = file.fileTextureName.get()
materialColor = material.getColor() #for Kd
materialAmbient = material.getAmbientColor() #for Ka
materialSpecular = material.getSpecularColor() #for Ks
refractiveIndex = material.getRefractiveIndex() #for Ni
file2.write("newmtl "+"test"+"\r\n")
file2.write("Ka "+str(materialAmbient[0])+" "+str(materialAmbient[1])+" "+str(materialAmbient[2])+"\r\n")
file2.write("Kd "+str(materialColor[0])+" "+str(materialColor[1])+" "+str(materialColor[2])+"\r\n")
file2.write("Ks "+str(materialSpecular[0])+" "+str(materialSpecular[1])+" "+str(materialSpecular[2])+"\r\n")
file2.write("d 1.0\r\n")
file2.write("Illum 2\r\n")
file2.write("map_Kd "+filename+"\r\n") #for map_Kd
The problem is this line:
mesh =[0]
U,V = mesh.getUVs()
This is querying all of the geometry in the scene and returning the first object, but you should be operating on the current mesh in the iteration. I think what you want is:
U,V = p.getUVs()
Also, you should probably consider adding an argument to meshFile() rather than relying on a variable in the global scope.