I have a fairly long code that processes spectra, and along the way I need an interpolation of some points. I used to have all this code written line-by-line without any functions, and it all worked properly, but now I'm converting it to two large functions so that I can call it on other models more easily in the future. Below is my code (I have more code after the last line here that plots some things, but that's not relevant to my issue, since I've tested this with a bunch of print lines and learned that my issue arises when I call the interpolation function inside my process function.
import re
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
# Required files and lists
filename = 'bpass_spectra.txt' # number of columns = 4
extinctionfile = 'ExtinctionLawPoints.txt' # R_V = 4.0
datalist = []
if filename == 'bpass_spectra.txt':
filetype = 4
filetype = 1
if extinctionfile == 'ExtinctionLawPoints.txt':
R_V = 4.0
R_V = 1.0 #to be determined
# Constants
h = 4.1357e-15 # Planck's constant [eV s]
c = float(3e8) # speed of light [m/s]
# Inputs
beta = 2.0 # power used in extinction law
R = 1.0 # star formation rate [Msun/yr]
z = 1.0 # redshift
M_gas = 1.0 # mass of gas
M_halo = 2e41 # mass of dark matter halo
# Read spectra file
f = open(filename, 'r')
rawlines = f.readlines()
met = re.findall('Z\s=\s(\d*\.\d+)', rawlines[0])
del rawlines[0]
for i in range(len(rawlines)):
newlist = rawlines[i].split(' ')
# Read extinction curve data file
rawpoints = open(extinctionfile, 'r').readlines()
def interpolate(R_V, rawpoints, Elist, i):
pointslist = []
if R_V == 4.0:
for i in range(len(rawpoints)):
newlst = re.split('(?!\S)\s(?=\S)|(?!\S)\s+(?=\S)', rawpoints[i])
pointslist = pointslist[3:]
lambdalist = [float(item[0]) for item in pointslist]
k_abslist = [float(item[4]) for item in pointslist]
xvallist = [(c*h)/(lamb*1e-6) for lamb in lambdalist]
k_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(xvallist, k_abslist)
return k_interp(Elist[i])
# Processing function
def process(interpolate, filetype, datalist, beta, R, z, M_gas, M_halo, met):
speclist = []
if filetype == 4:
metallicity = float(met[0])
Elist = [float(item[0]) for item in datalist]
speclambdalist = [h*c*1e9/E for E in Elist]
met1list = [float(item[1]) for item in datalist]
klist, Tlist = [None]*len(speclist), [None]*len(speclist)
if metallicity > 0.0052:
DGRlist = [50.0*np.exp(-2.21)*metallicity]*len(speclist) # dust to gas ratio
elif metallicity <= 0.0052:
DGRlist = [((50.0*metallicity)**3.15)*np.exp(-0.96)]*len(speclist)
for i in range(len(speclist)):
if Elist[i] <= 4.1357e-3: # frequencies <= 10^12 Hz
klist[i] = 0.1*(float(Elist[i])/(1000.0*h))**beta # extinction law [cm^2/g]
elif Elist[i] > 4.1357e-3: # frequencies > 10^12 Hz
klist[i] = interpolate(R_V, rawpoints, Elist, i) # interpolated function's value at Elist[i]
print "KLIST (INTERPOLATION) ELEMENTS 0 AND 1000:", klist[0], klist[1000]
The output from the print line is KLIST (INTERPOLATION) ELEMENTS 0 AND 1000: 52167.31734159269 52167.31734159269.
When I run my old code without functions, I print klist[0] and klist[1000] like I do here and get different values for each. In this new code, I get back two values that are the same from this line. This shouldn't be the case, so it must not be interpolating correctly inside my function (maybe it's not performing it on each point correctly in the loop?). Does anyone have any insight? It would be unreasonable to post my entire code with all the used text files here (they're very large), so I'm not expecting anyone to run it, but rather examine how I use and call my functions.
