how to plot an exponential function's curve - python

I wrote the code below, but when I run it, it shows me a linear plot instead of an exponential function curve.
I would appreciate your help if someone can tell me where I am wrong.
I expect an exponential curve when I do plotting instead of a linear graph.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
######### Constants
El = -0.70 # resting membrane potential [V]
thresh = 3 # spiking threshold [V]
T = 100 # total simulation length [s]
dt = 0.2 # step size [s]
time = np.arange(0, T+dt, dt) # time has 501 elements
V = np.zeros(len(time)) # array for saving Voltage history
V[0] = El
I = np.zeros(len(time))
I[100] = 1
######### Simulation
def eps(s):
return (s/tau)*np.exp(1-(s/tau))
for t in range(len(time)):
spike_trains_window= I[:counter+1] #read I till counter says
for i in range(len(spike_trains_window)):
if spike_trains_window[i]==1:
s= t-i
temp+=eps(s) #use an exponential function for computing temp
V[t]= Weight*temp
if V[t]> thresh:
V[t] = El
I= np.delete(I, np.s_[0:counter+t_ref], axis=0) #removing previous firing times+ incoming spikes in refractory period
counter = 0
######### Plotting
fig = plt.figure()
line = plt.plot(V)

While I do not completely understand what your code is supposed to do, I see the following issue:
You have only on value in in I which is non-zero, so this part will be TRUE only
if spike_trains_window[i]==1:
s = t-i
This will assign a non-zero value to V[t] and V[t-1]. Because the value is bigger than tresh, we have V[t]=EL=-0.7 and V[t-1]=3.5, this is exactly what I get in the plot.
So I think your code is working, there is no error, but probably it is not doing what you want it to do because you don't make it do what you want it to do


Generate a graph for the diffusion equation

I have a code that represents the diffusion equation (Concentration as a function of time and space):
∂²C/∂x² - ∂C/∂t= 0
I discretized to the following form:
C[n+1,j] = C[n,j] + (dt/dx²)(C[n,j+1] - 2(C[n,j]) + C[n,j-1])
I am trying to generate the following graph, however I haven't had much success. Is there anyone who could help me with this? Many thanks!
The graph that I obtain:
The code that I have to reproduce the diffusion equation:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dt = 0.001 # grid size for time (s)
dx = 0.05 # grid size for space (m)
x_max = 1 # in m
t_max = 1 # total time in s
C0 = 1 # concentration
# function to calculate concentration profiles based on a
# finite difference approximation to the 1D diffusion
# equation:
def diffusion(dt,dx,t_max,x_max,C0):
# diffusion number:
s = dt/dx**2
x = np.arange(0,x_max+dx,dx)
t = np.arange(0,t_max+dt,dt)
r = len(t)
a = len(x)
C = np.zeros([r,a]) # initial condition
C[:,0] = C0 # boundary condition on left side
C[:,-1] = 0 # boundary condition on right side
for n in range(0,r-1): # time
for j in range(1,a-1): # space
C[n+1,j] = C[n,j] + s*(C[n,j-1] -
2*C[n,j] + C[n,j+1])
return x,C,r,a
# note that this can be written without the for-loop
# in space, but it is easier to read it this way
x,C,r,a = diffusion(dt,dx,t_max,x_max,C0)
# plotting:
plot_times = np.arange(0,1,0.02)
for t in plot_times:
plt.xlabel('Membrane position x',fontsize=12)

