I tried using random.randint(0, 100), but some numbers were the same. Is there a method/module to create a list unique random numbers?
This will return a list of 10 numbers selected from the range 0 to 99, without duplicates.
import random
random.sample(range(100), 10)
You can use the shuffle function from the random module like this:
import random
nums = list(range(1, 100)) # list of integers from 1 to 99
# adjust this boundaries to fit your needs
print(nums) # <- List of unique random numbers
Note here that the shuffle method doesn't return any list as one may expect, it only shuffle the list passed by reference.
You can first create a list of numbers from a to b, where a and b are respectively the smallest and greatest numbers in your list, then shuffle it with Fisher-Yates algorithm or using the Python's random.shuffle method.
Linear Congruential Pseudo-random Number Generator
O(1) Memory
O(k) Operations
This problem can be solved with a simple Linear Congruential Generator. This requires constant memory overhead (8 integers) and at most 2*(sequence length) computations.
All other solutions use more memory and more compute! If you only need a few random sequences, this method will be significantly cheaper. For ranges of size N, if you want to generate on the order of N unique k-sequences or more, I recommend the accepted solution using the builtin methods random.sample(range(N),k) as this has been optimized in python for speed.
# Return a randomized "range" using a Linear Congruential Generator
# to produce the number sequence. Parameters are the same as for
# python builtin "range".
# Memory -- storage for 8 integers, regardless of parameters.
# Compute -- at most 2*"maximum" steps required to generate sequence.
def random_range(start, stop=None, step=None):
import random, math
# Set a default values the same way "range" does.
if (stop == None): start, stop = 0, start
if (step == None): step = 1
# Use a mapping to convert a standard range into the desired range.
mapping = lambda i: (i*step) + start
# Compute the number of numbers in this range.
maximum = (stop - start) // step
# Seed range with a random integer.
value = random.randint(0,maximum)
# Construct an offset, multiplier, and modulus for a linear
# congruential generator. These generators are cyclic and
# non-repeating when they maintain the properties:
# 1) "modulus" and "offset" are relatively prime.
# 2) ["multiplier" - 1] is divisible by all prime factors of "modulus".
# 3) ["multiplier" - 1] is divisible by 4 if "modulus" is divisible by 4.
offset = random.randint(0,maximum) * 2 + 1 # Pick a random odd-valued offset.
multiplier = 4*(maximum//4) + 1 # Pick a multiplier 1 greater than a multiple of 4.
modulus = int(2**math.ceil(math.log2(maximum))) # Pick a modulus just big enough to generate all numbers (power of 2).
# Track how many random numbers have been returned.
found = 0
while found < maximum:
# If this is a valid value, yield it in generator fashion.
if value < maximum:
found += 1
yield mapping(value)
# Calculate the next value in the sequence.
value = (value*multiplier + offset) % modulus
The usage of this function "random_range" is the same as for any generator (like "range"). An example:
# Show off random range.
for v in range(3,6):
v = 2**v
l = list(random_range(v))
Sample Results
Required 8 cycles to generate a sequence of 8 values.
Need 8 found 8 (min,max) (0, 7)
[1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2]
Required 16 cycles to generate a sequence of 9 values.
Need 9 found 9 (min,max) (0, 8)
[3, 5, 8, 7, 2, 6, 0, 1, 4]
Required 16 cycles to generate a sequence of 16 values.
Need 16 found 16 (min,max) (0, 15)
[5, 14, 11, 8, 3, 2, 13, 1, 0, 6, 9, 4, 7, 12, 10, 15]
Required 32 cycles to generate a sequence of 17 values.
Need 17 found 17 (min,max) (0, 16)
[12, 6, 16, 15, 10, 3, 14, 5, 11, 13, 0, 1, 4, 8, 7, 2, ...]
Required 32 cycles to generate a sequence of 32 values.
Need 32 found 32 (min,max) (0, 31)
[19, 15, 1, 6, 10, 7, 0, 28, 23, 24, 31, 17, 22, 20, 9, ...]
Required 64 cycles to generate a sequence of 33 values.
Need 33 found 33 (min,max) (0, 32)
[11, 13, 0, 8, 2, 9, 27, 6, 29, 16, 15, 10, 3, 14, 5, 24, ...]
The solution presented in this answer works, but it could become problematic with memory if the sample size is small, but the population is huge (e.g. random.sample(insanelyLargeNumber, 10)).
