Pika threaded execution gets error - 505, 'UNEXPECTED_FRAME - python

I'm aware that pika is not thread safe, i was trying to work around using a lock to access to channel but still get error:
pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: (505, 'UNEXPECTED_FRAME - expected content header for class 60, got non content header frame instead')
PS i cannot use a different channel.
what could i do? Thank you for help in advance

You need to redesign your application or choose another Rabbitmq library than Pika. Locks do not make Pika thread safe. Each thread needs to have a separate connection.
You have a couple of options, but none of them will be as simple as using a lock.
One would be to replace Pika with Kombu. Kombu is thread safe but the interface is rather different from Pika (simpler in my opinion but this is subjective).
If you want to keep using Pika, then you need to redesign your Rabbit interface. I do not know why you "cannot" use a different channel. But one possible way of doing this would be to have a single thread interfacing with Rabbit, and that thread would interact with worker threads doing tasks with the received data, and you would communicate via queues with them. This way your Rabbit thread would read data, send the received data to a worker in a queue, receive answers from workers via another queue and then submitting them to rabbit as responses.
You might also be able to untangle something in your communications protocol so that you actually can use a different channel and each thread can interface rabbit independently with their own connections and channels. This is the method I generally use.
Yet another candidate would be to get rid of threads and start using async methods instead. Your application may or may not be suitable for this.
But there is no simple workaround, and you will eventually encounter weird behaviour or exceptions if you try to share Pika objects between threads.


Is Flask-SocketIO's emit function thread safe?

I have a Flask-SocketIO application. Can I safely call socketio.emit() from different threads? Is socketio.emit() atomic like the normal socket.send()?
The socketio.emit() function is thread safe, or I should say that it is intended to be thread-safe, as there is currently one open issue related to this. Note that 'thread' in this context means a supported threading model. Most people use Flask-SocketIO in conjunction with eventlet or gevent in production, so in those contexts thread means "green" thread.
The open issue is related to using a message queue, which is necessary when you have multiple servers. In that set up, the accesses to the queue are not thread safe at this time. This is a bug that needs to be fixed, but as a workaround, you can create a different socketio object per thread.
On second question regarding if socketio.emit() is atomic, the answer is no. This is not a simple socket write operation. The payload needs to be formatted in certain way to comply with the Socket.IO protocol, then depending on the selected transport (long-polling or websocket) the write happens in a completely different way.

Python multiprocessing - function-like communication between two processes

I've got the following problem:
I have two different classes; let's call them the interface and worker. The interface is supposed to accept requests from outside, and multiplexes them to several workers.
Contrary to almost every example I have found, I have several peculiarities:
The workers are not supposed to be recreated for every request.
The workers are different; a request for workers[0] cannot be answered by workers[1]. This multiplexing is done in interface.
I have a number of function-like calls which are difficult to model via events or simple queues.
There are a few different requests, which would make one queue per request difficult.
For example, assume that each worker is storing a single integer number (let's say the number of calls this worker received). In non-parallel processing, I'd use something like this:
class interface(object):
workers = None #set somewhere else.
def get_worker_calls(self, worker_id):
return self.workers[worker_id].get_calls()
class worker(object)
calls = 0
def get_calls(self):
self.calls += 1
return self.calls
This, obviously, doesn't work. What does?
Or, maybe more relevantly, I don't have experience with multiprocessing. Is there a design paradigm I'm missing that would easily solve the above?
For reference, I have considered several approaches, and I was unable to find a good one:
Use one request and answer queue. I've discarded this idea since that'd either block interface'for the answer-time of the current worker (making it badly scalable), or would require me sending around extra information.
Use of one request queue. Each message contains a pipe to return the answer to that request. After fixing the issue with being unable to send pipes via pipes, I've run into problems with pipe closing unless sending both ends over the connection.
Use of one request queue. Each message contains a queue to return the answer to that request. Fails since I cannot send queues via queues, but the reduction trick doesn't work.
The above also applies to the respective Manager-generated objects.
Multiprocessing means you have 2+ separated processes running. There is no way to access memory from one process to another directly (as with multithreading).
Your best shot is to use some kind of external Queue mechanism, you can start with Celery or RQ. RQ is simpler but celery has built-in monitoring.
But you have to know that Multiprocessing will work only if Celery/RQ are able to "pack" the needed functions/classes and send them to other process. Therefore you have to use __main__ level functions (that are in top of file, not belongs to any class).
You can always implement it yourself, Redis is very simple, ZeroMQ and RabbitMQ are also good.
Beaver library is good example of how to deal with multiprocessing in python using ZeroMQ queue.

Python passing variable into thread

I'm using the threading module to control threads that send data through sockets and what not, however I can't find a suitable solution to pass data into the thread to work with. I've tried things such as Overriding python threading.Thread.run() but can't seem to get it working. If anyone has any suggestions I'd be happy to try anything :)
Thanks !
You are thinking about this backwards. Forget about the fact that it happens to be a thread that's sending the data through the sockets. The data doesn't need to get to the thread, it needs to get to the logic that sends data on the socket.
For example, you can have a queue that holds things that need to be sent through the socket. The socket write code pulls messages from the queue and sends them out the socket. The other code puts messages on this queue. The code that needs to send messages to the socket shouldn't know or care that there happens to be a thread that does the sending.
Use message queues for this. Python has the Queue module for passing data between threads, but if you use a third party library like 0MQ http://www.zeromq.org instead, then you can split the threads into separate processes and it will work the same way.
Multiprocessing is easier to do than threading, but if you have to use threading, avoid locking and sharing data as much as you can. Instead use a prewritten module like Queue to limit the ways in which subtle bugs can arise.

Can we create queue in rabbitmq with python

I'm working on project that need to control sending queue by code. So I just curious that anybody use to create queue in rabbitmq by python/django code? :)
Usual python clients should do from django (but beware, you may need to block the request when you're running AMQP commands). Take a look at rabbitmq tutorials
There are at least three python clients: python-amqplib, pika and puka.
Also, you may find www.celeryproject.org useful.
In AMQP, you don't create a queue. Instead, you declare a queue, and if the queue doesn't already exist, then it is created.
In some cases all you need to do is to declare the queue in the processes that consume messages. But if you want persistent and durable queues then it is best to declare them beforehand with a shell script, or in the message publisher. Even if the message publisher does not do anything with the queue, it can still declare it to ensure that messages from the exchange are never dropped.

What's the best pattern to design an asynchronous RPC application using Python, Pika and AMQP?

The producer module of my application is run by users who want to submit work to be done on a small cluster. It sends the subscriptions in JSON form through the RabbitMQ message broker.
I have tried several strategies, and the best so far is the following, which is still not fully working:
Each cluster machine runs a consumer module, which subscribes itself to the AMQP queue and issues a prefetch_count to tell the broker how many tasks it can run at once.
I was able to make it work using SelectConnection from the Pika AMQP library. Both consumer and producer start two channels, one connected to each queue. The producer sends requests on channel [A] and waits for responses in channel [B], and the consumer waits for requests on channel [A] and send responses on channel [B]. It seems, however, that when the consumer runs the callback that calculates the response, it blocks, so I have only one task executed at each consumer at each time.
What I need in the end:
the consumer [A] subscribes his tasks (around 5k each time) to the cluster
the broker dispatches N messages/requests for each consumer, where N is the number of concurrent tasks it can handle
when a single task is finished, the consumer replies to the broker/producer with the result
the producer receives the replies, update the computation status and, in the end, prints some reports
If another user submits work, all of his tasks will be queued after the previous user (I guess this is automatically true from the queue system, but I haven't thought about the implications on a threaded environment)
Tasks have an order to be submitted, but the order they are replied is not important
I have studied a bit further and my actual problem seems to be that I use a simple function as callback to the pika's SelectConnection.channel.basic_consume() function. My last (unimplemented) idea is to pass a threading function, instead of a regular one, so the callback would not block and the consumer can keep listening.
As you have noticed, your process blocks when it runs a callback. There are several ways to deal with this depending on what your callback does.
If your callback is IO-bound (doing lots of networking or disk IO) you can use either threads or a greenlet-based solution, such as gevent, eventlet, or greenhouse. Keep in mind, though, that Python is limited by the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), which means that only one piece of python code is ever running in a single python process. This means that if you are doing lots of computation with python code, these solutions will likely not be much faster than what you already have.
Another option would be to implement your consumer as multiple processes using multiprocessing. I have found multiprocessing to be very useful when doing parallel work. You could implement this by either using a Queue, having the parent process being the consumer and farming out work to its children, or by simply starting up multiple processes which each consume on their own. I would suggest, unless your application is highly concurrent (1000s of workers), to simply start multiple workers, each of which consumes from their own connection. This way, you can use the acknowledgement feature of AMQP, so if a consumer dies while still processing a task, the message is sent back to the queue automatically and will be picked up by another worker, rather than simply losing the request.
A last option, if you control the producer and it is also written in Python, is to use a task library like celery to abstract the task/queue workings for you. I have used celery for several large projects and have found it to be very well written. It will also handle the multiple consumer issues for you with the appropriate configuration.
Your setup sounds good to me. And you are right, you can simply set the callback to start a thread and chain that to a separate callback when the thread finishes to queue the response back over Channel B.
Basically, your consumers should have a queue of their own (size of N, amount of parallelism they support). When a request comes in via Channel A, it should store the result in the queue shared between the main thread with Pika and the worker threads in the thread pool. As soon it is queued, pika should respond back with ACK, and your worker thread would wake up and start processing.
Once the worker is done with its work, it would queue the result back on a separate result queue and issue a callback to the main thread to send it back to the consumer.
You should take care and make sure that the worker threads are not interfering with each other if they are using any shared resources, but that's a separate topic.
Being unexperienced in threading, my setup would run multiple consumer processes (the number of which basically being your prefetch count). Each would connect to the two queues and they would process jobs happily, unknowning of eachother's existence.
