I am working on a project to scrape multiple twitter URL's and assign their follower count to a csv:
username= ['LazadaPH','ZALORAPH','ShopeePH','eBayPhilippines','beauty_MNL']
for user in username:
url = 'https://www.twitter.com/'+ user
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content,'lxml')
f = soup.find('li', class_="ProfileNav-item--followers")
title = f.find('a')['title']
num_followers = int(title.split(' ')[0].replace(',',''))
The output looks as follows:
LazadaPH 52841
ShopeePH 7004
eBayPhilippines 874
beauty_MNL 2469
Since I'm quite new to python (and don't hope to be asking a redundant question): but can someone guide me to sources and tutorials of how to assign this printed output to a csv and essentialy extract it into two columns (column 1 is website string and column 2 the follower count).
Any suggestions?
Thanks a bunch!
You can use the CSV module
import csv
with open('out.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
r = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',') # ----> COMMA Seperated
for user in username:
url = 'https://www.twitter.com/'+ user
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content,'lxml')
f = soup.find('li', class_="ProfileNav-item--followers")
title = f.find('a')['title']
num_followers = int(title.split(' ')[0].replace(',',''))
r.writerow([user,num_followers]) # ----> Adding Rows
Make your print statement like this:
So that it prints ';' as separator for values. Then pipe the output to a file:
python yourscript.py > yourcsv.csv
I'm extracting data from DESWATER website, these data are then saved in CSV. to make a small example of the issue I have these 2 authors, one having a full text file the other doesn't. Hence, it will save the file to the wrong author.
So the CSV output looks like this:
Authors | File
First Author | Second File
Second Author | Third File
But I want the output like this:
Authors | File
First Author | 'No File'
Second Author | Second File
Third Author | Third File
Here is a small test code:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import time
import csv
list_of_authors = []
list_of_full_file = []
r = requests.get('https://www.deswater.com/vol.php?vol=1&oth=1|1-3|January|2009')
# Parsing the HTML
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
s = soup.find('td', class_='testo_normale')
authors = s.find_all('i')
for author in authors:
# find all the anchor tags with "href"
for link in soup.find_all('a', class_='testo_normale_rosso'):
if "fulltext.php?abst=" in link.get('href'):
baseurl = 'https://www.deswater.com/'
list_of_full_file.append(f'file {n}')
def Save_csv():
row_head =['Author', 'File Name']
Data = []
for author, file in zip(list_of_authors, list_of_full_file):
rows = [Data[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(Data), 2)]
with open('data.csv', 'w', encoding='utf_8_sig', newline="") as csvfile:
csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
This code will ultimately extract data from 279 pages, so I need the code to automatically detect that there is no Full Text for this author, so I can append it as 'No File'
See the reference of the correct matching in the website here.
The first author doesn't have a full text file.
Any Ideas?
Try to change your strategy selecting the elements and avoid multiple lists if yo could not ensure same length.