Edit: Below is the original version of my code up to the interpolation point without the functions (which works).
import re
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
filename = 'bpass_spectra.txt'
extinctionfile = 'ExtinctionLawPoints.txt' # from R_V = 4.0
pointslist = []
datalist = []
speclist = []
# Constants
h = 4.1357e-15 # Planck's constant [eV s]
c = float(3e8) # speed of light [m/s]
# Read spectra file
f = open(filename, 'r')
rawspectra = f.readlines()
met = re.findall('Z\s=\s(\d*\.\d+)', rawspectra[0])
del rawspectra[0]
for i in range(len(rawspectra)):
newlist = rawspectra[i].split(' ')
# Read extinction curve data file
rawpoints = open(extinctionfile, 'r').readlines()
for i in range(len(rawpoints)):
newlst = re.split('(?!\S)\s(?=\S)|(?!\S)\s+(?=\S)', rawpoints[i])
pointslist = pointslist[3:]
lambdalist = [float(item[0]) for item in pointslist]
k_abslist = [float(item[4]) for item in pointslist]
xvallist = [(c*h)/(lamb*1e-6) for lamb in lambdalist]
k_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(xvallist, k_abslist)
# Create new lists
Elist = [float(item[0]) for item in datalist]
speclambdalist = [h*c*1e9/E for E in Elist]
z1list = [float(item[1]) for item in datalist]
met = met[0]
klist = [None]*len(speclist)
Loutlist = [None]*len(speclist)
Tlist = [None]*len(speclist)
# Define parameters
b = 2.0 # power used in extinction law (beta)
R = 1.0 # star formation ratw [Msun/yr]
z = 1.0 # redshift
Mgas = 1.0 # mass of gas
Mhalo = 2e41 # mass of dark matter halo
if float(met) > 0.0052:
DGRlist = [50.0*np.exp(-2.21)*float(met)]*len(speclist)
elif float(met) <= 0.0052:
DGRlist = [((50.0*float(met))**3.15)*np.exp(-0.96)]*len(speclist)
for i in range(len(speclist)):
if float(Elist[i]) <= 4.1357e-3: # frequencies <= 10^12 Hz
klist[i] = 0.1*(float(Elist[i])/(1000.0*h))**b # extinction law [cm^2/g]
elif float(Elist[i]) > 4.1357e-3: # frequencies > 10^12 Hz
klist[i] = k_interp(Elist[i]) # interpolated function's value at Elist[i]
print "KLIST (INTERPOLATION) ELEMENTS 0 AND 1000:", klist[0], klist[1000]
The output from this print line is KLIST (INTERPOLATION) ELEMENTS 0 AND 1000 7779.275435560996 58253.589270674354.
You are passing i as an argument to interpolate, and then also using i in a loop within interpolate. Once i is used within the for i in range(len(rawpoints)) loop in interpolate, it will be set to some value: len(rawpoints)-1. The interpolate function will then always return the same value k_interp(Elist[i]), which is equivalent to k_interp(Elist[len(rawpoints)-1]). You will need to either define a new variable within your loop (e.g. for not_i in range(len(rawpoints))), or use a different variable for the Elist argument. Consider the following change to interpolate:
def interpolate(R_V, rawpoints, Elist, j):
pointslist = []
if R_V == 4.0:
for i in range(len(rawpoints)):
newlst = re.split('(?!\S)\s(?=\S)|(?!\S)\s+(?=\S)', rawpoints[i])
pointslist = pointslist[3:]
lambdalist = [float(item[0]) for item in pointslist]
k_abslist = [float(item[4]) for item in pointslist]
xvallist = [(c*h)/(lamb*1e-6) for lamb in lambdalist]
k_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(xvallist, k_abslist)
return k_interp(Elist[j])
Let me start by saying that I know this error message has posts about it, but I'm not sure what's wrong with my code. The block of code works just fine for the first two loops, but then fails. I've even tried removing the first two loops from the data to rule out issues in the 3rd loop, but no luck. I did have it set to print out the unsorted temporary list, and it just prints an empty array for the 3rd loop.
Sorry for the wall of comments in my code, but I'd rather have each line commented than cause confusion over what I'm trying to accomplish.
TL;DR: I'm trying to find and remove outliers from a list of data, but only for groups of entries that have the same number in column 0.