To fix that, I would go with this:
answer = set()
sampleSize = 10
answerSize = 0
while answerSize < sampleSize:
r = random.randint(0,100)
if r not in answer:
answerSize += 1
# answer now contains 10 unique, random integers from 0.. 100
If you need to sample extremely large numbers, you cannot use range
random.sample(range(10000000000000000000000000000000), 10)
because it throws:
OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C ssize_t
Also, if random.sample cannot produce the number of items you want due to the range being too small
random.sample(range(2), 1000)
it throws:
ValueError: Sample larger than population
This function resolves both problems:
import random
def random_sample(count, start, stop, step=1):
def gen_random():
while True:
yield random.randrange(start, stop, step)
def gen_n_unique(source, n):
seen = set()
seenadd = seen.add
for i in (i for i in source() if i not in seen and not seenadd(i)):
yield i
if len(seen) == n:
return [i for i in gen_n_unique(gen_random,
min(count, int(abs(stop - start) / abs(step))))]
Usage with extremely large numbers:
print('\n'.join(map(str, random_sample(10, 2, 10000000000000000000000000000000))))
Sample result:
Usage where the range is smaller than the number of requested items:
print(', '.join(map(str, random_sample(100000, 0, 3))))
Sample result:
2, 0, 1
It also works with with negative ranges and steps:
print(', '.join(map(str, random_sample(10, 10, -10, -2))))
print(', '.join(map(str, random_sample(10, 5, -5, -2))))
Sample results:
2, -8, 6, -2, -4, 0, 4, 10, -6, 8
-3, 1, 5, -1, 3
If the list of N numbers from 1 to N is randomly generated, then yes, there is a possibility that some numbers may be repeated.
If you want a list of numbers from 1 to N in a random order, fill an array with integers from 1 to N, and then use a Fisher-Yates shuffle or Python's random.shuffle().
Here is a very small function I made, hope this helps!
import random
numbers = list(range(0, 100))
A very simple function that also solves your problem
from random import randint
data = []
def unique_rand(inicial, limit, total):
data = []
i = 0
while i < total:
number = randint(inicial, limit)
if number not in data:
i += 1
return data
data = unique_rand(1, 60, 6)
prints something like
[34, 45, 2, 36, 25, 32]
One straightforward alternative is to use np.random.choice() as shown below
np.random.choice(range(10), size=3, replace=False)
This results in three integer numbers that are different from each other. e.g., [1, 3, 5], [2, 5, 1]...
The answer provided here works very well with respect to time
as well as memory but a bit more complicated as it uses advanced python
constructs such as yield. The simpler answer works well in practice but, the issue with that
answer is that it may generate many spurious integers before actually constructing
the required set. Try it out with populationSize = 1000, sampleSize = 999.
In theory, there is a chance that it doesn't terminate.
The answer below addresses both issues, as it is deterministic and somewhat efficient
though currently not as efficient as the other two.
def randomSample(populationSize, sampleSize):
populationStr = str(populationSize)
dTree, samples = {}, []
for i in range(sampleSize):
val, dTree = getElem(populationStr, dTree, '')
return samples, dTree
where the functions getElem, percolateUp are as defined below
import random
def getElem(populationStr, dTree, key):
msd = int(populationStr[0])
if not key in dTree.keys():
dTree[key] = range(msd + 1)
idx = random.randint(0, len(dTree[key]) - 1)
key = key + str(dTree[key][idx])
if len(populationStr) == 1:
return key, (percolateUp(dTree, key[:-1]))
newPopulation = populationStr[1:]
if int(key[-1]) != msd:
newPopulation = str(10**(len(newPopulation)) - 1)
return getElem(newPopulation, dTree, key)
def percolateUp(dTree, key):
while (dTree[key] == []):
dTree[key[:-1]].remove( int(key[-1]) )
key = key[:-1]
return dTree
Finally, the timing on average was about 15ms for a large value of n as shown below,
In [3]: n = 10000000000000000000000000000000
In [4]: %time l,t = randomSample(n, 5)
Wall time: 15 ms
In [5]: l
In order to obtain a program that generates a list of random values without duplicates that is deterministic, efficient and built with basic programming constructs consider the function extractSamples defined below,
def extractSamples(populationSize, sampleSize, intervalLst) :
import random
if (sampleSize > populationSize) :
raise ValueError("sampleSize = "+str(sampleSize) +" > populationSize (= " + str(populationSize) + ")")
samples = []
while (len(samples) < sampleSize) :
i = random.randint(0, (len(intervalLst)-1))
(a,b) = intervalLst[i]
sample = random.randint(a,b)
if (a==b) :
elif (a == sample) : # shorten beginning of interval
intervalLst[i] = (sample+1, b)
elif ( sample == b) : # shorten interval end
intervalLst[i] = (a, sample - 1)
else :
intervalLst[i] = (a, sample - 1)
intervalLst.append((sample+1, b))
return samples
The basic idea is to keep track of intervals intervalLst for possible values from which to select our required elements from. This is deterministic in the sense that we are guaranteed to generate a sample within a fixed number of steps (solely dependent on populationSize and sampleSize).
