I have a set of .txt named "occupancyGrid_i", i being a number from 0-100.
What I'd like to do is to open every one of them and show them for 3 seconds. The data of the .txt is a [N x M] matrix.
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
while True:
matrix = numpy.loadtxt('res/matrix_' + str(i) + '.txt')
What I have done so far doesn't seem to be enough. What am I doing wrong?
You can try something like this, adapting the code suggested in this answer:
import os
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
N_IMAGES = 100
VMIN, VMAX = 0, 1 # range of values in matrices
i = 0
while True:
if i < N_IMAGES:
path = 'res/matrix_' + str(i) + '.txt'
if os.path.exists(path): # check if file exists
matrix = np.loadtxt('matrices/matrix_' + str(i) + '.txt')
plt.imshow(matrix, vmin=VMIN, vmax=VMAX)
plt.title("Matrix {}".format(i))
i += 1
# terminate you program or start from the beginning
# i = 0
# continue
I dont know what exactly your goal is. But to display text in matplotlib you can use text from pyplot.
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
for i in range(1,5):
s = ''
with open(str(i)+'.txt','r') as f:
plt.text(0.5, 0.67,s,transform=plt.gca().transAxes)
First 2 argument (0.5 ,0.67) are cordinate of displayed text.
I think you should find some other way of displaying text. Just print them on your console, plotting them is not the best way to represent text data.
Im working in some Euler Equations about Draining a Conical Tank but I'm having problem when I plot the simulation.
My intention is reduce the radius of the tank while time increases. I want to delete the first blue line after the first cycle, but I don't know how :(
this is the code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
f1 = plt.figure(1)
plt.ylabel("ALtura del agua")
while h>0 and R>0:
plt.title("Tiempo = "+str(t))
Try this to delete the last line:
if h <= 0:
h = 0
plt.title("Tiempo = " + str(t))
Tell me if it was useful.
I converted some audio files to spectrograms and saved them to files using the following code:
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import librosa
import librosa.display
import IPython.display as ipd
audio_fpath = "./audios/"
spectrograms_path = "./spectrograms/"
audio_clips = os.listdir(audio_fpath)
def generate_spectrogram(x, sr, save_name):
X = librosa.stft(x)
Xdb = librosa.amplitude_to_db(abs(X))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20), dpi=1000, frameon=False)
ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False)
librosa.display.specshow(Xdb, sr=sr, cmap='gray', x_axis='time', y_axis='hz')
plt.savefig(save_name, quality=100, bbox_inches=0, pad_inches=0)
for i in audio_clips:
audio_fpath = "./audios/"
spectrograms_path = "./spectrograms/"
audio_length = librosa.get_duration(filename=audio_fpath + i)
while j < audio_length:
x, sr = librosa.load(audio_fpath + i, offset=j-60, duration=60)
save_name = spectrograms_path + i + str(j) + ".jpg"
generate_spectrogram(x, sr, save_name)
j += 60
if j >= audio_length:
j = audio_length
x, sr = librosa.load(audio_fpath + i, offset=j-60, duration=60)
save_name = spectrograms_path + i + str(j) + ".jpg"
generate_spectrogram(x, sr, save_name)
I wanted to keep the most detail and quality from the audios, so that i could turn them back to audio without too much loss (They are 80MB each).
Is it possible to turn them back to audio files? How can I do it?
I tried using librosa.feature.inverse.mel_to_audio, but it didn't work, and I don't think it applies.
I now have 1300 spectrogram files and want to train a Generative Adversarial Network with them, so that I can generate new audios, but I don't want to do it if i wont be able to listen to the results later.
Yes, it is possible to recover most of the signal and estimate the phase with e.g. Griffin-Lim Algorithm (GLA). Its "fast" implementation for Python can be found in librosa. Here's how you can use it:
import numpy as np
import librosa
y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.util.example_audio_file(), duration=10)
S = np.abs(librosa.stft(y))
y_inv = librosa.griffinlim(S)
And that's how the original and reconstruction look like:
The algorithm by default randomly initialises the phases and then iterates forward and inverse STFT operations to estimate the phases.
Looking at your code, to reconstruct the signal, you'd just need to do:
import numpy as np
X_inv = librosa.griffinlim(np.abs(X))
It's just an example of course. As pointed out by #PaulR, in your case you'd need to load the data from jpeg (which is lossy!) and then apply inverse transform to amplitude_to_db first.
The algorithm, especially the phase estimation, can be further improved thanks to advances in artificial neural networks. Here is one paper that discusses some enhancements.
I was hoping somebody would be able to help me. I am trying to store a list of saved images from MatPlotLib as a dataframe (or a list) and then add it to an existing dataframe (effectively creating small barcharts for each entry in the dataframe e.g. databars).
I have managed to save the images successfully with a loop. There are 242 images. How can I show these images in a column in a dataframe. I want it to be easy to append it to my existing dataframe to show visually the number of zero values in this dataset. My code gives errors that it NoneType object is not iterable.
This is my code. (Top half just here for clarification as to what q1 and q2 are.)
import csv
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sys
q1 = pandas.read_csv("data\q1.csv") #dataframe
q1.apply(lambda x: x.str.strip() if x.dtype == "object" else x) #strip whitespace
q1 = q1.dropna()
code = q1.loc[:,"Code"]
region = q1.loc[:,"Region"]
name = q1.loc[:,"Name"]
heads = list(q1.columns.values) #creates list of header values
nz = (q1 == 0).sum(axis=1) #count number of zero values in rows
q2 = q1[['Code','Region','Name']]
q2 = q2.assign(nz=nz.values)
for val in q2['nz']:
val = val/q2['nz'].max() * 100
plt.barh(val, width = val, color="blue")
x = plt.savefig("value" + str(y) + ".png", bbox_inches='tight')
y = y + 1
imgdf = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(samples)
q3 = q2.append(imgdf)
If you are working in a jupyter notebook, then you can use the HTML display to show the images.
# Some imports
import base64
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
from IPython.display import HTML
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)
def get_thumbnail(path):
Output a 150x150 sized PIL Image
i = Image.open(path)
i.thumbnail((150, 150), Image.LANCZOS)
return i
def image_base64(im):
Convert to base64 to be given as the src field of img in HTML
if isinstance(im, str):
im = get_thumbnail(im)
with BytesIO() as buffer:
im.save(buffer, 'jpeg')
return base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode()
def image_formatter(im):
return f'<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_base64(im)}">'
# Skipping some of your code
image_paths = []
for val in q2['nz']:
#... Do somethings here
x = plt.savefig("value" + str(y) + ".png", bbox_inches='tight')
image_paths.append("value" + str(y) + ".png")
y = y + 1
q2["images_paths"] = pd.Series(image_paths).values
q2["image"] = q2.image_paths.map(lambda f: get_thumbnail(f))
# Display PIL Images embedded in the dataframe
HTML(q2.to_html(formatters={"image": image_formatter}, escape=False))
I need to use the "savefig" in Python to save the plot of each iteration of a while loop, and I want that the name i give to the figure contains a literal part and a numerical part. This one comes out from an array or is the number associated to the index of iteration. I make a simple example:
# index.py
from numpy import *
from pylab import *
from matplotlib import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
import os
while i<99
savefig(#???#) #I want the name is: x='a[0]'.png
#where 'a[0]' is the value of a[0]
thanks a lot.
Well, it should be simply this:
This is a toy example. Works for me.
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np
# some data
x = np.arange(10)
pl.savefig('x=' + str(10) + '.png')
I had the same demand recently and figured out the solution. I modify the given code and correct several explicit errors.
from pylab import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = arange(0.12, 60, 0.12).reshape(100, 5)
y = sin(x)
i = 0
while i < 99:
a = x[i, :] # change each row instead of column
b = y[i, :]
i += 1 # make sure to exit the while loop
flag = 'x=%s' % str(a[0]) # use the first element of list a as the name
plot(a, b, label=flag)
plt.savefig("%s.png" % flag)
Hope it helps.
