How do I run python libraries specific to command prompt on IDLE? - python

I wish to run some commands which are specifically made for command line interface in idle environment.
There is a library in python called "Ezflix" which is for streaming torrent videos.
It runs properly on command line interface but does not work when I run it on python idle.
I know that command line commands cant be used in idle but I just wish to find if there is any possibility or any hack to make it run on idle.

According to, ezflix is a "command line utility", one which happens to be written in Python. At this level, it is intended to be run from a command line terminal/console.
Such a program, even if written in python, might not be a Python library module, meaning that it is not intended that you import it and directly access its functions. If this is true, it would not have a supported and documented application program interface (API). If so, one could read the code and import it anyway, but the private internal objects and names might change from version to version. So the best way to access it from a Python program would be to run it separately, for instance, with subprocess, as suggested in the comments.
It turns out the ezflix does have a documented API and so it is also a library module. The is briefly described at the bottom of the pypi page linked above.
from ezflix import Ezflix
ez = Ezflix(<arguments>)
I presume that the package itself contains more information on its usage.
None of the above has anything to do with whether you run your program directly with python or with IDLE or with any other IDE. What could matter is whether the ezflix user interface specifically requires that it be run connected to the system terminal/console. Noting I saw on its pypi page suggests this. It might also be that the movie player window somehow interferes with the IDLE GUI window, but I also do not expect this.


Can manim be used in pycharm?

I have been programming with python for about half a year, and I would like to try manim ( the animation programme of 3blue1brown from youtube), but I am not sure where to start. I have not installed it, but I have tried to read up on it. And to be honest I do not understand much of the requirements of the program, and how to run it.
Google has left me without much help, so I decided to check here to see if anyone here is able to help.
From what I understand, you run manim directly in python and the animations are based on a textfile with code i assume is LaTex. I have almost no experience with python itself, but I have learned to use it through Thonny, and later Pycharm.
My main questions are: (Good sources to how to do this without being a wizard would be really helpful if they exist☺️)
Is it possible to install manim in pycharm, and how? Do i need some extra stuff installed to pycharm in order to run it? (I run a windows 64-bit computer)
If i manage to do this in pycharm, Will I then be able to code the animations directly in pycharm (in .py or .txt files), or is it harder to use in pycharm?
All help or insights is very appreciated😅 As I said I am not extremely knowledgeable in computers, but I am enjoying learning how to code and applications of coding😊
I recommend you this playlist
I always uses pycharm for manim.
Firstly i setup python interpreter by just open File->Settings->Projet->Project Interpreter then just press on little gear icon to add python interpreter to Existing environment and locate C:\Python3x\python.exe
Then just open a terminal from left-down corner and run some basic commands to run manim as mentioned in tutorials or manim github page.
Something that works nicely for me is to run manimgl.exe from Python in PyCharm using the subprocess module. It also goes well with using the run shortcut while iterating with small edits.
I like to do this from the script in which my main scene is defined, for example, I have which defines MyScene:
from manimlib import *
class MyScene(Scene):
def construct(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
import subprocess
params = 'manimgl MyScene -c WHITE'.split(),
# Possibly look at captured output here
The code inside if __name__ ... does not execute when the same script is loaded by manim. What is nice is that one can easily add automation steps before or after the actual execution if needed and it keeps everything related in a single script.
Edit: I also end the animations in the construct() method of MyScene with exit() to terminate the preview. I honestly don't know if this is good practice, but it works well for my usage pattern.
Note that this does require that manimgl.exe reside somewhere that is in your path, in my case (Windows) I installed this for my global Python interpreter. I followed the instructions on GitHub and it works for me because the following is in my path:
It may vary depending on where your Python is installed. For a venv, you could do something like:
params = '.\venv\Scripts\manimgl.exe ...'.split()
Yes, you can
1.Write your code in pycharm it
3.copy that .py file to where you installed manim. In my case, it is
This pc>> C drive >> manim-master >> manim-master on the path and type "cmd" to open terminal from there
Type this on the terminal
python -m manim -pql
This will do.
To play back the animation or image, open the media folder.

How-to Launch Android Python Script via Shortcut on Homescreen

I've scoured the interwebs and couldn't find anything with python, android, and "shortcut" or "home-screen" to appear on the same page. I have pydroid3 installed, working great. I'd like to have a shortcut (ideally on the home-screen) that I can tap once and have it run without opening the IDE for editing.
Making a shortcut to the file, or opening a source file in the file manager will at best just open it in the pydroid3 IDE, at worst state "this file type is not supported."
At the beginning of the script, I have tried putting "#!/user/data/../pydroid_dir/python", but alas the OS doesn't realize I mean to run it directly in the python interpreter. Any solutions or alternative lines of thinking are appreciated!
I'm running an unrooted android 9 PIE. I wanted to provide some more details but not quite a solution for any readers. Check out related question: How to create a homescreen shortcut to launch a shell script?. Closest I got was trying SManager which allows you to create a homescreen shortcut to a shell script. Your shell script could be hardcoded to call python on your script:
/path/to/python /path/to/python/script
Unfortunately, if you're phone is not rooted, you may not have permission to execute whatever version of python you're calling outside of the context of the app it was installed for. Also, you have to ensure that your shell and python scripts reside in an appropriate place for execution. If your phone is rooted, SManager seems to have options to let you run the script as root.
pydroid3 allows me to run scripts residing on my internal storage as well as lets them read and write files at that location. That's why I was hoping that there was a pydroid way to create a shortcut (or an alternative python app that does this) since it has appropriate privileges.
QPython OL lets you create home screen shortcuts to python scripts on Android. First tap on the 'Q' icon at the top of the main screen (it took me a while to realise this was a button), then long-press on the script you want. This should give you a prompt to create a shortcut, as in the screenshots below.
QPython 3L also claims to have similar functionality when you long-press a script in its 'Programs' section. At time of writing (Jun 20) this seems to be broken.
I've not tried Pydroid myself, but haven't come across anything claiming it could create script shortcuts either.
You can use Termux:Widget as a command line to execute a python script. In Termux you can not create GUI with tkinter. You have to launch X-Server with VNC Mobile client. The widget is like a small shell prompt.

