I'm making a basic TicTacToe UI in python, and I believe that a fundamental item to this code is a reset button which resets your codes back to the default. is there any other way to do this?
I've Tried to define a function which resets the text of the button back to " " but I don't think that's a great idea because of a lot of other complexities within the cod.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def changetext():
BTN1["text"] = "X"
BTN1 = Button(root, text=" ", command=changetext)
So I want to add a button here that says "Reset Text" and it resets all the codes to defaults.
The easiest way to reset the game would be to
Reset the UI as you suggest, with a single dedicated reset_UI() function
Reset the board state by creating a new game board object, and discarding the old one
This of course means that you'll need to wrap all your variables and functions in a board class Board, so that there aren't a billion global variables you have to worry about resetting. The only thing that should persist between resets are your UI buttons, which can be created in your main() function before initializing the game board.
Here's code demonstrating how something like that could be done (plus a few other things):
import tkinter as tk
def toggle(btn):
if btn["text"] == "X":
btn["text"] = " "
btn["text"] = "X"
def reset(buttons):
for btn in buttons.values():
btn["text"] = " "
root = tk.Tk()
buttons = {}
for row in range(3):
for col in range(3):
button = tk.Button(root, text=" ", width=1, height=1)
button.config(command=lambda btn=button: toggle(btn))
button.grid(row=row, column=col)
buttons[row, col] = button
reset_button = tk.Button(root, text="Reset", command=lambda: reset(buttons))
I have a small script which is organized in 3 frames:
1 in the first row
1 in the second row Left
1 in the second row right
I press the button in the first row frame and hand over the input value to the Label in the second row in the left.
Here my code:
import tkinter as tk
# Create Window
root = tk.Tk()
# Define String Variable
Name = tk.StringVar()
# Organize root window in 3 frames
EntryFrame = tk.Frame(root)
MainLeftFrame = tk.Frame(root)
MainRightFrame = tk.Frame(root)
# Create Buttons, Entry and Labels
NameLabel = tk.Label(MainLeftFrame, textvariable=Name)
InputName = tk.Entry(EntryFrame, width=20,bg='yellow')
SubmitButton = tk.Button(EntryFrame, text='Submit', command=lambda:action())
# Define what happens when press button reset
def reset():
# Define what happens when button is pressed
def action():
ResetButton = tk.Button(MainRightFrame, text='Reset', command=lambda: reset())
Placeholder = tk.Label(MainRightFrame, text="place holder")
# Pack Widgets
Now to my question:
When I press the "Submit" Button for the Second time (after pressing Reset Button) nothing is happening :(
Thanks in advance!
The reason of your program not working is that, after using forget on the MainLeftFrame and MainRightFrame you aren't packing them again when the action function is called. Adding these 2 lines of code in action function should make it work. BUT
That's not the only issue, defining new widgets every time the function is called and packing them will additively increase the same widget set over and over again. To avoid this, you would have to predefine them and them perform forget and repacking. But a better thing to do would be to have a dedicated frame for them, so that it becomes easy for you to toggle. I have tried rewriting your script, let me know if this is what you wanted.
from tkinter import *
def reset():
def submit():
I have a button called view and when it is clicked on it will create a new window with a list in a listbox and a list of checkboxes that correspond to the listbox. When switching through the items in the listbox you will see that the listbox items are independent of each other and will have their own check box values. As of right now it will remember the checkbox values for each listbox item except when you close the created window. When you close the second window that was created all of that information disappears when you try and open the window back up again. I need a way to create a second window, do everything it does now with the listbox and checkboxes, but when closed it can be opened again and pick up where you left off.
For example, if I highlight the first item in the listbox and check the first checkbox, I should be able to close that window and open it again and when the first item in the listbox is highlighted, I see that there is a check in the first checkbox.
