Python SQLalchemy access huge DB data without creating models - python

I am using flaks python and sqlalchemy to connect to a huge db, where a lot of stats are saved. I need to create some useful insights with the use of these stats, so I only need to read/get the data and never modify.
The issue I have now is the following:
Before I can access a table I need to replicate the table in my models file. For example I see the table Login_Data in the DB. So I go into my models and recreate the exact same table.
class Login_Data(Base):
__tablename__ = 'login_data'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
date = Column(Date, nullable=False)
new_users = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
def __init__(self, date=None, new_users=None): = date
self.new_users = new_users
def get(self, id):
if == id:
return self
return None
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s(%r, %r, %r)>' % (self.__class__.__name__,,, self.new_users)
I do this because otherwise I cant query it using:
some_data = Login_Data.query.limit(10)
But this feels unnecessary, there must be a better way. Whats the point in recreating the models if they are already defined. What shall I use here:
Simple question but I have not found a solution yet.

Thanks to Tryph for the right sources.
To access the data of an existing DB with sqlalchemy you need to use automap. In your configuration file where you load/declare your DB type. You need to use the automap_base(). After that you can create your models and use the correct table names of the DB without specifying everything yourself:
from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import stats_config
Base = automap_base()
engine = create_engine(stats_config.DB_URI, convert_unicode=True)
# reflect the tables
Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True)
# mapped classes are now created with names by default
# matching that of the table name.
LoginData = Base.classes.login_data
db_session = Session(engine)
After this is done you can now use all your known sqlalchemy functions on:
some_data = db_session.query(LoginData).limit(10)

You may be interested by reflection and automap.
Unfortunately, since I never used any of those features, I am not able to tell you more about them. I just know that they allow to use the database schema without explicitly declaring it in Python.


Modifying a SQLAlchemy Model to work with both Postgres and MySQL

I have a Document model in Python using SQLAlchemy that was designed to work with Postgres. I need to modify the model so it can work with both Postgres and MySQL. The model has a text_ts column that is used for full-text search but it's not supported in MySQL. I also need to modify the document_text_ts_idx index to point to the text column instead of text_ts.
I tried to modify the code by excluding the text_ts column in the model's mapper args and changing the index to point to the text column, but I couldn't figure out the correct syntax for it. I was expecting the model to work with both Postgres and MySQL, but I'm not sure how to make the modifications.
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, Text, func, Index, Computed
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import TSVECTOR
Base = declarative_base()
class Document(Base):
__tablename__ = 'document'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
text = Column(Text)
text_ts = Column(TSVECTOR, Computed("to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, text)"))
__mapper_args__ = {
'exclude_properties': ['text_ts']
def search(cls, session, query):
return session.query(, cls.text).filter(cls.text_ts.bool_op("##")(func.plainto_tsquery("english", query))).all()
Index('document_text_ts_idx', Document.text_ts, postgresql_using='gin')
How can I modify the code so that the model can work with both Postgres and MySQL, while still providing full-text search functionality?

