I am trying to open a file with this Try/Except block but it is going straight to Except and not opening the file.
I've tried opening multiple different files but they are going directly to not being able to open.
import string
fname = input('Enter a file name: ')
fhand = open(fname)
print('File cannot be opened:', fname)
counts = dict()
for line in fhand:
line= line.rstrip()
line = line.translate(line.maketrans(' ', ' ',string.punctuation))
line = line.lower()
words = line.split()
for word in words:
if word not in counts:
counts[word]= [L_N]
if L_N not in counts[word]:
for h in range(len(counts)):
out_file = open('word_index.txt', 'w')
out_file.write('Text file being analyzed is: '+str(fname)+ '\n\n')
I would like the output to read a specific file and count the created dictionary
make sure you are inputting quotes for your filename ("myfile.txt") if using python 2.7. if python3, quotes are not required.
make sure your input is using absolute path to the file, or make sure the file exists in the same place you are running the python program.
for example,
if your program and current working directory is in ~/code/
and you enter: 'myfile.txt', 'myfile.txt' must exist in ~/code/
however, its best you provide the absolute path to your input file such as
then your script will work 100% of the time, no matter what directory you call your script from.
I am using Visual Studio working with C++, a Python File, and an .txt input file. I am getting the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Admin\source\repos\Project3Week7\Release\PythonCode.py", line 8, in CountAll
text =open ("ProjectThreeInput.txt","r")
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ProjectThreeInput.txt'
My input file is named ProjectThreeInput.txt. It is located in the release folder in my C++ project. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to why I am getting this error?
Here is my Python code:
import re
import string
import os.path
from os import path
#open read me file
def CountAll():
text =open ("ProjectThreeInput.txt","r")
# empty dictionary, remove white space, convert to lowercase, check if in dict, print functions, close file
dictionary = dict()
for line in text:
line = line.strip()
word = line.lower()
if word in dictionary:
dictionary[word] = dictionary[word] + 1
dictionary[word] = 1
#print dicitonary
for key in list (dictionary.keys()):
print(key.capitalize(), ":", dictionary[key])
#close file
#word count, convert to lower case, open file, convert to lower case, check for word return count, close
def CountInstances(serchTerm):
searchTerm = searchTerm.lower
text = open("ProjectThreeInput.txt","r")
wordCount = 0
for line in text:
line = line.strip()
word = line.lower()
if word == searchTerm:
wordCount +=1
return wordCount
# frequency.dat, open file, create empty dict, store words, remove spaces, convert to lower case, check if in dict, write key to freq.dat, close
def CollectData():
text = open("ProjectThreeInput.txt","r")
frequency = open("frequency.dat", "w")
dictionary = dict()
for line in text:
line = line.strip()
word = line.lower()
if word in dictionary:
dictionary[word] = dictionary[word] + 1
dictionary[word] = 1
for key in list (dictionary.keys()):
frequency.write(str(key.capitaize()) + " " + str(dictionary[key]) + "\n")
By default, Visual Studio starts a C++ program in the project directory, where the .vcxproj* files live, and not where the executables are built. You can configure that directory in the project properties, under Configuration Properties > Debugging > Working Directory. In your case, set it to $(OutputPath). Be sure to select "All Configurations" (and all platforms, if there are multiple) at the top of the dialog. This setting is stored in the .vcxproj.user file.
Or alternatively, you could generate the executable in the directory where keep input files, by changing Configuration Properties > General > Output Directory. But then you risk mixing up artifacts from Debug and Release configurations. Instead you could redefine only Configuration Properties > Linker > General > Output File and include $(ConfigurationName) in that file name.
If you need any more info just Let Me Know
I have a python script that adds a string after each line on a CSV file. the line file_lines = [''.join([x.strip(), string_to_add, '\n']) for x in f.readlines()] is the trouble maker. For each file line it will add the string and then add a new line after each time the string is added.
Here is the script:
#Adding .JPG string to the end of each line for the Part Numbers
string_to_add = ".JPG"
#Open the file and join the .JPG to the current lines
with open("PartNums.csv", 'r') as f:
file_lines = [''.join([x.strip(), string_to_add, '\n']) for x in f.readlines()]
#Writes to the file until its done
with open("PartNums.csv", 'w') as f:
The script works and does what it is supposed to, however my issue is later on in this larger script. This script outputs into a CSV file and it looks like this:
Without the \n in that line the csv file output looks like this file_lines = [''.join([x.strip(), string_to_add]) for x in f.readlines()]:
The issue is when I go to read this file later and move files with it using this script:
#If the string matches a file name move it to a new directory
dst = r"xxx"
with open('PicsWeHave.txt') as my_file:
for filename in my_file:
src = os.path.join(XXX") # .strip() to avoid un-wanted white spaces
#shutil.copy(src, os.path.join(dst, filename.strip()))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(src, filename), os.path.join(dst, filename))
When I run this whole Script it works until it has to move the files I get this error:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'XXX\\X15SL0447.JPG\n'
I know the file exist however the '\n' should not be there and that's why I am asking how can I still get everything on a new line and not have \n after each name so when I move the file the strings match.
Thank You For Your Help!
As they said above you should use .strip():
shutil.copy(os.path.join(src, filename.strip()), os.path.join(dst, filename.strip()))
This way it gives you the file name or string you need and then it removes anything else.
there are multiple files in directory with extension .txt, .dox, .qcr etc.
i need to list out txt files, search & replace the text from each txt files only.
need to search the $$\d ...where \d stands for the digit 1,2,3.....100.
need to replace with xxx.
please let me know the python script for this .
thanks in advance .
#created following script, it works for single txt files, but it is not working for txt files more than one lies in directory.
def replaceAll(file,searchExp,replaceExp):
for line in fileinput.input(file, inplace=1):
if searchExp in line:
line = line.replace(searchExp,replaceExp)
#following code is not working, i expect to list out the files start #with "um_*.txt", open the file & replace the "$$\d" with replaceAll function.
for um_file in glob.glob('*.txt'):
t = open(um_file, 'r')
fileinput.input(...) is supposed to process a bunch of files, and must be ended with a corresponding fileinput.close(). So you can either process all in one single call:
def replaceAll(file,searchExp,replaceExp):
for line in fileinput.input(file, inplace=True):
if searchExp in line:
line = line.replace(searchExp,replaceExp)
dummy = sys.stdout.write(line) # to avoid a possible output of the size
fileinput.close() # to orderly close everythin
replaceAll(glob.glob('*.txt'), "$$\d","xxx")
or consistently close fileinput after processing each file, but it rather ignores the main fileinput feature.
Try out this.
import re
def replaceAll(file,searchExp,replaceExp):
for line in file.readlines():
line = line.replace(re.findall(searchExp,line)[0],replaceExp)
#following code is not working, i expect to list out the files start #with "um_*.txt", open the file & replace the "$$\d" with replaceAll function.
for um_file in glob.glob('*.txt'):
t = open(um_file, 'r')
Here we are sending file handler to the replaceAll function rather than a string.
You can try this:
import os
import re
the_files = [i for i in os.listdir("foldername") if i.endswith("txt")]
for file in the_files:
new_data = re.sub("\d+", "xxx", open(file).read())
final_file = open(file, 'w')
hey I've wrote this code in python and it iterates through the selected text file and reads it. My objective is to read the file, and then write the file on a new file and replace the word "winter" with nothing. or rather delete the word from the second revised file. I have two txt files called odetoseasons and odetoseasons_censored the contents of these two files are identical before the program starts. which is
I love winter
I love spring
Summer, Fall and winter again.