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
def myfunction(event):
def onselect(evt):
# Note here that Tkinter passes an event object to onselect()
w = evt.widget
x = 0
index = int(w.curselection()[0])
value = w.get(index)
print('You selected item %d: "%s"' % (index, value))
for y in enable:
for item in list_for_listbox:
checkbuttons[value][y][1].grid(row=x, column=0)
# Label(frame2, text="some text").grid(row=x, column=1)
x += 1
def printcommand():
for item in list_for_listbox:
for y in enable:
print(item + " [" + y + "] " + str(checkbuttons[item][y][0].get()))
def create_new_window():
global new_window
new_window = tkinter.Toplevel()
master = tkinter.Tk()
master.title("Checkboxes test")
button1 = Button(master, command =create_new_window,text="View")
def new_window_commands():
# enable = ['button 1', 'button 2', 'button 3', 'button 4', 'button 5', 'button 6', 'button 7']
global list_for_listbox
global enable
global checkbuttons
global canvas1
enable = []
for x_number_of_items in range(1, 15):
enable.append("button " + str(x_number_of_items))
list_for_listbox = ["one", "two", "three", "four"]
listbox = Listbox(new_window)
listbox.place(x=5, y=5, width=100, height=10 + 16*len(list_for_listbox))
frame1 = Frame(new_window, borderwidth=1, relief=GROOVE, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="black",
frame1.place(x=listbox.winfo_width() + 10, y=5, width=300, height=listbox.winfo_height())
canvas1 = Canvas(frame1)
frame2 = Frame(canvas1, height=500)
scrollbar1 = Scrollbar(frame1, orient="vertical", command=canvas1.yview)
scrollbar1.pack(side="right", fill="y")
canvas1.create_window((0, 0), window=frame2, anchor='nw')
frame2.bind("<Configure>", myfunction)
printbutton = Button(new_window, text="Print", command=printcommand)
printbutton.place(x=100, y=250)
checkbuttons = {}
for item in list_for_listbox:
listbox.insert(END, item)
checkbuttons[item] = (dict())
for y in enable:
temp_var = BooleanVar()
checkbuttons[item][y] = [temp_var, Checkbutton(frame2, text=y, variable=temp_var)]
listbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', onselect)
With your current structure, the simplest fix would be:
Only create the new_window once.
withdraw() new_window instead of letting it close each time.
Open the same instance of new_window again when called upon.
You'll need to implement the following:
# Default your new_window to None
new_window = None
def create_new_window():
global new_window
# If new_window doesn't exist, create a new one
if not new_window:
new_window = tkinter.Toplevel()
# add a new protocol to redirect on closing the window.
new_window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", hide_window)
# if new_window already exist, just unhide it
# add a new function for when window is closing
def hide_window():
global new_window
You might also want to add the same protocol method under master so that when it closes, destroy both master and new_window object:
master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', destroy_all)
def destroy_all():
global master
global new_window
If possible, for your next tkinter code I would suggest considering an object oriented approach though. I will see if I can provide a short sample here later.
As a side note, while I understand a lot of documentations in tkinter uses the from tkinter import * approach, I would discourage this practice and advise to import tkinter as tk instead (or as you already did, import tkinter, which accomplishes the same thing). See relevant answer here
Here's a quick sample of OOP approach in a similar vein:
import tkinter as tk
# Here the main window can be called upon as its own instance with its own instance attributes.
class Window(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.main_button = tk.Button(self, text="Creat a sub window", command=self.open_sub_window)
# define the things you wish to retain under the main window as an instance attribute
self.sub_check_var = tk.BooleanVar()
self.sub_entry_var = tk.StringVar()
# when creating a new window, just reference back to the main attributes you've already created.
def open_sub_window(self):
self.sub_window = tk.Toplevel()
tk.Checkbutton(self.sub_window, text="I'm a checkbox!", variable=self.sub_check_var).pack()
lbl_frm = tk.LabelFrame(self.sub_window, text="I am an entry!")
tk.Entry(lbl_frm, text=self.sub_entry_var).pack()
gui = Window()
Note this is but one way to do it. You just need to feel around to get comfortable with your implementation, there's no right/wrong way to do things.
