PyQt process output to QTextEdit full of new lines characters - python

I have this code to read all the output of a process and paste it in a QTextEdit:
def updateDebugOutput(self) :
data = self.m_process.readAllStandardOutput()
s = bytearray(data).decode()
data = self.m_process.readAllStandardError()
s = bytearray(data).decode()
The problem is that in the output I have a lot of newline characters that doesn't exist in the original output (running it in a standard cmd doesn't produce these characters). I've tried to .strip the text or replace "\n" character but it doesn't work.


Spaces are different in the same sentence/string

I have some stuff in an Excel spreadsheet, which is loaded into a webpage, where the content is displayed. However, what I have noticed is, that some of the content has weird formatting, i.e. a sudden line shift or something.
Then I just tried to copy the text from the spreadsheet, and pasting it into Notepad++, and enabled "Show White Space and Tab", and then the output was this:
The second line is the one directly copied from the spreadsheet, where the first one is just where I copied the string into a variable in Python, printed it, and then copied the output from the output console.
And as you can see the first line has all dots for space, where the other misses some dots. And I have an idea that that is what is doing this trickery, especially because it's at those place the line shift happens.
I have tried to just do something like:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_excel("my_spreadsheet.xlsx")
data["Strings"] = [str(x).replace(" ", " ") for x in data["Strings"]]
data.to_excel("my_spreadsheet.xlsx", index=False)
But that didn't change anything, as if I copied it straight from the output console.
So yeah, is there any easy way to make spaces the same type of spaces, or do I have to do something else ?
I think you would need to figure out which exact character is being used there.
You can load the file and print out the characters one by one together with the character code to figure out what's what.
See the code example below. I added some code to skip alphanumeric characters to reduce the actual output somewhat...
with open("filename.txt") as infile:
text = infile.readlines()
def print_ordinal(text: str, skip_alphanum: bool=True):
for line in text:
for character in line:
if not(skip_alphanum and character.isalnum()):
print(f"{character} - {ord(character)}")

Write new line at the end of a file

I am working with a numpy array in python. I want to print the array and its properties to a txt output. I want the text output to end with a blank line. How can I do this?
I have tried:
# Create a text document of the output
with open("demo_numpy.txt","w") as text:
text.write('\n'.join(map(str, [a,shape,size,itemsize,ndim,dtype])) + '\n')
And also:
# Create a text document of the output
with open("demo_numpy.txt","w") as text:
text.write('\n'.join(map(str, [a,shape,size,itemsize,ndim,dtype])))
However, when I open the file in GitHub desktop, I still get the indication that the last line of the file is "dtype"
When you do "\n".join( ... ) you will get a string of the following form:
-- in other words, it won't end with \n.
If your code writes another \n then your string will be of the form
But that does not put a blank line at the end of your file because textfiles are supposed to have lines that end in \n. That is what the Posix standard says.
So you need another \n so that the last two lines of your file are
Python will not choke if you ask it to read a textfile where the final trailing \n is missing. But it also won't treat a single trailing \n in a textfile as a blank line. It would not surprise me to learn that GitHub does likewise.
This was solved using the Python 3.x print function, which automatically inserts a new line at the end of each print statement.
Here is the code:
with open("demo_numpy.txt","w") as text:
print(a, file = text)
Note- apparently it is more appropriate to use the print function rather than .write when dealing with string values as opposed to binary files.

Python splitlines result changes based on terminal screen size?

I have some commands in a file that I'm reading in python and executing using subprocess.Popen. When run splitlines() method, the number of lines that are produced depends on the width of my terminal screen. The commands in the file are:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tableforview (name string, dob string) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION 'location';
There are no newlines in the file; it is all typed on one line.
hivep = subprocess.Popen("beeline -u 'connectionstring' --force=true --outputformat=csv2 --showWarnings=false -f hivetest", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
(output, err) = hivep.communicate()
hivequeryList = []
hivequery = ""
for line in output.splitlines():
However, when I print the output of splitlines() method line by line, I get two lines or three lines depending on how large my terminal screen is.
I'm reading the split lines into a dictionary. So what I would expect is for the key of the dictionary to contain the entire create query, and the value to contain the result. But what is happening is the query is getting cut off, like so
{"CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tableforview (name string, dob string) STORED AS PARQUE" : "T LOCATION 'location';"}
And the location at which that cutoff occurs changes depending on how wide my terminal screen is.
I don't know why my terminal screen width should matter when reading from a file. Would appreciate any insight.
The moment you use the print, your screen width is used to print your content, if you resize it later, the print has already done its calculations.

Writing out text with double double quotes - Python on Linux

I'm trying to take the text output of a query to an SSD (pulling a log page, similar to pulling SMART data. I'm then trying to write this text data out of a log file I update periodically.
My problem happens when the log data for some drives has double double-quotes as a placeholder for a blank field. Here is a snippet of the input:
VER 0x10200
VID 0x15b7
BoardRev 0x0
BootLoadRev ""
When this gets written out (appended) to my own log file, the text gets replaced with several null characters and then when I try to open all the text editors tell me it's corrupted.
The "" characters are replaced by something like this on my Linux system:
BootLoadRev "\00\00\00\00"
Some fields are even longer with the \00 characters. If the "" is not there, things write out OK.
The code is similar to this:
f=open(fileName, 'w')
identify_data = test_bench.get_data_in()
Is there a way to send this text to a file w/o these nulls causing problems?
Assuming that this is Python 2 (and that your content is thus what Python 3 would call a bytestring), and that your intended data format is raw ASCII, the trivial solution is simply to remove the NULs from your content before you write to disk:
f.write(identify_data.replace('\0', ''))

python fileinput line endings

I've got some python code which is getting line endings all wrong:
command = 'svn cat -r {} "{}{}"'.format(svn_revision, svn_repo, svn_filename)
content = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
written = False
for line in fileinput.input(out_filename, inplace=1):
if line.startswith("INPUT_TAG") and not written:
print content
written = True
print line,
This fetches a copy of the file called svn_filename, and inserts the content into another file called out_filename at the "INPUT_TAG" location in the file.
The problem is the line endings in out_filename.
They're meant to be \r\n but the block I insert is \r\r\n.
Changing the print statement to:
print content, # just removes the newlines after the content block
print content.replace('\r\r','\r') # no change
has no effect. The extra carriage returns are inserted after the content leaves my code. It seems like something is deciding that because I'm on windows it should convert all \n to \r\n.
How can I get around this?
I can "solve" this problem by doing the following:
content = content.replace('\r\n', '\n')
converting the newlines to unix style so when the internal magic converts it again it ends up correct.
This can't be the right/best/pythonic way though....
CRLF = Carriage Return Line Feed.
Python on Windows makes a distinction between text and binary files;
the end-of-line characters in text files are automatically altered
slightly when data is read or written.
Can you output as binary file and not as a text file?
If you prefix the string with r to open the file as raw, does this prevent extra \r in the output?
