How to Install requests[security] in virtualenv in IntelliJ - python

I'm using python 2.7.10 virtualenv when running python codes in IntelliJ. I need to install requests[security] package. However I'm not sure how to add that [security] option/config when installing requests package using the Package installer in File > Project Structure settings window.

Was able to install it by doing:
Activating the virtualenv in the 'Terminal' tool window:
source <virtualenv dir>/bin/activate
Executing a pip install requests[security]

Related install for dlib: finished with status 'error'

I'm having problems installing Adam Geitgey's face_recognition library on my Windows PC.
I followed this tutorial for installing dlib with Python bindings on windows and I've successfully installed the requirements listed there.
However, trying to install dlib with pip throws the error install for dlib: finished with status 'error'
How can I go about resolving this?
In order for dlib (with its Python bindings) to work well for you on Windows, you need to use a Python installation whose version is 3.6 or lower.
I understand you're using the latest version of Python. If I'm correct in my assumption that you're working with Python 3.8, then you'll have to follow these steps:
Install Python 3.6 on your PC — take note of the installation path as you'll need this for creating the appropriate virtual environment.
Create a Python 3.6 virtual environment — this will serve to isolate the dependencies of your current project.
Assuming your Python 3.6 was installed to C:\Users\Mfonism\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36 (like it was on my PC :)), you'll create your virtual environment thusly (from your project directory):
c:\> C:\Users\Mfonism\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\python.exe -m venv env36
venv is the Python virtual environment module.
env36 is the name of the virtual environment you're creating.
Activate the so-created virtual environment.
c:\> env36\Scripts\activate
The name of the virtual environment (env36) should now appear in the terminal.
Install your project dependencies with pip.
pip install face_recognition
If this fails, use the --no-cache-dir option to circumvent cached versions of the dependencies.
pip install face_recognition --no-cache-dir
You will need to install specific versions of dlib and face_recognition. And you will need to install dlib first, or face_recognition will try to install the latest version of it, and this will fail.
Install dlib 19.8.1
pip install dlib==19.8.1
Then install face_recognition 1.2.2
pip install face_recognition==1.2.2

Trouble installing some libraries in python (oauth2client and gspread)

I'm using python 3.7 (environment created by anaconda) and trying to run python code that uses some google libraries but I don't really know how to install them.
From PyCharm IDE (Settings -> Project Interpreter -> Available Packages) I cannot find those packages to install.
And from terminal, running 'pip install --upgrade oauth2client' or 'pip3 install --upgrade oauth2client' doesn't seem to work either.
What I don't understand is: to install packages/libraries on python 3.x, should i only use pip3? But what if there is more than one python environment? On which one pip will install those libraries?
If you're using Anaconda, you should also have an Anaconda Prompt (py37) program that functions like the terminal. Typing pip install --upgrade oauth2client into Anaconda Prompt (py37) will install the upgrade into your current python environment. Alternatively, you can use conda install with more options (including specifying which environment you want).

How to force install package in virtualenv?

Trying to install django with different version that in system, it shows me:
Installing collected packages: Django
Found existing installation: Django 1.7.11
Not uninstalling django at /home/user/lib/python2.7, outside environment /home/user/webapps/v2_dev/venv
Successfully installed Django-1.8.19
But in fact there is old version
tried with different commands:
./venv/bin/pip install Django==1.8.11
pip install Django==1.8.11
When I install my packages it shows:
The required version of setuptools (>=16.0) is not available,
and can't be installed while this script is running. Please
install a more recent version first, using
'easy_install -U setuptools'.
(Currently using setuptools 3.1 (/home/user/lib/python2.7/setuptools-3.1-py2.7.egg))
When I do the upgrade:
venv/bin/pip install --upgrade setuptools
Requirement already up-to-date: setuptools in ./venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (40.5.0)
I arrived at this post while looking for how to force install something in a virtualenv despite it being already installed in the global python. This happens when the virtual env was created with --system-site-packages.
In this situation, for certain packages it may be important to have a local version within the virtualenv, even if for many other packages we can share the global versions. This is the case of pytest, for example. However, pip will refuse to install a package in the virtualenv if it can already find the most recent version in the system site.
The solution is to use pip install --ignore-installed mypackage.
Instead of installing setuptools and Django like ./venv/bin/pip install ..., try to activate your virtual environment first and install the stuff you need afterwards.
Activating virtual environment:
Go to the folder where your virtual environment is located (typically the root folder of your project) and type one of the two:
source venv/bin/activate (Unix-based systems)
venv\Scripts\activate (Windows)
This will ensure that you are not mixing packages installed in different environments.
Forcing reinstall of the packages:
Simple upgrade can be done by adding: --upgrade or -U
Forcing reinstall of the packages can be done by adding: --force-reinstall
In your case (once the environment is activated):
python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall setuptools Django
Step by step:
Deactivate and delete the old virtual environment
Create new environment using python -m virtualenv venv (python 2) or python -m venv venv (python 3)
python above is the interpreter which you want to use in your project. That's the only point where you might want to use for example python3 or some absolute path instead. Later use the code as is.
source venv/bin/activate
Activating the virtual environment
python -m pip install -U pip
If you have issue with ImportError: No module named _internal than probably you are using an old version of pip. Issue is described here
python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall -r requirements.txt
-U --force-reinstall is a bit of an overkill in case of fresh environment, but it will do no harm
Go to the place where your is located and start the server using python runserver
The problem was in Webfaction VPS
Need an empty file named in the /home/username/webapps/appName/env/lib/python2.
That empty file overrides their python customizations, one of which is to include any packages in the ~/lib/python2.7 directory.
You might need to deactivate your virtual env and activate it again for changes to take effect.
workaround but it works!
in your virtualenv directory change the properties of the pyvenv.cfg file
include-system-site-packages = True
this will cause the packages installed on the main to be used

