First of all i know nan stands for "not a number" but I am not sure how i am getting an invalid number in my code. What i am doing is using a python script that reads a file for a list of vectors (x,y,z) and then converts it to a long array of values, but if i don't use the file and i make a for loop that generates random numbers i don't get any 'nan's.
After this i am using Newtons law of gravity to calculate the pos of stars, F= GMm/r^2 to calculate positions and then that data gets sent through a socket server to my c# visualizing software that i developed for watching simulations. Unfortuanately my python script that does the calculating has only but been troublesome to get working.
poslist = []
plist = []
mlist = []
lineList = []
coords = []
with open("Hyades Vectors.txt", "r") as text_file:
content = text_file.readlines()
#remove /n
for i in range(len(content)):
for char in "\n":
line = content[i].replace(char,"")
lines = array(lineList)
#split " " within each line
for i in range(len(lines)):
coords.append(lines[i].split(" "))
coords = array(coords)
#convert coords string to integer
for i in range(len(coords)):
x = np.float(coords[i,0])
y = np.float(coords[i,1])
z = np.float(coords[i,2])
pos = array(poslist)
quite often it is sending nan's after the second time going through this loop
vcm = sum(p)/sum(m) #velocity of centre mass
p = p-m*vcm #make total initial momentum equal zero
Myr = 8.4
dt = 1
pos = pos-(p/m)*(dt/2.) #initial half-step
finished = False
while not finished: # or NBodyVis.Oppenned() == False
r = pos-pos[:,newaxis] #all pairs of star-to-star vectors
for n in range(Nstars):
r[n,n] = 1e6 #otherwise the self-forces are infinite
rmag = sqrt(sum(square(r),-1)) #star-to star scalar distances
F = G*m*m[:,newaxis]*r/rmag[:,:,newaxis]**3 # all force pairs
for n in range(Nstars):
F[n,n] = 5 # no self-forces
p = p+sum(F,1)*dt #sum(F,1) is where i get a nan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pos -= (p/m)*dt
if Time <= 0:
finished = True
Time -= 1
What am i doing wrong?????? I don't fully understand nans but i can't have them if my visualizing software is to read a nan, as for then nothing will apear for visuals. I know that the error is sum(F,1) I went and printed everything through until i got a nan and that is where, but how is it getting a nan from summing. Here is what part of the text file looks like that i am reading:
51.48855 4.74229 -85.24499
121.87149 11.44572 -140.79644
59.81673 68.8417 18.76767
31.95567 37.23007 6.59515
29.81066 34.76371 6.18374
41.35333 49.52844 14.12314
32.10481 38.46982 7.96628
48.13239 60.4019 37.45474
26.37793 34.53385 15.9054
76.02468 103.98826 25.96607
51.52072 71.17618 32.09829
please help
In a loop, I'm generating a number of spheres, and assigning a material and a subsurf modifier to them:
for i in range(100):
x = coords[i,0]
y = coords[i,1]
z = coords[i,2]
type = types[i]
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(location=(x,y,z),radius=0.5)[i].name = f"{i}_{type}"
m =[i]'subdiv','SUBSURF')
m.levels = 0
m.render_levels = 2
m.quality = 3
if type == 0:
mat = type_0_mat
mat = type_1_mat
if[i].data.materials:[i].data.materials[0] = mat
However, this assigns the material and modifier to only the first 10 of the generated spheres. I have also noticed, after creating the spheres, that the indices and the names don't end up matching. For instance:
I would have expected the 10th element to be 9_0.0. What is going on here? Why are the indices jumbled, and is this why only a few get elements assigned to them?
I am working with a large Football dataset and currently logging the team outcomes for each match played. However, there are a couple of entries with a date instead of a score:
I have implemented another block of code in the function to change the data into a score before appending it to the list:
def get_results(self):
#split results and add to lists
home_goal = []
away_goal = []
home_match_outcome = []
away_match_outcome = []
home_points = []
away_points = []
split_result = self.x["Result"].str.split("-") #split results at '-' to separate numbers
for i, res in enumerate(tqdm(split_result, desc = "Splitting results")):
self.home_goal.append(int(res[0][0])) #convert to int to add goals together -- default type is str
#print("Away goals: ", res[1][0])
#Determine match outcomes
if int(res[0][0]) > int(res[1][0]):
home_points.append(3) #3 points for a win
elif int(res[0][0]) == int(res[1][0]):
home_points.append(1) #1 point for a draw
home_points.append(0) #0 points for a loss
except IndexError:
l = list(res)
for c in l:
x = int(c[0])
y = int(c[1])
self.home_goal.append(x) #convert to int to add goals together -- default type is str
#print("Away goals: ", res[1][0])
if x > y:
home_points.append(3) #3 points for a win
elif x == y:
home_points.append(1) #1 point for a draw
home_points.append(0) #0 points for a loss
#add lists to existing dataframe/set
self.x["Home_Goals"] = home_goal
self.x["Away_Goals"] = away_goal
self.x["Home_Match_Outcome"] = home_match_outcome
self.x["Home_Points"] = home_points
self.x["Away_Match_Outcome"] = away_match_outcome
self.x["Away_Points"] = away_points
return self.x #display modified dataset
When run, I get the following error in home_goal: ValueError: Length of values (97495) does not match length of index (97494)
Even if I leave out the 2021 league data, the error still appears.
