I have an django app route that will run a pytest.main() command if some conditions are met:
def run_single_test(request, single_test_name):
# get dict of test names, test paths
test_dict = get_single_test_names()
# check to see if test is in the dict
if single_test_name in test_dict:
for test_name,test_path in test_dict.items():
# if testname is valid run associated test
if test_name == single_test_name:
run_test = pytest.main(['-v', '--json-report', test_path])
return 'The requested test could not be found.'
I would like to include a unit test that validates run_test has been executed.
What is the best approach to doing this? Mock and unittest are new to me.
I tried messing around with stdout:
def test_run_single_test_flow_control(self):
mock_get = patch('test_automation_app.views.get_single_test_names')
mock_get = mock_get.start()
mock_get.return_value = {'test_search': 'folder/test_file.py::TestClass::test'}
results = run_single_test('this-request', 'test_search')
output = sys.stdout
self.assertEqual(output, '-v --json-report folder/test_file.py::TestClass::test')
but this returns:
<_pytest.capture.EncodedFile object at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX>
Here are two example tests that verify that pytest.main is invoked when a valid test name is passed and not invoked otherwise. I also added some different invocations of mock_pytest_main.assert_called as an example; they all do pretty much the same, with extra check for args that were passed on function call. Hope this helps you to write more complex tests!
from unittest.mock import patch
from test_automation_app.views import run_single_test
def test_pytest_invoked_when_test_name_valid():
with patch('pytest.main') as mock_pytest_main, patch('test_automation_app.views.get_single_test_names') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = {'test_search': 'folder/test_file.py::TestClass::test'}
results = run_single_test('this-request', 'test_search')
mock_pytest_main.assert_called_with(['-v', '--json-report', 'folder/test_file.py::TestClass::test'])
mock_pytest_main.assert_called_once_with(['-v', '--json-report', 'folder/test_file.py::TestClass::test'])
def test_pytest_not_invoked_when_test_name_invalid():
with patch('pytest.main') as mock_pytest_main, patch('test_automation_app.views.get_single_test_names') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = {'test_search': 'folder/test_file.py::TestClass::test'}
results = run_single_test('this-request', 'test_non_existent')
I'm using vscode as IDE
I have code a very simple usage of pytest fixture but it doesn't working when basic example fixture found in the pytest documentation are working well :
def declare_hexidict():
hd = hexidict()
rvc = ReferenceValueCluster()
rv = ReferenceValue(init=3)
hd_var = (hd, rvc, rv)
return hd_var
def setitem_getitem(declare_hexidict):
# hd = hexidict()
# rvc = ReferenceValueCluster()
# rv = ReferenceValue(init=3)
hd, rvc, rv = declare_hexidict
print('datastruct defined')
hd[rvc("key1").reflink] = rv[0].reflink
hd[rvc["key1"]] == rv[0]
assert rvc["key1"] in hd.keys(), "key :{} is not int this hexidict".format(
assert hd[rvc["key1"]] == rv[0], "key :{} return {} instead of {}".format(
rvc["key1"], hd[rvc["key1"]], rv[0]
#set non value item (on set une liste)
hd[rvc("key2").reflink] = [rv[1].reflink]
assert type(hd[rvc["key2"]]) == list
#on verifie que l'item dans la list est bien celui qui provient de rv
assert hd[rvc["key2"]][0] in rv
I get in the test summary info :
ERROR test/process/hexidict/test_hd_basic_function.py - TypeError: setitem_getitem() missing 1 required positional argument: 'declare_hexidict'
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interrupted: 1 error during collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pytest does not recognize setitem_getitem like test, so you should rename it to test_setitem_getitem and try it out:
def test_setitem_getitem(declare_hexidict):
The problem is that your test is not detected by Pytest's test discovery.
Depending on how you execute your tests (whether you provide a full path to your test file, provide path with sub directories and multiple test files or want to execute all tests matching a specific mark in the entire project) you will want to make sure all test modules, classes and functions are discovered properly. By default test files need to match test_*.py or *_test.py, classes - Test* and functions - test*.
Test discovery can also be configured to match your needs in pytest.ini.
Example pytest.ini:
python_files = *_pytest.py
python_functions = mytest_*
python_classes = *Tests
This seems like it should be simple, but I can't figure out how to include both state and data dependencies in a single flow. Here is what I attempted (simplified):
def main():
with Flow("load_data") as flow:
test_results = prepare_file1()
participants = prepare_file2()
email = flow.add_task(EmailTask(name='email', subject='Flow succeeded!', msg='flow succeeded', email_to='xxx', email_from='xxx', smtp_server='xxx',smtp_port=25, smtp_type='INSECURE',))
flow.set_dependencies(task=email, upstream_tasks=[load_file1,load_file2])
I get the following graph:
Which means that load_file1 and load_file2 run twice. Can I just set up an additional dependency so that email runs when the two load tasks finish?