Scale Sections of Data to between -1 and 1

Working with a 2D signal/time series dataset, after finding peaks and troughs, I would like to scale each section of the dataset appropriately.
For example, if I have the following visual dataset, with peaks and troughs labeled as such:
...what's a good "pythonic" way to label every other datapoint between each peak and trough to be a number > -1 and < 1, sort of like so:
I have provided a reproducible code below to experiment with.
NOTE: I'm running Windows 10, Python 3.10.5.
pip install findpeaks
from numpy import array, inf, nan, where
# pip install findpeaks
from findpeaks import findpeaks
from random import gauss, seed
from math import sqrt, exp
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
def create_GBM(s0, mu, sigma):
Generates a price following a geometric brownian motion process based on the input of the arguments:
- s0: Asset inital price.
- mu: Interest rate expressed annual terms.
- sigma: Volatility expressed annual terms.
st = s0
def generate_value():
nonlocal st
st *= exp((mu - 0.5 * sigma ** 2) * (1. / 365.) + sigma * sqrt(1./365.) * gauss(mu=0, sigma=1))
return st
return generate_value
gbm = create_GBM(100, 0.001, 1.0)
signal = [round(gbm(), 2) for _ in range(10000)]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
print("Finding peaks/troughs....")
fp = findpeaks(method='peakdetect')
results =
results_df = results['df']
results_df['label'] = where(results_df['valley'], -1,
where(results_df['peak'], 1, nan))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ????????????????????????????
Given that the results_df gives the y values, along with some x indexes on where they are, I was hoping there'd be a one-liner for this.
Another thought I had would be to iterate through the results df, peak to trough, then trough to peak (repeat) and MinMaxScale everything between the start and end of each section, as we know what those values are. Something like:
I have a hacky solution here, HOWEVER IT'S NOT WORKING! So treat it as pseudo-code for now, but it looks like this so far. I feel there's an easier way...
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Drop nan's from label column to make things easier for iteration
results_df = results_df.dropna()
# Iterate through the results_df, starting at 1, not 0
for i in range(1, len(results_df)):
# Find the current values for this "section" of the signal dataset
if results_df['label'].iloc[i] > 0:
peak_value = results_df['y'].iloc[i]
peak_value_index = results_df['x'].iloc[i]
trough_value = results_df['y'].iloc[i-1]
trough_value_index = results_df['x'].iloc[i-1]
peak_value = results_df['y'].iloc[i-1]
peak_value_index = results_df['x'].iloc[i-1]
trough_value = results_df['y'].iloc[i]
trough_value_index = results_df['x'].iloc[i]
# Find the current min value
current_min_value = min(peak_value, trough_value)
# Find the difference between the max and min values
current_difference = max(peak_value, trough_value) - min(peak_value, trough_value)
# Now iterate through that "section" of the signal list, and scale accordingly
for j in range(min(peak_value_index, trough_value_index), max(peak_value_index, trough_value_index)+1): # +1 to ensure last datapoint isn't missed
signal[j] = (signal[j] - current_min_value) / current_difference - 1
# Inspect the newly scaled signals at the peak/trough points to ensure they're correct
for i in range(0, len(results_df)):
My code can be found below. There are two remarks:
My implementation is a variation on your approach with two notable differences. First, I directly iterate through the segments and find these indices outside of the for-loop. Second, your transformation seems to be missing a factor 2. That is, I take transformation = -1 + 2* (value-min)/(max-min) to ensure that transformed value takes the value +1 whenever value=max.
I also added some code to plot the original series and its transformation together. This allows us to visually check whether the transformation was successful. In general, the transformation seems to be working but it does happen occasionally that the peak detection algorithm misses a peak/trough. The transformation will now receive the wrong input and the result of the transformation is no longer guaranteed to be in the [-1,1] interval.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from numpy import argwhere, array, inf, isnan, nan, transpose, where, zeros
# pip install findpeaks
from findpeaks import findpeaks
from random import gauss, seed
from math import sqrt, exp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
def create_GBM(s0, mu, sigma):
Generates a price following a geometric brownian motion process based on the input of the arguments:
- s0: Asset inital price.
- mu: Interest rate expressed annual terms.
- sigma: Volatility expressed annual terms.
st = s0
def generate_value():
nonlocal st
st *= exp((mu - 0.5 * sigma ** 2) * (1. / 365.) + sigma * sqrt(1./365.) * gauss(mu=0, sigma=1))
return st
return generate_value
gbm = create_GBM(100, 0.001, 1.0)
signal = [round(gbm(), 2) for _ in range(10000)]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
print("Finding peaks/troughs....")
fp = findpeaks(method='peakdetect')
results =
results_df = results['df']
results_df['label'] = where(results_df['valley'], -1,
where(results_df['peak'], 1, nan))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Convert some results to numpy arrays
label = results_df["label"].to_numpy()
y = transpose(results_df["y"].to_numpy())
# Indices to beginning and ends of segments
indices = argwhere(~isnan(label))
# Initialize output
signal = zeros( (len(results_df),1) )
# Compute signal for all segments
for segment in range(1,len(indices)):
# Indices of current segments
start_index = indices[segment-1][0]
end_index = indices[segment][0]
# Determine through and peak value
yvalue_start = y[start_index]
yvalue_end = y[end_index]
# Determine through and peak values
if yvalue_start<yvalue_end:
trough_value = yvalue_start
peak_value = yvalue_end
trough_value = yvalue_end
peak_value = yvalue_start
current_difference = peak_value-trough_value
# Inform user
print("Segment {} from index {} to {} with trough={} and peak={}".format(segment, start_index, end_index, trough_value, peak_value))
signal[start_index:(end_index+1), 0] = -1.0 + (2/current_difference) * (y[start_index:(end_index+1)]-trough_value)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1)
axs[0].set_title('Original series')
axs[1].set_title('Converted signal')

Programming of 4th order Runge-Kutta in advection equation in python

%matplotlib notebook
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from math import pi
# wave speed
c = 1
# spatial domain
xmin = 0
xmax = 1
#time domain
m=500; # num of time steps
T = tmin + np.arange(m+1);
n = 50 # num of grid points
# x grid of n points
X, dx = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, n+1, retstep=True);
X = X[:-1] # remove last point, as u(x=1,t)=u(x=0,t)
# for CFL of 0.1
CFL = 0.3
dt = CFL*dx/c
# initial conditions
def initial_u(x):
return np.sin(2*pi*x)
# each value of the U array contains the solution for all x values at each timestep
U = np.zeros((m+1,n),dtype=float)
U[0] = u = initial_u(X);
def derivatives(t,u,c,dx):
uvals = [] # u values for this time step
for j in range(len(X)):
if j == 0: # left boundary
elif j == n-1: # right boundary
return np.asarray(uvals)
# solve for 500 time steps
for k in range(m):
t = T[k];
k1 = derivatives(t,u,c,dx)*dt;
k2 = derivatives(t+0.5*dt,u+0.5*k1,c,dx)*dt;
k3 = derivatives(t+0.5*dt,u+0.5*k2,c,dx)*dt;
k4 = derivatives(t+dt,u+k3,c,dx)*dt;
U[k+1] = u = u + (k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6;
# plot solution'dark_background')
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
line, = ax1.plot(X,U[0],color='cyan')
def animate(i):
return line,
I want to program in Python an advection equation which is (∂u/∂t) +c (∂u/∂x) = 0. Time should be discretized with Runge-kutta 4th order. Spatial discretiziation is 2nd order finite difference. When I run my code, I get straight line which transforms into sine wave. But I gave as initial condition sine wave. Why does it start as straight line? And I want to have sine wave moving forward. Do you have any idea on how to get sine wave moving forward? I appreciate your help. Thanks in advance!
While superficially your computation steps are related to the RK4 method, they deviate from the RK4 method and the correct space discretization too much to mention it all.
The traditional way to apply ODE integration methods is to have a function derivatives(t, state, params) and then apply that to compute the Euler step or the RK4 step. In your case it would be
def derivatives(t,u,c,dx):
du = np.zeros(len(u));
p = c/(2*dx);
du[0] = p*(u[1]-u[-1]);
du[1:-1] = p*(u[2:]-u[:-2]);
du[-1] = p*(u[0]-u[-2]);
return du;
Then you can do
X, dx = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, n+1, retstep=True);
X = X[:-1] # remove last point, as u(x=1,t)=u(x=0,t)
m=500; # number of time steps
T = tmin + np.arange(m+1);
U = np.zeros((m+1,n),dtype=float)
U[0] = u = initial_u(X);
for k in range(m):
t = T[k];
k1 = derivatives(t,u,c,dx)*dt;
k2 = derivatives(t+0.5*dt,u+0.5*k1,c,dx)*dt;
k3 = derivatives(t+0.5*dt,u+0.5*k2,c,dx)*dt;
k4 = derivatives(t+dt,u+k3,c,dx)*dt;
U[k+1] = u = u + (k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6;
This uses dt as computed as the primary variable in the time stepping, then constructs the arithmetic sequence from tmin with step dt. Other ways are possible, but one has to make tmax and the number of time steps compatible.
The computation up to this point should now be successful and can be used in the animation. In my understanding, you do not produce a new plot in each frame, you only draw the graph once and after that just change the line data
# animate the time data
line, = ax1.plot(X,U[0],color='cyan')
def animate(i):
return line,

Scaling x-axis after IFFT-FFT

See the edit below for details.
I have a dataset, on which I need to perform and IFFT, cut the valueable part of it (by multiplying with a gaussian curve), then FFT back.
First is in angular frequency domain, so an IFFT leads to time domain. Then FFT-ing back should lead to angular frequency again, but I can't seem to find a solution how to get back the original domain. Of course it's easy on the y-values:
yf = np.fft.ifft(y)
#cut the valueable part there..
For the x-value transforms I'm using np.fft.fftfreq the following way:
# x is in ang. frequency domain, that's the reason for the 2*np.pi division
t = np.fft.fftfreq(len(x), d=(x[1]-x[0])/(2*np.pi))
However doing
x = np.fft.fftfreq(len(t), d=2*np.pi*(t[1]-t[0]))
completely not giving me back the original x values. Is that something I'm misunderstanding?
The question can be asked generalized, for example:
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(100)
xx = np.fft.fftfreq(len(x), d = x[1]-x[0])
# how to get back the original x from xx? Is it even possible?
I've tried to use a temporal variable where I store the original x values, but it's not too elegant. I'm looking for some kind of inverse of fftfreq, and in general the possible best solution for that problem.
Thank you.
I will provide the code at the end.
I have a dataset which has angular frequency on x axis and intensity on the y. I want to perfrom IFFT to change to time domain. Unfortunately the x values are not
evenly spaced, so a (linear) interpolation is needed first before IFFT. Then in time domain the transform looks like this:
The next step is to cut one of the symmetrical spikes with a gaussian curve, then FFT back to angular frequency domain (the same where we started). My problem is when I transfrom the x-axis for the IFFT (which I think is correct), I can't get back into the original angular frequency domain. Here is the code, which includes the generator for the dataset too.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
C_LIGHT = 299.792
# for easier case, this is zero, so it can be ignored.
def _disp(x, GD=0, GDD=0, TOD=0, FOD=0, QOD=0):
return x*GD+(GDD/2)*x**2+(TOD/6)*x**3+(FOD/24)*x**4+(QOD/120)*x**5
# the generator to make sample datasets
def generator(start, stop, center, delay, GD=0, GDD=0, TOD=0, FOD=0, QOD=0, resolution=0.1, pulse_duration=15, chirp=0):
window = (np.sqrt(1+chirp**2)*8*np.log(2))/(pulse_duration**2)
lamend = (2*np.pi*C_LIGHT)/start
lamstart = (2*np.pi*C_LIGHT)/stop
lam = np.arange(lamstart, lamend+resolution, resolution)
omega = (2*np.pi*C_LIGHT)/lam
relom = omega-center
i_r = np.exp(-(relom)**2/(window))
i_s = np.exp(-(relom)**2/(window))
i = i_r + i_s + 2*np.sqrt(i_r*i_s)*np.cos(_disp(relom, GD=GD, GDD=GDD, TOD=TOD, FOD=FOD, QOD=QOD)+delay*omega)
#since the _disp polynomial is set to be zero, it's just cos(delay*omega)
return omega, i
def interpol(x,y):
''' Simple linear interpolation '''
xs = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], len(x))
intp = interp1d(x, y, kind='linear', fill_value = 'extrapolate')
ys = intp(xs)
return xs, ys
def ifft_method(initSpectrumX, initSpectrumY, interpolate=True):
if len(initSpectrumY) > 0 and len(initSpectrumX) > 0:
Ydata = initSpectrumY
Xdata = initSpectrumX
raise ValueError
N = len(Xdata)
if interpolate:
Xdata, Ydata = interpol(Xdata, Ydata)
# the (2*np.pi) division is because we have angular frequency, not frequency
xf = np.fft.fftfreq(N, d=(Xdata[1]-Xdata[0])/(2*np.pi)) * N * Xdata[-1]/(N-1)
yf = np.fft.ifft(Ydata)
pass # some irrelevant code there
return xf, yf
def fft_method(initSpectrumX ,initSpectrumY):
if len(initSpectrumY) > 0 and len(initSpectrumX) > 0:
Ydata = initSpectrumY
Xdata = initSpectrumX
raise ValueError
yf = np.fft.fft(Ydata)
xf = np.fft.fftfreq(len(Xdata), d=(Xdata[1]-Xdata[0])*2*np.pi)
# the problem is there, where I transform the x values.
xf = np.fft.ifftshift(xf)
return xf, yf
# the generated data
x, y = generator(1, 3, 2, delay = 1500, resolution = 0.1)
# plt.plot(x,y)
xx, yy = ifft_method(x,y)
#if the x values are correctly scaled, the two symmetrical spikes should appear exactly at delay value
# plt.plot(xx, np.abs(yy))
#do the cutting there, which is also irrelevant now
# the problem is there, in fft_method. The x values are not the same as before transforms.
xxx, yyy = fft_method(xx, yy)
plt.plot(xxx, np.abs(yyy))
#and it should look like this:
#xs = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], len(x))
#plt.plot(xs, np.abs(yyy))