/This is the python file named readwrite.py WHen i run the program it keeps the contents in odetoseasons but somehow deletes the contents of odetoseasons_censored.txt not sure why/
# readwrite.py
# Demonstrates reading from a text file and writing to the other
filename = input("Enter file name (without extension): ")
fil1 = filename+".txt"
fil2 = filename+"_censored.txt"
bad_word = ['winter']
print("\nLooping through the file, line by line.")
in_text_file = open(fil1, "r")
out_text_file = open(fil2,"w")
for line in in_text_file:
out_text_file = open(fil2,"w")
for line in fil2 :
if "winter" in line:
line.replace("winter", "")
Actually there are two errors in your code. Firstly the function a.replace() returns an object with the replaced word and not alter the original object. Secondly you are trying to read a file you have opened in 'w' mode, which is not possible. If you need to both read and write you should use 'r+' mode.
Here is the correct code(and more compact one) that you can use :-
filename = input("Enter file name (without extension): ")
fil1 = filename+".txt"
fil2 = filename+"_censored.txt"
bad_word = ['winter']
print("\nLooping through the file, line by line.")
in_text_file = open(fil1, "r")
out_text_file = open(fil2,"w")
for line in in_text_file:
line_censored = line.replace("winter","")
What I would like the final code to execute is read a string of names in a text document named, 'names.txt'. Then tell the program to calculate how many names there are in that file and display the amount of names. The code I have so far was meant to display the sum of the numbers in a text file, but it was close enough to the program I need now that I think I may be able to rework it to gather the amount of strings/names and display that instead of the sum.
Here is the code so far:
def main():
#initialize an accumulator.
total = 0.0
# Open the file.
myfile = open('names.txt', 'r')
# Read and display the file's contents.
for line in myfile:
amount = float(line)
total += amount
# Close the file.
except IOError:
print('An error occured trying to read the file.')
except ValueError:
print('Non-numeric data found in the file.')
print('An error occured.')
# Call the main function.
I am still really new to Python programming so please don't be too harsh on me. If anyone can figure out how to rework this to display the amount of numbers/names instead of the sum of numbers. I would greatly appreciate it. If this program cannot be reworked, I would be happy to settle for a new solution.
Edit: This it an example of what the 'names.txt' will look like:
If you just want to count the lines in the file
# Open the file.
myfile = open('names.txt', 'r')
#Count the lines in the file
totalLines = len(myfile.readlines()):
# Close the file.
fh = open("file","r")
print "%d lines"%len(fh.readlines())
or you could do
print "%d words"%len(fh.read().split())
All this is readily available information that is not hard to find if you put forth some effort...just getting the answers usually results in flunked classes...
Considering the names in your text files are delimited by line.
myfile = open('names.txt', 'r')
lstLines = myfile.read().split('\n')
dict((name,lstLines.count(name)) for name in lstLines)
This creates a dictionary of each name having its number of occurrence.
To search for the occurrence of perticular name such as 'name1' in the list
Assuming names are splitted using whitespaces :
def main():
#initialize an accumulator.
total = 0.0
# Open the file.
myfile = open('names.txt', 'r')
# Read and display the file's contents.
for line in myfile:
words = line.split()
total += len(words)
# Close the file.
except IOError:
print('An error occured trying to read the file.')
except ValueError:
print('Non-numeric data found in the file.')
print('An error occured.')
# Call the main function.
Use with statement to open a file. It will close the file properly even if an exception occurred. You can omit the file mode, it is default.
If each name is on its own line and there are no duplicates:
with open('names.txt') as f:
number_of_nonblank_lines = sum(1 for line in f if line.strip())
name_count = number_of_nonblank_lines
The task is very simple. Start with a new code to avoid accumulating unused/invalid for the problem code.
If all you need is to count lines in a file (like wc -l command) then you could use .count('\n') method:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from functools import partial
read_chunk = partial(sys.stdin.read, 1 << 15) # or any text file instead of stdin
print(sum(chunk.count('\n') for chunk in iter(read_chunk, '')))
See also, Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?