text contents of pdf to csv file conversion- How to? - python

I want to take a PDF File as an input. And as an output file I want a csv file to show. So all the textual data which is there in the pdf file should be converted to a csv file. But I am not understanding how would this happen..I need your help at the earliest as I've tried to do but couldn't do it.
what ive done is used a library called Tabula-py which converts pdf to csv file. It does create a csv format but there are no contents being copied to the csv file from the pdf file.
heres the code
from tabula import convert_into,read_pdf
import tabula
df = tabula.read_pdf("crimestory.pdf", spreadsheet=True,
df.to_csv('crimestoryy.csv', index=False)
the output should come as a csv file where the data is present.
what i am getting is a blank csv file.

I have find answer to this question by my own
To tackle this issue I came up with converting the pdf file into a text file. Then I converted this text file to a csv file.here's my code.
import os.path
import csv
import pdftotext
#Load your PDF
with open("crimestory.pdf", "rb") as f:
pdf = pdftotext.PDF(f)
# Save all text to a txt file.
with open('crimestory.txt', 'w') as f:
save_path = "/home/mayureshk/PycharmProjects/NLP/"
completeName_in = os.path.join(save_path, 'crimestory' + '.txt')
completeName_out = os.path.join(save_path, 'crimestoryycsv' + '.csv')
file1 = open(completeName_in)
In_text = csv.reader(file1, delimiter=',')
file2 = open(completeName_out, 'w')
out_csv = csv.writer(file2)
file3 = out_csv.writerows(In_text)

Try this, hope it will works
import tabula
# convert PDF into CSV
tabula.convert_into("crimestory.pdf", "crimestory.csv", output_format="csv", pages='all')
df = tabula.read_pdf("crimestory.pdf", encoding='utf-8', spreadsheet=True, pages='all')
df.to_csv('crimestory.csv', encoding='utf-8')
from tabula import read_pdf
df = read_pdf("crimestory.pdf")
#make sure df displays your pdf contents in the output
from tabula import convert_into
convert_into("crimestory.pdf", "crimestory.csv", output_format="csv")


How to copy data from txt file and paste to XLSX as value with Python?

How to copy data from txt file and paste to XLSX as value with Python?
(txt)File: simple.txt which contains date,name,qty,order id
I need the data from txt and copy paste to xlsx as VALUE.
How it's possible it? Which package could handle this process with Python?
openpyxl?Panda? Could you please give an example code?
My code which not suitable for the paste and save as values:
import csv
import openpyxl
input_file = 'C:\Users\mike\Documents\rep\LX02.txt'
output_file = 'C:\Users\mike\Documents\rep\LX02.xlsx'
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
ws = wb.worksheets[0]
with open(input_file, 'r') as data:
reader = csv.reader(data, delimiter='\t')
for row in reader:
In pandas, with pandas.read_csv and pandas.DataFrame.to_excel combined, you can store the content of a comma delimited .txt file in an .xlsx spreedsheet by running the code below :
#pip install pandas
import pandas as pd
input_file = r'C:\Users\mbalog\Documents\FGI\LX02.txt'
output_file = r'C:\Users\mbalog\Documents\FGI\LX02.xlsx'
pd.read_csv(input_file).to_excel(output_file, index=False)

Read a file from a folder and extract a specific key from the file and save as in CSV file

I'm new to Python and the task I am performing is to extract a specific key value from a list of .iris ( which contains the list of nested dictionary format) files in a specific directory.
I wanted to extract the specific value and save it as a new .csv file and repeat it for all other files.
Below is my sample of .iris file from which I should extract only for the these keys ('uid','enabled','login','name').
I am trying to convert the .iris file to .json and reading the files one by, but unfortunately, I am not getting the exact output as desired.
Please, could anyone help me?
My code (added from comments):
import os
import csv
path = ''
# Read iris File
def read_iris_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
# iterate through all files
for file in os.listdir():
# Check whether file is in iris format or not
if file.endswith(".iris"):
file_path = f"{path}\{file}"
# call read iris file function
Your files contain data in JSON format, so we can use built-in json module to parse it. To iterate over files with certain extension you can use pathlib.glob() with next pattern "*.iris". Then we can use csv.DictWriter() and pass "ignore" to extrasaction argument which will make DictWriter ignore keys which we don't need and write only those which we passed to fieldnames argument.
import csv
import json
from pathlib import Path
path = Path(r"path/to/folder")
keys = "uid", "enabled", "login", "name"
with open(path / "result.csv", "w", newline="") as out_f:
writer = csv.DictWriter(out_f, fieldnames=keys, extrasaction='ignore')
for file in path.glob("*.iris"):
with open(file) as inp_f:
data = json.load(inp_f)
Try the below (the key point here is loading the iris file using ast)
import ast
fields = ('uid','enabled','login','name')
with open('my.iris') as f1:
data = ast.literal_eval(f1.read())
with open('my.csv','w') as f2:
f2.write(','.join(fields) + '\n')
f2.write(','.join(data[f] for f in fields) + '\n')

Python removing .jsonl extension when converting JsonL to CSV File

I have with me a script that converts jsonl files in a selected directory to csv files in another specified location. However, upon converting the files to csv format, the final created csv file contains a .jsonl extension before the .csv (Think file.jsonl.csv) Any ideas on how to remove the .jsonl extension before adding the csv extension at the back? I hope I can be able to get rid of the .jsonl extension for the csv file as it may be confusing in future. Thank you!
Sample CSV file created:
My script:
import glob
import json
import csv
import time
start = time.time()
#import pandas as pd
from flatten_json import flatten
#Path of jsonl file
File_path = (r'C:\Users\Natthanon\Documents\Coding 101\Python\JSONL')
#reading all jsonl files
files = [f for f in glob.glob( File_path + "**/*.jsonl", recursive=True)]
i = 0
for f in files:
with open(f, 'r') as F:
#creating csv files
with open(r'C:\Users\Natthanon\Documents\Coding 101\Python\CSV\\' + f.split("\\")[-1] + ".csv", 'w' , newline='') as csv_file:
thewriter = csv.writer(csv_file)
thewriter.writerow(["symbol", "timestamp", "datetime","high","low","bid","bidVolume","ask","askVolume","vwap","open","close","last","previousClose","change","percentage","average","baseVolume","quoteVolume"])
for line in F:
#flatten json files
data = json.loads(line)
data_1 = flatten(data)
#headers should be the Key values from json files that make Column header
The problem is because you are not getting rid of the extension when writing to the new file, something like this to replace your creation of the csv file should fix it
file_name = f.rsplit("\\", 1)[-1].replace('.jsonl', '')
with open(r'C:\Users\Natthanon\Documents\Coding 101\Python\CSV\\' + file_name + ".csv", 'w' , newline='') as csv_file:

nested JSON to CSV using python script

i'm new to python and I've got a large json file that I need to convert to csv - below is a sample
{ "status": "success","Name": "Theresa May","Location": "87654321","AccountCategory": "Business","AccountType": "Current","TicketNo": "12345-12","AvailableBal": "12775.0400","BookBa": "123475.0400","TotalCredit": "1234567","TotalDebit": "0","Usage": "5","Period": "May 11 2014 to Jul 11 2014","Currency": "GBP","Applicants": "Angel","Signatories": [{"Name": "Not Available","BVB":"Not Available"}],"Details": [{"PTransactionDate":"24-Jul-14","PValueDate":"24-Jul-13","PNarration":"Cash Deposit","PCredit":"0.0000","PDebit":"40003.0000","PBalance":"40003.0000"},{"PTransactionDate":"24-Jul-14","PValueDate":"23-Jul-14","PTest":"Cash Deposit","PCredit":"0.0000","PDebit":"40003.0000","PBalance":"40003.0000"},{"PTransactionDate":"25-Jul-14","PValueDate":"22-Jul-14","PTest":"Cash Deposit","PCredit":"0.0000","PDebit":"40003.0000","PBalance":"40003.0000"},{"PTransactionDate":"25-Jul-14","PValueDate":"21-Jul-14","PTest":"Cash Deposit","PCredit":"0.0000","PDebit":"40003.0000","PBalance":"40003.0000"},{"PTransactionDate":"25-Jul-14","PValueDate":"20-Jul-14","PTest":"Cash Deposit","PCredit":"0.0000","PDebit":"40003.0000","PBalance":"40003.0000"}]}
I need this to show up as
name, status, location, accountcategory, accounttype, availablebal, totalcredit, totaldebit, etc as columns,
with the pcredit, pdebit, pbalance, ptransactiondate, pvaluedate and 'ptest' having new values each row as the JSON file shows
I've managed to put this script below together looking online, but it's showing me an empty csv file at the end. What have I done wrong? I have used the online json to csv converters and it works, however as these are sensitive files I'm hoping to write/manage with my own script so I can see exactly how it works. Please see below for my python script - can I have some advise on what to change? thanks
import csv
import json
infile = open("BankStatementJSON1.json","r")
outfile = open("testing.csv","w")
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
for row in json.loads(infile.read()):
import csv, json, sys
# if you are not using utf-8 files, remove the next line
sys.setdefaultencoding("UTF-8") # set the encode to utf8
# check if you pass the input file and output file
if sys.argv[1] is not None and sys.argv[2] is not None:
fileInput = sys.argv[1]
fileOutput = sys.argv[2]
inputFile = open("BankStatementJSON1.json","r") # open json file
outputFile = open("testing2.csv","w") # load csv file
data = json.load("BankStatementJSON1.json") # load json content
inputFile.close() # close the input file
output = csv.writer("testing.csv") # create a csv.write
output.writerow(data[0].keys()) # header row
for row in data:
output.writerow(row.values()) # values row
This works for the JSON example you posted. The issue is that you have nested dict and you can't create sub-headers and sub rows for pcredit, pdebit, pbalance, ptransactiondate, pvaluedate and ptest as you want.
You can use csv.DictWriter:
import csv
import json
with open("BankStatementJSON1.json", "r") as inputFile: # open json file
data = json.loads(inputFile.read()) # load json content
with open("testing.csv", "w") as outputFile: # open csv file
output = csv.DictWriter(outputFile, data.keys()) # create a writer
Make sure you're closing the output file at the end as well.

Converting .txt file with tab seperation to xlsx via python3

Level: super-noob
I have been trying to convert a .txt file to .xlsx using a combination of csv & openpyxl & xlsxwriter modules.
My first column is an identity that should be saved as a string
Columns 2-21 are then all numbers.
How can I load up my .txt file.
Identify the proper columns as numbers
and then save the file as an xlsx?
So far I'm at:
import csv
import openpyxl
input_file = "C:/1.txt"
output_file = "C:/1.xlsx"
new_wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
ws = new_wb.worksheets[0]
read_file = csv.reader(input_file, delimitter="\t")
I have read people using enumerate to gun through an excel file online but I'm not sure how this function exactly works... but if someone can help me here it will be appreciated!
You need to iterate over each row in csv file and append that row to excel worksheet.
This could be helpful:
import csv
import openpyxl
input_file = 'path/to/inputfile.txt'
output_file = 'path/to/outputfile.xls'
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
ws = wb.worksheets[0]
with open(input_file, 'rb') as data:
reader = csv.reader(data, delimiter='\t')
for row in reader:
