How do I find an existing image in MS document table and replace it with a new one? With this code am able to find table cell/location of an image and add new image, but it doesn't replace the old image.
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Inches
doc = docx.Document('myWordDoc.docx')
tables = doc.tables
# Find existing image and remove it then add new image
img = tables[0].rows[0].cells[0].add_paragraph()
r = img.add_run()
r.add_picture('/tmp/foo.jpg', width=Inches(2.5))
Is this possible with python-docx module or any other module?
I replaced your 3 last lines of code:
img = tables[0].rows[0].cells[0].add_paragraph()
r = img.add_run()
r.add_picture('/tmp/foo.jpg', width=Inches(2.5))
With something like this
#This seams to clear the content in my cell
#Then when the image is inserted to the cell it is not placed one linefeed down.
img = tables[0].rows[0].cells[0].add_paragraph().add_run().add_picture('Image.png', width=Inches(0.4))
It seams to work for me, but a big thanks for your question it put me on the right track, It was not only hard to remove the image, when I added the new image it was a line feed down. But my code, that is a bit compact fixed both of the problems.
Perhaps try using and suit the code to yourself!
All file manipulations are performed using python ZipFile.
I am currently doing a project to extract the contents of a PDF. The code runs smoothly and I am able to extract the text but the extracted text are not in the right order. The code extracts the text in a weird way. The order of the text is all over the place. It does not go from top to bottom and is really confusing.
I looked up online but there was very little help on how to order the text extraction. Most tutorials came up with the same result. For reference, this is the PDF that I am currently testing it on (page 5):
import PyPDF2
with open('pdftest2.pdf', 'rb') as pdfTest:
reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfTest)
page5 = reader.getPage(4)
text = page5.extractText()
The extracted text would always start with the footer of the page and then go its way from bottom to top. I noticed in the next page it would start from top to bottom but only for a few certain sentences. Then it would extract text from a different position of the page instead of continuing from where it left off.
All of the text does get extracted but the order of which it is extracted is all over the place. Is there any solution for this problem?
I had to deal with a problem that was similar and it turned out that the module pdfplumber worked better than PyPDF. I guess it depends on the document itself, you should try.
Otherwise another answer to your problem would be to treat the PDFs as images with the pdf2image module and extract the text within them using pytesseract. However it might not be perfect method as the pdf2image method convert_from_path can take quite a long time to run.
I drop some code down here if you are interested.
First of all make sure you install all necessary depedencies as well as Tesseract and ImageMagik. You can find any information regarding install on the website. If you are working with windows there's a good Medium article here.
To convert PDFs to images using pdf2image:
Don't forget to add your poppler path if you are working on windows. It should look like something like that r'C:\<your_path>\poppler-21.02.0\Library\bin'
def pdftoimg(fic,output_folder, poppler_path):
# Store all the pages of the PDF in a variable
pages = convert_from_path(fic, dpi=500,output_folder=output_folder,thread_count=9, poppler_path=poppler_path)
image_counter = 0
# Iterate through all the pages stored above
for page in pages:
filename = "page_"+str(image_counter)+".jpg", 'JPEG')
image_counter = image_counter + 1
for i in os.listdir(output_folder):
if i.endswith('.ppm'):
To extract text from the image:
Your tesseract path is going to be something like that: r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'
def imgtotext(img, tesseract_path):
# Recognize the text as string in image using pytesserct
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = tesseract_path
text = str(((pytesseract.image_to_string(
text = text.replace('-\n', '')
return text
I recently started using PyMuPDF. It’s licensing is a little confusing but some of their methods have ways to correctly sort the text as it naturally appears (left to right, top to bottom). Something like page.get_text(“words”, sort=True) is all it takes.
The souce file is here.The fetch code is sify .It's just one jpg. If you can't download it, please contact
However this image doesn't work with fpdf package, I don't know why. You can try it.
Thus I have to use the img2pdf. With the following code I converted this image to pdf successfully.
with open('bb.pdf','wb') as f:
However, when multiple images are combined into one pdf file, the img2pdf just combine each image by head_to_tail. This causes every pagesize = imgaesize. Briefly, the first page of pdf is 30 cm*40 cm while the second is 20 cm*10 cm the third is 15*13...That's ugly.
