I am trying to patch the fun_1 function from the worker_functions dictionary and I seem to be struggling:
import sys
from worker_functions import (
'run_1': fun_1,
'run_2': fun_2,
'run_3': fun_3,
def main():
command = sys.argv[1]
tag = sys.argv[2]
action = FUNCTION_MAP[command]
I've tried mocking cli.fun_1 and cli.main.action and cli.action but this is leading to failure.
from mock import patch
from cli import main
def make_test_args(tup):
sample_args = ['cli.py']
return sample_args
def test_fun_1_command():
test_args = make_test_args(['run_1', 'fake_tag'])
with patch('sys.argv', test_args),\
patch('cli.fun_1') as mock_action:
Do I seem to be missing something?
You'll need to patch the references in the FUNCTION_MAP dictionary itself. Use the patch.dict() callable to do so:
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock
mock_action = MagicMock()
with patch('sys.argv', test_args),\
patch.dict('cli.FUNCTION_MAP', {'run_1': mock_action}):
# ...
That's because the FUNCTION_MAP dictionary is the location that the function reference is looked up.
I have been trying to patch the list_blobs() function of ContainerClient, have not been able to do this successfully, this code outputs a MagicMock() function - but the function isn't patched as I would expect it to be (Trying to patch with a list ['Blob1', 'Blob2'].
#################Script File
import sys
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pyspark
import pytz
import yaml
# from azure.storage.blob import BlobServiceClient, ContainerClient
from pyspark.dbutils import DBUtils as dbutils
import azure.storage.blob
# Open Config
def main():
spark_context = pyspark.SparkContext.getOrCreate()
stream = None
stream = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
config = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
account_key = dbutils.secrets.get(scope=config["Secrets"]["Scope"], key=config["Secrets"]["Key Name"])
target_container = config["Storage Configuration"]["Container"]
target_account = config["Storage Configuration"]["Account"]
days_history_to_keep = config["Storage Configuration"]["Days History To Keep"]
connection_string = (
+ target_account
+ ";AccountKey="
+ account_key
+ ";EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net"
blob_service_client: azure.storage.blob.BlobServiceClient = (
container_client: azure.storage.blob.ContainerClient = (
blobs = container_client.list_blobs()
utc = pytz.UTC
delete_before_date = utc.localize(
datetime.today() - timedelta(days=days_history_to_keep)
for blob in blobs:
if blob.creation_time < delete_before_date:
print("Deleting Blob: " + blob.name)
container_client.delete_blob(blob, delete_snapshots="include")
if __name__ == "__main__":
#################Test File
import unittest
from unittest import mock
import DeleteOldBlobs
class DeleteBlobsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_main(self, mock_pyspark, mock_sys, mock_dbutils, mock_blobserviceclient, mock_containerclient):
# mock setup
config_file = "Delete_Old_Blobs_UnitTest.yml"
mock_sys.argv = ["unused_arg", config_file]
mock_dbutils.secrets.get.return_value = "A Secret"
mock_containerclient.list_blobs.return_value = ["ablob1", "ablob2"]
# execute test
# TODO assert actions taken
# mock_sys.argv.__get__.assert_called_with()
# dbutils.secrets.get(scope=config['Secrets']['Scope'], key=config['Secrets']['Key Name'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
<MagicMock name='BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string().get_container_client().list_blobs()' id='1143355577232'>
What am I doing incorrectly here?
I'm not able to execute your code in this moment, but I have tried to simulate it. To do this I have created the following 3 files in the path: /<path-to>/pkg/sub_pkg1 (where pkg and sub_pkg1 are packages).
File ContainerClient.py
def list_blobs(self):
return "blob1"
File DeleteOldBlobs.py
from pkg.sub_pkg1 import ContainerClient
# Open Config
def main():
blobs = ContainerClient.list_blobs()
File DeleteBlobsTest.py
import unittest
from unittest import mock
from pkg.sub_pkg1 import DeleteOldBlobs
class DeleteBlobsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_main(self):
mock_containerclient = mock.MagicMock()
with mock.patch("DeleteOldBlobs.ContainerClient.list_blobs", mock_containerclient.list_blobs):
mock_containerclient.list_blobs.return_value = ["ablob1", "ablob2"]
if __name__ == '__main__':
If you execute the test code you obtain the output:
['ablob1', 'ablob2']
['ablob1', 'ablob2']
This output means that the function list_blobs() is mocked by mock_containerclient.list_blobs.
I don't know if the content of this post can be useful for you, but I'm not able to simulate better your code in this moment.
I hope you can inspire to my code to find your real solution.
The structure of the answer didn't match my solution, perhaps both will work but it was important for me to patch pyspark even though i never call it, or exceptions would get thrown when my code tried to interact with spark.
Perhaps this will be useful to someone:
def test_list_blobs_called_once(self, mock_pyspark, mock_sys, mock_dbutils, mock_blobserviceclient):
# mock setup
config_file = "Delete_Old_Blobs_UnitTest.yml"
mock_sys.argv = ["unused_arg", config_file]
account_key = 'Secret Key'
mock_dbutils.secrets.get.return_value = account_key
bsc_mock: mock.Mock = mock.Mock()
container_client_mock = mock.Mock()
blob1 = Blob('newblob', datetime.today())
blob2 = Blob('oldfile', datetime.today() - timedelta(days=20))
container_client_mock.list_blobs.return_value = [blob1, blob2]
bsc_mock.get_container_client.return_value = container_client_mock
mock_blobserviceclient.from_connection_string.return_value = bsc_mock
# execute test
#Assert Results
The use-case is that I want to mock the opening of two files ~/.myconf and ./.myconf but not the other ones.
I'm testing the setup of a complex object which reads multiple files in its __init__ and so I'd like to mock some data for some of them, not mock at all for some others.
As an example here is how I mock the conditional opening of those two files, but it feels complex and I find it odd that there's no easy way already built-in that I'm missing.
import builtins
import configparser
import unittest
from textwrap import dedent
from pathlib import Path
from unittest.mock import mock_open
OPEN = builtins.open
def get_hierarchical_config():
cwd = Path.cwd()
global_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
local_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
local_config.read((cwd / ".myconf").expanduser().resolve())
return full_config["mysection"]
def get_custom_mock_open(global_conf_str, local_conf_str) -> callable:
def mocked_open():
def conditional_open_func(path, *args, **kwargs):
p = Path(path).expanduser().resolve()
if p.name == ".myconfig":
if p.parent == Path.home():
return mock_open(read_data=global_conf_str)()
return mock_open(read_data=local_conf_str)()
return OPEN(path, *args, **kwargs)
return conditional_open_func
return mocked_open
class TestConfig(unittest.TestCase):
def test_read_confs(self):
global_conf = dedent(
local_overwrite=ERROR:not overwritten
syntax_test_key= no/space= problem2
local_conf = dedent(
local_new_key=cool value
with patch(
new_callable=get_custom_mock_open(global_conf, local_conf),
conf = dict(get_hierarchical_config()) # reads the config files
target = {
"no_overwrite": "path/to/somewhere",
"local_overwrite": "SUCCESS:overwritten",
"syntax_test_key": "no/space= problem2",
"local_new_key": "cool value",
self.assertDictEqual(conf, target)
I have an django app route that will run a pytest.main() command if some conditions are met:
def run_single_test(request, single_test_name):
# get dict of test names, test paths
test_dict = get_single_test_names()
# check to see if test is in the dict
if single_test_name in test_dict:
for test_name,test_path in test_dict.items():
# if testname is valid run associated test
if test_name == single_test_name:
run_test = pytest.main(['-v', '--json-report', test_path])
return 'The requested test could not be found.'
I would like to include a unit test that validates run_test has been executed.
What is the best approach to doing this? Mock and unittest are new to me.
I tried messing around with stdout:
def test_run_single_test_flow_control(self):
mock_get = patch('test_automation_app.views.get_single_test_names')
mock_get = mock_get.start()
mock_get.return_value = {'test_search': 'folder/test_file.py::TestClass::test'}
results = run_single_test('this-request', 'test_search')
output = sys.stdout
self.assertEqual(output, '-v --json-report folder/test_file.py::TestClass::test')
but this returns:
<_pytest.capture.EncodedFile object at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX>
Here are two example tests that verify that pytest.main is invoked when a valid test name is passed and not invoked otherwise. I also added some different invocations of mock_pytest_main.assert_called as an example; they all do pretty much the same, with extra check for args that were passed on function call. Hope this helps you to write more complex tests!
from unittest.mock import patch
from test_automation_app.views import run_single_test
def test_pytest_invoked_when_test_name_valid():
with patch('pytest.main') as mock_pytest_main, patch('test_automation_app.views.get_single_test_names') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = {'test_search': 'folder/test_file.py::TestClass::test'}
results = run_single_test('this-request', 'test_search')
mock_pytest_main.assert_called_with(['-v', '--json-report', 'folder/test_file.py::TestClass::test'])
mock_pytest_main.assert_called_once_with(['-v', '--json-report', 'folder/test_file.py::TestClass::test'])
def test_pytest_not_invoked_when_test_name_invalid():
with patch('pytest.main') as mock_pytest_main, patch('test_automation_app.views.get_single_test_names') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = {'test_search': 'folder/test_file.py::TestClass::test'}
results = run_single_test('this-request', 'test_non_existent')
I'm trying read and parse a CSV file in LibreOffice Calc. I need to show text in order to debug my logic, and the first thing I found was this. Annoyingly, it duplicates functionality that's built into OOo Basic. The first implementation tries to use a non-existent function; the second one works if I invoke it directly (using TestMessageBox from the Tools menu), but when I include it from my pythonpath directory I get an error:
com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeExceptionError during invoking function main
in module
(: 'module' object has no attribute
'MessageBox' C:\path\to\test.py:34
in function main() [msgbox.MessageBox(parentwin, message, 'Title')]
C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 5\program\pythonscript.py:870 in
function invoke() [ret = self.func( *args )] )
Why is there no attribute MessageBox?
I'm invoking it like this:
import msgbox
def main():
doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
parentwin = doc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow
message = "Message"
msgbox.MessageBox(parentwin, message, 'Title')
And here's pythonpath/msgbox.py:
import uno
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX, INFOBOX, WARNINGBOX, ERRORBOX, QUERYBOX
def TestMessageBox():
doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
parentwin = doc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow
s = "This a message"
t = "Title of the box"
res = MessageBox(parentwin, s, t, QUERYBOX, BUTTONS_YES_NO_CANCEL + DEFAULT_BUTTON_NO)
s = res
MessageBox(parentwin, s, t, "infobox")
# Show a message box with the UNO based toolkit
def MessageBox(ParentWin, MsgText, MsgTitle, MsgType=MESSAGEBOX, MsgButtons=BUTTONS_OK):
ctx = uno.getComponentContext()
sm = ctx.ServiceManager
sv = sm.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit", ctx)
myBox = sv.createMessageBox(ParentWin, MsgType, MsgButtons, MsgTitle, MsgText)
return myBox.execute()
g_exportedScripts = TestMessageBox,
The package name msgbox is already used in UNO. See msgbox.MsgBox. Choose a different name for your module instead, such as mymsgbox.py. Even better, move it to a package (subdirectory) inside pythonpath, such as mystuff.msgbox.MessageBox.
As a matter of fact, I tried msgbox.MsgBox just now and it seemed like it could be useful:
import msgbox
def main():
message = "Message"
myBox = msgbox.MsgBox(XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext())
myBox.numberOflines = 2
I have two Scripts. Script 1 is titled schemeDetails.The second script is a test script called temporaryFile that creates a schemeSetup object using the schemeSetup class which is within schemeDetails. Everything is hunky dory up to the point where I try to acess the method insertScheme which is within the schemeSetup Class.
I have imported the schemeDetails script using the following:
import schemeDetails
from schemeDetails import *
I can create the schemeDetails Object and access its attributes
d = schemeDetails.schemeSetup() -- fine
print(d.scheme) -- fine
d.insertScheme() -- throws error
but trying to call the insertScheme function throws an error
I don't know why this is happening as the import statement looks above board to me. Any advice appreciated
from sikuli import *
import os
class schemeSetup(object):
#Uses default values
def __init__(
scheme = "GM",
cardNumber = "1234567A",
month = "December",
year = "2015",
setSchemeAsDefault = True):
#Provide default values for parameters
self.scheme = scheme
self.cardNumber = cardNumber
self.month = month
self.year = year
self.setSchemeAsDefault = setSchemeAsDefault
#schemeDetails is not a sub
# class of patient. It is simply defined within the patient class
# - there is a huge difference.
#schemeDetails Function
def insertScheme(self):
print("insertScheme Works")
#r = Regions()
#r.description("Patient Maintenance", "schemeDetails")
#myRegion = r.createRegion()
#type(self.scheme + Key.ENTER + Key.ENTER)
#type(self.cardNumber + Key.ENTER)
#type(self.month + Key.ENTER)
#type(self.year + Key.ENTER)
#type(" ")
#unticks HT link, HT linking should be in a separate function
#schemeDetails Function
def editScheme(self):
print("editScheme Works")
def deleteScheme(self):
It may be of importance that calling either of the bottom functions does not produce an error. If I put print("Hello") under editScheme, and call that method using s.editScheme the program compiles but I get no output. If I run print(s.editScheme) it returns None
Well it seems to be fixed now after changing the import format to this
import schemeDetails
from schemeDetails import schemeSetup
s = schemeDetails.schemeSetup()