I am updating this question because the basis of the question was really in error to begin with.
If you're having issues with installing your modules, first check to see if you (like me) followed a tutorial saying to use sudo -i to install modules. This is HORRIBLE advice. HORRRR IIII BBBBLE advice. Your modules will be installed but not really accessible to the users, but then when you try to do things right, and use sudo pip install BeautifulSoup4 you'll get a message that the module is already installed. So if you know you've installed modules on your server / VPS, Linux, etc. but you can't access them, uninstall them, go to sudo -i and uninstall them, make sure that EVERYTHING. IS. CLEAN. of your modules, then go to your admin account and use sudo pip install <modules name>.
This will be MUCH better and you won't waste your time trying to figure out what you've done wrong. Most likely, what you did wrong was follow some stupid tutorial saying to install things as root# and it's messed you up from the start.
You'll need to uninstall it from your version of python 3.4.8, then reinstall it using sudo rights to do it globally.
python3 -m pip uninstall python-docx
sudo python3 -m pip install python-docx
I'm a little confused though, since in your screenshots, it shows MySQLdb as installed for python2.6, not python3.4. Are you aware of this, and is it part of your problem?
I have upraded my Linux distro recently. Python 3.5 was replaced by Python 3.6.
All site packages I have installed with pip3 are still in the /usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages directory and Python does not find them there now, because it looks in .../python3.6/site-packages obviously.
I see the directory contents and I could manually install them again, but that does not look to me like the right way to do it. I could move the contents to the new directory, but again, this seems to me incorrect either.
How am I supposed to handle it properly?
Should I have prepared a pip3 freeze list before the upgrade?
I tried to search, but the keywords are probably too general and got many unrelated answers.
Python 3.5 was replaced by Python 3.6. But you still have the backup option of using python 3.5.
If you want to use python 3.6 you will have to reinstall all pip packages again for python 3.6. And it makes sense.
Say you were changing from 2.7 to 3.5. You would want to preserve both the environments separately. Hence 3.6 environment is different from 3.5.
A quick way to do this would be to pip freeze for 3.5 and then install those dependencies for 3.6.
pip freeze > reqs.txt
pip install -r reqs.txt
Since you don't have this option anymore, first try and list all packages in your python3.5
for that you can install pip3.5 as answered by #kabanus.
sudo apt-get install python3=3.5.1*
sudo python3.5 easy_install.py pip
Also it's advised to use virtual environment per project so you can maintain separate environments for each of them.
I just hit the same problem upgrading from Python 3.6 to Python 3.7, I forgot to run pip freeze before I upgraded to Python 3.7. The solution that worked is to specify the --path option as the old site-packages/ directory (which was not deleted):
pip3 freeze --path /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ > python3.6_requirements.txt
pip3 install -r python3.6_requirements.txt
This would have made things simpler for you to reinstall. Checkout the description. Using freeze you could have done something like:
$ env1/bin/pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
$ env2/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Generally the recommended method is you use a virtualenv for site packages, so you don't litter your installation areas, but TBH it never broke something for me. Another option is to check if the linux distribution has the package available for proper retrieval, as in:
sudo apt-get install python3-<somemodule>
This is what I prefer - and could have been upgraded with the distro. As for what to do now, If you really don't want to re-install everything properly you could try to cp /usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/* /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages. The differences between versions are not so great such that I believe most packages would work off the bat. You may have to sed to replace python3.5 with python3.6 in all files there though. Forgot delete all pyc files if you do this.
Python modules are self contained enough that if something is broken it can be handled per package, and the site packages are self contained completely, so you could always just remove everything and re-install.
A final note - you can try and install pyton3.5/pip3.5 for your linux, and then do the freeze thing. If there is no package you could install manually (whl or such) or compile a stand alone and configure the site path properly. If you want to keep things on a global site package directory or migrate to virtualenv this may be the safest option.
I am new at Python and Ubuntu. I really struggle to decide the best way of installing Python packages on Ubuntu. I am using VIM so I cannot use Anaconda since they do no "talk".
I have two options:
Install with: pip3 install --user foo. This works find but according to python4astronomers you should never use --user. It will work very bad.
Use apt-get but then I got old packages
Use sudo pip, but that can get bad code into my system.
I do not want to use virtual environments. I want to be able to use all packages I have installed when I use Python. I normally use Jupyter.
I find it strange that Python installation is so difficult on Linux compared with Windows.
Which of these is the correct way?
This question has probably been asked a few hundred times and the ones I've seen don't actually help me much.
I need to install matplotlib. I've been trying to install Pip, and then I tried to install Setuptools and then distribute and now I've been told to use setuptools again.
Can anyone give me an easy step-by-step guide to installing packages so I can install MatPlotLib now and then others later.
Thank you.
P.S. Not a clue with this and everyone keeps telling me to type things in and I have no idea where or what.
If you run:
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 for-matplotlib
That should create a virtual environment called for-matplotlib with a for-matplotlib/bin/pip you can use to install matplotlib into for-matplotlib (which uses python3).