To use the above function to generate our required list,
In [3]: populationSize, sampleSize = 10**17, 10**5
In [4]: %time lst1 = extractSamples(populationSize, sampleSize, [(0, populationSize-1)])
CPU times: user 289 ms, sys: 9.96 ms, total: 299 ms
Wall time: 293 ms
We may also compare with an earlier solution (for a lower value of populationSize)
In [5]: populationSize, sampleSize = 10**8, 10**5
In [6]: %time lst = random.sample(range(populationSize), sampleSize)
CPU times: user 1.89 s, sys: 299 ms, total: 2.19 s
Wall time: 2.18 s
In [7]: %time lst1 = extractSamples(populationSize, sampleSize, [(0, populationSize-1)])
CPU times: user 449 ms, sys: 8.92 ms, total: 458 ms
Wall time: 442 ms
Note that I reduced populationSize value as it produces Memory Error for higher values when using the random.sample solution (also mentioned in previous answers here and here). For above values, we can also observe that extractSamples outperforms the random.sample approach.
P.S. : Though the core approach is similar to my earlier answer, there are substantial modifications in implementation as well as approach alongwith improvement in clarity.
The problem with the set based approaches ("if random value in return values, try again") is that their runtime is undetermined due to collisions (which require another "try again" iteration), especially when a large amount of random values are returned from the range.
An alternative that isn't prone to this non-deterministic runtime is the following:
import bisect
import random
def fast_sample(low, high, num):
""" Samples :param num: integer numbers in range of
[:param low:, :param high:) without replacement
by maintaining a list of ranges of values that
are permitted.
This list of ranges is used to map a random number
of a contiguous a range (`r_n`) to a permissible
number `r` (from `ranges`).
ranges = [high]
high_ = high - 1
while len(ranges) - 1 < num:
# generate a random number from an ever decreasing
# contiguous range (which we'll map to the true
# random number).
# consider an example with low=0, high=10,
# part way through this loop with:
# ranges = [0, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10]
# r_n :-> r
# 0 :-> 1
# 1 :-> 4
# 2 :-> 5
# 3 :-> 6
# 4 :-> 8
r_n = random.randint(low, high_)
range_index = bisect.bisect_left(ranges, r_n)
r = r_n + range_index
for i in xrange(range_index, len(ranges)):
if ranges[i] <= r:
# as many "gaps" we iterate over, as much
# is the true random value (`r`) shifted.
r = r_n + i + 1
elif ranges[i] > r_n:
# mark `r` as another "gap" of the original
# [low, high) range.
ranges.insert(i, r)
# Fewer values possible.
high_ -= 1
# `ranges` happens to contain the result.
return ranges[:-1]
I found a quite faster way than having to use the range function (very slow), and without using random function from python (I donĀ“t like the random built-in library because when you seed it, it repeats the pattern of the random numbers generator)
import numpy as np
nums = set(np.random.randint(low=0, high=100, size=150)) #generate some more for the duplicates
nums = list(nums)[:100]
This is quite fast.
You can use Numpy library for quick answer as shown below -
Given code snippet lists down 6 unique numbers between the range of 0 to 5. You can adjust the parameters for your comfort.
import numpy as np
import random
a = np.linspace( 0, 5, 6 )
[ 2. 1. 5. 3. 4. 0.]
It doesn't put any constraints as we see in random.sample as referred here.
import random
for x in range(100):
for y in sourcelist:
print (resultlist)
Try using...
import random
LENGTH = 100
random_with_possible_duplicates = [random.randrange(-3, 3) for _ in range(LENGTH)]
random_without_duplicates = list(set(random_with_possible_duplicates)) # This removes duplicates
Fast, efficient and readable.
Possible Issues
This method can change the length of the list if there are duplicates.
If you wish to ensure that the numbers being added are unique, you could use a Set object
if using 2.7 or greater, or import the sets module if not.
As others have mentioned, this means the numbers are not truly random.
If the amount of numbers you want is random, you can do something like this. In this case, length is the highest number you want to choose from.
