I often see Tkinter applications initialize Menu widgets using tearoff=0 in the constructor.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
menubar = tk.Menu(root)
filemenu = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
effbot.org's documentation for Menu specifies that the default value for tearoff is 1, but it doesn't explain what the value is used for.
Default value is 1. (tearOff/TearOff)
No default value. (tearOffCommand/TearOffCommand)
What does the tearoff attribute do when initializing a tkinter Menu widget?
The official python docs admit that they're a little light on details:
The tkinter package is a thin object-oriented layer on top of Tcl/Tk. To use tkinter, you don’t need to write Tcl code, but you will need to consult the Tk documentation, and occasionally the Tcl documentation.
The Tk documentation for tearoff gives you what you're looking for:
tearoff allows you to detach menus for the main window creating floating menus. If you create a menu you will see dotted lines at the top when you click a top menu item. If you click those dotted lines the menu tears off and becomes floating.
Here you can see a tkinter Menu tear-off with the code for it in the background. I'm not sure how useful this is going to be but according to New Mexico Tech:
Normally, a menu can be torn off: the first position (position 0) in the list of choices is occupied by the tear-off element, and the additional choices are added starting at position 1. If you set tearoff=0, the menu will not have a tear-off feature, and choices will be added starting at position 0.
Try this if you want to test the floating menu if you are using Windows.
from tkinter import *
import re
class HoverInfo(Menu):
def __init__(self, parent, text, command=None):
self._com = command
Menu.__init__(self,parent, tearoff=1)
if not isinstance(text, str):
raise TypeError('Trying to initialise a Hover Menu with a non string type: ' + text.__class__.__name__)
toktext=re.split('\n', text)
for t in toktext:
self.add_command(label = t)
self.master.bind("<Enter>",self.Display )
self.master.bind("<Leave>",self.Remove )
def __del__(self):
def Display(self,event):
if not self._displayed:
self.post(event.x_root, event.y_root)
if self._com != None:
self.master.bind_all("<Return>", self.Click)
def Remove(self, event):
if self._displayed:
if self._com != None:
def Click(self, event):
class MyApp(Frame):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.lbl = Label(self, text='testing')
self.hover = HoverInfo(self, 'while hovering press return \n for an exciting msg', self.HelloWorld)
def HelloWorld(self):
print('Hello World')
app = MyApp()
This example is Hover Class by Gogo. Display message when hovering over something with mouse cursor in Python
I Just set tear-off to 1 to see the floating effect.
By default, the choices in the menu start taking place from position 1. If we set the tearoff = 1, then it will start taking place from 0th position
is what I've been using to close my windows, is there any way to get them back after doing this?
basically, is there something that is the opposite of this?
ps. these are the libraries that I've imported, if it helps in any way
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
import time
from tkinter import ttk
Is there a way to reopen a window after closing it using destroy() in tkinter?
The short answer is "no". Once it has been destroyed, it is impossible to get back. You should either create the window via a frame or class so that it's easy to recreate, or hide the window by calling .withdraw() rather than .destroy().
If you put the window code into a class or a function then after destroying it you can create a new instance of it by
1: creating a new instance of the class with the window code in the init function
2: call the function the has the code for the window
By doing this you are essentially creating a new instance of the program, but without initiating the script.
from tkinter impot *
from tkinter import ttk
#creating window function, not class
def main_window():
#window code here
root = Tk()
Label(root, text = "Hello World").pack()
#destroying main window
Of course, there are a few hurdles such as the window shutting down as soon as it opens, but this is to show that you can create a new instance of a window from your program.
You can wait for user input to see whether or not the window will open or close.
If you took an OOP approach, you can pass a reference to the Parent Widget as argument to the New_Window and store it in a class attribute.
You´ll have a two way reference: Parent knows child and child knows parent.
Then you can set the Parent Reference to the New_Window to None, from within the child Widget self.parent.new_window = None in a close_me() method right after you call self.destroy() on the New_Window:
1st Bonus: this code prevents the opening of more than 1 instance of a Window at a time. You won´t get more than 1 New_Window on the screen. I don´t think having two loggin windows opened or two equal options window makes sense.
2nd Bonus: It is possible to close the window from other parts of the code, as in a MVC patter, the Controller can close the window after doing some processing.
Here´s a working example:
import tkinter as tk
class Toolbar(tk.Frame):
'''Toolbar '''
def __init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(master, *args, **kwargs)
# to store the New Window reference
self.new_window = None
self.button_new_window = tk.Button(self, text = 'New Window', command = lambda : self.get_window(self))
def configure_grid(self):
'''Configures the Grid layout'''
self.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=(tk.N,tk.S,tk.E,tk.W))
self.button_new_window.grid(row = 2, column = 2, padx=5, pady=5)
def get_window(self, parent):
''' If window exists, return it, else, create it'''
self.new_window = self.new_window if self.new_window else Window(parent)
return self.new_window
class Window(tk.Toplevel):
'''Opens a new Window.
#param parent -- tk.Widget that opens/reference this window
def __init__ (self, parent : tk.Widget):
# Stores reference to the Parent Widget, so you can set parent.new_window = None
self.parent = parent
super().__init__(master = parent.master)
self.title('New Window')
self.button_dummy = tk.Button(self, text = 'Do the thing', width = 25, command = lambda : print("Button pressed on window!"))
self.button_close = tk.Button(self, text = 'Close', width = 25, command = self.close_me)
def configure_grid(self):
self.button_dummy.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
self.button_close.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
def close_me(self):
'''Tkinter widgets are made of two parts. 1. The python Object and 2. The GUI Widget.
The destroy() method gets rid of the widget part, but leaves the object in memory.
To also destroy the object, you need to set all of its references count to ZERO on
the Parent Widget that created the new Window, so the Garbage Collector can collect it.
# Destroys the Widget
# Decreasses the reference count on the Parent Widget so the Garbage Collector can destroy the python object
self.parent.new_window = None
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
toolbar = Toolbar(root)
I don´t know if this: .destroy() and re-instantiate approach is more efficient than the .withdraw() and .deiconify(). Maybe if you have a program that runs for long periods of time and opens a lot of windows it can be handy to avoid stackoverflow or heapoverflow.
It sure frees up the object reference from memory, but it has the additional cost of the re-instantiation, and that is processing time.
But as David J. Malan would say on CS50, “There´s always a tradeoff”.
when I opened my Top Level window, I always saw an annoying and weird behaviour.. at the end I realized that it was because of my custom icon.
below an exaple code:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
class MainWindow:
def __init__(self):
self.parent.title("My Software - WITH ICON")
Button = ttk.Button(self.parent, text="open a new widnow", command=self.OpenNewWindow)
Button.place(x=16, y=16)
def OpenNewWindow(self):
self.obj = NewWindow(self)
class NewWindow:
def __init__(self, mw):
self.window, self.mw = Toplevel(mw.parent), mw
self.window.title("New Window")
self.window.iconbitmap("icon.ico") # it creates the issue..
self.window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_close)
self.mw.parent.attributes('-disabled', 1)
def on_close(self):
self.mw.parent.attributes('-disabled', 0)
def main():
if __name__=="__main__":
to make it clear where is the issue, I create a GIF:
here we have two softwares, "without icon.py" and "with icon.py". they are the same, but the first one doesn't use my custom icon for his second window.
as you can see, if I run "with icon.py" the second window will be always affected by something when I will open it, but for "without icon.py" this "something" doesn't exist.
what is the issue? the software opens his second window, focus the root one (it's the issue), and then focus the second window again. you can see it clearly from the GIF.
how can I solve the issue? and why with the default icon this weird behaviour doesn't happen?
I have a Toplevel widget that I want to destroy whenever the user clicks out of the window. I tried finding solutions on the Internet, but there seems to be no article discussing about this topic.
How can I achieve this. Thanks for any help !
You can try something like that :
fen is your toplevel
fen.bind("<FocusOut>", fen.quit)
I had a similar problem, and fixed it. The following example works fine.
It displays a Toplevel window on top of the main window, as a customized config menu.
Whenever the user clicks somewhere else, the config menu disappears.
Warning: Don't use .transient(parent) on the Toplevel window, otherwise, the symptom that you described happens: when clicking on the main window, the menu does not disappear. You can try in the example below to uncomment the "self.transient(parent)" line to reproduce your issue.
import Tix
class MainWindow(Tix.Toplevel):
def __init__(self, parent):
# Init
self.parent = parent
Tix.Toplevel.__init__(self, parent)
self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.destroy)
w = Tix.Button(self, text="Config menu", command=self.openMenu)
def openMenu(self):
configWindow = ConfigWindow(self)
class ConfigWindow(Tix.Toplevel):
def __init__(self, parent):
# Init
self.parent = parent
Tix.Toplevel.__init__(self, parent)
# If you uncomment this line it reproduces the issue you described
# Hides the window while it is being configured
# Position the menu under the mouse
x = self.parent.winfo_pointerx()
y = self.parent.winfo_pointery()
self.geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
# Configure the window without borders
self.update_idletasks() # Mandatory for .overrideredirect() method
# Binding to close the menu if user does something else
self.bind("<FocusOut>", self.close) # User focus on another window
self.bind("<Escape>", self.close) # User press Escape
self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close)
# The configuration items
w = Tix.Checkbutton(self, text="Config item")
# Show the window
def close(self, event=None):
tixRoot = Tix.Tk()
app = MainWindow(tixRoot)
The other solutions didn't work for me when I had 2 <tkinter.Entry>s but I found this:
import tkinter as tk
focus = 0
def focus_in(event):
global focus
focus += 1
def focus_out(event):
global focus
focus -= 1
if focus == 0:
root = tk.Toplevel()
root.bind("<FocusIn>", focus_in)
root.bind("<FocusOut>", focus_out)
It has a counter for the number of times the window is focused. It destroys the window when the counter reaches 0.
I'm trying to make a GUI using Tkinter and have come to implementing a menu bar. I've looked at a few tutorials and written some code for it, but a menu bar never seems to appear - just a blank frame with a white background. This doesn't just happen for my code though; on copying and pasting the code of one of the aforementioned tutorials into a new script, the same behaviour is exhibited.
I'd appreciate it if anyone could shed any light on what's causing this. My system is OS X 10.5, Python 2.7, Tk 8.4. Here's the code from the tutorial that doesn't appear to work:
from Tkinter import *
from ttk import *
class App(Frame):
def __init__(self):
self.menu = Menu(tearoff=False)
self.master.config(menu = self.menu)
fm = self.file_menu = None
fm = Menu(self.menu, tearoff=False)
self.menu.add_cascade(label='File', menu = fm)
fm.add_command(label='Say Hello', command = self.say_hello)
fm.add_command(label='Quit', command = self.quit)
def say_hello(self, *e):
self.label = Label(self.master, text='Hello there!')
self.label.pack(anchor=CENTER, fill=NONE, expand=YES, side=LEFT)
if __name__ == '__main__':
and my code is here:
from Tkinter import *
class App(Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
Frame.__init__(self, parent)
parent.title("Cluedo Solver 1.0")
menubar = Menu(root)
menubar.add_command(label="Quit", command=root.quit())
Based on some comments you made to one of the answers, you are apparently running this on a Macintosh. The code works fine, but the menu appears in the mac menubar rather than on the window like it does on Windows and Linux. So, there's nothing wrong with your code as far as the menubar is concerned.
Code with Explanation
From personal experience, I have found that it is usually easier to manage all widgets in a widgets method. That is what I did here, and it worked. Also, instead of parent, I used master. I will now walk you through the code step-by-step.
from Tkinter import *
We import Tkinter (GUI stuff)
class App(Frame):
We create a class called App, which is the Frame where widgets are held.
def __init__(self, master):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
We create a method called __init__. This initializes the class, and runs another method called widgets.
def widgets(self):
menubar = Menu(root)
menubar.add_command(label="Quit", command=root.quit())
We create the widgets method. This is where the widget, menubar is added. If we were to create anymore widgets, they would also be here.
Lastly, we give the entire window some properties. We give it a title, Menubar, and run the App class. lastly, we start the GUI's mainloop with root.mainloop.
I am trying the code as above, but all I get is "Python" on the macOS menubar and it's usual pulldown. tkinter just doesn't seem to work menus on macOS 10.14.1
I think what is happening is that there are mac specific fixups that are changing the event codes so certain menu items will end up under the Python menu item instead of where expected, I saw some of this in my own experiments. When I expanded my code and used some of the reserved FILE event codes instead of the standard ones, things worked better.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from tkinter import *
class App(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
def widgets(self):
menubar = Menu(root)
menubar.add_command(label = 'File')
menubar.add_command(label = 'quit', command = root.quit())
root.config(menu = menubar)
root = Tk()
app = App(root)
Check your mac menu bar if you are doing any GUI that involves menubar which you will like to view or test. Its subtle and you may think you code is not to working. Click on the app(in this case python window), it will show a drop down menubar.
guys to solve the problem
look the file part that's where the menubar for mac is located
I have a Tix.ComboBox with an editable text field. How do I force the variable holding the value for the text to update?
Let me give a more concrete explanation. I have a combo box and a button. When I click the button, it pops up a message box with the value of the combo box. Let's say the combo box text field currently has the value "thing1". If I type "new" into the box and then click on the button with my mouse, it will pops up the message "thing1". If I type "new" in the box and then tab focus away from the combo box and then click the button the pop up message says "new".
Ho do I force the combo box to update it's value to new without requiring that I tab away from the combo box?
I have included sample code.
import Tix
import tkMessageBox
class App(object):
def __init__(self, window):
self.window = window
self.combo = Tix.ComboBox(window)
self.combo.insert(Tix.END, 'thing1')
self.combo.insert(Tix.END, 'thing2')
self.combo.entry['state'] = "normal"
self.combo['editable'] = True
button = Tix.Button(window)
button['text'] = "Go"
button['command'] = self.go
def go(self):
tkMessageBox.showinfo('info', self.combo['value'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tix.Tk()
solved it on my own.
instead of
NOTE: copy of Moe's answer that can be selected as chosen answer
solved it on my own.
instead of