Use css selectors here to select all <hr> that are the base for all other selections with find_previous():
for e in soup.select('.testo_normale hr'):
'author': e.find_previous('i').text,
'file': 'https://www.deswater.com/'+e.find_previous('a').get('href') if 'fulltext' in e.find_previous('a').get('href') else 'no url'
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import csv
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get('https://www.deswater.com/vol.php?vol=1&oth=1|1-3|January|2009').content)
with open('data.csv', 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f:
data = []
for e in soup.select('.testo_normale hr'):
'author': e.find_previous('i').text,
'file': 'https://www.deswater.com/'+e.find_previous('a').get('href') if 'fulltext' in e.find_previous('a').get('href') else 'no url'
dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(f, data[0].keys())
Miriam Balaban,no url
W. Richard Bowen,https://www.deswater.com/fulltext.php?abst=XFxEV1RfYWJzdHJhY3RzXFx2b2xfMVxcMV8yMDA5XzEucGRm&desc=k#1#kfontk#13#kfacek#7#kk#30#kGenevak#6#kk#13#kArialk#6#kk#13#kHelveticak#6#kk#13#ksank#35#kserifk#30#kk#13#ksizek#7#kk#30#k2k#30#kk#2#kk#1#kik#2#kW.k#13#kRichardk#13#kBowenk#1#kk#4#kik#2#kk#1#kbrk#2#kWaterk#13#kengineeringk#13#kfork#13#kthek#13#kpromotionk#13#kofk#13#kpeacek#1#kbrk#2#k1k#15#k2009k#16#k1k#35#k6k#1#kbrk#4#kk#2#kk#1#kak#13#khrefk#7#kDWTk#12#kabstractsk#4#kvolk#12#k1k#4#k1k#12#k2009k#12#k1.pdfk#13#kclassk#7#kk#5#kk#30#ktestok#12#knormalek#12#krossok#5#kk#30#kk#13#ktargetk#7#kk#5#kk#30#kk#12#kblankk#5#kk#30#kk#2#kAbstractk#1#kk#4#kak#2#kk#1#kbrk#2#k&id23=RFdUX2FydGljbGVzL1REV1RfSV8wMV8wMS0wM190ZmphL1REV1RfQV8xMDUxMjg2NC9URFdUX0FfMTA1MTI4NjRfTy5wZGY=&type=1
Steven J. Duranceau,https://www.deswater.com/fulltext.php?abst=XFxEV1RfYWJzdHJhY3RzXFx2b2xfMVxcMV8yMDA5XzcucGRm&desc=k#1#kfontk#13#kfacek#7#kk#30#kGenevak#6#kk#13#kArialk#6#kk#13#kHelveticak#6#kk#13#ksank#35#kserifk#30#kk#13#ksizek#7#kk#30#k2k#30#kk#2#kk#1#kik#2#kStevenk#13#kJ.k#13#kDuranceauk#1#kk#4#kik#2#kk#1#kbrk#2#kModelingk#13#kthek#13#kpermeatek#13#ktransientk#13#kresponsek#13#ktok#13#kperturbationsk#13#kfromk#13#ksteadyk#13#kstatek#13#kink#13#kak#13#knanofiltrationk#13#kprocessk#1#kbrk#2#k1k#15#k2009k#16#k7k#35#k16k#1#kbrk#4#kk#2#kk#1#kak#13#khrefk#7#kDWTk#12#kabstractsk#4#kvolk#12#k1k#4#k1k#12#k2009k#12#k7.pdfk#13#kclassk#7#kk#5#kk#30#ktestok#12#knormalek#12#krossok#5#kk#30#kk#13#ktargetk#7#kk#5#kk#30#kk#12#kblankk#5#kk#30#kk#2#kAbstractk#1#kk#4#kak#2#kk#1#kbrk#2#k&id23=RFdUX2FydGljbGVzL1REV1RfSV8wMV8wMS0wM190ZmphL1REV1RfQV8xMDUxMjg2NS9URFdUX0FfMTA1MTI4NjVfTy5wZGY=&type=1
"Dmitry Lisitsin, David Hasson, Raphael Semiat",https://www.deswater.com/fulltext.php?abst=XFxEV1RfYWJzdHJhY3RzXFx2b2xfMVxcMV8yMDA5XzE3LnBkZg==&desc=k#1#kfontk#13#kfacek#7#kk#30#kGenevak#6#kk#13#kArialk#6#kk#13#kHelveticak#6#kk#13#ksank#35#kserifk#30#kk#13#ksizek#7#kk#30#k2k#30#kk#2#kk#1#kik#2#kDmitryk#13#kLisitsink#6#kk#13#kDavidk#13#kHassonk#6#kk#13#kRaphaelk#13#kSemiatk#1#kk#4#kik#2#kk#1#kbrk#2#kModelingk#13#kthek#13#keffectk#13#kofk#13#kantik#35#kscalantk#13#konk#13#kCaCO3k#13#kprecipitationk#13#kink#13#kcontinuousk#13#kflowk#1#kbrk#2#k1k#15#k2009k#16#k17k#35#k24k#1#kbrk#4#kk#2#kk#1#kak#13#khrefk#7#kDWTk#12#kabstractsk#4#kvolk#12#k1k#4#k1k#12#k2009k#12#k17.pdfk#13#kclassk#7#kk#5#kk#30#ktestok#12#knormalek#12#krossok#5#kk#30#kk#13#ktargetk#7#kk#5#kk#30#kk#12#kblankk#5#kk#30#kk#2#kAbstractk#1#kk#4#kak#2#kk#1#kbrk#2#k&id23=RFdUX2FydGljbGVzL1REV1RfSV8wMV8wMS0wM190ZmphL1REV1RfQV8xMDUxMjg2Ni9URFdUX0FfMTA1MTI4NjZfTy5wZGY=&type=1