The issue is how you add the task to your Flow. When using tasks from the Prefect task library, it's best to first initialize those and then call those in your Flow as follows:
send_email = EmailTask(name='email', subject='Flow succeeded!', msg='flow succeeded', email_to='xxx', email_from='xxx', smtp_server='xxx', smtp_port=25, smtp_type='INSECURE')
with Flow("load_data") as flow:
Or alternatively, do it in one step with double round brackets EmailTask(init_kwargs)(run_kwargs). The first pair of brackets will initialize the task and the second one will call the task by invoking the task's .run() method.
with Flow("load_data") as flow:
EmailTask(name='email', subject='Flow succeeded!', msg='flow succeeded', email_to='xxx', email_from='xxx', smtp_server='xxx', smtp_port=25, smtp_type='INSECURE')()
The full flow example could look as follows:
from prefect import task, Flow
from prefect.tasks.notifications import EmailTask
from prefect.triggers import always_run
def prepare_file1():
print("File1 prepared!")
return "file1"
def prepare_file2():
print("File2 prepared!")
return "file2"
def load_file1(file: str):
print(f"{file} loaded!")
def load_file2(file: str):
print(f"{file} loaded!")
send_email = EmailTask(
subject="Flow succeeded!",
msg="flow succeeded",
with Flow("load_data") as flow:
test_results = prepare_file1()
load1_task = load_file1(test_results)
participants = prepare_file2()
load2_task = load_file2(participants)
send_email(upstream_tasks=[load1_task, load2_task])
if __name__ == "__main__":
I am working on a python project, where we read parquet files from azure datalake and perform the required operations. We have defined a common parquet file reader function which we use to read such files. I am using MagicMock to mock objects and write test cases, when I ran the test cases some tests were failing because they have mocked values of some other test cases. I didn't understand this behavior completely. Below is my code
def parquet_reader(parquet_path: str) -> Tuple[Dict, int]:
table = pq.read_table(parquet_directory_path)
return table.to_pydict(), table.num_rows
"se_vl": ["530"],
"l_depart": ["028"],
"r_code": ["f5"],
"r_dir": ["W"],
def test_read_from_source():
common.parquet_reader = MagicMock(return_value=TEST_CAF_DATA)
obj = next(read_from_source('path to file'))
assert obj.se_vl == "530"
from utils import common
SAMPLE_DATA_PATH = "src/schedule/sample_data"
def test_parquet_reader():
rows, _ = common.parquet_reader(SAMPLE_DATA_PATH)
assert rows["key_id"][0] == 345689865
assert rows["com"][0] == "UP"
When I run all the tests(total of 240 test) than the variable 'rows' in test02 holds the data for test01 (PARQUET_DATA).
However I fixed the above issue using patch. But still confused as why such behaviour using MagicMock?
The code below is a unit test code to test the original code
import unittest
from drones import Drone, DroneStore
class DroneTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_add_success(self):
drone = Drone('Drone1', 1, False)
store = DroneStore()
self.assertEqual(drone, store.get(1))
def test_add_raiseException_true(self):
drone = Drone('Drone1', 1, False)
store = DroneStore()
self.assertEqual(drone, store.get(1))
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
self.assertTrue('Drone already exists in store' in str(context.exception)
def test_remove_success(self):
drone = Drone('Drone1', 1, False)
store = DroneStore()
self.assertEqual(drone, store.get(1))
if __name__ == '__main__':
This is the partial original code I get :
It looks like I get error from the function named "test_add_raiseException_true", this function is created to test if the 'add' function from original code raises an exception if a drone is already exist in the store
I am trying to patch the fun_1 function from the worker_functions dictionary and I seem to be struggling:
import sys
from worker_functions import (
'run_1': fun_1,
'run_2': fun_2,
'run_3': fun_3,
def main():
command = sys.argv[1]
tag = sys.argv[2]
action = FUNCTION_MAP[command]
I've tried mocking cli.fun_1 and cli.main.action and cli.action but this is leading to failure.
from mock import patch
from cli import main
def make_test_args(tup):
sample_args = ['cli.py']
return sample_args
def test_fun_1_command():
test_args = make_test_args(['run_1', 'fake_tag'])
with patch('sys.argv', test_args),\
patch('cli.fun_1') as mock_action:
Do I seem to be missing something?
You'll need to patch the references in the FUNCTION_MAP dictionary itself. Use the patch.dict() callable to do so:
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock
mock_action = MagicMock()
with patch('sys.argv', test_args),\
patch.dict('cli.FUNCTION_MAP', {'run_1': mock_action}):
# ...
That's because the FUNCTION_MAP dictionary is the location that the function reference is looked up.