I want the same pagesize(A4 for example) and the same imgsize in every page of the pdf. One page of pdf with one image.
Glancing at the documentation for img2pdf, it allows you to set the paper size by including layout details to the convert call:
import img2pdf
letter = (img2pdf.in_to_pt(8.5), img2pdf.in_to_pt(11))
layout = img2pdf.get_layout_fun(letter)
with open('test.pdf', 'wb') as f:
f.write(img2pdf.convert(['image1.jpg','image2.jpg'], layout_fun=layout))
I want to put the logo and the barcode on the same level and not one on top of the other.The logo should stay at the very left and the barcode at the very right of the word file.Here is my code , thank you:
import uuid
import pandas as pd
import pyqrcode
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Inches
Attributes=['Name', 'Vorname ', 'Geschlecht', 'Adresse (in Marokko)',
'Telefonnummer', 'E-Mailadresse', 'Studiengang', 'Semester']
document = Document()
p = document.add_paragraph()
r = p.add_run()
for i in range(len(Attributes)):
From what I see in the documentation, python-docx only currently supports inline pictures, not floating pictures, which means that you can only get the look you currently have. From the docs:
At the time of writing, python-docx only supports inline pictures. Floating pictures can be added. If you have an active use case, submit a feature request on the issue tracker. The Document.add_picture() method adds a specified picture to the end of the document in a paragraph of its own.
Based on that last sentence, I think what you're trying to do is currently impossible. A workaround might be to insert a table with one row and two columns, and insert an image in each cell.
i can help you with that,just add one sentence into your code
that is all. just write the sentence one more time.and if you want more picture in the same level, all you need to do is that add the sentence. i tried and it works to me.
there is my test code
dc = Document()
run = dc.add_paragraph().add_run()
run.add_picture("./picture/danilise.jpg", width=Inches(1.1))
run.add_picture("./picture/danilise.jpg", width=Inches(1.3))
run.add_picture("./picture/danilise.jpg", width=Inches(1.5))"test1.docx")
I've searched the documentation for python-docx and other packages, as well as stack-overflow, but could not find how to remove all images from docx files with python.
My exact use-case: I need to convert hundreds of word documents to "draft" format to be viewed by clients. Those drafts should be identical the original documents but all the images must be deleted / redacted from them.
Sorry for not including an example of things I tried, what I have tried is hours of research that didn't give any info. I found this question on how to extract images from word files, but that doesn't delete them from the actual document: Extract pictures from Word and Excel with Python
From there and other sources I've found out that docx files could be read as simple zip files, I don't know if that means that it's possible to "re-zip" without the images without affecting the integrity of the docx file (edit: simply deleting the images works, but prevents python-docx from continuing to work with this file because of missing references to images), but thought this might be a path to a solution.
Any ideas?
If your goal is to redact images maybe this code I used for a similar usecase could be useful:
import sys
import zipfile
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
import io
blur = ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(40)
def redact_images(filename):
outfile = filename.replace(".docx", "_redacted.docx")
with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as inzip:
with zipfile.ZipFile(outfile, "w") as outzip:
for info in inzip.infolist():
name = info.filename
content =
if name.endswith((".png", ".jpeg", ".gif")):
fmt = name.split(".")[-1]
img =
img = img.convert().filter(blur)
outb = io.BytesIO(), fmt)
content = outb.getvalue()
info.file_size = len(content)
info.CRC = zipfile.crc32(content)
outzip.writestr(info, content)
Here I used PIL to blur images in some files, but instead of the blur filter any other suitable operation could be used. This worked quite nicely for my usecase.
I don't think it's currently implemented in python-docx.
Pictures in the Word Object Model are defined as either floating shapes or inline shapes. The docx documentation states that it only supports inline shapes.
The Word Object Model for Inline Shapes supports a Delete() method, which should be accessible. However, it is not listed in the examples of InlineShapes and there is also a similar method for paragraphs. For paragraphs, there is an open feature request to add this functionality - which dates back to 2014! If it's not added to paragraphs it won't be available for InlineShapes as they are implemented as discrete paragraphs.
You could do this with win32com if you have a machine with Word and Python installed.