Since python 3.6 you can use f-strings to format strings dynamically:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for i in range(99):
a = x[:, i]
b = y[:, i]
c = a[0]
plt.plot(a, b, label=f'x={c}')
I am trying to plot a very big file (~5 GB) using python and matplotlib. I am able to load the whole file in memory (the total available in the machine is 16 GB) but when I plot it using simple imshow I get a segmentation fault. This is most probable to the ulimit which I have set to 15000 but I cannot set higher. I have come to the conclusion that I need to plot my array in batches and therefore made a simple code to do that. My main isue is that when I plot a batch of the big array the x coordinates start always from 0 and there is no way I can overlay the images to create a final big one. If you have any suggestion please let me know. Also I am not able to install new packages like "Image" on this machine due to administrative rights. Here is a sample of the code that reads the first 12 lines of my array and make 3 plots.
import os
import sys
import scipy
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.cm as cm
from optparse import OptionParser
from scipy import fftpack
from scipy.fftpack import *
from cmath import *
from pylab import *
import pp
import fileinput
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import pickle
def readalllines(file1,rows,freqs):
file = open(file1,'r')
sizer = int(rows*freqs)
i = 0
q = np.zeros(sizer,'float')
for i in range(rows*freqs):
s =file.readline()
s = s.split()
#print s[4],q[i]
q[i] = float(s[4])
if i%262144 == 0:
print '\r ',int(i*100.0/(337*262144)),' percent complete',
i += 1
return q
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-f',dest="filename",help="Read dynamic spectrum from FILE",metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option('-t',dest="dtime",help="The time integration used in seconds, default 10",default=10)
parser.add_option('-n',dest="dfreq",help="The bandwidth of each frequency channel in Hz",default=11.92092896)
parser.add_option('-w',dest="reduce",help="The chuncker divider in frequency channels, integer default 16",default=16)
(opts,args) = parser.parse_args()
freqs = 262144
file1 = opts.filename
s = readalllines(file1,rows,freqs)
s = np.reshape(s,(rows,freqs))
s = s.T
print s.shape
#s_shift = scipy.fftpack.fftshift(s)
#fig = plt.figure()
#axes = plt.axes()
i = 0
for o in range(0,rows,4):
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(s[:,o:o+4],interpolation='nearest',aspect='auto', cmap=cm.gray_r, origin='lower')
if o == 0:
fdf, fdff = xticks()
print fdf
print xticks()
#w, h = fig.canvas.get_width_height()
#buf = np.fromstring(fig.canvas.tostring_argb(), dtype=np.uint8)
#buf.shape = (w,h,4)
#buf = np.rol(buf, 3, axis=2)
#w,h,_ = buf.shape
#img = Image.fromstring("RGBA", (w,h),buf.tostring())
#if prev:
# prev.paste(img)
# del prev
#prev = img
i += 1
If you plot any array with more than ~2k pixels across something in your graphics chain will down sample the image in some way to display it on your monitor. I would recommend down sampling in a controlled way, something like
data = convert_raw_data_to_fft(args) # make sure data is row major
def ds_decimate(row,step = 100):
return row[::step]
def ds_sum(row,step):
return np.sum(row[:step*(len(row)//step)].reshape(-1,step),1)
# as per suggestion from tom10 in comments
def ds_max(row,step):
return np.max(row[:step*(len(row)//step)].reshape(-1,step),1)
data_plotable = [ds_sum(d) for d in data] # plug in which ever function you want
or interpolation.
Matplotlib is pretty memory-inefficient when plotting images. It creates several full-resolution intermediate arrays, which is probably why your program is crashing.
One solution is to downsample the image before feeding it into matplotlib, as #tcaswell suggests.
I also wrote some wrapper code to do this downsampling automatically, based on your screen resolution. It's at https://github.com/ChrisBeaumont/mpl-modest-image, if it's useful. It also has the advantage that the image is resampled on the fly, so you can still pan and zoom without sacrificing resolution where you need it.
I think you're just missing the extent=(left, right, bottom, top) keyword argument in plt.imshow.
x = np.random.randn(2, 10)
y = np.ones((4, 10))
x[0] = 0 # To make it clear which side is up, etc
y[0] = -1
plt.imshow(x, extent=(0, 10, 0, 2))
plt.imshow(y, extent=(0, 10, 2, 6))
# This is necessary, else the plot gets scaled and only shows the last array
plt.ylim(0, 6)