Using python to talk to a terminal program back/forth

So I've been using subprocess and pexpect
to try to interact with a separate program running in the terminal. I need to feed it a command, with arguments, and be able to receive it's response and potentially send it more commands.
With subprocess, I have only been able to launch a terminal, but not feed it commands. Or I can pass ONE line of command to an emulated terminal within python. The issue it that it's one-and-done and I can't really interact with it.
pexpect seems to only be able to initiate one command, and then respond to the terminal in an automated fashion, I couldn't find relevant and up to date documentation that went over what I needed.
Are there better modules to use for this? Or am I using them the wrong way?
pexpect is your best candidate, as far as I'm aware.
It's documentation matches version on pypi - 3.2 as for now.
If you would like to run bunch of commands one after another you can try to divide commands with ";" or "&", depends on your usage.
Btw. please take a look at example section.

Calling to a Sikuli script from Python (Selenium)

While running Selenium tests on a website, I have some Flash elements that I cannot test with Selenium/Python. I wanted to call out for a separate terminal window, run the Sikuli OCR tests, and then back into the Selenium/Python testing. I've not been able to figure this out exactly. I put XXX where I do not know the arguments for a new Terminal to open and run the Sikuli script.
def test_05(self):
driver = self.driver
driver.get(self.base_url + "/")
os.system('./Sikuli/sikuli-script -r test.sikuli')
I am sure there are a couple items wrong here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've searched and read what I can find on this already, but can't get it all to work together.
I ran into a similar issue, so I wrote a CPython module for Sikuli. The module is hosted on GitHub and available via pip install sikuli. It's able to access an included Sikuli jar using pyjnius, so you don't have to use Jython or even install Sikuli itself (although I'd recommend it for recording purposes). The module currently covers most of the simpler Sikuli functions, so it should cover a lot of use cases.
After installing, a simple from sikuli import * will get you started, but as a best practice, I'd suggest only importing the functions you want to use. This is particularly important for this module, because sikuli has a type function which overrides Python's own type function.
If your sikuli script is completely independent and you just want to run it for once and then have control back to your python script.
Then you can create a batch file, which calls your sikuli script and call this batch file from your python script instead.
Once the batch file is done running, it exits and returns the control back to your python script.
Sample Batch file:
#echo off
call C:\Sikuli\runIDE.cmd -r C:\Automation\Test1.sikuli
Code snippet to call Sikuli script from inside python:
import subprocess
def runSikuliScript(path):
filepath = path
p = subprocess.Popen(filepath, shell=True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
print "Done Running Sikuli"
p = "C:\\Automation\\Test1\\test1.bat"
// You can carry on writing your python code from here on
For calling Sikuli code from Selenium, my first choice would be TestAutomationEngr's suggestion of using Java, since Selenium and Sikuli both have native Java bindings.
Since you want to use Python, you should try running Selenium under Jython. It's important to remember that Sikuli is Jython, which is probably why you're not able to import it. (The other reason would be that you don't have it in Jython's module path.) I have not tried this myself, but there was a bug fixed last year in Selenium which indicates that it should be fine under Jython.
Note that if you call your Sikuli code directly from Jython, you need to add
from sikuli.Sikuli import *
to the top. This is because the Sikuli IDE implicitly adds that to all Sikuli code.
Finally, your last resort is to call Sikuli from the command line. There's an FAQ for that. You probably want the "without IDE" version, where you're calling Java and passing in the sikuli-script JAR file.

How to get pycassaShell working in windows?

EDIT: I got it working, I went into the pycassa directory and typed python pycassaShell but the 2nd part of my question (at the bottom there) is still valid: how do I run a script in pycassaShell?
I recently installed Cassandra and pycassa and followed the instruction from here.
They work fine, except I cant get pycassaShell to load. When I type pycassaShell at the command prompt, I get
'pycassaShell' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Do I need to set up a path for it?
Also, does anyone know if you can run ddl scripts using pycassaShell? It is for this reason that I want to try it out. At the moment, I'm doing all my ddl in the cassandra CLI, I'd like to be able to put it in a script to automate it.
You probably don't want to be running scripts with pycassaShell. It's designed more as an interactive environment to quickly try things out. For serious scripts, I recommend just writing a normal python script that imports pycassa and sets up the connection pool and column families itself; it should only be an extra 5 or so lines.
However, there is an (undocumented, I just noticed) optional -f or --file flag that you can use. It will essentially run execfile() on that script after startup completes, so you can use the SYSTEM_MANAGER and CF variables that are already set up in your script. This is intended primarily to be used as a prep script for your environment, similar to how you might use a .bashrc file (I don't know of a Windows equivalent).
Regarding DDL statements, I suggest you look at the SystemManager class.