If it notices the new random number was already chosen, itll subtract 1 from count (since a count was added before it knew whether it was a duplicate or not). If its not in the list, then do what you want with it and add it to the list so it cant get picked again.
import random
def randomizer():
user_input = int(input("Enter number for how many rows to randomly select: "))
#length = whatever the highest number you want to choose from
while 1<=user_input<=length:
if count>user_input:
chosen_number = random.randint(0, length)
if line_number in numlist:
if chosen_number not in numlist:
#do what you want here
Edit: ignore my answer here. use python's random.shuffle or random.sample, as mentioned in other answers.
to sample integers without replacement between `minval` and `maxval`:
import numpy as np
minval, maxval, n_samples = -50, 50, 10
generator = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)
samples = generator.permutation(np.arange(minval, maxval))[:n_samples]
# or, if minval is 0,
samples = generator.permutation(maxval)[:n_samples]
with jax:
import jax
minval, maxval, n_samples = -50, 50, 10
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed=0)
samples = jax.random.shuffle(key, jax.numpy.arange(minval, maxval))[:n_samples]
From the CLI in win xp:
python -c "import random; print(sorted(set([random.randint(6,49) for i in range(7)]))[:6])"
In Canada we have the 6/49 Lotto. I just wrap the above code in lotto.bat and run C:\home\lotto.bat or just C:\home\lotto.
Because random.randint often repeats a number, I use set with range(7) and then shorten it to a length of 6.
Occasionally if a number repeats more than 2 times the resulting list length will be less than 6.
EDIT: However, random.sample(range(6,49),6) is the correct way to go.
I am trying to write a program which finds duplicate coordinates (x, y, z) in a 3D array. The script should mark one or multiple duplicate points with a given tolerance - one point could have more than one duplicate. I found lots of different approaches which among others use sorting approaches.
To try the code I created the following test data set:
21.9799629872016 57.4044376777929 0
22.7807110172432 57.6921361034533 0
28.660840151287 61.5676757599822 0
28.6608401512 61.56767575998 0
30.6654296288019 56.2221038199424 0
20.3752036442253 49.1392209993897 0
32.8036584048178 43.927288357851 0
35.8105426210901 51.9456462679106 0
40.8888359641279 58.6944308422108 0
40.88883596412 70.6944308422108 0
41.0892949118794 58.1598736482068 0
39.6860822776189 64.775018924006 0
39.1515250836149 64.8418385732565 0
8.21402748063493 63.5054455882466 0
8.2140275006 63.5074455882 0
8.21404548063493 63.5064455882466 0
8.2143214806 63.5084455882 0
The code I came up with is:
# given tolerance
tol = 0.01
# initialize empty list for the found duplicates
duplicates = []
# loop over all nodes
for i in range(0,len(nodes)):
# current node
curr_node = nodes[i]
# create difference vector
diff = nodes - curr_node
# get all duplicate indices (the node itself is found as well)
condition = np.where((abs(diff[:,0])<tol) & (abs(diff[:,1])<tol) & (abs(diff[:,2])<tol))
# check if more than one entry is present. If larger than 1, duplicate points exist
if len(condition[0]) > 1:
# loop over all found duplicate points
for j in range(0,len(condition[0])):
# add duplicate if not already marked as duplicate
if j>0 and condition[0][j] not in duplicates:
duplicates.append(condition[0][j] )
This code returns what I am expecting:
duplicates = [3, 14, 15, 16]
However, the code is very slow. For 300,000 points it takes about 10 minutes. I am wondering if there is any faster way to implement this.
You can place points in a grid of tolerance-sized cubes. Then, for each point, you only need to check the points from the same cube + 26 adjacent ones instead of all other points.
# compute the grid
for p in points:
cube = (
int(p[0] / tolerance),
int(p[1] / tolerance),
int(p[2] / tolerance))
# check
for p in points:
cube = as above
for adj in adjacent_cubes(cube)
for p2 in grid[adj]
check_distance(p, p2)
You could sort the nodes upfront, to reduce the amount of loops needed:
import timeit
import random
nodes = [
[21.9799629872016, 57.4044376777929, 0],
[22.7807110172432, 57.6921361034533, 0],
[28.660840151287, 61.5676757599822, 0], [28.6608401512, 61.56767575998, 0],
[30.6654296288019, 56.2221038199424, 0],
[20.3752036442253, 49.1392209993897, 0],
[32.8036584048178, 43.927288357851, 0],
[35.8105426210901, 51.9456462679106, 0],
[40.8888359641279, 58.6944308422108, 0],
[40.88883596412, 70.6944308422108, 0],
[41.0892949118794, 58.1598736482068, 0],
[39.6860822776189, 64.775018924006, 0],
[39.1515250836149, 64.8418385732565, 0],
[8.21402748063493, 63.5054455882466, 0], [8.2140275006, 63.5074455882, 0],
[8.21404548063493, 63.5064455882466, 0], [8.2143214806, 63.5084455882, 0]
duplicates = [3, 14, 15, 16]
assertList = [n for i, n in enumerate(nodes) if i in duplicates]
def new(nodes, tol=0.01):
print(f"Searching duplicates in {len(nodes)} nodes")
coordinateLen = range(len(nodes[0]))
last = nodes[0]
duplicates = []
for i, node in enumerate(nodes[1:]):
if not all(0 <= node[idx] - last[idx] < tol for idx in coordinateLen):
last = node
print(f"Found: {len(duplicates)} duplicates")