sqlalchemy dynamic schema on entity at runtime

I'm using SQL Alchemy and have some schema's that are account specific. The name of the schema is derived using the account ID, so I don't have the name of the schema until I hit my application service or repository layer. I'm wondering if it's possible to run a query against an entity that has it's schema dynamically set at runtime?
I know I need to set the __table_args__['schema'] and have tried doing that using the type() built-in, but I always get the following error:
could not assemble any primary key columns for mapped table
I'm ready to give up and just write straight sql, but I really hate to do that. Any idea how this can be done? I'm using SA 0.99 and I do have a PK mapped.
from sqlalchemy 1.1,
this can be done easily using using schema_translation_map.
One option would be to reflect the particular account-dependent tables. Here is the SqlAlchemy Documentation on the matter.
Alternatively, You can create the table with a static schema attribute and update it as needed at runtime and run the queries you need to. I can't think of a non-messy way to do this. So here's the messy option
Use a loop to update the schema property in each table definition whenever the account is switched.
add all the tables that are account-specific to a list.
if the tables are expressed in the declarative syntax, then you have to modify the DeclarativeName.__table__.schema attribute. I'm not sure if you need to also modify DeclarativeName.__table_args__['schema'], but I guess it won't hurt.
If the tables are expressed in the old style Table syntax, then you have to modify the Table.schema attribute.
If you're using text for any relationships or foreign keys, then that will break, and you have to inspect each table for such hard coded usage and change them
user_id = Column(ForeignKey('')) needs to be written as user_id = Column(ForeignKey( Then you can change the schema of User to my_new_schema. Otherwise, at query time sqlalchemy will be confused because the foreign key will point to while the query would point to my_new_schema.user.
I'm not sure if more complicated relationships can be expressed without the use of plain text, so I guess that's the limit to my proposed solution.
Here's an example I wrote up in the terminal:
>>> from sqlalchemy import Column, Table, Integer, String, select, ForeignKey
>>> from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
>>> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
>>> B = declarative_base()
>>> class User(B):
... __tablename__ = 'user'
... __table_args__ = {'schema': 'first_schema'}
... id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
... name = Column(String)
... email = Column(String)
>>> class Posts(B):
... __tablename__ = 'posts'
... __table_args__ = {'schema':'first_schema'}
... id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
... user_id = Column(ForeignKey(
... text = Column(String)
>>> str(select([, Posts.text]).select_from(User.__table__.join(Posts)))
'SELECT first_schema."user".id, first_schema.posts.text \nFROM first_schema."user" JOIN first_schema.posts ON first_schema."user".id = first_schema.posts.user_id'
>>> account_specific = [User, Posts]
>>> for Tbl in account_specific:
... Tbl.__table__.schema = 'second_schema'
>>> str(select([, Posts.text]).select_from(User.__table__.join(Posts)))
'SELECT second_schema."user".id, second_schema.posts.text \nFROM second_schema."user" JOIN second_schema.posts ON second_schema."user".id = second_schema.posts.user_id'
As you see the same query refers to the second_schema after I update the table's schema attribute.
edit: Although you can do what I did here, using the schema translation map as shown in the the answer below is the proper way to do it.
They are set statically. Foreign keys needs the same treatment, and I have an additional issue, in that I have multiple schemas that contain multiple tables so I did this:
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
staging_dbase = declarative_base()
model_dbase = declarative_base()
def adjust_schemas(staging, model):
for vv in staging_dbase.metadata.tables.values():
vv.schema = staging
for vv in model_dbase.metadata.tables.values():
vv.schema = model
def all_tables():
return staging_dbase.metadata.tables.union(model_dbase.metadata.tables)
Then in my startup code:
adjust_schemas(staging=staging_name, model=model_name)
You can mod this for a single declarative base.
I'm working on a project in which I have to create postgres schemas and tables dynamically and then insert data in proper schema. Here is something I have done maybe it will help someone:
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from app.models.user import User
engine_uri = "postgres://someusername:somepassword#localhost:5432/users"
engine = create_engine(engine_uri, pool_pre_ping=True)
SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)
def create_schema(schema_name: str):
Creates a new postgres schema
- **schema_name**: name of the new schema to create
if not engine.dialect.has_schema(engine, schema_name):
def create_tables(schema_name: str):
Create new tables for postgres schema
- **schema_name**: schema in which tables are to be created
if (
engine.dialect.has_schema(engine, schema_name) and
not engine.dialect.has_table(engine, str(
User.__table__.schema = schema_name
def add_data(schema_name: str):
Add data to a particular postgres schema
- **schema_name**: schema in which data is to be added
if engine.dialect.has_table(engine, str(
db = SessionLocal()
"schema_translate_map": {None: schema_name}},
user = User() = "Moin"
user.salary = 10000