Pastebin with data
import numpy as np, csv, multiprocessing as mp, mysql.connector as msc, pandas as pd
import datetime
#Declare unsorted data array
d_us = []
#Declare temporary array for use in loop
tmp = []
#Declare sorted data array
d = []
#Declare Sum variable
tot = 0
#Declare Mean variable
m = 0
#declare sorted final array
sort = []
#Declare number of STDs
t = 1
#Declare Standard Deviation variable
std = 0
#Declare z-score variable
#Timestamp for output files
nts = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()
#Create output file
with open(f"calib_temp-{nts}.csv", 'w') as ctw:
#Read data from CSV
with open("test.csv", 'r', newline='') as drh:
fr_rh = csv.reader(drh, delimiter=',')
for row in fr_rh:
#append data to unsorted array
#Sort array by first column
d = np.sort(d_us)
#Calculate the range of the data
l = round((d[-1][0] - d[0][0]) * 10)
#Declare the starting value
s = d[0][0]
#Declare the ending value
e = d[-1][0]
#Set the while loop counter
n = d[0][0]
#Iterate through data
while n <= e:
#Create array with difference column
for row in d:
if row[0] == n:
diff = round(row[0] - row[1], 1)
#Convert to numpy array
tmp = np.array(tmp)
#Sort numpy array
sort = tmp[np.argsort(tmp[:,2])]
#Calculate sum of differences
for row in tmp:
tot = tot + row[2]
#Calculate mean
m = np.mean(tot)
#Calculate Standard Deviation
std = np.std(tmp[:,2])
#Calculate outliers and write to output file
for y in tmp:
z_score = (y[2] - m)/std
if np.abs(z_score) > t:
with open(f"calib_temp-{nts}.csv", 'a', newline='') as ct:
c = csv.writer(ct, delimiter = ',')
#Reset Variables
tot = 0
m = 0
n = n + 0.1
tmp = []
std = 0
z_score = 0
Do this before the loop:
#Create output file
ct = open(f"calib_temp-{nts}.csv", 'w')
c = csv.writer(ct, delimiter = ',')
Then change the loop to this. Note that I have moved your initializations to the top of the loop, so you don't need to initialize them twice. Note the if tmp: line, which solves the numpy exception.
#Iterate through data
while n <= e:
tot = 0
m = 0
tmp = []
std = 0
z_score = 0
#Create array with difference column
for row in d:
if row[0] == n:
diff = round(row[0] - row[1], 1)
#Sort numpy array
if tmp:
#Convert to numpy array
tmp = np.array(tmp)
sort = tmp[np.argsort(tmp[:,2])]
#Calculate sum of differences
for row in tmp:
tot = tot + row[2]
#Calculate mean
m = np.mean(tot)
#Calculate Standard Deviation
std = np.std(tmp[:,2])
#Calculate outliers and write to output file
for y in tmp:
z_score = (y[2] - m)/std
if np.abs(z_score) > t:
#Reset Variables
n = n + 0.1
Im very new to programming, I wrote a simple program for a school project and wanted to make the code "prettier" by not just having the program be one giant function but instead be made up of multiple smaller functions with a singe purpose. I seemed to have messed up royally since the program now runs 13 times slower. How should I structured the program to make it run faster and just in general make programs easier to write, read and edit?
Here are the two programs:
First program (for reference values runs in ≈0:20):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def graf(a,b,H,p):
GM = 39.5216489684
x_0 = a + np.sqrt(a**2 - b**2)
v_0 = np.sqrt(GM*(2/x_0 - 1/a))
konstant_period = np.sqrt(a**3)*H
h = 1/H
'''starting position given by an elliptic orbit '''
stor_x_lista = [x_0]
stor_y_lista = [0]
hastighet_x = [0]
hastighet_y = [v_0]
liten_x_lista = []
liten_y_lista = []
''' a loop that approximates the points of the orbit'''
t = 0
tid_lista = []
n = 0
while n < konstant_period:
hastighet_x.append(hastighet_x[n] - h*GM* stor_x_lista[n]/(np.sqrt(stor_x_lista[n]**2 + stor_y_lista[n]**2))**3)
stor_x_lista.append(stor_x_lista[n] + h*hastighet_x[n])
hastighet_y.append(hastighet_y[n] - h*GM*stor_y_lista[n]/(np.sqrt(stor_x_lista[n]**2 + stor_y_lista[n]**2))**3)
stor_y_lista.append(stor_y_lista[n] + h*hastighet_y[n])