"M.A. Darwish, Fatima M. Al-Awadhi, A. Akbar, A. Darwish",https://www.deswater.com/fulltext.php?abst=XFxEV1RfYWJzdHJhY3RzXFx2b2xfMVxcMV8yMDA5XzI1LnBkZg==&desc=k#1#kfontk#13#kfacek#7#kk#30#kGenevak#6#kk#13#kArialk#6#kk#13#kHelveticak#6#kk#13#ksank#35#kserifk#30#kk#13#ksizek#7#kk#30#k2k#30#kk#2#kk#1#kik#2#kM.A.k#13#kDarwishk#6#kk#13#kFatimak#13#kM.k#13#kAlk#35#kAwadhik#6#kk#13#kA.k#13#kAkbark#6#kk#13#kA.k#13#kDarwishk#1#kk#4#kik#2#kk#1#kbrk#2#kAlternativek#13#kprimaryk#13#kenergyk#13#kfork#13#kpowerk#13#kdesaltingk#13#kplantsk#13#kink#13#kKuwaitk#32#kk#13#kthek#13#knucleark#13#koptionk#13#kIk#1#kbrk#2#k1k#15#k2009k#16#k25k#35#k41k#1#kbrk#4#kk#2#kk#1#kak#13#khrefk#7#kDWTk#12#kabstractsk#4#kvolk#12#k1k#4#k1k#12#k2009k#12#k25.pdfk#13#kclassk#7#kk#5#kk#30#ktestok#12#knormalek#12#krossok#5#kk#30#kk#13#ktargetk#7#kk#5#kk#30#kk#12#kblankk#5#kk#30#kk#2#kAbstractk#1#kk#4#kak#2#kk#1#kbrk#2#k&id23=RFdUX2FydGljbGVzL1REV1RfSV8wMV8wMS0wM190ZmphL1REV1RfQV8xMDUxMjg2Ny9URFdUX0FfMTA1MTI4NjdfTy5wZGY=&type=1
I am trying to read the urls from the first column in a csv file. In the csv file, there are 6051 urls in total which I want to read. To do so, I tried the following codes:
urls = []
with open("C:/Users/hyoungm/Downloads/urls.csv") as csvfile:
blogurl = csv.reader(csvfile)
for row in blogurl:
row = row[0]
However, the number of urls that are shown is only 65. I have no idea why the total number of urls appears differently from the csv file.
Can anybody help me with figuring out how to read all urls (6051 in total) from the csv file?
To read all the urls from the csv file, I also tried several different codes that resulted in the same number of urls (i.e., 65 urls) or failure, such as:
openfile = open("C:/Users/hyoungm/Downloads/urls.csv")
r = csv.reader(openfile)
for i in r:
#the urls are in the first column ... 0 refers to the first column
blogurls = i[0]
print (blogurls)
urls = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/hyoungm/Downloads/urls.csv")
with closing(requests.get(urls, stream = True)) as r:
reader = csv.reader(r.iter_lines(), delimiter = ',', quotechar = '""')
for row in reader:
with open("C:/Users/hyoungm/Downloads/urls.csv") as csvfile:
lines = csv.reader(csvfile)
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if i == 0:
for line in csvfile:
4) and
blogurls = []
with open("C:/Users/hyoungm/Downloads/urls.csv") as csvfile:
r = csv.reader(csvfile)
for i in r:
blogurl = i[0]
r = requests.get(blogurl)
for url in blogurls:
page = urlopen(url[0]).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, "html.parser")
I expect the output of 6051 urls as originally collected in the csv file, instead of 65 urls.