return duplicates
# generate random numbers!
randomNodes = [
[random.uniform(0, 100),
random.uniform(0, 100),
random.uniform(0, 1)] for _ in range(300000)
# make sure there are at least the same 4 duplicates!
randomNodes += nodes
for i, lst in enumerate((nodes, randomNodes)):
for func in ("new", ):
t1 = timeit.Timer(f"{func}({lst})", f"from __main__ import {func}")
# verify values of found duplicates are [3, 14, 15, 16] !!
if i == 0:
print(all(x for x in new(nodes) if x in assertList))
print(f"{func} took: {t1.timeit(number=10)} seconds")
Searching duplicates in 17 nodes
Found: 4 duplicates
new took: 0.00034904800000001845 seconds
Searching duplicates in 300017 nodes
Found: 4 duplicates
new took: 14.316181525000001 seconds
I would like to have a function that can detect where the local maxima/minima are in an array (even if there is a set of local maxima/minima). Example:
Given the array
test03 = np.array([2,2,10,4,4,4,5,6,7,2,6,5,5,7,7,1,1])
I would like to have an output like:
set of 2 local minima => array[0]:array[1]
set of 3 local minima => array[3]:array[5]
local minima, i = 9
set of 2 local minima => array[11]:array[12]
set of 2 local minima => array[15]:array[16]
As you can see from the example, not only are the singular values detected but, also, sets of local maxima/minima.
I know in this question there are a lot of good answers and ideas, but none of them do the job described: some of them simply ignore the extreme points of the array and all ignore the sets of local minima/maxima.
Before asking the question, I wrote a function by myself that does exactly what I described above (the function is at the end of this question: local_min(a). With the test I did, it works properly).
Question: However, I am also sure that is NOT the best way to work with Python. Are there builtin functions, APIs, libraries, etc. that I can use? Any other function suggestion? A one-line instruction? A full vectored solution?
def local_min(a):
for i in range(len(a)):
# Controlling the first left element
if i==0 and len(a)>=1:
# If the first element is a singular local minima
if a[0]<a[1]:
print("local minima, i = 0")
# If the element is a candidate to be part of a set of local minima
elif a[0]==a[1]:
# Controlling the last right element
if i == (len(a)-1) and len(a)>=1:
if candidate_min > 0:
if a[len(a)-1]==a[len(a)-2]:
print("set of " + str(candidate_min+1)+ " local minima => array["+str(i-candidate_min)+"]:array["+str(i)+"]")
if a[len(a)-1]<a[len(a)-2]:
print("local minima, i = " + str(len(a)-1))
# Controlling the other values in the middle of the array
if i>0 and i<len(a)-1 and len(a)>2:
# If a singular local minima
if (a[i]<a[i-1] and a[i]<a[i+1]):
print("local minima, i = " + str(i))
# print(str(a[i-1])+" > " + str(a[i]) + " < "+str(a[i+1])) #debug
# If it was found a set of candidate local minima
if candidate_min >0:
# The candidate set IS a set of local minima
if a[i] < a[i+1]:
print("set of " + str(candidate_min+1)+ " local minima => array["+str(i-candidate_min)+"]:array["+str(i)+"]")
candidate_min = 0
# The candidate set IS NOT a set of local minima
elif a[i] > a[i+1]:
candidate_min = 0
# The set of local minima is growing
elif a[i] == a[i+1]:
candidate_min = candidate_min + 1
# It never should arrive in the last else
print("Something strange happen")
return -1
# If there is a set of candidate local minima (first value found)
if (a[i]<a[i-1] and a[i]==a[i+1]):
candidate_min = candidate_min + 1
Note: I tried to enrich the code with some comments to let understand what I do. I know that the function that I propose is
not clean and just prints the results that can be stored and returned
at the end. It was written to give an example. The algorithm I propose should be O(n).