'''smaller list of points to run faster'''
if n % p == 0:
n += 1
t += h
''' function that finds the angle'''
vinkel = []
siffra = 0
while siffra < len(liten_x_lista):
if liten_y_lista[siffra ] >= 0:
vinkel.append( np.arccos( liten_x_lista[siffra]/np.sqrt( liten_x_lista[siffra]**2 + liten_y_lista[siffra]**2)))
siffra += 1
elif liten_y_lista[siffra] < 0 :
vinkel.append( np.pi + np.arccos( -liten_x_lista[siffra]/np.sqrt( liten_x_lista[siffra]**2 + liten_y_lista[siffra]**2) ))
siffra += 1
'''get rid of line to find periodic function'''
mod_lista = []
modn = 0
while modn < len(vinkel):
mod_lista.append(vinkel[modn] - (2*np.pi*tid_lista[modn])/np.sqrt(a**3))
modn += 1
'''make all inputs have period 1'''
squeeze_tid = []
squeezen = 0
while squeezen < len(tid_lista):
squeezen += 1
del mod_lista[-1:]
del tid_lista[-1:]
del squeeze_tid[-1:]
plt.title('p(t) där a = ' + str(a) + ' och b = ' + str(b))
Second more split up program (for reference values runs in ≈4:20):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
'''function that generates the points of the orbit'''
def punkt(a,b,H,p):
GM = 39.5216489684
x_0 = a + np.sqrt(a**2 - b**2)
v_0 = np.sqrt(GM*(2/x_0 - 1/a))
konstant_period = np.sqrt(a**3)*H
h = 1/H
'''starting position given by an elliptic orbit '''
stor_x_lista = [x_0]
stor_y_lista = [0]
hastighet_x = [0]
hastighet_y = [v_0]
liten_x_lista = []
liten_y_lista = []
''' a loop that approximates the points of the orbit'''
t = 0
tid_lista = []
n = 0
while n < konstant_period:
hastighet_x.append(hastighet_x[n] - h*GM* stor_x_lista[n]/(np.sqrt(stor_x_lista[n]**2 + stor_y_lista[n]**2))**3)
stor_x_lista.append(stor_x_lista[n] + h*hastighet_x[n])
hastighet_y.append(hastighet_y[n] - h*GM*stor_y_lista[n]/(np.sqrt(stor_x_lista[n]**2 + stor_y_lista[n]**2))**3)
stor_y_lista.append(stor_y_lista[n] + h*hastighet_y[n])
'''smaller list of points to run faster'''
if n % p == 0:
n += 1
t += h
return (liten_x_lista,liten_y_lista,tid_lista)
''' function that finds the angle'''
def vinkel(a,b,H,p):
'''import lists'''
liten_x_lista = punkt(a,b,H,p)[0]
liten_y_lista = punkt(a,b,H,p)[1]
tid_lista = punkt(a,b,H,p)[2]
'''find the angle'''
vinkel_lista = []
siffra = 0
while siffra < len(liten_x_lista):
if liten_y_lista[siffra ] >= 0:
vinkel_lista.append( np.arccos( liten_x_lista[siffra]/np.sqrt( liten_x_lista[siffra]**2 + liten_y_lista[siffra]**2)))
siffra += 1
elif liten_y_lista[siffra] < 0 :
vinkel_lista.append( np.pi + np.arccos( -liten_x_lista[siffra]/np.sqrt( liten_x_lista[siffra]**2 + liten_y_lista[siffra]**2) ))
siffra += 1
return (vinkel_lista, tid_lista)
def periodisk(a,b,H,p):
'''import lists'''
tid_lista = vinkel(a,b,H,p)[1]
vinkel_lista = vinkel(a,b,H,p)[0]
'''get rid of linear line to find p(t)'''
mod_lista = []
modn = 0
while modn < len(vinkel_lista):
mod_lista.append((vinkel_lista[modn] - (2*np.pi*tid_lista[modn])/np.sqrt(a**3)))
modn += 1
'''make all inputs have period 1'''
squeeze_tid = []
squeezen = 0
while squeezen < len(tid_lista):
squeezen += 1
del mod_lista[-1:]
del tid_lista[-1:]
del squeeze_tid[-1:]
return (squeeze_tid,mod_lista)
'''fixa 3d-punkt av p(a,b) a är konstant b varierar??? '''
def hitta_amp(a):
x_b = []
y_b = []
n_b = 0.1
while n_b <= a:
return 0
def graf(a,b,H,p):
I would assume the thing that is going wrong is that the program is running the same, slow code multiple times instead of just running it once and then accessing the data. Is the problem that everything is done locally and nothing is stored globally or is it something else?
Just as a heads up, the only thing I know about programming is basic syntax, I have no clue how to actually write and run programs. I ran all the code in spyder if that affects anything.
This code runs periodisk twice with the same arguments, thus at this point we know we run things at least 2 times slower.