After reading all the urls, I am going to scrawl down the textual data from each url. I supposed to get the following textual data using all 6051 urls. Please click the following link for the image:
the codes and the outcomes based on 65 urls so far
The following two approaches work for me:
import requests
r = requests.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GemmyMoon/MultipleUrls/master/urls.csv')
urls = r.text.splitlines()
print(len(urls)) # Returns 6051
import csv
import requests
from io import StringIO
r = requests.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GemmyMoon/MultipleUrls/master/urls.csv')
reader = csv.reader(StringIO(r.text))
urls = [line[0] for line in reader]
print(len(urls)) # Returns 6051
I am trying to populate a txt file with the response I get from a mechanized form. Here's the form code
import mechanize
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
br = mechanize.Browser()
br.open ('https://www.cpsbc.ca/physician_search')
first = raw_input('Enter first name: ')
last = raw_input('Enter last name: ')
br.form['filter[first_name]'] = first
br.form['filter[last_name]'] = last
response = br.submit()
content = response.read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser")
for row in soup.find_all('tbody'):
print row
This spits out lines of html code depending on how many privileges the doc has in regards to locations, but the last line has their specialty of training. Please go ahead and test it with any physician from BC, Canada.
I have a txt file that is listed as such:
lastname1, firstname1
lastname2, firstname2
lastname3, firstname3 middlename3
lastname4, firstname4 middlename4
I hope you get the idea. I would appreciate any help in automatizing the following steps:
go through txt with names one by one and record the output text into a new txt file.
So far, I have this working to spit out the row (which is raw html), which I don't mind, but I can't get it to write into a txt file...
import mechanize
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
with open('/Users/s/Downloads/hope.txt', 'w') as file_out:
with open('/Users/s/Downloads/names.txt', 'r') as file_in:
for line in file_in:
a = line
delim = ", "
i1 = a.find(delim)
br = mechanize.Browser()
br.form['filter[first_name]'] = a[i1+2:]
br.form['filter[last_name]'] = a[:i1]
response = br.submit()
content = response.read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser")
for row in soup.find_all('tbody'):
print row
This should not be too complicated. Assuming your file with all the names you want to query upon is called "names.txt" and the output file you want to create is called "output.txt", the code should look something like:
with open('output.txt', 'w') as file_out:
with open('names.txt', 'r') as file_in:
for line in file_in:
<your parsing logic goes here>
This assumes your parsing logic generates some sort of "record" to be written on file as a string.
If you get more advanced, you can also look into the csv module to import/export data in CSV.
Also have a look at the Input and Output tutorial.
I'm scraping the names of massage therapists along with their addresses from a directory. The addresses are all being saved into the CSV in one column for the whole string, but the title/name of each therapist is being saved one word per column over 2 or 3 columns.
What do I need to do in order to get the string that's being extracted to save in one column, like the addresses are being saved? (The top two lines of code are example html from the page, the next set of code is the extract from the script targeting this element)
<span class="name">
<img src="/images/famt-placeholder-sm.jpg" class="thumb" alt="Tiffani D Abraham"> Tiffani D Abraham</span>
import mechanize
from lxml import html
import csv
import io
from time import sleep
def save_products (products, writer):
for product in products:
for price in product['prices']:
writer.writerow([ product["title"].encode('utf-8') ])
writer.writerow([ price["contact"].encode('utf-8') ])
writer.writerow([ price["services"].encode('utf-8') ])
f_out = open('mtResult.csv', 'wb')
writer = csv.writer(f_out)
links = ["https://www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/results.html?match=exact&l=NY","https://www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/results.html?match=exact&l=NY&PageIndex=2&PageSize=10","https://www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/results.html?match=exact&l=NY&PageIndex=3&PageSize=10","https://www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/results.html?match=exact&l=NY&PageIndex=4&PageSize=10","https://www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/results.html?match=exact&l=NY&PageIndex=5&PageSize=10","https://www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/results.html?match=exact&l=NY&PageIndex=6&PageSize=10","https://www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/results.html?match=exact&l=NY&PageIndex=7&PageSize=10", "https://www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/results.html?match=exact&l=NY&PageIndex=8&PageSize=10", "https://www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/results.html?match=exact&l=NY&PageIndex=9&PageSize=10", "https://www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/results.html?match=exact&l=NY&PageIndex=10&PageSize=10" ]
br = mechanize.Browser()
for link in links:
r = br.open(link)
content = r.read()
products = []
tree = html.fromstring(content)
product_nodes = tree.xpath('//ul[#class="famt-results"]/li')
for product_node in product_nodes:
product = {}
price_nodes = product_node.xpath('.//a')
product['prices'] = []
for price_node in price_nodes:
price = {}
product['title'] = product_node.xpath('.//span[1]/text()')[0]
product['title'] = ""
price['services'] = price_node.xpath('./span[2]/text()')[0]
price['services'] = ""
price['contact'] = price_node.xpath('./span[3]/text()')[0]
price['contact'] = ""
save_products(products, writer)
I'm not positive if this solves the issue you were having, but either way there are a few improvements and modifications you might be interested in.
For example, since each link varies by a page index you can loop through the links easily rather than copying all 50 down to a list. Each therapist per page also has their own index, so you can also loop through the xpaths for each therapist's information.
#import modules
import mechanize
from lxml import html
import csv
import io
#open browser
br = mechanize.Browser()
#create file headers
titles = ["NAME"]
services = ["TECHNIQUE(S)"]
contacts = ["CONTACT INFO"]
#loop through all 50 webpages for therapist data
for link_index in range(1,50):
link = "https://www.amtamassage.org/findamassage/results.html?match=exact&l=NY&PageIndex=" + str(link_index) + "&PageSize=10"
r = br.open(link)
page = r.read()
tree = html.fromstring(page)
#loop through therapist data for each therapist per page
for therapist_index in range(1,10):
#store names
title = tree.xpath('//*[#id="content"]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[' + str(therapist_index) + ']/a/span[1]/text()')
titles.append(" ".join(title))
#store techniques and convert to unicode
service = tree.xpath('//*[#id="content"]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[' + str(therapist_index) + ']/a/span[2]/text()')
services.append(" ")
#store contact info and convert to unicode
contact = tree.xpath('//*[#id="content"]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[' + str(therapist_index) + ']/a/span[3]/text()')
contacts.append(" ")
#open file to write to
f_out = open('mtResult.csv', 'wb')
writer = csv.writer(f_out)
#get rows in correct format
rows = zip(titles, services, contacts)
#write csv line by line
for row in rows:
The script loops through all 50 links on the provided webpage, and seems to be scraping all relevant information for each therapist if provided. Finally, it prints all the data to a csv with all data stored under respective columns for 'Name', 'Technique(s)', and 'Contact Info' if this is what you were originally struggling with.
Hope this helps!
This may end up being a really novice question, because i'm a novice, but here goes.
i have a set of .html pages obtained using wget. i want to iterate through them and extract certain info, putting it in a .csv file.
using the code below, all the names print when my program runs, but only the info from the next to last page (i.e., page 29.html here) prints to the .csv file. i'm trying this with only a handful of files at first, there are about 1,200 that i'd like to get into this format.
the files are based on those here: https://www.cfis.state.nm.us/media/ReportLobbyist.aspx?id=25&el=2014 where page numbers are the id
thanks for any help!
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
import csv
for i in xrange(22, 30):
page = urllib2.urlopen('file:{}.html'.format(i))
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.read())
n = soup.find(id='ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lnkBCLobbyist')
name = n.string
print name
table = soup.find('table', 'reportTbl')
#get the rows
list_of_rows = []
for row in table.findAll('tr')[1:]:
col = row.findAll('td')
filing = col[0].string
status = col[1].string
cont = col[2].string
exp = col[3].string
record = (name, filing, status, cont, exp)
#write to file
writer = csv.writer(open('lob.csv', 'wb'))
You need to append each time not overwrite, use a, open('lob.csv', 'wb') is overwriting each time through your outer loop:
writer = csv.writer(open('lob.csv', 'ab'))
You could also declare list_of_rows = [] outside the for loops and write to the file once at the very end.
If you are wanting page 30 also you need to loop in range(22,31).