Simple DFT Coefficients => Amplitude/Frequencies => Plot - python

Im trying on DFT and FFT in Python with numpy and pyplot.
My Sample Vector is
x = np.array([1,2,4,3]
The DFT coefficients for that vector are
K = [10+0j, -3+1j, 0+0j, -3-1j]
so basically we have 10, -3+i, 0 and -3-1i as DFT coefficients.
My problem now is to get a combination of sin and cos to fit all 4 points.
Let's assume we have a sample Rate of 1hz.
This is my code :
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.array([1,2,4,3])
fft = np.fft.fft(x)
space = np.linspace(0,4,50)
values = np.array([1,2,3,4])
cos0 = fft[0].real * np.cos(0 * space)
cos1 = fft[1].real * np.cos(1/4 * np.pi * space)
sin1 = fft[1].imag * np.sin(1/4 * np.pi * space)
res = cos0 + cos1 + sin1
plt.scatter(values, x, label="original")
plt.plot(space, cos0, label="cos0")
plt.plot(space, cos1, label="cos1")
plt.plot(space, sin1, label="sin1")
plt.plot(space, res, label="combined")
As result i get the plot:
Why isnt the final curve hitting any point?
I would appreciate your help. Thanks!
N = 1000
dataPoints = np.linspace(0, np.pi, N)
function = np.sin(dataPoints)
fft = np.fft.fft(function)
F = np.zeros((N,))
for i in range(0, N):
F[i] = (2 * np.pi * i) / N
F_sin = np.zeros((N,N))
F_cos = np.zeros((N,N))
res = 0
for i in range(0, N):
F_sin[i] = fft[i].imag / 500 * np.sin(dataPoints * F[i])
F_cos[i] = fft[i].real / 500* np.cos(dataPoints * F[i])
res = res + F_sin[i] + F_cos[i]
plt.plot(dataPoints, function)
plt.plot(dataPoints, res)
my plot looks like:
where do i fail?

Your testing vector x looks bit like a sawtooth because it rises linearly and then starts to decrease but with that few datapoints it's hard to tell what signal it is. This has an infinite FFT series, which means it has lot of higher harmonic frequency components in it. So to describe it with DTF coefficients and get close to original points, you would have to use
higher sample rate, to get information about higher frequencies (you should learn about nyquist theorem)
more data points (samples), so you can extract more precise information about frequencies in your signal) This means you have to have more items in your array 'x'.
Also you could try to fit some simpler signal. What about you try to fit a sine signal for start? Generate 1000 data points of low frequency sine (1Hz or one cycle per 1000 samples) and then run DTF on it to check if your code works.

There are a few mistakes:
The xs you assigned to the original values are off by one
The frequency you assigned to fft[1] is incorrect
The coefficients are incorrectly scaled
This one works:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.array([1,2,4,3])
fft = np.fft.fft(x)
space = np.linspace(0,4,50)
values = np.array([0,1,2,3])
cos0 = fft[0].real * np.cos(0 * space)/4
cos1 = fft[1].real * np.cos(1/2 * np.pi * space)/2
sin1 = -fft[1].imag * np.sin(1/2 * np.pi * space)/2
res = cos0 + cos1 + sin1
plt.scatter(values, x, label="original")
plt.plot(space, cos0, label="cos0")
plt.plot(space, cos1, label="cos1")
plt.plot(space, sin1, label="sin1")
plt.plot(space, res, label="combined")