You should do some_var = periodisk(a,b,H,p) and then some_var[0], some_var[1]. Or just use unpacking:
tid_lista = vinkel(a,b,H,p)[1]
vinkel_lista = vinkel(a,b,H,p)[0]
Again doing the same thing twice (total: 4*time of (current) vinkel function). Again, smart assignment to fix this:
vinkel_lista, tid_lista = vinkel(a,b,H,p)
liten_x_lista = punkt(a,b,H,p)[0]
liten_y_lista = punkt(a,b,H,p)[1]
tid_lista = punkt(a,b,H,p)[2]
And now you repeat yourself thrice. (total: 12 * time of current punkt function)
liten_x_lista, liten_y_lista, tid_lista = punkt(a,b,H,p)
punkt function is like in original, so we arrived as total being 12 times slower - which quite matches your time estimations. :)
You are calling the functions once per returned list, you should only call them once.
When a method returns multiple variables, (e.g. punkt):
def punkt(a,b,H,p):
# Here is all your code
return (liten_x_lista,liten_y_lista,tid_lista)
You must be careful to only call the function once:
result = punkt(a,b,H,p)
liten_x_lista = result[0]
liten_y_lista = result[1]
tid_lista = result[2]
# As opposed to:
liten_x_lista = punkt(a,b,H,p)[0] # 1st call, ignoring results 2 and 3
liten_y_lista = punkt(a,b,H,p)[1] # 2nd call, ignoring results 1 and 3
tid_lista = punkt(a,b,H,p)[2] # 3rd call, ignoring results 1 and 2
Note: I would personally not return a list, but use python's unpacking:
def punkt(a,b,H,p):
# Here is all your code
return liten_x_lista, liten_y_lista, tid_lista
And you'd access it:
liten_x_lista, liten_y_lista, tid_lista = punkt(a,b,H,p)
I have a function that uses deque.collections to track daily stock in based on FIFO. An order will be fulfilled if possible and is substracted from stock accordingly. I use a function in groupby.apply(my_function).
I have struggles where to place the second loop. Both loops work properly when run on their own. But I do not get them working combined.
The dataset is about 1.5 million rows.
DOS = 7
WIP = 1
df_fin['list_stock'] = 0
df_fin['stock_new'] = 0
def create_stocklist(x):
x['date_diff'] = x['dates'] - x['dates'].shift()
x['date_diff'] = x['date_diff'].fillna(0)
x['date_diff'] = (x['date_diff'] / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')).astype(int)
x['list_stock'] = x['list_stock'].astype(object)
x['stock_new'] = x['stock_new'].astype(object)
var_stock = DOS*[0]
sl = deque([0],maxlen=DOS)
for i in x.index:
order = x['order_bin'][i]
if x['date_diff'][i] > 0:
for p in range(0,x['date_diff'][i]):
if p == WIP:
sl_list = list(sl)
new_list = []
#from here the loop does not work as I wanted it to work.
#I want to loop over de created sl_list
#and then start the loop above with the outcome of the loop below.
for elem in sl_list:
while order > 0:
val = max(0,elem-order)
order = (abs(min(0,elem-order)))
x.at[i,'list_stock'] = new_list
sl = deque(new_list)
return x
You do not have access to sl_list inside the second loop, you should just define it in the upper scope: for example just after the first global for loop:
for i in x.index:
# define it just here
sl_list = []
order = x['order_bin'][i]
I working on a problem and my goal is to replace variables in the file and the name of the files.
The issue is that I have to change a couple of variables at the same time for all combinations (Generally 24 combinations).
I know how to create of all combinations of strings, but I want to put lists inside and iterate over them.
a = [ 'distance', 'T1', 'T2', 'gamma' ]
new_list = list(itertools.permutations(a, 2))
I created the function to pass my values:
def replace_variables(distance ='0', T1 ='0', T2 = '0', gamma = '0'):
template_new = template.replace('*distance*', distance).replace('*T1*', T1).replace('*T2*', T2).replace('*gamma*', gamma)
input_file = input_name.replace('one','T1'+T1).replace('two','T2'+T2).replace('phi','PHI'+Phi).replace('distance','R'+distance)
return template_new, input_file
when I call that function I can pass only names of variables.
for i in new_list:
elem1 = i[0]
elem2 = i[1]
template_new, input_file =replace_variables(elem1, elem2)
print input_file
Though I need to use lists:
distance = ['-3','+3']
T1 = ['-3', '+3']
T2 = ['-3', '+3']
gamma = ['-3', '+3']
And for each pair of variables change values in a file and a name of file such as:
original file: name_file_R_T1_T2_gamma.txt
will be replaced by:
name_file_3_3_0_0.txt, name_file_3_-3_0_0.txt, name_file_-3_3_0_0.txt,
name_file_3_3_0_0.txt, name_file_3_0_3_0.txt, name_file_3_0_-3_0.txt,
and so forth.
