Python splitlines result changes based on terminal screen size? - python

I have some commands in a file that I'm reading in python and executing using subprocess.Popen. When run splitlines() method, the number of lines that are produced depends on the width of my terminal screen. The commands in the file are:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tableforview (name string, dob string) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION 'location';
There are no newlines in the file; it is all typed on one line.
hivep = subprocess.Popen("beeline -u 'connectionstring' --force=true --outputformat=csv2 --showWarnings=false -f hivetest", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
(output, err) = hivep.communicate()
hivequeryList = []
hivequery = ""
for line in output.splitlines():
However, when I print the output of splitlines() method line by line, I get two lines or three lines depending on how large my terminal screen is.
I'm reading the split lines into a dictionary. So what I would expect is for the key of the dictionary to contain the entire create query, and the value to contain the result. But what is happening is the query is getting cut off, like so
{"CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tableforview (name string, dob string) STORED AS PARQUE" : "T LOCATION 'location';"}
And the location at which that cutoff occurs changes depending on how wide my terminal screen is.
I don't know why my terminal screen width should matter when reading from a file. Would appreciate any insight.

The moment you use the print, your screen width is used to print your content, if you resize it later, the print has already done its calculations.


How to put the output of ffmpeg into a pipe in Python? [duplicate]

I can successfully redirect my output to a file, however this appears to overwrite the file's existing data:
import subprocess
outfile = open('test','w') #same with "w" or "a" as opening mode
will remove the 'Hello' line from the file.
I guess a workaround is to store the output elsewhere as a string or something (it won't be too long), and append this manually with outfile.write(thestring) - but I was wondering if I am missing something within the module that facilitates this.
You sure can append the output of subprocess.Popen to a file, and I make a daily use of it. Here's how I do it:
log = open('some file.txt', 'a') # so that data written to it will be appended
c = subprocess.Popen(['dir', '/p'], stdout=log, stderr=log, shell=True)
(of course, this is a dummy example, I'm not using subprocess to list files...)
By the way, other objects behaving like file (with write() method in particular) could replace this log item, so you can buffer the output, and do whatever you want with it (write to file, display, etc) [but this seems not so easy, see my comment below].
Note: what may be misleading, is the fact that subprocess, for some reason I don't understand, will write before what you want to write. So, here's the way to use this:
log = open('some file.txt', 'a')
log.write('some text, as header of the file\n')
log.flush() # <-- here's something not to forget!
c = subprocess.Popen(['dir', '/p'], stdout=log, stderr=log, shell=True)
So the hint is: do not forget to flush the output!
Well the problem is if you want the header to be header, then you need to flush before the rest of the output is written to file :D
Are data in file really overwritten? On my Linux host I have the following behavior:
1) your code execution in the separate directory gets:
$ cat test
2) if I add outfile.flush() after outfile.write('Hello'), results is slightly different:
$ cat test
But output file has Hello in both cases. Without explicit flush() call stdout buffer will be flushed when python process is terminated.
Where is the problem?

PyQt process output to QTextEdit full of new lines characters

I have this code to read all the output of a process and paste it in a QTextEdit:
def updateDebugOutput(self) :
data = self.m_process.readAllStandardOutput()
s = bytearray(data).decode()
data = self.m_process.readAllStandardError()
s = bytearray(data).decode()
The problem is that in the output I have a lot of newline characters that doesn't exist in the original output (running it in a standard cmd doesn't produce these characters). I've tried to .strip the text or replace "\n" character but it doesn't work.

command wrapped in os.system is ignored

(on os x 10.10.1)I am trying to use a paired-end merger (Casper) within a python script. i'm using os.system (don't want to use subprocess or pexpect modules). In my script here is the line that doesn't work:
os.system("casper %s %s -o %s"%(filein[0],filein[1],fileout))
#filein[0]: input file 1
#filein[1]: input file 2
#fileout: output prefix (default==casper)
Once my script is launched only the 2 first string parameters of this command are interpreted but not the third one, causing an output file with the default prefix name. Since my function is iterating through a lot of fastq files, they are all merged in a single "casper.fastq" file.
I tried to mess up with the part of the command that doesn't work (right after -o), putting meaningless string and still it is executed with no error and the default output, here is the "messed up line":
os.system("casper %s %s -ldkfnlqdskgfno %s"%(filein[0],filein[1],fileout))
Could anybody help in understanding what the heck is going on?
Print the command before execute it to check if your command wrapped correctly(like file name need to be quoted)
Execute your assumed output command directly to see if it is misinterpreted.

Python file output adding weird characters

Turns out it is an error with my C program. I changed my printf to only print a preset string and redirected it to a file and the extra characters were still there. I still don't know why though.
Hi I'm writing a python script to run analysis on a C program I'm making parallel. Write now I have the number of processors used and the iterations I want to pass to my C program in a separate file called tests. I'm extremely new to Python, here's my sample code I wrote to figure out how to write results to a file which fill eventually be a .csv file.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
mpiProcess = "runmpi"
piProcess = "picalc"
tests = open("tests.txt")
analysis = open("analysis.txt", "w")
def runPiCalc (numProcs, numIterations):
numProcs = str(numProcs)
numIterations = str(numIterations)
args = (mpiProcess, piProcess, numProcs, numIterations)
popen = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output =
return output
def runTest (testArgs):
testProcs = testArgs[0]
testIterations = testArgs[1]
output = runPiCalc(testProcs,testIterations)
def appendResults (results):
print results
analysis.write(results + '\n')
for testLine in tests:
testArgs = testLine.split()
My problem right now is when I "print results" to stdout the output comes out as expected and I get 3.14blablablablawhatever. When I check the analysis.txt file though I get [H[2J (weirder characters that are encoded as ESC not on the web) at the start of every line before my pi calculation shows up. I can't figure out why that is. Why would file.write have different output than print. Again this is my first time with Python so I'm probably just missing something easy.
This is on a ubuntu server I'm sshing to btw.
Here's the tests.txt and a picture of how the characters look on linux
The problem was I had a bash script executing my C program. The bash script was inserting the weird characters before the program output and adding it to its standard output. Putting the command I was calling inside the python script directly instead of calling a bash script fixed the problem.

Specifying filename in os.system call from python

I am creating a simple file in python to reorganize some text data I grabbed from a website. I put the data in a .txt file and then want to use the "tail" command to get rid of the first 5 lines. I'm able to make this work for a simple filename shown below, but when I try to change the filename (to what I'd actually like it to be) I get an error. My code:
start = 2010
end = 2010
for i in range(start,end+1)
year = str(i)
...write data to a file called file...
teamname=open(file).readline() # want to use this in the new filename
teamfname=teamname.replace(" ","") #getting rid of spaces
file2 = "gotdata2_"+year+".txt"
os.system("tail -n +5 gotdata_"+year+".txt > "+file2)
The above code works as intended, creating file, then creating file2 that excludes the first 5 lines of file. However, when I change the name of file2 to be:
file2 = teamfname+"_"+year+".txt"
I get the error:
sh: line 1: _2010.txt: command not found
It's as if the end of my file2 statement is getting chopped off and the .txt part isn't being recognized. In this case, my code outputs a file but is missing the _2010.txt at the end. I've double checked that both year and teamfname are strings. I've also tried it with and without spaces in the teamfname string. I get the same error when I try to include a os.system mv statement that would rename the file to what I want it to be, so there must be something wrong with my understanding of how to specify the string here.
Does anyone have any ideas about what causes this? I haven't been able to find a solution, but I've found this problem difficult to search for.
Without knowing what your actual strings are, it's impossible to be sure what the problem is. However, it's almost certainly something to do with failing to properly quote and/or escape arguments for the command line.
My first guess would be that you have a newline in the middle of your filename, and the shell is truncating the command at the newline. But I wouldn't bet too heavily on that. If you actually printed out the repr of the pathname, I could tell you for sure. But why go through all this headache?
The solution to almost any problem with os.system is to not use os.system.
If you look at the docs, they even tell you this:
The subprocess module provides more powerful facilities for spawning new processes and retrieving their results; using that module is preferable to using this function. See the Replacing Older Functions with the subprocess Module section in the subprocess documentation for some helpful recipes.
If you use subprocess instead of os.system, you can avoid the shell entirely. You can also pass arguments as a list instead of trying to figure out how to quote them and escape them properly. Which would completely avoid the exact problem you're having.
For example, if you do this:
file2 = "gotdata2_"+year+".txt"
with open(file2, 'wb') as f:
subprocess.check_call(['tail', '-n', '+5', "gotdata_"+year+".txt"], stdout=f)
Then, if you change that first line to this:
file2 = teamfname+"_"+year+".txt"
It will still work even if teamfname has a space or a quote or another special character in it.
That being said, I'm not sure why you want to use tail in the first place. You can skip the first 5 lines just as easily directly in Python.