Associate "external' class model with flask sqlalchemy

We use a central class model for a wide variety of python modules. This model is defined using SQLAlchemy. The classes all inherit from declarative_base.
For example, our model definitions look something like this:
Base = declarative_base()
class Post(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Posts'
id = Column(INT, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
body = Column(TEXT)
timestamp = Column(TIMESTAMP)
user_id = Column(INT, ForeignKey('Users.uid'))
We have been building a flask web-application in which we employ this same model. We have discovered a tricky problem in that flask-sqlalchemy appears to be designed in such a way that it expects all classes used in its model to have been defined by passing in an active instance of the session. Here is an example of a "proper" flask-sqalchemy class model definition:
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:////tmp/test.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
class User(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
username = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True)
email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique=True)
Note that the above example for flask-sqlalchemy requires an already-instantiated sql session. This has horrified us, because we are completely at a loss as to how to integrate our SqlAlchemy model into flask. We really want to use the flask-security suite in particular.
This problem has been brought up before on SO. Here, for example:
How to use flask-sqlalchemy with existing sqlalchemy model?
Our requirements are different from those of whoever accepted the response there. The response points out that one loses the ability to use User.query, but this is precisely one of the things we must retain.
It is not feasible to abandon our nice, elegant, central class model definition in favor of what flask-sqlalchemy appears to require. Is there any way for us to associate our model with the SQLAlchemy() object? Bonus points for getting us the .query() method on our classes which appears to be required by flask-security.
As of today, the best way to do this is as follows:
Implement or import sqlalchemy base
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
base = declarative_base()
class Base(base):
__abstract__ = True
uid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
Register the external base:
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from model.base import Base
app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app, model_class=Base)
Archived for posterity:
I spent a lot of time looking for an answer to this. This is a lot easier to do today than it was when I originally asked the question, but it still isn't exactly simple.
For anyone who decides to do security themselves, I recommend the following excellent exposition of common design patterns which use flask, but which avoid employing unnecessary dependencies like flask-security:
For anyone interested, a patch has been in the works for some time related to this. As of now it still isn't released, but you can check its progress here:
I have taken the code from the above mentioned patch and created a local override for the SQLAlchemy object which allows one to register an external base. I think this is the best option available until such time as FSA gets around to adding this officially. Here is the code from that class for anyone interested. Tested working with Flask-SqlAlchemy 2.2
Patching in register_external_base:
import flask_sqlalchemy
'''Created by Isaac Martin 2017. Licensed insofar as it can be according to the standard terms of the MIT license: The author accepts no liability for consequences resulting from the use of this software. '''
class SQLAlchemy(flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy):
def __init__(self, app=None, use_native_unicode=True, session_options=None,
metadata=None, query_class=flask_sqlalchemy.BaseQuery, model_class=flask_sqlalchemy.Model):
self.use_native_unicode = use_native_unicode
self.Query = query_class
self.session = self.create_scoped_session(session_options)
self.Model = self.make_declarative_base(model_class, metadata)
self._engine_lock = flask_sqlalchemy.Lock() = app
flask_sqlalchemy._include_sqlalchemy(self, query_class)
self.external_bases = []
if app is not None:
def get_tables_for_bind(self, bind=None):
"""Returns a list of all tables relevant for a bind."""
result = []
for Base in self.bases:
for table in flask_sqlalchemy.itervalues(Base.metadata.tables):
if'bind_key') == bind:
return result
def get_binds(self, app=None):
"""Returns a dictionary with a table->engine mapping.
This is suitable for use of sessionmaker(binds=db.get_binds(app)).
app = self.get_app(app)
binds = [None] + list(app.config.get('SQLALCHEMY_BINDS') or ())
retval = {}
for bind in binds:
engine = self.get_engine(app, bind)
tables = self.get_tables_for_bind(bind)
retval.update(dict((table, engine) for table in tables))
return retval
def bases(self):
return [self.Model] + self.external_bases
def register_base(self, Base):
"""Register an external raw SQLAlchemy declarative base.
Allows usage of the base with our session management and
adds convenience query property using self.Query by default."""
for c in Base._decl_class_registry.values():
if isinstance(c, type):
if not hasattr(c, 'query') and not hasattr(c, 'query_class'):
c.query_class = self.Query
if not hasattr(c, 'query'):
c.query = flask_sqlalchemy._QueryProperty(self)
# for name in dir(c):
# attr = getattr(c, name)
# if type(attr) == orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute:
# if hasattr(attr.prop, 'query_class'):
# attr.prop.query_class = self.Query
# if hasattr(c , 'rel_dynamic'):
# c.rel_dynamic.prop.query_class = self.Query
To be used like so:
app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

Raw MySQL with SQLAlchemy using Pyramid framework

I have recently made a decision to start using the Pyramid (python web framework) for my projects from now on.
I have also decided to use SQLalchemy, and I want to use raw MySQL (personal reasons) but still keep the ORM features.
The first part of the code in reads:
DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
Base = declarative_base()
Now from here how do I exectue a query for CREATE TABLE using raw MySQL.
the traditional SQLalchemy way would be:
class Page(Base):
__tablename__ = 'pages'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(Text, unique=True)
data = Column(Text)
def __init__(self, name, data): = name = data
DBSession.execute('CREATE TABLE ....')
Have a look at sqlalchemy.text() for parametrized queries.
My own biased suggestion would be to use to setup the sqlalchemy engine.
Then inside a pyramid view you can do something like:
from khufu_sqlalchemy import dbsession
db = dbsession(request)
db.execute("select * from table where id=:id", {'id':7})
Inside the if you are adding form elements, first create an object of the database.
In your snippet, do it as
pg = Page()
and add it with
for all the form elements you want to add e.g name and data from your snippet.
the final code would be similar to:
pg = Page()
name = request.params['name']
data = request.params['data']

How to set up global connection to database?

I have problem with setting up database connection. I want to set connection, where I can see this connection in all my controllers.
Now I use something like this in my controller:
db = create_engine('mysql://root:password#localhost/python')
metadata = MetaData(db)
email_list = Table('email',metadata,autoload=True)
In development.ini I have:
sqlalchemy.url = mysql://root#password#localhost/python
sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 3600
How do I set
I hope you got pylons working; for anyone else that may later read question I'll present some pointers in the right direction.
First of all, you are only creating a engine and a metadata object. While you can use the engine to create connections directly you would almost always use a Session to manage querying and updating your database.
Pylons automatically setups this for you by creating a engine from your configuration file, then passing it to which binds it to a scoped_session object.
This scoped_session object is available from yourproject.model.meta and is the object you would use to query your database. For example:
record = meta.Session.query(model.MyTable).filter(id=42)
Because it is a scoped_session it automatically creates a Session object and associates it with the current thread if it doesn't already exists. Scoped_session passes all action (.query(), .add(), .delete()) down into the real Session object and thus allows you a simple way to interact the database with having to manage the non-thread-safe Session object explicitly.
The scoped_session, Session, object from yourproject.model.meta is automatically associated with a metadata object created as either yourproject.model.meta:metadata (in pylons 0.9.7 and below) or yourproject.model.meta:Base.metadata (in pylons 1.0). Use this metadata object to define your tables. As you can see in newer versions of pylons a metadata is associated with a declarative_base() object named Base, which allows you to use SqlAlchemy's declarative style.
Using this from the controller
from yourproject import model
from yourproject.model import Session
class MyController(..):
def resource(self):
result = Session.query(model.email_list).\
return str(result)
Use real connections
If you really want to get a connection object simply use
from yourproject.model import Session
connection = Session.connection()
result = connection.execute("select 3+4;")
// more connection executions
However this is all good, but what you should be doing is...
This leaves out that you are not really using SqlAlchemy much. The power of SqlAlchemy really shines when you start mapping your database tables to python classes. So anyone looking into using pylons with a database should take a serious look at what you can do with SqlAlchemy. If SqlAlchemy starts out intimidating simply start out with using its declarative approach, which should be enough for almost all pylons apps.
In your model instead of defining Table constructs, do this:
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, Unicode, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation
from yourproject.model.meta import Base
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = 'users'
# primary_key implies nullable=False
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
# nullable defaults to True
name = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
notes = relation("UserNote", backref="user")
query = Session.query_property()
class UserNote(Base):
__tablename__ = 'usernotess'
# primary_key implies nullable=False
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
userid = Column(Integer, index=True, ForeignKey(""))
# nullable defaults to True
text = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
query = Session.query_property()
Note the query objects. These are smart object that live on the class and associates your classes with the scoped_session(), Session. This allows you to event more easily extract data from your database.
from sqlalchemy.orm import eagerload
def resource(self):
user = User.query.filter("notes")).one()
return "\n".join([ x.text for x in user.notes ])
1.0 version of Pylons use declarative syntax. More about this, you can see here .
In mode/ you can write somthing like this:
from your_programm.model.meta import Session, Base
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.types import *
def init_model(engine):
class Foo(Base) :
__tablename__ = "foo"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String)
What you want to do is modify the Globals class in your file to include a .engine (or whatever) attribute. Then, in your controllers, you use from pylons import app_globals and app_globals.engine to access the engine (or metadata, session, scoped_session, etc...).