It would depend on what your OS is. Pulling off this webpage, if you are using Ubuntu/Debian, just do:
sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib
If you are OSX, check out this page.
I recently installed python 2.7.2 on my Mac running OSX 10.6.8. Previously, I had version 2.6. I set my path in .bash_profile as follows:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/usr/local/share/python:$PATH
so that when I run python it will refer to my new installation. It does.
I would also like to use pip with my new installation, but the problem is that I already have the current version of pip installed at
I tried to re-install pip with:
easy_install pip
But, of course this does not put pip in the desired new directory
but simply refers to the existing version in /usr/local/bin/pip.
Can someone tell me how to fix this?
I would like to then use pip to install NumPy and SciPy in the correct directory (I was having trouble getting the SciPy installation to work with my old version of python, hence the new install).
If you'd like, you can visit the website where I found instructions for installing python 2.7, creating/updating my .bash_profile, installing pip, and NumPy and SciPy. Might provide some insight, or I'm happy to give more details if needed. Thanks!
Install distribute as per the instructions at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute .
Make sure you specify the full path to the python executable (/usr/local/share/python/python or smth in your case).
$ curl -O https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/oodt/tools/oodtsite.publisher/trunk/distribute_setup.py
$ /usr/local/share/python/python distribute_setup.py
Then you should have /usr/local/share/python/easy_install.
After that, run:
$ /usr/local/share/python/easy_install pip
Then you should have /usr/local/share/python/pip.
Depending on the ordering of things in your PATH, either your old, or the newly installed pip is executed when you execute the pip command, so you either might have to adapt your PATH, or specify the full path to /usr/local/share/python/pip when installing eggs.
(shameless plug:
In any case, you might consider using virtualenv for installing packages into a "project" specific isolated environment, as opposed to installing them globally.)
I needed to uninstall brew's python.
Then, I was left with python v2.7.6
Next to install, pip I ran
sudo easy_install pip
installed fine and working
I had a similar issue, try this:
$ python -m pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pip
This will force reinstall pip with whatever version of python you use including installing the binary.
A few days ago I had a friend who was starting Python Programming and needed help with the same issue: installing pip. There are debates over which one to choose between easy_install and pip and it seems everybody is heading the pip direction. Either way, installing either of them can be frustrating.
You can use this simple tutorial : installing pip package manager the easy way
Here are what you should keep in mind as you follow the above guide:
If you already have an older version installed, uninstall it or totally remove the python installation
Once that is cleared, download an install Python.
After that, download ez_setup.py file and save it to your desktop - easily accessible from the command line
Now run it from the command line and it will install easy_install for you after which,
You can use it to install pip.
Once again, you can do this or use the above link to find a simple step-by-step guide on how to get it installed on your computer.
Good luck.
Just so that people knew, ATM we can install PIP by downloading get-pip.py from the page with docs and run it like this:
c:\python27\python.exe get-pip.py
BTW, Python 3.4 comes with PIP pre-installed.
One of the command line options lets you choose where to install to.
--install-dir (-d) install package to DIR
So something like - # easy_install pip -d /usr/local/share/python
(Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
Just wanted to say that I found a way to get around my problem. I don't know that I can explain it perfectly, since I am not very good at understanding what I am doing with this stuff just yet! But, the problem seems to have been with my PATH. I removed the PATH that I posted in my original question, and then used easy_install pip. It went straight to python 2.7.2 (my new version) with no problem. I then successfully used pip to install NumPy and SciPy in the correct location, and they both work. Thanks to ErikAllik and FakeRainBrigand for taking the time to look into it!
I've installed python 2.6 from source, and somehow later mistakenly installed another python 2.6 from a package manager too.
I can't find a way to uninstall a python that was built from source, is this possible/easy?
Running ubuntu 10.04.
You can use checkinstall to remove Python. The idea is:
Install checkinstall
checkinstall to make a deb of your
Python installation
Use dpkg -r to
remove the deb.
See this post for more details.
PS. Note that Ubuntu must always have at least one installation of Python installed, or else major pieces of your OS stop working. Above, I'm assuming it's safe to remove the Python built from source, without removing the Python that was installed by the package manager.
PPS. If you accidentally erase all Python installations from your Ubuntu machine, all is not lost. Instructions on how to recover from this situation can be found here.
I did the following and reinstall using 'make install' and it worked.
whereis python3.6
rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python3.6
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/python3.6*
make install
Have you looked into
make uninstall
I believe this should work for you, assuming you have the python 2.6 source and the make file has uninstall available (it should).
In the future it may be prudent to use sudo checkinstall.
Below command removed all the things it installed for me.
make -n install
Do you still have the source directory where you compiled Python before? If so, you can CD into that directory and run sudo make uninstall.
If you don't have it still, you could re-create it by going through the build steps again--download, extract, configure, and make--but end with sudo make uninstall instead of sudo make install, of course.