How to import packages into Pycharm using PIP?

I'm trying to install a package onto Pycharm using PIP. I am running Anacondas on a Pycharm IDE. I know that you use the project interpreter to install packages and I also know that the package should be located under PyPi but when I go to the project interpreter and click add package the package I'm trying to install doesn't appear under the list of available packages.
I know that you can install the package using PIP and I have PIP installed through Anaconda although I am unsure how to run a pip command through Pycharm. I've tried typing it into the cmd console and the python code and neither seems to have any effect...
The package I'm trying to install is:
The pip command to install it is: pip install fuzzywuzzy but I am unsure as to where I'm supposed to run that command.
I'm fairly new at Python so any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you!
I found someone else's answer that works for me:
You need to use
import pip
Which allows you to manually install packages through pip using Python code.
This is guide for installing the pip packages from Python Console in Pycharm IDE.
Do not forget to run Pycharm as administrator if you are using windows OS before installing the packages.
First of all import the pacakage of pip in python console.
import pip
Installation of Package.
pip.main(['install', '<package_name>'])
The below command will upgrade the version of package setuptools.
The below command will install the scikit-learn and numpy packages.
The below command will uninstall the scikit-learn package.
I was with the same problem, all i did was : Configure the project interpreter to the Python3 inside the venv you are using the pip install.
Remember to activate the venv.
That's it , now you can use the pip install on pycharm or on prompot.
The problem is that even with the "venv/lib/sitepackeges" in the your project's sys.path the pycharm looks only for the packages where the project interpreter is.

Python 3.3 and Installing PyOpenSSL on a Mac

I have python 3.3 working and can run some basic code (like print("Hello World")). Next I need so get PyOpenSSL set up. I've downloaded and unzipped the from their github site, but I have no idea what to do with it next.
I moved the unzipped directory into /libs, cd into /libs/pyopenssl-master and did python install --user. But that failed with
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/ can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Other than the directory not existing, which I assume that the installer would create, the bigger problem is that it appears to be trying to write to the python 2.7 folder and I'm using 3.3.
If you can't tell, I'm pretty much out of my element. I've never installed a Python library before and I'm also not great with OSX installations. Can anyone help me get this set up? Thanks.
Here's how you can install pyOpenSSL on OS X (or just about any other platform):
Install pip
Install it using a package for your operating system. For example, if you use brew, brew install pip.
If there is no package for your operating system, download
Run it (probably as root, unfortunately): sudo python
Install virtualenv using pip - pip install --user virtualenv
Create a virtualenv to install pyOpenSSL into - virtualenv ~/Environments/pyOpenSSL-stuff
Activate the virtualenv - . ~/Environments/pyOpenSSL-stuff/bin/activate
Install pyOpenSSL with pip - pip install pyopenssl
At this point you have pyOpenSSL installed in a virtualenv. Any time you want to use pyOpenSSL you'll need to activate the virtualenv. I suggest that you actually create a virtualenv for each project of yours that you work on and install all of the necessary dependencies for each project into that project's virtualenv.
This does result in a lot of duplicate installations of packages. Unfortunately this seems to be the state of the art for Python package installation. Fortunately most Python packages are rather small.