If the goals are omitted when I run this block of code, it works fine, but I want to have them displayed in the Pandas DataFrame. Can anyone assist with this?
I've trying to implement transition from an amount of space to another which is similar to acceleration and deceleration, except i failed and the only thing that i got from this was this infinite stack of mess, here is a screenshot showing this in action:
you can see a very black circle here, which are in reality something like 100 or 200 circles stacked on top of each other
and i reached this result using this piece of code:
def Place_circles(curve, circle_space, cs, draw=True, screen=None):
curve_acceleration = []
if type(curve) == tuple:
curve_acceleration = curve[1][0]
curve_intensity = curve[1][1]
curve = curve[0]
Circle_list = []
idx = [0,0]
for c in reversed(range(0,len(curve))):
for p in reversed(range(0,len(curve[c]))):
user_dist = circle_space[curve_intensity[c]] + curve_acceleration[c] * p
dist = math.sqrt(math.pow(curve[c][p][0] - curve[idx[0]][idx[1]][0],2)+math.pow(curve [c][p][1] - curve[idx[0]][idx[1]][1],2))
if dist > user_dist:
idx = [c,p]
Circle_list.append(circles.circles(round(curve[c][p][0]), round(curve[c][p][1]), cs, draw, screen))
This place circles depending on the intensity (a number between 0 and 2, random) of the current curve, which equal to an amount of space (let's say between 20 and 30 here, 20 being index 0, 30 being index 2 and a number between these 2 being index 1).
This create the stack you see above and isn't what i want, i also came to the conclusion that i cannot use acceleration since the amount of time to move between 2 points depend on the amount of circles i need to click on, knowing that there are multiple circles between each points, but not being able to determine how many lead to me being unable to the the classic acceleration formula.
So I'm running out of options here and ideas on how to transition from an amount of space to another.
any idea?
PS: i scrapped the idea above and switched back to my master branch but the code for this is still available in the branch i created here .
So now I'm back with my normal code that don't possess acceleration or deceleration.
TL:DR i can't use acceleration since i don't know the amount of circles that are going to be placed between the 2 points and make the time of travel vary (i need for exemple to click circles at 180 bpm of one circle every 0.333s) so I'm looking for another way to generate gradually changing space.
First, i took my function that was generating the intensity for each curves in [0 ; 2]
Then i scrapped the acceleration formula as it's unusable.
Now i'm using a basic algorithm to determine the maximum amount of circles i can place on a curve.
Now the way my script work is the following:
i first generate a stream (multiple circles that need to be clicked at high bpm)
this way i obtain the length of each curves (or segments) of the polyline.
i generate an intensity for each curve using the following function:
def generate_intensity(Circle_list: list = None, circle_space: int = None, Args: list = None):
curve_intensity = []
if not Args or Args[0] == "NewProfile":
prompt = True
while prompt:
max_duration_intensity = input("Choose the maximum amount of curve the change in intensity will occur for: ")
if max_duration_intensity.isdigit():
max_duration_intensity = int(max_duration_intensity)
prompt = False
prompt = True
while prompt:
intensity_change_odds = input("Choose the odds of occurence for changes in intensity (1-100): ")
if intensity_change_odds.isdigit():
intensity_change_odds = int(intensity_change_odds)
if 0 < intensity_change_odds <= 100:
prompt = False
prompt = True
while prompt:
min_intensity = input("Choose the lowest amount of spacing a circle will have: ")
if min_intensity.isdigit():
min_intensity = float(min_intensity)
if min_intensity < circle_space:
prompt = False
prompt = True
while prompt:
max_intensity = input("Choose the highest amount of spacing a circle will have: ")
if max_intensity.isdigit():
max_intensity = float(max_intensity)
if max_intensity > circle_space:
prompt = False
prompt = True
if Args:
if Args[0] == "NewProfile":
return [max_duration_intensity, intensity_change_odds, min_intensity, max_intensity]
elif Args[0] == "GenMap":
max_duration_intensity = Args[1]
intensity_change_odds = Args[2]
min_intensity = Args[3]
max_intensity = Args[4]
circle_space = ([min_intensity, circle_space, max_intensity] if not Args else [Args[0][3],circle_space,Args[0][4]])
count = 0
for idx, i in enumerate(Circle_list):
if idx == len(Circle_list) - 1:
if random.randint(0,100) < intensity_change_odds:
if random.randint(0,100) > 50:
if random.randint(0,100) < intensity_change_odds:
if random.randint(0,100) > 50:
count += 1
count += 1
if curve_intensity:
if curve_intensity[-1] == 2 and not count+1 > max_duration_intensity:
count += 1
elif curve_intensity[-1] == 0 and not count+1 > max_duration_intensity:
count += 1
elif count+1 > 2:
count = 0
if curve_intensity.count(curve_intensity[0]) == len(curve_intensity):
print("Intensity didn't change")
return circle_space[1]
return [circle_space, curve_intensity]
with this, i obtain 2 list, one with the spacing i specified, and the second one is the list of randomly generated intensity.
from there i call another function taking into argument the polyline, the previously specified spacings and the generated intensity:
def acceleration_algorithm(polyline, circle_space, curve_intensity):
new_circle_spacing = []
for idx in range(len(polyline)): #repeat 4 times
spacing = []
Length = 0
best_spacing = 0
for p_idx in range(len(polyline[idx])-1): #repeat 1000 times / p_idx in [0 ; 1000]
# Create multiple list containing spacing going from circle_space[curve_intensity[idx-1]] to circle_space[curve_intensity[idx]]
spacing.append(np.linspace(circle_space[curve_intensity[idx]],circle_space[curve_intensity[idx+1]], p_idx).tolist())
# Sum distance to find length of curve
Length += abs(math.sqrt((polyline[idx][p_idx+1][0] - polyline[idx][p_idx][0]) ** 2 + (polyline [idx][p_idx+1][1] - polyline[idx][p_idx][1]) ** 2))
for s in range(len(spacing)): # probably has 1000 list in 1 list
length_left = Length # Make sure to reset length for each iteration
for dist in spacing[s]: # substract the specified int in spacing[s]
length_left -= dist
if length_left > 0:
best_spacing = s
else: # Since length < 0, use previous working index (best_spacing), could also jsut do `s-1`
if spacing[best_spacing] == []:
return new_circle_spacing
with this, i obtain a list with the space between each circles that are going to be placed,
from there, i can Call Place_circles() again, and obtain the new stream:
def Place_circles(polyline, circle_space, cs, DoDrawCircle=True, surface=None):
Circle_list = []
curve = []
next_circle_space = None
dist = 0
for c in reversed(range(0, len(polyline))):
curve = []
if type(circle_space) == list:
iter_circle_space = iter(circle_space[c])
next_circle_space = next(iter_circle_space, circle_space[c][-1])
for p in reversed(range(len(polyline[c])-1)):
dist += math.sqrt((polyline[c][p+1][0] - polyline[c][p][0]) ** 2 + (polyline [c][p+1][1] - polyline[c][p][1]) ** 2)
if dist > (circle_space if type(circle_space) == int else next_circle_space):
dist = 0
curve.append(circles.circles(round(polyline[c][p][0]), round(polyline[c][p][1]), cs, DoDrawCircle, surface))
if type(circle_space) == list:
next_circle_space = next(iter_circle_space, circle_space[c][-1])
return Circle_list
the result is a stream with varying space between circles (so accelerating or decelerating), the only issue left to be fixed is pygame not updating the screen with the new set of circle after i call Place_circles(), but that's an issue i'm either going to try to fix myself or ask in another post
the final code for this feature can be found on my repo :
I have completed a beginner's course in python and I am working on a problem to improve my coding skills. In this problem, I have to calculate the GC-skew by dividing the entire sequence into subsequences of equal length. I am working in a jupyter notebook.
I have to create a code so that I'll get the number of C's and G's from the sequence and then calculate GC skew in each window. window size = 5kb with an increment of 1kb.
What I have done so far is that first stored the sequence in a list and took user input for length of box/window and increment of the box. Then I tried to create a loop for calculating the number of C's and G's in each window but here I am facing an issue as instead of getting number of C's and G's in a window/box, I am getting number of C's and G's from the entire sequence for number of times the loop is running. I want number total number of C's and total no of G's in each window.
Please suggest how can I get the mentioned number of characters and GC skew for each overlapping sliding window/box. Also is there any concept of sliding window in python which I can use it here?
char = []
with open('keratin.txt') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
for ch in line:
f1 = open('keratin.txt','r')
f2 = open('keratin.txt','a+')
lob = input('Enter length of box =')
iob = input('Enter the increment of the box =')
lob = 5000
iob = 1000
nob = 1 #no. of boxes
for i in range (0,len(char)-lob):
b = i
while( b < lob + i and b < len(char)):
nC = 0
nG = 0
if char[b] == 'C':
nC = nC + 1
elif char[b] == 'G':
nG = nG + 1
b = b + 1
i = i + iob
nob = nob + 1
I hope this would help in understanding,
number_of_C_and_G = []
# Go from 0 to end, skipping length of box and increment. 0, 6000, 12000 ...
for i in range(0, len(char), lob+inc):
nC = 0
nG = 0
# Go from start to length of box, 0 to 5000, 6000 to 11000 ...
for j in range(i, lob):
if char[j] == 'C':
nC += 1
else if char[j] == 'G':
nG += 1
# Put the value for the box in the list
number_of_C_and_G.append( (nC, nG) )
I have a fairly long code that processes spectra, and along the way I need an interpolation of some points. I used to have all this code written line-by-line without any functions, and it all worked properly, but now I'm converting it to two large functions so that I can call it on other models more easily in the future. Below is my code (I have more code after the last line here that plots some things, but that's not relevant to my issue, since I've tested this with a bunch of print lines and learned that my issue arises when I call the interpolation function inside my process function.
import re
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
# Required files and lists
filename = 'bpass_spectra.txt' # number of columns = 4
extinctionfile = 'ExtinctionLawPoints.txt' # R_V = 4.0
datalist = []
if filename == 'bpass_spectra.txt':
filetype = 4
filetype = 1
if extinctionfile == 'ExtinctionLawPoints.txt':
R_V = 4.0
R_V = 1.0 #to be determined
# Constants
h = 4.1357e-15 # Planck's constant [eV s]
c = float(3e8) # speed of light [m/s]
# Inputs
beta = 2.0 # power used in extinction law
R = 1.0 # star formation rate [Msun/yr]
z = 1.0 # redshift
M_gas = 1.0 # mass of gas
M_halo = 2e41 # mass of dark matter halo
# Read spectra file
f = open(filename, 'r')
rawlines = f.readlines()
met = re.findall('Z\s=\s(\d*\.\d+)', rawlines[0])
del rawlines[0]
for i in range(len(rawlines)):
newlist = rawlines[i].split(' ')
# Read extinction curve data file
rawpoints = open(extinctionfile, 'r').readlines()
def interpolate(R_V, rawpoints, Elist, i):
pointslist = []
if R_V == 4.0:
for i in range(len(rawpoints)):
newlst = re.split('(?!\S)\s(?=\S)|(?!\S)\s+(?=\S)', rawpoints[i])
pointslist = pointslist[3:]
lambdalist = [float(item[0]) for item in pointslist]
k_abslist = [float(item[4]) for item in pointslist]
xvallist = [(c*h)/(lamb*1e-6) for lamb in lambdalist]
k_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(xvallist, k_abslist)
return k_interp(Elist[i])
# Processing function
def process(interpolate, filetype, datalist, beta, R, z, M_gas, M_halo, met):
speclist = []
if filetype == 4:
metallicity = float(met[0])
Elist = [float(item[0]) for item in datalist]
speclambdalist = [h*c*1e9/E for E in Elist]
met1list = [float(item[1]) for item in datalist]
klist, Tlist = [None]*len(speclist), [None]*len(speclist)
if metallicity > 0.0052:
DGRlist = [50.0*np.exp(-2.21)*metallicity]*len(speclist) # dust to gas ratio
elif metallicity <= 0.0052:
DGRlist = [((50.0*metallicity)**3.15)*np.exp(-0.96)]*len(speclist)
for i in range(len(speclist)):
if Elist[i] <= 4.1357e-3: # frequencies <= 10^12 Hz
klist[i] = 0.1*(float(Elist[i])/(1000.0*h))**beta # extinction law [cm^2/g]
elif Elist[i] > 4.1357e-3: # frequencies > 10^12 Hz
klist[i] = interpolate(R_V, rawpoints, Elist, i) # interpolated function's value at Elist[i]
print "KLIST (INTERPOLATION) ELEMENTS 0 AND 1000:", klist[0], klist[1000]
The output from the print line is KLIST (INTERPOLATION) ELEMENTS 0 AND 1000: 52167.31734159269 52167.31734159269.