Heat diffusion on a 2d plate- Python

I need to complete a task, and I'm kind of in the middle of nowhere. I dont know whats wrong with the solver, and I dont know how to visualize the data.
My task is to simulate heat diffusion on a 2D plate. It has to have 2 heaters, and two holes in the middle of the plate. BCs are as always zero.
My questions are:
How do I make simulation run through time? I'm asking this because when I plot it this way it shows me heaters on a plate, but all of the heat is concentrated on them. Another question is, how can I visualize the results as video or as pictures at given time?
Here is my code. Thank you.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
L=50 #length of the plate
B=50 #width of the plate
M=np.zeros([L,B]) #matrix
#heating device shaped like X
for iGr in range(10):
#implementing heaters to matrix
#wannabe solver
while t<10:
for j in range(1,L-1):
for i in range(1,B-1):
if 24<j<28:
if 29<i<32:
elif 23<i<20: # holes for liquid
This might get you started. I'm not familiar with your heat transfer function (or heat transfer functions in general) so I used a different one for these purposes.
The following code computes M for each step dt, and appends it to a list MM.
We then use FuncAnimation to step through the elements of MM (recall that the elements of MM are the snapshots of matrix M) and display them.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
L=50 # length of the plate
B=50 # width of the plate
#heating device shaped like X
for iGr in range(10):
# Function to set M values corresponding to non-zero Gr values
def assert_heaters(M, Gr):
M[20:30,10:20] = np.where(Gr > 0, Gr, M[20:30,10:20])
M[20:30,30:40] = np.where(Gr > 0, Gr, M[20:30,30:40])
M=np.zeros([L,B]) # matrix
assert_heaters(M, Gr)
# Build MM, a list of matrices, each element corresponding to M at a given step
T = np.arange(0,10,dt)
MM = []
for itime in xrange(len(T)):
for j in range(1,L-1):
for i in range(1,B-1):
k=0.5 # default k
if 24<j<28:
# holes for liquid
if 29<i<32 or 23<i<20: k=0
#dm = k * ((dt)/dx**2) * (M[i,j+1] + M[i,j-1] - 2*M[i,j]) + \
# k * ((dt)/dx**2) * (M[i+1,j] + M[i-1,j] - 2*M[i,j])
#M[i,j] += dm
M[i,j] = (M[i-1,j] + M[i+1,j] + M[i,j-1] + M[i,j+1])/4
# Re-assert heaters
assert_heaters(M, Gr)
fig = plt.figure()
pcm = plt.pcolormesh(MM[0])
# Function called to update the graphic
def step(i):
if i >= len(MM): return
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, step, interval=50)
You'll have to correct the transfer function to your own of course.
This code produces something like this animation (Note, it's 3M, too big to embed in the answer)
Compressed version:
