Use indices of a 3d array to fill a 4d array - python

I have two 3D arrays, one containing the values I am using and one containing indices. I want to fill a 4D array using these two.
Each entry of the index array points towards a row of the input array.4
At first I simply iterated through the values of i, j, and k and manually filled in each row. However, since this is a machine learning project, this method takes way too long.
# x.shape = (8, 2500, 3)
# ind.shape = (8, 2500, 9)
M = np.empty(8, 2500, 9, 3)
for i in range(0, M.shape[0]):
for j in range(0, M.shape[1]):
for k in range(0, M.shape[2]):
M[i, j, k, :] = x[i, ind[i, j, k], :]
Is there a faster way that exists to do this?

You can try something like:
import numpy as np
M = x[np.arange(0,ind.shape[0])[:, None, None], ind]
where [:, None, None] is needed to broadcast np.arange(0,ind.shape[0]) to the correct dimensions for indexing the array x.
As a test, you can generate the array M with your current method, then use the above method to generate an array M_, and confirm that (M == M_).all() returns True.
I make it to be at least 30x as fast.


Average of a 3D numpy slice based on 2D arrays

I am trying to calculate the average of a 3D array between two indices on the 1st axis. The start and end indices vary from cell to cell and are represented by two separate 2D arrays that are the same shape as a slice of the 3D array.
I have managed to implement a piece of code that loops through the pixels of my 3D array, but this method is painfully slow in the case of my array with a shape of (70, 550, 350). Is there a way to vectorise the operation using numpy or xarray (the arrays are stored in an xarray dataset)?
Here is a snippet of what I would like to optimise:
# My 3D raster containing values; shape = (time, x, y)
values = np.random.rand(10, 55, 60)
# A 2D raster containing start indices for the averaging
start_index = np.random.randint(0, 4, size=(values.shape[1], values.shape[2]))
# A 2D raster containing end indices for the averaging
end_index = np.random.randint(5, 9, size=(values.shape[1], values.shape[2]))
# Initialise an array that will contain results
mean_array = np.zeros_like(values[0, :, :])
# Loop over 3D raster to calculate the average between indices on axis 0
for i in range(0, values.shape[1]):
for j in range(0, values.shape[2]):
mean_array[i, j] = np.mean(values[start_index[i, j]: end_index[i, j], i, j], axis=0)
One way to do this without loops is to zero-out the entries you don't want to use, compute the sum of the remaining items, then divide by the number of nonzero entries. For example:
i = np.arange(values.shape[0])[:, None, None]
mean_array_2 = np.where((i >= start_index) & (i < end_index), values, 0).sum(0) / (end_index - start_index)
np.allclose(mean_array, mean_array_2)
# True
Note that this assumes that the indices are in the range 0 <= i < values.shape[0]; if this is not the case you can use np.clip or other means to standardize the indices before computation.

mask first k elements in a 3D tensor in PyTorch (different k for each row)

I have a tensor M of dimensions [NxQxD] and a 1d tensor of indices idx (of size N). I want to efficiently create a tensor mask of dimensions [NxQxD] such that mask[i,j,k] = 1 iff j <= idx[i], i.e. I want to keep only the idx[i] first dimensions out of Q in the second dimension (dim=1) of M, for every row i.
It turns out this can be done via a broadcasting trick:
mask_2d = torch.arange(Q)[None, :] < idx[:, None] #(N,Q)
mask_3d = mask[..., None] #(N,Q,1)
masked = mask.float() * data

resulting array shape when dropping dimension in numpy

Trying to understand how numpy selects elements when indexing in more than 2 dimensions.
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(24).reshape(2,3,4)
x[:,:,0].shape #(2, 3)
In writing x[:,:,0] I am selecting all the elements along the "depth", all the "rows" and the first column. When thinking about this visually I would have thought numpy would return something with a shape of (2,3,1) but instead the last dimension is dropped. This is reasonable but how does numpy populate the result? Ie in this example, why does x[:,:,0] result in the elements [0,12] forming the first column. Just trying to figure out the general logic which for some reason I am not comprehending at the moment.
General NumPy indexing is complicated, but this is still the easy case. I've always felt that it helps to think in terms of how indexing the result corresponds to indexing the original array.
The result of x[:, :, 0] is an array such that for any indices i and j,
result[i, j] == x[i, j, 0]
Similarly, if you index a 5D array a as a[:, 1, :, 2, :], the result is such that
result[i, j, k] == a[i, 1, j, 2, k]

Selecting which dimension to index in a numpy array

I am writing a program that is suppose to be able to import numpy arrays of some higher dimension, e.g. something like an array a:
a = numpy.zeros([3,5,7,2])
Further, each dimension will correspond to some physical dimension, e.g. frequency, distance, ... and I will also import arrays with information about these dimensions, e.g. for a above:
freq = [1,2,3]
time = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
distance = [0,0,0,4,1]
angle = [0,180]
Clearly from this example and the signature it can be figured out that freq belong to dimension 0, time to dimension 2 and so on. But since this is not known in advance, I can take a frequency slice like
a_f1 = a[1,:,:,:]
since I do not know which dimension the frequency is indexed.
So, what I would like is to have some way to chose which dimension to index with an index; in some Python'ish code something like
a_f1 = a.get_slice([0,], [[1],])
This is suppose to return the slice with index 1 from dimension 0 and the full other dimensions.
a_p = a[0, 1:, ::2, :-1]
would then correspond to something like
a_p = a.get_slice([0, 1, 2, 3], [[0,], [1,2,3,4], [0,2,4,6], [0,]])
You can fairly easily construct a tuple of indices, using slice objects where needed, and then use this to index into your array. The basic is recipe is this:
indices = {
0: # put here whatever you want to get on dimension 0,
1: # put here whatever you want to get on dimension 1,
# leave out whatever dimensions you want to get all of
ix = [indices.get(dim, slice(None)) for dim in range(arr.ndim)]
Here I have done it with a dictionary since I think that makes it easier to see which dimension goes with which indexer.
So with your example data:
x = np.zeros([3,5,7,2])
We do this:
indices = {0: 1}
ix = [indices.get(dim, slice(None)) for dim in range(x.ndim)]
>>> x[ix].shape
(5L, 7L, 2L)
Because your array is all zeros, I'm just showing the shape of the result to indicate that it is what we want. (Even if it weren't all zeros, it's hard to read a 3D array in text form.)
For your second example:
indices = {
0: 0,
1: slice(1, None),
2: slice(None, None, 2),
3: slice(None, -1)
ix = [indices.get(dim, slice(None)) for dim in range(x.ndim)]
>>> x[ix].shape
(4L, 4L, 1L)
You can see that the shape corresponds to the number of values in your a_p example. One thing to note is that the first dimension is gone, since you only specified one value for that index. The last dimension still exists, but with a length of one, because you specified a slice that happens to just get one element. (This is the same reason that some_list[0] gives you a single value, but some_list[:1] gives you a one-element list.)
You can use advanced indexing to achieve this.
The index for each dimension needs to be shaped appropriately so that the indices will broadcast correctly across the array. For example, the index for the first dimension of a 3-d array needs to be shaped (x, 1, 1) so that it will broadcast across the first dimension. The index for the second dimension of a 3-d array needs to be shaped (1, y, 1) so that it will broadcast across the second dimension.
import numpy as np
a = np.zeros([3,5,7,2])
b = a[0, 1:, ::2, :-1]
indices = [[0,], [1,2,3,4], [0,2,4,6], [0,]]
def get_aslice(a, indices):
n_dim_ = len(indices)
index_array = [np.array(thing) for thing in indices]
idx = []
# reshape the arrays by adding single-dimensional entries
# based on the position in the index array
for d, thing in enumerate(index_array):
shape = [1] * n_dim_
shape[d] = thing.shape[0]
#print(d, shape)
c = a[idx]
# to remove leading single-dimensional entries from the shape
#while c.shape[0] == 1:
# c = np.squeeze(c, 0)
# To remove all single-dimensional entries from the shape
#c = np.squeeze(c).shape
return c
For a as an input, it returns an array with shape (1,4,4,1) your a_p example has a shape of (4,4,1). If the extra dimensions need to be removed un-comment the np.squeeze lines in the function.
Now I feel silly. While reading the docs slower I noticed numpy has an indexing routine that does what you want - numpy.ix_
>>> a = numpy.zeros([3,5,7,2])
>>> indices = [[0,], [1,2,3,4], [0,2,4,6], [0,]]
>>> index_arrays = np.ix_(*indices)
>>> a_p = a[index_arrays]
>>> a_p.shape
(1, 4, 4, 1)
>>> a_p = np.squeeze(a_p)
>>> a_p.shape
(4, 4)

Iterate across arbitrary dimension in numpy

I have a multidimensional numpy array, and I need to iterate across a given dimension. Problem is, I won't know which dimension until runtime. In other words, given an array m, I could want
m[:,:,:,i] for i in xrange(n)
or I could want
m[:,:,i,:] for i in xrange(n)
I imagine that there must be a straightforward feature in numpy to write this, but I can't figure out what it is/what it might be called. Any thoughts?
There are many ways to do this. You could build the right index with a list of slices, or perhaps alter m's strides. However, the simplest way may be to use np.swapaxes:
import numpy as np
# (2, 3, 4)
Let axis be the axis you wish to loop over. m_swapped is the same as m except the axis=1 axis is swapped with the last (axis=-1) axis.
# (2, 4, 3)
Now you can just loop over the last axis:
for i in xrange(m_swapped.shape[-1]):
assert np.all(m[:,i,:] == m_swapped[...,i])
Note that m_swapped is a view, not a copy, of m. Altering m_swapped will alter m.
You can use slice(None) in place of the :. For example,
from numpy import *
d = 2 # the dimension to iterate
x = arange(5*5*5).reshape((5,5,5))
s = slice(None) # :
for i in range(5):
slicer = [s]*3 # [:, :, :]
slicer[d] = i # [:, :, i]
print x[slicer] # x[:, :, i]