When I run my old code without functions, I print klist[0] and klist[1000] like I do here and get different values for each. In this new code, I get back two values that are the same from this line. This shouldn't be the case, so it must not be interpolating correctly inside my function (maybe it's not performing it on each point correctly in the loop?). Does anyone have any insight? It would be unreasonable to post my entire code with all the used text files here (they're very large), so I'm not expecting anyone to run it, but rather examine how I use and call my functions.
Edit: Below is the original version of my code up to the interpolation point without the functions (which works).
import re
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
filename = 'bpass_spectra.txt'
extinctionfile = 'ExtinctionLawPoints.txt' # from R_V = 4.0
pointslist = []
datalist = []
speclist = []
# Constants
h = 4.1357e-15 # Planck's constant [eV s]
c = float(3e8) # speed of light [m/s]
# Read spectra file
f = open(filename, 'r')
rawspectra = f.readlines()
met = re.findall('Z\s=\s(\d*\.\d+)', rawspectra[0])
del rawspectra[0]
for i in range(len(rawspectra)):
newlist = rawspectra[i].split(' ')
# Read extinction curve data file
rawpoints = open(extinctionfile, 'r').readlines()
for i in range(len(rawpoints)):
newlst = re.split('(?!\S)\s(?=\S)|(?!\S)\s+(?=\S)', rawpoints[i])
pointslist = pointslist[3:]
lambdalist = [float(item[0]) for item in pointslist]
k_abslist = [float(item[4]) for item in pointslist]
xvallist = [(c*h)/(lamb*1e-6) for lamb in lambdalist]
k_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(xvallist, k_abslist)
# Create new lists
Elist = [float(item[0]) for item in datalist]
speclambdalist = [h*c*1e9/E for E in Elist]
z1list = [float(item[1]) for item in datalist]
met = met[0]
klist = [None]*len(speclist)
Loutlist = [None]*len(speclist)
Tlist = [None]*len(speclist)
# Define parameters
b = 2.0 # power used in extinction law (beta)
R = 1.0 # star formation ratw [Msun/yr]
z = 1.0 # redshift
Mgas = 1.0 # mass of gas
Mhalo = 2e41 # mass of dark matter halo
if float(met) > 0.0052:
DGRlist = [50.0*np.exp(-2.21)*float(met)]*len(speclist)
elif float(met) <= 0.0052:
DGRlist = [((50.0*float(met))**3.15)*np.exp(-0.96)]*len(speclist)
for i in range(len(speclist)):
if float(Elist[i]) <= 4.1357e-3: # frequencies <= 10^12 Hz
klist[i] = 0.1*(float(Elist[i])/(1000.0*h))**b # extinction law [cm^2/g]
elif float(Elist[i]) > 4.1357e-3: # frequencies > 10^12 Hz
klist[i] = k_interp(Elist[i]) # interpolated function's value at Elist[i]
print "KLIST (INTERPOLATION) ELEMENTS 0 AND 1000:", klist[0], klist[1000]
The output from this print line is KLIST (INTERPOLATION) ELEMENTS 0 AND 1000 7779.275435560996 58253.589270674354.
You are passing i as an argument to interpolate, and then also using i in a loop within interpolate. Once i is used within the for i in range(len(rawpoints)) loop in interpolate, it will be set to some value: len(rawpoints)-1. The interpolate function will then always return the same value k_interp(Elist[i]), which is equivalent to k_interp(Elist[len(rawpoints)-1]). You will need to either define a new variable within your loop (e.g. for not_i in range(len(rawpoints))), or use a different variable for the Elist argument. Consider the following change to interpolate:
def interpolate(R_V, rawpoints, Elist, j):
pointslist = []
if R_V == 4.0:
for i in range(len(rawpoints)):
newlst = re.split('(?!\S)\s(?=\S)|(?!\S)\s+(?=\S)', rawpoints[i])
pointslist = pointslist[3:]
lambdalist = [float(item[0]) for item in pointslist]
k_abslist = [float(item[4]) for item in pointslist]
xvallist = [(c*h)/(lamb*1e-6) for lamb in lambdalist]
k_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(xvallist, k_abslist)
return k_interp(Elist[j])