Somebody was suggesting to import from scipy.signal import argrelextrema and use the function like:
def local_min_scipy(a):
minima = argrelextrema(a, np.less_equal)[0]
return minima
def local_max_scipy(a):
minima = argrelextrema(a, np.greater_equal)[0]
return minima
To have something like that is what I am really looking for. However, it doesn't work properly when the sets of local minima/maxima have more than two values. For example:
test03 = np.array([2,2,10,4,4,4,5,6,7,2,6,5,5,7,7,1,1])
The output is:
[ 0 2 4 8 10 13 14 16]
Of course in test03[4] I have a minimum and not a maximum. How do I fix this behavior? (I don't know if this is another question or if this is the right place where to ask it.)
A full vectored solution:
test03 = np.array([2,2,10,4,4,4,5,6,7,2,6,5,5,7,7,1,1]) # Size 17
extended = np.empty(len(test03)+2) # Rooms to manage edges, size 19
extended[1:-1] = test03
extended[0] = extended[-1] = np.inf
flag_left = extended[:-1] <= extended[1:] # Less than successor, size 18
flag_right = extended[1:] <= extended[:-1] # Less than predecessor, size 18
flagmini = flag_left[1:] & flag_right[:-1] # Local minimum, size 17
mini = np.where(flagmini)[0] # Indices of minimums
spl = np.where(np.diff(mini)>1)[0]+1 # Places to split
result = np.split(mini, spl)
[0, 1] [3, 4, 5] [9] [11, 12] [15, 16]
Unfortunately, This detects also maxima as soon as they are at least 3 items large, since they are seen as flat local minima. A numpy patch will be ugly this way.
To solve this problem I propose 2 other solutions, with numpy, then with numba.
Whith numpy using np.diff :
import numpy as np
slope = np.sign(np.diff(extended)) # 1 if ascending,0 if flat, -1 if descending
not_flat,= slope.nonzero() # Indices where data is not flat.
local_min_inds, = np.where(np.diff(slope[not_flat])==2)
#local_min_inds contains indices in not_flat of beginning of local mins.
#Indices of End of local mins are shift by +1:
start = not_flat[local_min_inds]
stop = not_flat[local_min_inds+1]-1
#(0, 1) (3, 5) (9, 9) (11, 12) (15, 16)
A direct solution compatible with numba acceleration :
def localmins(a):
begin= np.empty(a.size//2+1,np.int32)
end = np.empty(a.size//2+1,np.int32)
while i<a.size-1:
if a[i]>a[i+1]:
if search_end and a[i]<a[i+1]:
if search_end and i>0 : # Final plate if exists
return begin[:k],end[:k]
#(0, 1) (3, 5) (9, 9) (11, 12) (15, 16)
I think another function from scipy.signal would be interesting.
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
test03 = np.array([2,2,10,4,4,4,5,6,7,2,6,5,5,7,7,1,1])
Out[]: (array([ 2, 8, 10, 13], dtype=int64), {})
find_peaks has lots of options and might be quite useful, especially for noisy signals.
The function is really powerful and versatile. You can set several parameters for peak minimal width, height, distance from each other and so on. As example:
test04 = np.array([1,1,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,1,1,1,1,1,5,5,5,1,5,1,5,1])
find_peaks(test04, width=1)
(array([ 5, 16, 19, 21], dtype=int64),
{'prominences': array([4., 4., 4., 4.]),
'left_bases': array([ 1, 14, 18, 20], dtype=int64),
'right_bases': array([10, 18, 20, 22], dtype=int64),
'widths': array([8., 3., 1., 1.]),
'width_heights': array([3., 3., 3., 3.]),
'left_ips': array([ 1.5, 14.5, 18.5, 20.5]),
'right_ips': array([ 9.5, 17.5, 19.5, 21.5])})
See documentation for more examples.
There can be multiple ways to solve this. One approach listed here.
You can create a custom function, and use the maximums to handle edge cases while finding mimima.
import numpy as np
a = np.array([2,2,10,4,4,4,5,6,7,2,6,5,5,7,7,1,1])
def local_min(a):
temp_list = list(a)
maxval = max(a) #use max while finding minima
temp_list = temp_list + [maxval] #handles last value edge case.