Gaussian fit for Python with two different function

I used the Gaussian fit with 3 gauss to adjust but datai but I utility data that sometimes my curve contains only two Gaussians in it not find the parameter remnants to use and but great an error is what there is a method that but allows to change with curve fit function use if two or three gaussians .
for my function main, i have this code :
FitGWPS = mainCurveFitGWPS(global_ws, period, All_Max_GWPS, DoupleDip)
and my code for fit is :
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
#Gaussian function
def _1gaus(X,C,X_mean,sigma):
return C*np.exp(-(X-X_mean)**2/(2*sigma**2))
def _3gaus(x, amp1,cen1,sigma1, amp2,cen2,sigma2, amp3,cen3,sigma3):
return amp1*np.exp(-(x-cen1)**2/(2*sigma1**2)) +\
amp2*np.exp(-(x-cen2)**2/(2*sigma2**2)) + amp3*np.exp(-(x-
def ParamFit (Gws, P, Max, popt_Firstgauss):
#Calculating the Lorentzian PDF values given Gaussian parameters and random variableX
Amp = []
cen = []
wid = []
for j in range(len(Max-1)):
Amp.append(0.8 * (Gws[Max[j]])) # Amplitude
cen.append(P[Max[j]]) # Frequency
if j == 0 : wid.append(0.3 + width * 2.) # Width
else : wid.append(0.3 + popt_Firstgauss[2] * 2.)
return Amp,wid,cen
def mainCurveFitGWPS(global_ws_in, period_in, All_Max_GWPS, DoupleDip):
#Calculating the Gaussian PDF values given Gaussian parameters and random variable X
# For the first fit we calculate with function of the max values
mean = sum(period_in*(global_ws_in))/sum((global_ws_in ))
sigma = np.sqrt(sum((global_ws_in)*(period_in-mean)**2)/sum((global_ws_in)))
Cst = 1 / ( 2* np.pi * sigma)
Amp = 0.8 * (global_ws_in[All_Max_GWPS[0]]) # Amplitude
cen = period_in[All_Max_GWPS[0]] # Frequency
wid = 0.3 + width * 2. #Width
Amp = []
cen = []
wid = []
for j in range(len(All_Max_GWPS-1)):
Amp.append(0.8 * (global_ws_in[All_Max_GWPS[j]])) # Amplitude
cen.append(period_in[All_Max_GWPS[j]]) # Frequency
if j == 0 : wid.append(0.3 + width * 2.)
else : wid.append(0.3 + popt_gauss[2] * 2.)
#do the fit!
popt_gauss, pcov_gauss = curve_fit(_1gaus, period_in, global_ws_in, p0 = [Cst,
mean, sigma])
FitGauss = _1gaus(period_in, *popt_gauss)
#I use the center, amplitude, and sigma values which I used to create the fake
popt_3gauss, pcov_3gauss = curve_fit(_3gaus, period_in, global_ws_in, p0=[Amp[0],
cen[0], wid[0],Amp[1], cen[1], wid[1],Amp[2], cen[2], wid[2]], maxfev =5000)
Fit3Gauss = _3gaus(period_in, *popt_3gauss)
return Fit3Gauss
for example picture :

How do I use np.fft.fft() to correctly identify "peak energy" and also get the associated winding frequencies?

