The aim of this program is to build a 3x3 matrix which then reduces additional rows, but, for some reason, after the second row is added to M in the while loop, it replaces it with the new row, rather than adding a third row, and, then, reducing additional (most likely 3) vectors after that. Here's the code:
from sympy import *
init_printing(use_unicode= True)
A = []
def reduceOneRow(M):
k = 0
for i in range(k,min(M.shape)-1):
if M[i,i]!=0 or i ==2:
for j in range(k,min(M.shape)-1):
T = Matrix([M.row(j+1)-(M[j+1,i]/M[i,i])*M.row(i)])
M = M.row_insert(j+1,T)
k = k+1
i = i+1
return M
# M = Matrix([[1,1,1],[1,4,7],[3,2,5]])
# reduceOneRow(M)
# A
#The following block of code generates a list of monomials, but not in reverse
#lexicagraphical order. This can be fixed later. Ultimately, I'd like to
#make it it's own function
sigma = symbols('x1:4')
D = [1]
for d in D:
for s in sigma:
if s*d not in D:
if len(D) > 20:
# print(D)
# print(D[9].subs([('x1',4),('x2',2),('x3',3)]))
#We begin with the set up described in C1
P = [(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9)]
G = []
Q = []
S = []
L = [1]
M = Matrix([])
#Here we being step C2.
while L != []:#what follows this while statement is the loop C2-C5 and back
t = L[0]
K = Matrix([]) #K is a kind of bucket matrix
if t==1: #this block generates the firs line in M. It had to be separate
for j in range(len(P)):#because of the way sympy works. 1 is int, rather
K = K.col_insert(j,Matrix([1])) #than a symbol
else: #here we generate all other rows of M, using K for the name of the rows
for p in P:
K = K.col_insert(0,Matrix([t.subs([(sigma[0],p[0]),(sigma[1],p[1]),(sigma[2],p[2])])]))
# K = K.col_insert(i,Matrix([t.subs([(sigma[0],p[0]),(sigma[1],p[1]),(sigma[2],p[2])]))
M = M.row_insert(min(M.shape)+1,K) #K gets added to M
A = []
reduceOneRow(M)#row reduces M and produces the ai in C3
sum = 0
for n in range(len(A)):
sum = sum + A[n]*S[n]
V = M.row(-1)
if V == zeros(1,len(V)):
G.append(t - sum)
for i in range(1,4):
#if not t*D[i] == Q[0]:
print('G =',' ',G,' ','Q =',Q)
I figure it out. I changed 'reduceRowOne(M)' to 'M = reduceRowOne'. Ugh.
Thank you all who took a look at this!
I have this code, which runs an algorithm called Tomkins-Paige algorithm. The algorithm creates permutations of a sequence.
The problem is that the code prints the different permutations p, but when i try to append it to a list, it only appends the initial p, i.e. p = [1,2,3,4].
import numpy as np
n = 4
p = [i for i in range(1,n+1)]
c = [1 for i in range(1,n+1)]
i = 2
listp = []
while i <= n:
shift = np.roll(p[:i],-1)
for k in range(len(shift)):
p[k] = shift[k]
if c[i-1] < i:
c[i-1] += 1
i = 2
print(p, c, i )
c[i-1] = 1
i += 1
more information about the algorithm:
Thanks in advance :)
How to solve set cover if each group and each element has its own cost.
I came up with a greedy algorithm for this, but it does not work in all cases. Need an accurate algorithm.
That's all I could find on this topic:
this and this
But there the algorithm does not work considering the cost of the groups, and the cost of each element separately.
Please tell me what I can use to solve this problem.
from queue import PriorityQueue
N = int(input())
dct = {}
groups = PriorityQueue()
for i in range(N):
a,c = [int(j) for j in input().split()]
dct[a] = c
M = int(input())
for i in range(M):
k,c = [int(j) for j in input().split()]
s = 0
tmp = []
for j in input().split():
if j_ in dct:
d = c-s
if d<0:
groups.put([d, c, tmp])
s = 0
while not groups.empty():
#for i in groups.queue:
# print(i)
g = groups.get()
if g[0]>0:
for i in g[2]:
if i in dct:
s += g[1]
groups_ = PriorityQueue()
for i in range(len(groups.queue)):
g_ = groups.get()
s_ = 0
tmp_ = []
for i in g_[2]:
if i in dct:
d = g_[1]-s_
groups_.put([d, g_[1], tmp_])
groups = groups_
for i in dct:
Im trying to solve the following Codewars problem:
Here is my current implementation in Python:
def sum_pairs(ints, s):
right = float("inf")
n = len(ints)
m = {}
dup = {}
for i, x in enumerate(ints):
if x not in m.keys():
m[x] = i # Track first index of x using hash map.
elif x in m.keys() and x not in dup.keys():
dup[x] = i
for x in m.keys():
if s - x in m.keys():
if x == s-x and x in dup.keys():
j = m[x]
k = dup[x]
j = m[x]
k = m[s-x]
comp = max(j,k)
if comp < right and j!= k:
right = comp
if right > n:
return None
return [s - ints[right],ints[right]]
The code seems to produce correct results, however the input can consist of array with up to 10 000 000 elements, so the execution times out for large inputs. I need help with optimizing/modifying the code so that it can handle sufficiently large arrays.
Your code inefficient for large list test cases so it gives timeout error. Instead you can do:
def sum_pairs(lst, s):
seen = set()
for item in lst:
if s - item in seen:
return [s - item, item]
We put the values in seen until we find a value that produces the specified sum with one of the seen values.
For more information go: Referance link
Maybe this code:
def sum_pairs(lst, s):
c = 0
while c<len(lst)-1:
if c != len(lst)-1:
x= lst[c]
spam = c+1
while spam < len(lst):
nxt= lst[spam]
if nxt + x== s:
return [x, nxt]
spam += 1
return None
c +=1
lst = [5, 6, 5, 8]
s = 14
print(sum_pairs(lst, s))
[6, 8]
This answer unfortunately still times out, even though it's supposed to run in O(n^3) (since it is dominated by the sort, the rest of the algorithm running in O(n)). I'm not sure how you can obtain better than this complexity, but I thought I might put this idea out there.
def sum_pairs(ints, s):
ints_with_idx = enumerate(ints)
# Sort the array of ints
ints_with_idx = sorted(ints_with_idx, key = lambda (idx, num) : num)
diff = 1000000
l = 0
r = len(ints) - 1
# Indexes of the sum operands in sorted array
lSum = 0
rSum = 0
while l < r:
# Compute the absolute difference between the current sum and the desired sum
sum = ints_with_idx[l][1] + ints_with_idx[r][1]
absDiff = abs(sum - s)
if absDiff < diff:
# Update the best difference
lSum = l
rSum = r
diff = absDiff
elif sum > s:
# Decrease the large value
r -= 1
# Test to see if the indexes are better (more to the left) for the same difference
if absDiff == diff:
rightmostIdx = max(ints_with_idx[l][0], ints_with_idx[r][0])
if rightmostIdx < max(ints_with_idx[lSum][0], ints_with_idx[rSum][0]):
lSum = l
rSum = r
# Increase the small value
l += 1
# Retrieve indexes of sum operands
aSumIdx = ints_with_idx[lSum][0]
bSumIdx = ints_with_idx[rSum][0]
# Retrieve values of operands for sum in correct order
aSum = ints[min(aSumIdx, bSumIdx)]
bSum = ints[max(aSumIdx, bSumIdx)]
if aSum + bSum == s:
return [aSum, bSum]
return None
I wrote this code for dynamic programming implementation of the knapsack problem.
#B = maximum weight
#n = number of items
#p = list of weights
#a = list of values
#p[i] = weight with value a[i]
def maximum_attractiveness(n, B, p, a):
f = [i for i in range(n+1)]
m = [f for i in range(B+1)]
m[0] = [0 for i in range(len(m[0]))]
for i in m:
i[0] = 0
for j in range(n):
for w in range(B):
if (p[j]) > (w):
m[w][j] = m[w][j-1]
m[w][j] = max(m[w][j-1],m[w-p[j]][j-1]+a[j])
return m[B][n]
I get an incorrect output for this algorithm. where did I go wrong?
f = [i for i in range(n+1)]
m = [f for i in range(B+1)]
This uses the same array f for every position m, so for example if you change m[1][k], you also change m[i][k] for every i. You probably meant to do
m = [[i for i in range(n+1)] for i in range(B+1)]
There might be some other bugs I think, so maybe you should print out the intermediate arrays at some points to check out where the results are not what you'd expect them to be.
Your initialization seems strange to me. I think it should be just m = [[0]*n for i in range(B+1)] because you need a matrix of zeroes.
it should be for w in range(B+1)
you should not return m[B][n], but max(m[j][n] for j in range(B+1)).
My attempt, which avoids the the matrix altogether and only uses a single array:
m = [0]*(B+1)
for j in range(n):
for w in range(B,p[j]-1,-1):
m[w] = max(m[w], m[w-p[j]] + a[j])
return max(m)
I am having difficulty getting this scoring function to work. The objective of my program is to make a t x n matrix and find a consensus sequence.
I keep getting a error :
TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable.
Any help would be appreciated.
def Score(s, i, l, dna):
t = len(dna) # t = number of dna sequences
# Step 1: Extract the alignment corresponding to starting positions in s
alignment = []
for j in range(0, i):
# Step 2: Create the corresponding profile matrix
profile = [[],[],[],[]] # prepare an empty 4 x l profile matrix first
for j in range(0, 4):
profile[j] = [0] * l
for c in range(0, l): # for each column number c
for r in range(0, i): # for each row number r in column c
if alignment[r][c] == 'a':
profile[0][c] = profile[0][c] + 1
elif alignment[r][c] == 't':
profile[1][c] = profile[1][c] + 1
elif alignment[r][c] == 'g':
profile[2][c] = profile[2][c] + 1
profile[3][c] = profile[3][c] + 1
# Step 3: Compute the score from the profile matrix
score = 0
for c in range(0, l):
score = score + max([profile[0][c], profile[1][c], profile[2][c], profile[3][c]])
return score
Is your variable dna a dictionary,
if so use def Score(s, i, l, **dna)
If it is int variable, you can't access it as dna[j][s[j]:s[j]+l]