prev = maxval #prev stores last value seen
loc = 0 #used to store starting index of minima
count = 0 #use to count repeated values
#match_start = False
matches = []
for i in range(0, len(temp_list)): #need to check all values including the padded value
if prev == temp_list[i]:
if count > 0: #only increment for minima candidates
count += 1
elif prev > temp_list[i]:
count = 1
loc = i
# match_start = True
else: #prev < temp_list[i]
if count > 0:
matches.append((loc, count))
count = 0
loc = i
prev = temp_list[i]
return matches
result = local_min(a)
for match in result:
print ("{} minima found starting at location {} and ending at location {}".format(
match[0] + match[1] -1))
Let me know if this does the trick for you. The idea is simple, you want to iterate through the list once and keep storing minima as you see them. Handle the edges by padding with maximum values on either end. (or by padding the last end, and using the max value for initial comparison)
Here's an answer based on restriding the array into an iterable of windows:
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
def windowstride(a, window):
return as_strided(a, shape=(a.size - window + 1, window), strides=2*a.strides)
def local_min(a, maxwindow=None, doends=True):
if doends: a = np.pad(a.astype(float), 1, 'constant', constant_values=np.inf)
if maxwindow is None: maxwindow = a.size - 1
mins = []
for i in range(3, maxwindow + 1):
for j,w in enumerate(windowstride(a, i)):
if (w[0] > w[1]) and (w[-2] < w[-1]):
if (w[1:-1]==w[1]).all():
mins.append((j, j + i - 2))
return mins
Testing it out:
[(0, 2), (3, 6), (9, 10), (11, 13), (15, 17)]
Not the most efficient algorithm, but at least it's short. I'm pretty sure it's O(n^2), since there's roughly 1/2*(n^2 + n) windows to iterate over. This is only partially vectorized, so there may be a way to improve it.
To clarify, the output is the indices of the slices that contain the runs of local minimum values. The fact that they go one past the end of the run is intentional (someone just tried to "fix" that in an edit). You can use the output to iterate over the slices of minimum values in your input array like this:
for s in local_mins(test03):
[2 2]
[4 4 4]
[5 5]
[1 1]
A pure numpy solution (revised answer):
import numpy as np
y = np.array([2,2,10,4,4,4,5,6,7,2,6,5,5,7,7,1,1])
x = np.r_[y[0]+1, y, y[-1]+1] # pad edges, gives possibility for minima
ups, = np.where(x[:-1] < x[1:])
downs, = np.where(x[:-1] > x[1:])
minend = ups[np.unique(np.searchsorted(ups, downs))]
minbeg = downs[::-1][np.unique(np.searchsorted(-downs[::-1], -ups[::-1]))][::-1]
minlen = minend - minbeg
for line in zip(minlen, minbeg, minend-1): print("set of %d minima %d - %d" % line)
This gives
set of 2 minima 0 - 1
set of 3 minima 3 - 5
set of 1 minima 9 - 9
set of 2 minima 11 - 12
set of 2 minima 15 - 16
np.searchsorted(ups, downs) finds the first ups after every down. This is the "true" end of a minimum.
For the start of the minima, we do it similar, but now in reverse order.
It is working for the example, yet not fully tested. But I would say a good starting point.
You can use argrelmax, as long as there no multiple consecutive equal elements, so first you need to run length encode the array, then use argrelmax (or argrelmin):
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import argrelmax
from itertools import groupby
def local_max_scipy(a):
start = 0
result = [[a[0] - 1, 0, 0]] # this is to guarantee the left edge is included
for k, g in groupby(a):
length = sum(1 for _ in g)
result.append([k, start, length])
start += length
result.append([a[-1] - 1, 0, 0]) # this is to guarantee the right edge is included
arr = np.array(result)
maxima, = argrelmax(arr[:, 0])
return arr[maxima]
test03 = np.array([2, 2, 10, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 6, 5, 5, 7, 7, 1, 1])
output = local_max_scipy(test03)
for val, start, length in output:
print(f'set of {length} maxima start:{start} end:{start + length}')
set of 1 maxima start:2 end:3
set of 1 maxima start:8 end:9
set of 1 maxima start:10 end:11
set of 2 maxima start:13 end:15
My code below is getting stuck on a random point:
import functions
from itertools import product
from random import randrange
values = {}
tables = {}
letters = "abcdefghi"
nums = "123456789"
for x in product(letters, nums): #unnecessary
values[x[0] + x[1]] = 0
for x in product(nums, letters): #unnecessary
tables[x[0] + x[1]] = 0
for line_cnt in range(1,10):
for column_cnt in range(1,10):
num = randrange(1,10)
table_cnt = functions.which_table(line_cnt, column_cnt) #Returns a number identifying the table considered
#gets the values already in the line and column and table considered
line = [y for x,y in values.items() if x.startswith(letters[line_cnt-1])]
column = [y for x,y in values.items() if x.endswith(nums[column_cnt-1])]
table = [x for x,y in tables.items() if x.startswith(str(table_cnt))]
#if num is not contained in any of these then it's acceptable, otherwise find another number
while num in line or num in column or num in table:
num = randrange(1,10)
values[letters[line_cnt-1] + nums[column_cnt-1]] = num #Assign the number to the values dictionary
print(line_cnt) #debug
print(sorted(values)) #debug
As you can see it's a program that generates random sudoku schemes using 2 dictionaries : values that contains the complete scheme and tables that contains the values for each table.