I conceptually understand Fourier transforms. I wrote a naive algorithm to compute the transform, decompose a wave and plot it's individual components. I know it's not 'fast', and it also doesn't reconstruct the right amplitude. It was just meant to code the math behind the machinery, and it gives me this nice output:
How do I do something similar with np.fft
How do I recover whatever winding frequencies numpy chose under the hood?
How do I recover the amplitude of component waves that I find using the transform?
I've tried a few things. However, when I use p = np.fft.fft(signal) on the same exact wave as the above, I get really wacky plots, like this one:
f1 = 3
f2 = 5
start = 0
stop = 1
sample_rate = 0.005
x = np.arange(start, stop, sample_rate)
y = np.cos(f1 * 2 * np.pi * x) + np.sin(f2 * 2 * np.pi *x)
p = np.fft.fft(y)
Or if I try to use np.fft.freq() to get the right frequencies for the horizontal axis:
p = np.fft.fft(y)
f = np.fft.fftfreq(y.shape[-1], d=sampling_rate)
plt.plot(f, np.real(p))
And as a recent addition, my attempt to implement #wwii's suggestions resulted in an improvement, but the frequency powers are still off in the transform:
f1 = 3
f2 = 5
start = 0
stop = 4.5
sample_rate = 0.01
x = np.arange(start, stop, sample_rate)
y = np.cos(f1 * 2 * np.pi * x) + np.sin(f2 * 2 * np.pi *x)
p = np.fft.fft(y)
freqs= np.fft.fftfreq(y.shape[-1], d=sampling_rate)
q = np.abs(p)
q = q[freqs > 0]
f = freqs[freqs > 0]
peaks, _ = find_peaks(q)
plt.plot(f, q)
plt.plot(freqs[peaks], q[peaks], 'ro')
So again, my question is, how do I use np.fft.fft and np.fft.fftfreqs to get the same information as my naive method does? And secondly, how do I recover amplitude information from the fft (amplitude of the component waves that add up to the composite).
I've read the documentation, but it is far from helpful.
For context here is my my naive method:
def wind(timescale, data, w_freq):
wrap time-series data around complex plain at given winding frequency
return data * np.exp(2 * np.pi * w_freq * timescale * 1.j)
def transform(x, y, freqs):
Returns center of mass of each winding frequency
ft = []
for f in freqs:
mapped = wind(x, y, f)
re, im = np.real(mapped).mean(), np.imag(mapped).mean()
mag = np.sqrt(re ** 2 + im ** 2)
return np.array(ft)
def get_waves(parts, time):
Generate sine waves based on frequency parts.
num_waves = len(parts)
steps = len(time)
waves = np.zeros((num_waves, steps))
for i in range(num_waves):
waves[i] = np.sin(parts[i] * 2 * np.pi * time)
return waves
def decompose(time, data, freqs, threshold=None):
Decompose and return the individual components of a composite wave form.
Plot each component wave.
powers = transform(time, data, freqs)
peaks, _ = find_peaks(powers, threshold=threshold)
plt.plot(freqs, powers, 'b.--', label='Center of Mass')
plt.plot(freqs[peaks], powers[peaks], 'ro', label='Peaks')
plt.legend(), plt.grid()
return get_waves(freqs[peaks], time)
And the signal set-up I used to generate the plots:
# sample data plot: sin with frequencey of 3 hz.
f1 = 3
f2 = 5
start = 0
stop = 1
sample_rate = 0.005
x = np.arange(start, stop, sample_rate)
y = np.cos(f1 * 2 * np.pi * x) + np.sin(f2 * 2 * np.pi *x)
plt.plot(x, y, '.')
freqs = np.arange(0, 20, .5)
waves = decompose(x, y, freqs, threshold=0.12)
for w in waves:
plt.plot(x, w)
f1 = 3
f2 = 5
start = 0
stop = 1
sample_rate = 0.005
x = np.arange(start, stop, sample_rate)
y = np.cos(f1 * 2 * np.pi * x) + np.sin(f2 * 2 * np.pi *x)
p = np.fft.fft(y)
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(y.shape[0],sample_rate)
The fft returns the complex values so you need the sqrt of the sum of the squares like you did for mag in transform.
>>> p[:2]
array([-1.42663659e-14+0.00000000e+00j, -1.77635684e-15+1.38777878e-17j])
q = np.absolute(p)
>>> q[:2]
array([1.77641105e-15, 2.70861628e-14])
fft and fftfreqs give you both sides of the transform reflected around zero hz. You can see the negative frequencies at the end.
>>> freqs[-10:]
array([-10., -9., -8., -7., -6., -5., -4., -3., -2., -1.])
You only care about the positive frequencies so you can filter for them and plot.
q = q[freqs > 0]
freqs = freqs[freqs > 0],q)
If there is a dc component and you want to see it your filter would be freqs >= 0.
Your example has 200 data points so you get 100 (n/2) positive frequencies and the graph ranges from zero to one hundred Hz with peaks at three and five.
numpy.fft.rfft only computes the positive frequencies. Using numpy.fft.rfftfreq to get the frequencies.
For me, this was/is an awesome resource - The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to
Digital Signal Processing - it's on my desk at work.