The original template looks like:
template = """
R = 3.0 *distance* cm
THETA1 = 60. *T1* degree
THETA2 = 2.0 *T2* degree
GAMMA = 0 *gamma* degree
and I want to obtain:
template = """
R = 3.0 +3 cm
THETA1 = 60. +3 degree
THETA2 = 2.0 +0 degree
GAMMA = 0 +0 degree
and so forth
I think I almost tackled the above problem:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import itertools
import copy
def replace_variables(i, distance ='0', T1 ='0', T2 = '0', gamma = '0' ):
k_ = copy.deepcopy(i)
k_[0][0] = '-2'
k_[1][0] = '2'
template_new = template.replace('*distance*', distance).replace('*T1*', T1).replace('*T2*', T2).replace('*gamma*', gamma)
input_file = input_name.replace('one','T1'+T1).replace('two','T2'+T2).replace('gamma','gamma'+gamma).replace('distance','R'+distance)
f = open(template_new, 'w')
input_name = 'name_file_distance_T1_T2_gamma.txt'
template = """
R = 3.0 *distance* cm
THETA1 = 60. *T1* degree
THETA2 = 2.0 *T2* degree
GAMMA = 0 *gamma* degree
a = [['distance','+2','-2'], ['T1','+2','-2'], ['T2','+2','-2'], ['gamma','+2','-2']]
new_list = list(itertools.permutations(a, 2))
for i in new_list:
replace_variables(i, x, y)
Though I faced 2 problems:
1) My code does not change values of variables (apart from default ones) in the replace_variables function and I'm getting:
name_file_Rdistance_T1T1_T20_gamma0.txt, and so on
I think because of default arguments passed to the function.
2) My function does not create a separated files.
First of all i know nan stands for "not a number" but I am not sure how i am getting an invalid number in my code. What i am doing is using a python script that reads a file for a list of vectors (x,y,z) and then converts it to a long array of values, but if i don't use the file and i make a for loop that generates random numbers i don't get any 'nan's.
After this i am using Newtons law of gravity to calculate the pos of stars, F= GMm/r^2 to calculate positions and then that data gets sent through a socket server to my c# visualizing software that i developed for watching simulations. Unfortuanately my python script that does the calculating has only but been troublesome to get working.
poslist = []
plist = []
mlist = []
lineList = []
coords = []
with open("Hyades Vectors.txt", "r") as text_file:
content = text_file.readlines()
#remove /n
for i in range(len(content)):
for char in "\n":
line = content[i].replace(char,"")
lines = array(lineList)
#split " " within each line
for i in range(len(lines)):
coords.append(lines[i].split(" "))
coords = array(coords)
#convert coords string to integer
for i in range(len(coords)):
x = np.float(coords[i,0])
y = np.float(coords[i,1])
z = np.float(coords[i,2])
pos = array(poslist)
quite often it is sending nan's after the second time going through this loop
vcm = sum(p)/sum(m) #velocity of centre mass
p = p-m*vcm #make total initial momentum equal zero
Myr = 8.4
dt = 1
pos = pos-(p/m)*(dt/2.) #initial half-step
finished = False
while not finished: # or NBodyVis.Oppenned() == False
r = pos-pos[:,newaxis] #all pairs of star-to-star vectors
for n in range(Nstars):
r[n,n] = 1e6 #otherwise the self-forces are infinite
rmag = sqrt(sum(square(r),-1)) #star-to star scalar distances
F = G*m*m[:,newaxis]*r/rmag[:,:,newaxis]**3 # all force pairs
for n in range(Nstars):
F[n,n] = 5 # no self-forces
p = p+sum(F,1)*dt #sum(F,1) is where i get a nan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pos -= (p/m)*dt
if Time <= 0:
finished = True
Time -= 1
What am i doing wrong?????? I don't fully understand nans but i can't have them if my visualizing software is to read a nan, as for then nothing will apear for visuals. I know that the error is sum(F,1) I went and printed everything through until i got a nan and that is where, but how is it getting a nan from summing. Here is what part of the text file looks like that i am reading:
51.48855 4.74229 -85.24499
121.87149 11.44572 -140.79644
59.81673 68.8417 18.76767
31.95567 37.23007 6.59515
29.81066 34.76371 6.18374
41.35333 49.52844 14.12314
32.10481 38.46982 7.96628
48.13239 60.4019 37.45474
26.37793 34.53385 15.9054
76.02468 103.98826 25.96607
51.52072 71.17618 32.09829
please help