Example :
5th square on the first line = 3
values["a5"] = 3
tables["2b"] = 3
So what is the problem? Am I missing something?
import functions
table_cnt = functions.which_table(line_cnt, column_cnt) #Returns a number identifying the table considered
It's nice when we can execute the code right ahead on our own computer to test it. In other words, it would have been nice to replace "table_cnt" with a fixed value for the example (here, a simple string would have sufficed).
for x in product(letters, nums):
values[x[0] + x[1]] = 0
Not that important, but this is more elegant:
values = {x+y: 0 for x, y in product(letters, nums)}
And now, the core of the problem:
while num in line or num in column or num in table:
num = randrange(1,10)
This is where you loop forever. So, you are trying to generate a random sudoku. From your code, this is how you would generate a random list:
nums = []
for _ in range(9):
num = randrange(1, 10)
while num in nums:
num = randrange(1, 10)
The problem with this approach is that you have no idea how long the program will take to finish. It could take one second, or one year (although, that is unlikely). This is because there is no guarantee the program will not keep picking a number already taken, over and over.
Still, in practice it should still take a relatively short time to finish (this approach is not efficient but the list is very short). However, in the case of the sudoku, you can end up in an impossible setting. For example:
line = [6, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 0]
column = [0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Where those are the first line (or any line actually) and the last column. When the algorithm will try to find a value for line[8], it will always fail since 7 is blocked by column.
If you want to keep it this way (aka brute force), you should detect such a situation and start over. Again, this is very unefficient and you should look at how to generate sudokus properly (my naive approach would be to start with a solved one and swap lines and columns randomly but I know this is not a good way).
The following python code is to traverse a 2D grid of (c, g) in some special order, which is stored in "jobs" and "job_queue". But I am not sure which kind of order it is after trying to understand the code. Is someone able to tell about the order and give some explanation for the purpose of each function? Thanks and regards!
import Queue
c_begin, c_end, c_step = -5, 15, 2
g_begin, g_end, g_step = 3, -15, -2
def range_f(begin,end,step):
# like range, but works on non-integer too
seq = []
while True:
if step > 0 and begin > end: break
if step < 0 and begin < end: break
begin = begin + step
return seq
def permute_sequence(seq):
n = len(seq)
if n <= 1: return seq
mid = int(n/2)
left = permute_sequence(seq[:mid])
right = permute_sequence(seq[mid+1:])
ret = [seq[mid]]
while left or right:
if left: ret.append(left.pop(0))
if right: ret.append(right.pop(0))
return ret
def calculate_jobs():
c_seq = permute_sequence(range_f(c_begin,c_end,c_step))
g_seq = permute_sequence(range_f(g_begin,g_end,g_step))
nr_c = float(len(c_seq))
nr_g = float(len(g_seq))
i = 0
j = 0
jobs = []
while i < nr_c or j < nr_g:
if i/nr_c < j/nr_g:
# increase C resolution
line = []
for k in range(0,j):
i = i + 1
# increase g resolution
line = []
for k in range(0,i):
j = j + 1
return jobs
def main():
jobs = calculate_jobs()
job_queue = Queue.Queue(0)
for line in jobs:
for (c,g) in line:
There is a value for each (c,g). The code actually is to search in the 2D grid of (c,g) to find a grid point where the value is the smallest. I guess the code is using some kind of heuristic search algorithm? The original code is here, which is a script to search for svm algorithm the best values for two parameters c and g with minimum validation error.
permute_sequence reorders a list of values so that the middle value is first, then the midpoint of each half, then the midpoints of the four remaining quarters, and so on. So permute_sequence(range(1000)) starts out like this:
[500, 250, 750, 125, 625, 375, ...]
calculate_jobs alternately fills in rows and columns using the sequences of 1D coordinates provided by permute_sequence.
If you're going to search the entire 2D space eventually anyway, this does not help you finish sooner. You might as well just scan all the points in order. But I think the idea was to find a decent approximation of the minimum as early as possible in the search. I suspect you could do about as well by shuffling the list randomly.
xkcd readers will note that the urinal protocol would give only slightly different (and probably better) results:
[0, 1000, 500, 250, 750, 125, 625, 375, ...]
Here is an example of permute_sequence in action:
print permute_sequence(range(8))
# prints [4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7, 0]
print permute_sequence(range(12))
# prints [6, 3, 9, 1, 8, 5, 11, 0, 7, 4, 10, 2]
I'm not sure why it uses this order, because in main, it appears that all candidate pairs of (c,g) are still evaluated, I think.