Curvefitting powerlaw to double-log data

I'm trying to fit a power-law to data which is in the double log scale. Therefore I've used the curve_fit(...) function from the scipy.optimize package.
To run the function I've implemented the following piece of code COR_coef[i] = curve_fit(lambda x, m: c * x ** m, x, COR_IFG[:, i])[0][0], to the best of my knowledge the curve_fit(...) should now correctly fit a power-law (being a straight line) to my data. However, for some reason, I just do not seem to get the fit right. See the attached picture for the data and its fit.
Some more context with regards to the minimum reproducible example (see below):
The code generates random noise for simulation purposes, this is done in the white_noise(...)
This random noise is than misaligned (in a for-loop with different fractions of misalignment according to the variable fractions_to_shift so the development of the power-law can be studied) and subtracted from the original noise to gain a residual signal
The residual signal is the signal the power-law is fitted to
The curve_fit(...) is applied in the sim_powerlaw_coefficient(...) function
I am aware of the fact that my residual signal shows some artifacts when the misalignment gets larger, unfortunately I don't know how to get rid of these artifacts.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as fft
import numpy.random as rnd
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit'seaborn-darkgrid')
rnd.seed(100) # to select a random seed for creating the "random" noise
grad = -5 / 3. # slope to use for every function
c = 1 # base parameter for the powerlaw
ylim = [1e-7, 30] # range for the double log plots of the powerfrequency domains
values_to_shift = [0, 2**-11, 2**-10, 2**-9, 2**-8, 2**-7, 2**-6, 2**-5, 2**-4, 2**-3, 2**-2, 2**-1, 2**0] # fractions of missalignment
def white_noise(n: int, N: int):
- Creates a data set of white noise with size n, N;
- Filters this dataset with the corresponding slope;
This slope is usually equal to -5/3 or -2/3
- Makes sure the slope is equal to the requested slope in the double log scale.
#param n: size of random array
#param N: number of random arrays
#param slope: slope of the gradient
#return: white_noise, filtered white_noise and the original signal
m = grad
x = np.linspace(1, n, n // 2)
slope_loglog = c * x ** m
whitenoise = rnd.randn(n // 2, N) + 1j * rnd.randn(n // 2, N)
whitenoise[0, :] = 0 # zero-mean noise
whitenoise_filtered = whitenoise * slope_loglog[:, np.newaxis]
whitenoise = 2 * np.pi * np.concatenate((whitenoise, whitenoise[0:1, :], np.conj(whitenoise[-1:0:-1, :])), axis=0)
whitenoise_filtered = 2 * np.pi * np.concatenate(
(whitenoise_filtered, whitenoise_filtered[0:1, :], np.conj(whitenoise_filtered[-1:0:-1, :])), axis=0)
whitenoise_signal = fft.ifft(whitenoise_filtered, axis=0)
whitenoise_signal = np.real_if_close(whitenoise_signal)
if np.iscomplex(whitenoise_signal).any():
print('Warning! whitenoise_signal is complex-valued!')
whitenoise_retransformed = fft.fft(whitenoise_signal, axis=0)
return whitenoise, whitenoise_filtered, whitenoise_signal, whitenoise_retransformed, slope_loglog
def sim_powerlaw_coefficient(n: int, N: int, show_powerlaw=0):
#param n: Number of values in the IFG
#param N: Number of IFG's
#return: Returns the coefficient after subtraction of two IFG's
master = white_noise(n, N)
slave = white_noise(n, N)
x = np.linspace(1, n, n // 2)
signal_IFG = master[2] - slave[2]
noise_IFG = np.abs(fft.fft(signal_IFG, axis=0))[0:n // 2, :]
for k in range(len(values_to_shift)):
shift =[k] * n, 0))
inp = signal_IFG.copy()
# the weather model is a shifted copy of the actual signal, to better understand the errors that are introduced.
weather_model = np.roll(inp, shift, axis=0)
WM_IFG = np.abs(fft.fft(weather_model, axis=0)[0:n // 2, :])
signal_corrected = signal_IFG - weather_model
COR_IFG = np.abs(fft.fft(signal_corrected, axis=0)[0:n // 2, :])
COR_coef = np.zeros(N)
for i in range(N):
COR_coef[i] = curve_fit(lambda x, m: c * x ** m, x, COR_IFG[:, i])[0][0]
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
plt.title('Corrected IFG (combined - weather model)')
plt.loglog(COR_IFG, label='Corrected IFG')
plt.loglog(c * x ** COR_coef.mean(), '-.', label=f'COR powerlaw coef:{COR_coef.mean()}')
sim_powerlaw_coefficient(8192, 1, show_powerlaw=1)