from tkinter import *
from random import *
root = Tk()
#A function to create the turn for the current player. The current player isnt in this code as it is not important
def turn():
window = Tk()
dice = Button(window, text="Roll the dice!", bg= "white", command=lambda:diceAction(window))
#a function to simulate a dice. It kills the function turn.
def diceAction(window):
result = Tk()
y = randint(1, 6)
quitButton = Button(result, text="Ok!", bg="white", command=result.destroy)
#A function to create the playing field and to start the game
def main():
label1 = Button(root, text="hi", bg="black")
while 1:
My problem is that the code in the while function after the first turn() the code isnt executed until i close the root window(which i dont want because it represents the playing field). You can copy this code and execute it yourself if you want.
I have no idea what causes this and havent found anything online. Sorry for the long code but i wrote it so that it is executeable.
I don't know why this particular problem is occurring, but there are a couple of things in your code that are considered bad practice.
Instead of creating multiple instances of Tk(), you should use Toplevel widgets for any pop-up windows needed. Also, it's better to use root.mainloop() to run the program rather than a while loop.
I've made some edits to your code so that it uses a Toplevel widget and discards of the while loop.
from tkinter import *
from random import *
#A function to create the turn for the current player. The current player isnt in this code as it is not important
def turn(prev=None):
# destroy the previous turn
if prev:
# pop up with dice
window = Toplevel()
dice = Button(window, text="Roll the dice!", bg= "white")
dice.config(command=lambda b=dice, w=window:diceAction(b, w))
#a function to simulate a dice, reconfigures the pop-up
def diceAction(button, window):
# roll dice
y = randint(1, 6)
# use dice result here?
# reconfigure button, the command now starts a new turn
button.config(text='ok', command=lambda w=window:turn(prev=w))
root = Tk()
# I hijacked this button to use as a start button
label1 = Button(root, text="hi", bg="black", command=turn)
I don't know if this is what you need, but it functions as the code in the question would if it worked.
Sorry I couldn't help with the cause of the error.
I want to create a reminder to remind me of the time I have chosen in the combobox by pressing the confirmed button. I put the time in a label and also create a delete button that can delete the label and button itself in the same row by a loop. It works if there's only one label, but if I increased the number of it it can only destroy the last label and button.
below is my code:
class final:
def __init__(self,app):
self.time= StringVar()
self.timecombo = ttk.Combobox(app,textvariable=self.time)
self.timecombo.config(value =('1:00','2:00','3:00','4:00','5:00','6:00','7:00','8:00','9:00','10:00','11:00','12:00'))
***def save(self):
savetext = self.time.get()
self.deletebutton_list = []
self.savelabel_list = []
for i in range(len(self.savelist)):
savelabel = Label(app, text=self.savelist[i])
savelabel.grid(row=4 + i, column=0)
deletebutton = Button(app, text='delete' , command=functools.partial(self.deletelabel,idx=i))
deletebutton.grid(row=4 + i, column=1)
def deletelabel(self, idx):
app = Tk()
a = final(app)
app.title('things to do')
I believed that there must be something wrong in the loop or the function deletelabel but I still can't fix it.
Do not change the list. If you delete label/button #1, then label #2 becomes #1, and so when you press the button to delete label #2, it deletes label #3 because everything has moved up. Also, note that every time you call "save()" it creates a new set of widgets that overlay the old widgets, which will eventually slow down the computer. Create and grid the new time label only. Keep track of the row with a self.next_row variable (or whatever) and increment it by one each time.
This is a question that points out how usable classes are. Create a new class, with label and a close button, for each reminder.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
class NewButton:
def __init__(self, master, label_text, this_row):
## put everything in a new frame so destroying
## one frame will destroy everything in it
self.fr.grid(row=this_row, column=1)
Label(self.fr, text=label_text).grid(row=0, column=1)
Button(self.fr, text="Close This",
command=self.fr.destroy).grid(row=0, column=2)
class Final:
def __init__(self,app):
self.time_var= StringVar()
self.timecombo = ttk.Combobox(app,textvariable=self.time_var)
def save(self):
save_text = self.time_var.get()
self.this_row += 1
next_button=NewButton(self.app, save_text, self.this_row)
app = Tk()
a = Final(app)
app.title('things to do')
I have a list of tkinter widgets that I want to change dynamically.
How to delete the widgets from the window?
You can call pack_forget to remove a widget (if you use pack to add it to the window).
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
b = Button(root, text="Delete me", command=lambda: b.pack_forget())
If you use pack_forget, you can later show the widget again calling pack again. If you want to permanently delete it, call destroy on the widget (then you won't be able to re-add it).
If you use the grid method, you can use grid_forget or grid_remove to hide the widget.
One way you can do it, is to get the slaves list from the frame that needs to be cleared and destroy or "hide" them according to your needs. To get a clear frame you can do it like this:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def clear():
list = root.grid_slaves()
for l in list:
Label(root,text='Hello World!').grid(row=0)
You should call grid_slaves(), pack_slaves() or slaves() depending on the method you used to add the widget to the frame.
You simply use the destroy() method to delete the specified widgets like this:
lbl = tk.Label(....)
btn = tk.Button(....., command=lambda: lbl.destroy())
Using this you can completely destroy the specific widgets.
You say that you have a list of widgets to change dynamically. Do you want to reuse and reconfigure existing widgets, or create all new widgets and delete the old ones? It affects the answer.
If you want to reuse the existing widgets, just reconfigure them. Or, if you just want to hide some of them temporarily, use the corresponding "forget" method to hide them. If you mapped them with pack() calls, you would hide with pack_forget() (or just forget()) calls. Accordingly, grid_forget() to hide gridded widgets, and place_forget() for placed widgets.
If you do not intend to reuse the widgets, you can destroy them with a straight destroy() call, like widget.destroy(), to free up resources.
clear_btm=Button(master,text="Clear") #this button will delete the widgets
clear_btm["command"] = lambda one = button1, two = text1, three = entry1: clear(one,two,three) #pass the widgets
def clear(*widgets):
for widget in widgets:
widget.destroy() #finally we are deleting the widgets.
Today I learn some simple and good click event handling using tkinter gui library in python3, which I would like to share inside this thread.
from tkinter import *
cnt = 0
def MsgClick(event):
children = root.winfo_children()
for child in children:
# print("type of widget is : " + str(type(child)))
if str(type(child)) == "<class 'tkinter.Message'>":
# print("Here Message widget will destroy")
def MsgMotion(event):
print("Mouse position: (%s %s)" % (event.x, event.y))
def ButtonClick(event):
global cnt, msg
cnt += 1
msg = Message(root, text="you just clicked the button..." + str(cnt) + "...time...")
msg.config(bg='lightgreen', font=('times', 24, 'italic'))
msg.bind("<Button-1>", MsgClick)
msg.bind("<Motion>", MsgMotion)
#print(type(msg)) tkinter.Message
def ButtonDoubleClick(event):
import sys; sys.exit()
root = Tk()
root.title("My First GUI App in Python")
root.minsize(width=300, height=300)
root.maxsize(width=400, height=350)
button = Button(
root, text="Click Me!", width=40, height=3
button.bind("<Button-1>", ButtonClick)
button.bind("<Double-1>", ButtonDoubleClick)
Hope it will help someone...
You can use forget method on the widget
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
b = Button(root, text="Delete me", command=b.forget)
b['command'] = b.forget
I found that when the widget is part of a function and the grid_remove is part of another function it does not remove the label. In this example...
def somefunction(self):
Label(self, text=" ").grid(row = 0, column = 0)
self.text_ent = Entry(self)
self.text_ent.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
def someotherfunction(self):
...there is no valid way of removing the Label.
The only solution I could find is to give the label a name and make it global:
def somefunction(self):
global label
label = Label(self, text=" ")
label.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
self.text_ent = Entry(self)
self.text_ent.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
def someotherfunction(self):
global label
When I ran into this problem there was a class involved, one function being in the class and one not, so I'm not sure the global label lines are really needed in the above.