I'm trying to install a package onto Pycharm using PIP. I am running Anacondas on a Pycharm IDE. I know that you use the project interpreter to install packages and I also know that the package should be located under PyPi but when I go to the project interpreter and click add package the package I'm trying to install doesn't appear under the list of available packages.
I know that you can install the package using PIP and I have PIP installed through Anaconda although I am unsure how to run a pip command through Pycharm. I've tried typing it into the cmd console and the python code and neither seems to have any effect...
The package I'm trying to install is: https://github.com/seatgeek/fuzzywuzzy.
The pip command to install it is: pip install fuzzywuzzy but I am unsure as to where I'm supposed to run that command.
I'm fairly new at Python so any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you!
I found someone else's answer that works for me:
You need to use
import pip
Which allows you to manually install packages through pip using Python code.
This is guide for installing the pip packages from Python Console in Pycharm IDE.
Do not forget to run Pycharm as administrator if you are using windows OS before installing the packages.
First of all import the pacakage of pip in python console.
import pip
Installation of Package.
pip.main(['install', '<package_name>'])
The below command will upgrade the version of package setuptools.
The below command will install the scikit-learn and numpy packages.
The below command will uninstall the scikit-learn package.
I was with the same problem, all i did was : Configure the project interpreter to the Python3 inside the venv you are using the pip install.
Remember to activate the venv.
That's it , now you can use the pip install on pycharm or on prompot.
The problem is that even with the "venv/lib/sitepackeges" in the your project's sys.path the pycharm looks only for the packages where the project interpreter is.
So, I have python 3.9.7 installed.
When I installed it, pip had also been installed.
I checked if python is installed (Windows) using "python --version".
The Problem: When I try the same with pip; "pip --version",
an error occurs saying that the program can't be executed (command prompt)
Does anyone know why?
You can try to reinstall pip. This my solve the issue. Use can either install it over command window with 'py -m ensurepip --upgrade' oder download the 'get-pip.py' file (check https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/).
Try this first
Did you added python to PATH? This is also important. Check https://datatofish.com/add-python-to-windows-path/ to do so
Make sure that the python version is the version of your intent.
Windows python installer sometimes defaults to py for newer python installations.
python --version
Then try to install for example openpyxl package, with admin access, if required
python -m pip install openpyxl
Have you already tried pip3?
pip3 install openpyxl
I'm new to the MacOS and I have recently downloaded PyCharm on it. I was able to successfully install some packages like numpy, matplotlib, sympy, etc. However, Pytorch won't get installed; not through PyCharm nor through the Terminal. These are the commands I tried in the Terminal (other than attempting to install them directly from PyCharm):
pip install torch
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
I could post the error messages but some are quite lengthy :(
I'm using Python 3.9 interpreter with pip on the latest version (20.2.4) (everything else is also up to date). Running this on the new Mac Mini (running the M1 chip).
Any ideas on what I should do? Thanks!!!
Try building from the source code, run these commands
git clone https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch.git
cd pytorch
git submodule update --init --recursive
python3 setup.py build
python3 setup.py install
Are you using a venv? If so you could try checking the box "install to user's site packages directory" in the Project Interpreter settings when you add a package.
I'm using python 3.7 (environment created by anaconda) and trying to run python code that uses some google libraries but I don't really know how to install them.
From PyCharm IDE (Settings -> Project Interpreter -> Available Packages) I cannot find those packages to install.
And from terminal, running 'pip install --upgrade oauth2client' or 'pip3 install --upgrade oauth2client' doesn't seem to work either.
What I don't understand is: to install packages/libraries on python 3.x, should i only use pip3? But what if there is more than one python environment? On which one pip will install those libraries?
If you're using Anaconda, you should also have an Anaconda Prompt (py37) program that functions like the terminal. Typing pip install --upgrade oauth2client into Anaconda Prompt (py37) will install the upgrade into your current python environment. Alternatively, you can use conda install with more options (including specifying which environment you want).
I'm using python 2.7.10 virtualenv when running python codes in IntelliJ. I need to install requests[security] package. However I'm not sure how to add that [security] option/config when installing requests package using the Package installer in File > Project Structure settings window.
Was able to install it by doing:
Activating the virtualenv in the 'Terminal' tool window:
source <virtualenv dir>/bin/activate
Executing a pip install requests[security]
I am new to Python and I have to use Python 3.3.1 version instead of latest one...
pip install numpy
it returns
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I tried using the way i installed on python 3.6 but seems to be not working here..
I don't know how to install packages like numpy, pandas, scipy, sci-kit learn, matplotlib etc... in the Python 3.3.1, could you please help..?
Do i need to install pip separately... ?
Thanks in advance.
If you are in window try with:-
Open CMD and
python -m pip install numpy
If this is not working try with this
just type it as your python programe and run it
import pip
In my windows 10 machine, the pip.exe is in C:\Python36\Scripts folder. So I install required packages by either using command C:\Python36\Scripts\pip install package_name or first cd C:\Python36\Scripts and then pip install package_name. So far it worked me in different versions of pythons installed.
As suggested by ostue, please make sure that pip is installed with the python distribution.