Calculate non-integer frequency with NumPy FFT

I would like to calculate the frequency of a periodic time series using NumPy FFT. As an example, let's say my time series y is defined as follows:
import numpy as np
freq = 12.3
x = np.arange(10000)
y = np.cos(x * 2 * np.pi * freq / 10000)
If the frequency is an integer, I can calculate it using np.argmax(np.abs(np.fft.fft(y))). However, in case the frequency is not an integer, how do I calculate the frequency with more precision?
EDIT: To clarify, we are not supposed to know how the time series y is generated. The above code snippet is just an artificial example of how a non-integer frequency could come up. Obviously if we already know the function that generates the time series, we don't need FFT to determine the frequency.
You need to give your signal more resolution
import numpy as np
freq = 12.3
x = np.arange(100000) # 10 times more resolution
y = np.cos(x * 2 * np.pi * freq / 10000) # don't change this
print(np.argmax(np.abs(np.fft.fft(y))) / 10) # divide by 10
# 12.3
The number of data points in x need to be 10 times more than the number you divide y with. You could get the same effect like this:
x = np.arange(10000)
y = np.cos(x * 2 * np.pi * freq / 1000)
print(np.argmax(np.abs(np.fft.fft(y))) / 10)
# 12.3
If you want to find the frequency with two decimals the resolution needs to be 100 times more.
freq = 12.34
x = np.arange(10000)
y = np.cos(x * 2 * np.pi * freq / 100) # 100 times more resolution
print(np.argmax(np.abs(np.fft.fft(y))) / 100) # divide by 100
# 12.34
You can pad the data with zeros before computing the FFT.
For example, here's your original calculation. It finds the Fourier coefficient with the maximum magnitude at frequency 12.0:
In [84]: freq = 12.3
In [85]: x = np.arange(10000)
In [86]: y = np.cos(x * 2 * np.pi * freq / 10000)
In [87]: f = np.fft.fft(y)
In [88]: k = np.argmax(np.abs(f))
In [89]: np.fft.fftfreq(len(f), d=1/10000)[k]
Out[89]: 12.0
Now recompute the Fourier transform, but pad the input to have a length of six times the original length (you can adjust that factor as needed). With the padded signal the Fourier coefficient with maximum magnitude is associated with frequency 12.333:
In [90]: f = np.fft.fft(y, 6*len(y))
In [91]: k = np.argmax(np.abs(f))
In [92]: np.fft.fftfreq(len(f), d=1/10000)[k]
Out[92]: 12.333333333333332
Here's a plot that illustrates the effect of padding the signal. The signal is not the same as above; I used different values with a much shorter signal to make it easier to see the effect. The shapes of the lobes are not changed, but the number of points at which the frequency is sampled is increased.
The plot is generated by the following script:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fs = 10
T = 1.4
t = np.arange(T*fs)/fs
freq = 2.6
y = np.cos(2*np.pi*freq*t)
fy = np.fft.fft(y)
magfy = np.abs(fy)
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(fy), d=1/fs)
plt.plot(freqs, magfy, 'd', label='no padding')
for (factor, markersize) in [(2, 9), (16, 4)]:
fy_padded = np.fft.fft(y, factor*len(y))
magfy_padded = np.abs(fy_padded)
freqs_padded = np.fft.fftfreq(len(fy_padded), d=1/fs)
plt.plot(freqs_padded, magfy_padded, '.', label='padding factor %d' % factor,
alpha=0.5, markersize=markersize)
plt.ylabel('Magnitude of Fourier Coefficient')
plt.legend(framealpha=1, shadow=True)
You can try using either interpolation or zero-padding (which is equivalent to entire vector interpolation) to potentially improve your frequency estimation, if the S/N allows. Sinc kernel interpolation is more accurate than parabolic interpolation.

