Random Forest Regression MAE - python

I'm trying to create a random forest regression model to predict a continuous variable with the following characteristics (after log-transformation):
count 2868.000000
mean 4.566630
std 1.233496
min -0.356675
25% 3.745966
50% 4.604670
75% 5.452325
max 8.141889
The best result I get in terms of negative mean absolute error is -0.64. How should I evaluate this result? Is it good/decent/bad?
Thank you very much.

here is a link to the docs docs
the simple answer to your question is yes it is a good to have a -0.64 NMAE.
NMAE is the opposite of MAE but you can basically remove the minus and treat it as a normal MAE. so that means if you have a high MAE that means the NMAE is also high and that is not a good result but a low MAE can be seen as low NMAE and that's considered a good result of course depending on what you want to have.


how to find the model precision Faster_rcnn_inception_v2?

please help .
run eval.py of the tensorflow detection model
I want to find the precision and I got this data.
Can someone explain to me if it's ok or not and what can I do please.
I am new in these subjects
enter image description here
To explain the concepts in detail.
For object detection instead of precision Average precision is considered.
AP (Average Precision) is a popular metric in measuring the accuracy of object detectors.
Average precision computes the average precision value for recall value over 0 to 1.
So what you need to do in your case is to create a DataFrame with Objects, Actual value and Prediction value, the prediction you can say TRUE if your IoU value >=0.5.
IoU measures the overlap between 2 boundaries. We use that to measure how much our predicted boundary overlaps with the ground truth (the real object boundary). In some datasets, we predefine an IoU threshold (say 0.5) in classifying whether the prediction is a true positive or a false positive.
Then you can calculate the average precision accordingly.
Hope this answer helps you, Happy Learning!

Likelihood Ratio Test and pseudo Rsquared differ significantly (Logistic Regression)

I apply a logistic regression and I would like to test for statistical sigificance of my overall model.
Now, the pseudo-Rsquared (McFaddon) Rsquared = 1 - L(c)/L(null) returns the variance explained by the model - where L(c) denotes the maximized likelihood value from the fitted model and L(null) denotes the corresponding value for the null model (no covariates, only intercept).
The likelihood test statistic is LR = 2 * (L(c) - L(null)) which follows a Chi-squared distribution and can be tested for significance according to the models degree of freedoms.
Anyways, I use the Chi-squared to calculate a p-value which is highly significant, but the pseudo Rsquared is around 0.021 ???
Why does Rsquared and the overall p-value differ so much?
Using an accuracy calulation for some test-data metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred), I see that the accuracy for the test data is only around 55% (for the training data its around 60%).
Can someone help me to interpret my results?
Maybe there is a correlation which is significant, but the impact is still small: since you are doing classification, you could check if examples with this variable (=1 in the binary case) have a slightly higher/lower probability to be member of class 1 than those without that variable (=0 in the binary case):
examples with the variable being 1 have a chance of 50% to belong to class 1 while examples with that variable being 0 have a chance of 48% to belong to class 1.
If lots of examples exist who have that variable, the effect might still be significant (p value), but it will hardly predict the right class alone (explain the variance - r squared).
This might be the reference which could help you understand this graphically for another problem: https://blog.minitab.com/blog/adventures-in-statistics-2/how-to-interpret-a-regression-model-with-low-r-squared-and-low-p-values

Negative reward in reinforcement learning

I can't wrap my head around question: how exactly negative rewards helps machine to avoid them?
Origin of the question came from google's solution for game Pong. By their logic, once game finished (agent won or lost point), environment returns reward (+1 or -1). Any intermediate states return 0 as reward. That means each win/loose will return either [0,0,0,...,0,1] either [0,0,0,...,0,-1] reward arrays. Then they discount and standardize rewards:
#rwd - array with rewards (ex. [0,0,0,0,0,0,1]), args.gamma is 0.99
prwd = discount_rewards(rwd, args.gamma)
prwd -= np.mean(prwd)
prwd /= np.std(prwd)
discount_rewards suppose to be some kind of standard function, impl can be found here. Result for win (+1) could be something like this:
[-1.487 , -0.999, -0.507, -0.010, 0.492, 0.999, 1.512]
For loose (-1):
[1.487 , 0.999, 0.507, 0.010, -0.492, -0.999, -1.512]
As result each move gets rewarded. Their loss function looks like this:
loss = tf.reduce_sum(processed_rewards * cross_entropies + move_cost)
Please, help me answer next questions:
Cross entropy function can produce output from 0 -> inf. Right?
Tensorflow optimizer minimize loss by absolute value (doesn't care about sign, perfect loss is always 0). Right?
If statement 2 is correct, then loss 7.234 is equally bad as -7.234. Right?
If everything above is correct, than how negative reward tells machine that it's bad, and positive tells machine that it's good?
I also read this answer, however I still didn't manage to get the idea exactly why negative worse than positive. It makes more sense to me to have something like:
loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(cross_entropies, reward))
But that experiment didn't went well.
Cross entropy function can produce output from 0 -> inf. Right?
Yes, only because we multiply it by -1. Thinking of the natural sign of log(p). As p is a probability (i.e between 0 and 1), log(p) ranges from (-inf, 0].
Tensorflow optimizer minimize loss by absolute value (doesn't care about sign, perfect loss is always 0). Right?
Nope, the sign matters. It sums up all losses with their signs intact.
If statement 2 is correct, then loss 7.234 is equally bad as -7.234. Right?
See below, a loss of 7.234 is much better than a loss of -7.234 in terms of increasing the reward. The overall positive loss indicates our agent is making a series of good decisions.
If everything above is correct, than how negative reward tells machine that it's bad, and positive tells machine that it's good?
Normalizing Rewards to Generate Returns in reinforcement learning makes a very good point that the signed rewards are there to control the size of the gradient. The positive / negative rewards perform a "balancing" act for the gradient size. This is because a huge gradient from a large loss would cause a large change to the weights. Thus if your agent makes as many mistakes as it does proper moves, the overall update for that batch should not be large.
"Tensorflow optimizer minimize loss by absolute value (doesn't care about sign, perfect loss is always 0). Right?"
Wrong. Minimizing the loss means trying to achieve as small a value as possible. That is, -100 is "better" than 0. Accordingly, -7.2 is better than 7.2. Thus, a value of 0 really carries no special significance, besides the fact that many loss functions are set up such that 0 determines the "optimal" value. However, these loss functions are usually set up to be non-negative, so the question of positive vs. negative values doesn't arise. Examples are cross entropy, squared error etc.

Intuition behind nloglikelihood value in xgboost poisson run

When I am using count:poisson instead of rmse I am seeing nloglikelihood values. Now I am not sure how to compare those numbers with rmse or mae.
Definitely lesser the value better .. but not getting actual error intuition that we get with rmse or Mae.
For example -> train-poisson-nloglik:2.01885 val-poisson-nloglik:2.02898
Here can we say, actual values differ by 2.02 error.
Can someone explain with small example.
There is a good post on the computation of the value here
Just to be more exhaustive, the value is:
mean(factorial(label) + preds - label*log(preds))
If you compare with the true formula of the negative log-likelihood, it should be the sum instead of the mean. I guess that they choose to take the mean so that the train and the test values are more comparable.
Finally, to answer the question, the likelihood is the probability that the data came from the distribution with a specific parameter. In the Poisson model, the parameters are just the set of predictions. So the better is your prediction, the greater is the probability, the smaller is the associate negative log-likelihood.
rmse or mae are based on the expectation of the difference between the prediction and the truth whereas negative log-likelihood is looking at a probability.

random forest with specified false positive and sensitivity

Using the randomForest package in R, I was able to train a random forest that minimized overall error rate. However, what I want to do is train two random forests, one that first minimizes false positive rate (~ 0) and then overall error rate, and one that first maximizes sensitivity (~1), and then overall error. Another construction of the problem would be: given a false positive rate and sensitivity rate, train two different random forests that satisfy one of the rates respectively, and then minimize overall error rate. Does anyone know if theres an r package or python package, or any other software out there that does this and or how to do this? Thanks for the help.
This is a workaround that may be worth trying. (Sorry that I do not have enough reputation to put it as a comment.)
sensitivity = TP/(TP + FN)
specificity = TN/(TN + FP)
ER = (TP + TN)/(TP + FN + TN + FP)
(Notations from Sensitivity_and_specificity)
If you duplicate some positive/negative samples (or increase the weights), the ER will approximate sensitivity/specificity.
So if you want to maximize sensitivity, then you can sample/duplicate some positive samples into the dataset then train your RF on it. For maximizing specificity, you can do the same thing on negative samples.
You can do a grid serarch over the 'regularazation' parameters to best match your target behavior.
Parameters of interest:
max depth
number of features