This would allow you to call the Word Object Model directly, giving you access to the Delete() method. In fact you could probably cheat - rather than scrolling through the document to get each image, you can call Find and Replace to clear the image. This SO question talks about win32com find and replace:
import win32com.client
from os import getcwd, listdir
docs = [i for i in listdir('.') if i[-3:]=='doc' or i[-4:]=='docx'] #All Word file
FromTo = {"First Name":"John",
"Last Name":"Smith"} #You can insert as many as you want
word = win32com.client.DispatchEx("Word.Application")
word.Visible = True #Keep comment after tests
word.DisplayAlerts = False
for doc in docs:
word.Documents.Open('{}\\{}'.format(getcwd(), doc))
for From in FromTo.keys():
word.Selection.Find.Text = From
word.Selection.Find.Replacement.Text = FromTo[From]
word.Selection.Find.Execute(Replace=2, Forward=True) #You made the mistake here=> Replace must be 2
name = doc.rsplit('.',1)[0]
ext = doc.rsplit('.',1)[1]
word.ActiveDocument.SaveAs('{}\\{}_2.{}'.format(getcwd(), name, ext))
word.Quit() # releases Word object from memory
In this case since we want images, we would need to use the short-code ^g as the find.Text and blank as the replacement.
find.Text = "^g"
find.Replacement.Text = ""
find.Execute(Replace=1, Forward=True)
I don't know about this library, but looking through the documentation I found this section about images. It mentiones that it is currently not possible to insert images other than inline. If that is what you currently have in your documents, I assume you can also retrieve these by looking in the Document object and then remove them?
The Document is explained here.
Although not a duplicate, you might also want to look at this question's answer where user "scanny" explains how he finds images using the library.
I'm trying to get the image index from the .docx file using python-docx library. I'm able to extract the name of the image, image height and width. But not the index where it is in the word file
import docx
doc = docx.Document(filename)
for s in doc.inline_shapes:
print (,,
21.228 15.920 IMG_20160910_220903848.jpg
In fact I would like to know if there is any simpler way to get the image name , like fetched me the height in cm. My primary requirement is to get to know where the image is in the document, because I need to extract the image and do some work on it and then again put the image back to the same location
This operation is not directly supported by the API.
However, if you're willing to dig into the internals a bit and use the underlying lxml API it's possible.
The general approach would be to access the ImagePart instance corresponding to the picture you want to inspect and modify, then read and write the ._blob attribute (which holds the image file as bytes).
This specimen XML might be helpful:
From the inline shape containing the picture, you get the <a:blip> element with this:
blip = inline_shape._inline.graphic.graphicData.pic.blipFill.blip
The relationship id (r:id generally, but r:embed in this case) is available at:
rId = blip.embed
Then you can get the image part from the document part
document_part = document.part
image_part = document_part.related_parts[rId]
And then the binary image is available for read and write on ._blob.
If you write a new blob, it will replace the prior image when saved.
You probably want to get it working with a single image and get a feel for it before scaling up to multiple images in a single document.
There might be one or two image characteristics that are cached, so you might not get all the finer points working until you save and reload the file, so just be alert for that.
Not for the faint of heart as you can see, but should work if you want it bad enough and can trace through the code a bit :)
You can also inspect paragraphs with a simple loop, and check which xml contains an image (for example if an xml contains "graphicData"), that is which is an image container (you can do the same with runs):
from docx import Document
image_paragraphs = []
doc = Document(path_to_docx)
for par in doc.paragraphs:
if 'graphicData' in par._p.xml:
Than you unzip docx file, images are in the "images" folder, and they are in the same order as they will be in the image_paragraphs list. On every paragraph element you have many options how to change it. If you want to extract img process it and than insert it in the same place, than
paragraph.add_run('your description, if needed')
run = paragraph.runs[0]
run.add_picture(path_to_pic, width, height)
So, I've never really written any answers here, but i think this might be the solution to your problem. With this little code you can see the position of your images given all the paragraphs. Hope it helps.
import docx
doc = docx.Document(filename)
paraGr = []
index = []
par = doc.paragraphs
for i in range(len(par)):
if 'graphicData' in par[i]._p.xml:
If you are using Python 3
pip install python-docx
import docx
doc = docx.Document(document_path)
P = []
I = []
par = doc.paragraphs
for i in range(len(par)):
if 'graphicData' in par[i]._p.xml:
#returns list of index(Image_Reference)