Two dimensional FFT using python results in slightly shifted frequency

I know there have been several questions about using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method in python, but unfortunately none of them could help me with my problem:
I want to use python to calculate the Fast Fourier Transform of a given two dimensional signal f, i.e. f(x,y). Pythons documentation helps a lot, solving a few issues, which the FFT brings with it, but i still end up with a slightly shifted frequency compared to the frequency i expect it to show. Here is my python code:
from scipy.fftpack import fft, fftfreq, fftshift
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
fq = 3.0 # frequency of signal to be sampled
N = 100.0 # Number of sample points within interval, on which signal is considered
x = np.linspace(0, 2.0 * np.pi, N) # creating equally spaced vector from 0 to 2pi, with spacing 2pi/N
y = x
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) # create 2D meshgrid
fnc = np.sin(2 * np.pi * fq * xx) # create a signal, which is simply a sine function with frequency fq = 3.0, modulating the x(!) direction
ft = np.fft.fft2(fnc) # calculating the fft coefficients
dx = x[1] - x[0] # spacing in x (and also y) direction (real space)
sampleFrequency = 2.0 * np.pi / dx
nyquisitFrequency = sampleFrequency / 2.0
freq_x = np.fft.fftfreq(ft.shape[0], d = dx) # return the DFT sample frequencies
freq_y = np.fft.fftfreq(ft.shape[1], d = dx)
freq_x = np.fft.fftshift(freq_x) # order sample frequencies, such that 0-th frequency is at center of spectrum
freq_y = np.fft.fftshift(freq_y)
half = len(ft) / 2 + 1 # calculate half of spectrum length, in order to only show positive frequencies
2 * abs(ft[:half,:half]) / half,
aspect = 'auto',
extent = (0, freq_x.max(), 0, freq_y.max()),
origin = 'lower',
interpolation = 'nearest',
And what i get out of this when running it, is:
Now you see that the frequency in x direction is not exactly at fq = 3, but slightly shifted to the left. Why is this?
I would assume that is has to do with the fact, that FFT is an algorithm using symmetry arguments and
half = len(ft) / 2 + 1
is used to show the frequencies at the proper place. But I don't quite understand what the exact problem is and how to fix it.
Edit: I have also tried using a higher sampling frequency (N = 10000.0), which did not solve the issue, but instead shifted the frequency slightly too far to the right. So i am pretty sure that the problem is not the sampling frequency.
Note: I'm aware of the fact, that the leakage effect leads to unphysical amplitudes here, but in this post I am primarily interested in the correct frequencies.
I found a number of issues
you use 2 * np.pi twice, you should choose one of either linspace or the arg to sine as radians if you want a nice integer number of cycles
additionally np.linspace defaults to endpoint=True, giving you an extra point for 101 instead of 100
fq = 3.0 # frequency of signal to be sampled
N = 100 # Number of sample points within interval, on which signal is considered
x = np.linspace(0, 1, N, endpoint=False) # creating equally spaced vector from 0 to 2pi, with spacing 2pi/N
y = x
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) # create 2D meshgrid
fnc = np.sin(2 * np.pi * fq * xx) # create a signal, which is simply a sine function with frequency fq = 3.0, modulating the x(!) direction
you can check these issues:
Out[228]: 100
fixing the linspace endpoint now means you have an even number of fft bins so you drop the + 1 in the half calc
matshow() appears to have better defaults, your extent = (0, freq_x.max(), 0, freq_y.max()), in imshow appears to fubar the fft bin numbering
from scipy.fftpack import fft, fftfreq, fftshift
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
fq = 3.0 # frequency of signal to be sampled
N = 100 # Number of sample points within interval, on which signal is considered
x = np.linspace(0, 1, N, endpoint=False) # creating equally spaced vector from 0 to 2pi, with spacing 2pi/N
y = x
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) # create 2D meshgrid
fnc = np.sin(2 * np.pi * fq * xx) # create a signal, which is simply a sine function with frequency fq = 3.0, modulating the x(!) direction
ft = np.fft.fft2(fnc) # calculating the fft coefficients
#dx = x[1] - x[0] # spacing in x (and also y) direction (real space)
#sampleFrequency = 2.0 * np.pi / dx
#nyquisitFrequency = sampleFrequency / 2.0
#freq_x = np.fft.fftfreq(ft.shape[0], d=dx) # return the DFT sample frequencies
#freq_y = np.fft.fftfreq(ft.shape[1], d=dx)
#freq_x = np.fft.fftshift(freq_x) # order sample frequencies, such that 0-th frequency is at center of spectrum
#freq_y = np.fft.fftshift(freq_y)
half = len(ft) // 2 # calculate half of spectrum length, in order to only show positive frequencies
2 * abs(ft[:half, :half]) / half,
zoomed the plot:
